Forms :: ComboBox Not Filled With DataTable?
Dec 15, 2011I used this
Nevertheless, mycontrol remains empty after this.
I used this
Nevertheless, mycontrol remains empty after this.
I used this code:
Friend Sub PopulateCB(ByRef mycontrol As ComboBox, _
ByVal expressionSQL As String)
' DMBD is my data-handling class:
Nevertheless, mycontrol remains empty after this.
I used this
Friend Sub PopulateCB(ByRef mycontrol As ComboBox, _
ByVal expressionSQL As String)
' DMBD is my data-handling class:
Nevertheless, mycontrol remains empty after this.
I'm trying to setup a form to search for data within an existing DataTable.
FilterColumnsComboBox.DataSource = WOTable.Columns?
FilterColumnsComboBox.DisplayMember = ???
FilterColumnsComboBox.ValueMember = ???
I could hard-code in the column names ("WO_Number",WO_CustID","CustLastName", etc...), but would prefer to pick this up dynamically (partly because I want to reuse this code later).
In a combobox populated by a DataTable I am having two issues!The SelectedIndex property will not set 1. Either by integer 2. Or by FindString
We are filling a combobox with information of a table. (we read a field for filling the combobox and the id)
It's necessary that if we choose an item in the combobox we also get the id of the table.How do we put the id into the combobox so can read this id after selecting an item.
My.Settings.Current_DB is bound to 'cbdatabase' which is a combobox which is filled by this method:
me.cbdatabase.datasource = (From foulder in New IO.DirectoryInfo("" & Application.StartUpPath & "Database").GetDirectories Select (folder.Name)).ToArray I am using the My.Settings.Current_DB to keep track of the current database being used by the client. So that throughout the program and when the program starts up it knows what the current database is.
The databases and the folders have the same name, in order to keep track of. My problem is when the combobox is filled when the program starts, it is overwriting the current info with the first item of the info loaded into the combo box.
Instead of maintaining the Current_DB as "Default", it updates it with the first item into the Combobox and that is "Alabama". How do I fix this so that it maintains the correct Current_DB and not update when the Combobox is filled.
I have a form with a combobox that is filled with a list of parts from a mysql DB. But the table contains more then 1000 parts. So I decided to load only the first 20. then have 2 bottuns 1 for UP and one for Down. when the user wants to get next 20 he press Down Etc. I see that the data is retrived well from the DB. I use a stored procedure with parameters and test it outside the VB code. In the VB debug I also see that the combobox got loaded with the right data. But the drop down list continue to show the original 20 parts. I also have a code to see if I got to the top or to the end and display a message box. I got the message box display but still the drop down is showing the original 20 parts.
View 4 RepliesI'm using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition, so I have a combobox that gets filled with items from a data base made with Microsoft Acces, the combobox is filled with the values stored in a column from a table in de database so the user can select an "option" from it, I want to add labels that show the values for the corresponding row of that column. I used the Data Source panel to drag and drop the labels corresponding to the values that I want and it works it show the value that I want when I compile the application (at least I think it does, it could be that it's only selecting the first entry) the problem is that when I select a diferent entry on the combobox the labels don't refresh with the new values. How can I do that?
how does Visual Basic Populates de combobox and gets the value of the other Acces DB entrys to change the .text value of the labels? And I mean the actual code that does that.
Im Using a datagridview to display items in an invoice. when the user enters the data in, they use a DGVcombobox to select which particular item they want. what i want to know is. can i change the text of the combobox programatically after the items have been filled
Edit The DGV in question has 2 predefined columns one is a comboboxcell and the other is a text box cell im trying to fill it using
I have a textbox that is filled using autocomplete. The autocomplete is a globally accessible sub that I use for textboxes and (I guess) comboboxes.My problem is that the autocomplete sub takes several seconds to fill the textbox. Is there some way my code could be improved? (The code below takes three seconds to fill for 288 autocomplete entries, which I don't think should be a lot for this kind of functionality.)
My best bet is that the autosorcecollection has to redraw itself every time an entry is added, and that causes the delay, but I'm not sure.Apart from taking time I think this global function is really handy, so feel free to use!
After Filling a DataTable in GridView's DataSource . A column with check box Type appears but it created as read only column and I can't enable it or make it editable... even i tried .readonly = false and still can't be edited
View 1 RepliesI want to filter the data that's being displayed to my datagrid once I click the combobox and select a specific value,the selected value will be the item to filter the data that I needed to be displayed in the datagrid.. I'm using a datatable,a combobox and a's my code
Private Sub cboView_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboView.Click
dt = New DataTable
Is there a dll somewhere or some place I can read a good example on how to add data from a datatable into a multicolumn combobox? Preferably to be able to stick a datagridview right into the combobox would be awesome.
View 3 Repliesi have underneath code for databing a in memory datatable to a combobox. But no values are being shown in the combobox. I get no error. When debugging i see that the table holds the row correctly.
