Refresh Combobox Values After Updating Its Datatable And Adapter

Jul 8, 2008

on a windows form i have a combobox called currency, it is populated by a table-adapter called exchan-gerate which is turn populated by a dataset called mydataset. on form load, i issue update commands to the back-end database that holds the table which populates the dataset - they work. if i look at the update to the combobox, they are not reflected until i exit and restart the app - then they're fine. further down the form load i've tried:


am i missing something silly to have the values in the combobox change and refresh at the time of the update to the database? as i said, an exit and restart of the app displays the accurate data.

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Reload Or Refresh Values On Win Form Of A Query Adapter?

Mar 2, 2011

I have several labels that bind to my query adapter and I need to update (not TO the database but FROM the database) as data changes on database by another application.I only need to either check data on my database that changed or reload the data.I'm using data set, table adapters and tableadapter.queryadapter to query data (