Dim w1 As String = "Hans"
Dim w2 As String = "van Neerven"
Dim table1 As DataTable
I want to fill a combobox with the values that I have in a datatable. How can I do that? Below is the code for the population of the datatable:
I am using code similar to this to populate a combobox with items from a database. The display works fine, but when I try to get the combobox.SelectedValue it is returning a DataRowView, where I need an integer. Obviously this is becuase I haven't casted the value to an integer, but the function, CInt(cboPosition.SelectedValue) is throwing an InvalidCastException. Is there any way that I can get the ValueMember's type to be an Integer?
Dim cn As New SqlConnection(CreditDisputesLogConn)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("CustomersLookup", cn)
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)
How can I get an item value from a Combobox using a datatable as it's datasource? Here's my code for constructing the combobox. This code works, that's why I'm not showing it all, but I want you to know how I'm creating the combobox.
query = "SELECT category_id, name FROM categories ORDER BY name ASC;"
dbCommand = New MySqlCommand(query, dbConnection)
I want to display what is the item you physically see in the combobox that you select.
I have some comboboxes that are binded to some fields in a datatable
is it possible to sort each single combobox without soting the datatable?
I have a combobox that is connected to a datatable with 3 columns. When i click a button i want 3 values from the selected item to be transferred to another datatable.The easiest way without any hassle to do this is via the Combobox.Text, Combobox.SelectedValue and....eyy nowhat?
View 8 RepliesI am creatting an windows application software in which many controls like Buttons, textBox, combobox are remain same in 12 different form. In this 12 diff form the activity of those controls will remain same.The scenareo id
1. I have 12 forms.
2. Each form containing 3 labels (Country, State, City). These labels indicates 3 combobox from which we can select location.
3. Now I need to use these 3 controls in all 12 forms with same activity.
4. When I change forms to another, these buttons shud remain same.
I've populated my DataTable will all the results from a SQL search. Upon a button click I want to populate a combobox with all the results where a condition is met. My DataTable as a column called UserID and I want to add all results where the UserID is equal to a set value (for example 12). I can do this to add all results and I guess I could add a if statement inside this to be If Entry.Tag = 12 Then but is there a better way?
I have binded a datatable to a combobox, using DataSource, DisplayMember and ValueMember properties. Now I try to set the combobox to a preset value using comboBox.SelectedValue = value. Nothing happens however.
on a windows form i have a combobox called currency, it is populated by a table-adapter called exchan-gerate which is turn populated by a dataset called mydataset. on form load, i issue update commands to the back-end database that holds the table which populates the dataset - they work. if i look at the update to the combobox, they are not reflected until i exit and restart the app - then they're fine. further down the form load i've tried:
am i missing something silly to have the values in the combobox change and refresh at the time of the update to the database? as i said, an exit and restart of the app displays the accurate data.
I am using .net 2008. I have placed a ComboBox on the form and I do not have an additem.
I'm trying to populate the list of a combobox by binding it to a datatable. Also, I want the selected value of the combobox to be bound to an object property so that when the selected value changes, it's automatically updating the object. However it's causing an error at runtime: "This causes two bindings in the collection to bind to the same property.
Parameter name: binding" I thought binding the dropdown list to a datatable and the selected value to an object were different properties but obviously I'm not getting it right.
Private Sub PopulateSiteSelect()
With Me.PlanSiteSelect
If _Plan.PlanID <> Nothing And _User.UserID <> Nothing And _Plan.Category <> Nothing Then
I have a DataSet(dssongs) with a DataTable(dtsongs) on a form(songsForm).
I am adding rows to the dataTable using the following
Dim dr As DataRow = songsForm.dtSongs.NewRow
dr.Item("colSongFile") = file
dr.Item("colSongTitle") = ""
How do I refer to a DataTable on another form?
my application adds fields to a table dynamically, is it possible to 'rebuild' a datatable or even change its SQL so that my grid picks up the new fields?
View 6 RepliesI would like the main form I am designing in to appear as quickly as possible. As a result I don't want to fill a datatable in the load event but instead fill it as soon as the form appears, in the background.Then when a user clicks the button a listbox can quickly be populated.
With this in mind I called a function to fill the datable from the _Shown event. The trouble is that the form freezes until the query executes, making the process pointless for my needs.
Does anyone know how to keep the form active while the datatable fills silently in the background?
All I want to do is build some kind of table-like or grid-like control in my form that has two columns. An element in the first column should be a checkbox that is changable by the user, and an element in the second column is some un-editable text. Of course, when the user checks or unchecks a checkbox, I have to be able to handle that event and figure out which row it came from.I've been trying this all day with no luck. Do I use a ListView or a DataGridView? If the answer is DataGridView, do I add columns and rows to it directly or do I try to make a DataTable which I then assign to the DataGridView's "DataSource" property?Is is possible to make editable checkboxes in a DataTable? I succeeded in making checkboxes by making a DataColumn of type boolean, but then I couldn't check or uncheck them during runtime.
but then I couldn't figure out how to add rows. The examples online all assume that there is only string data in each row.Also there is apparently a type called DataGridBoolColumn? What is that all about?My point is there are a lot of different objects out there with similar sounding names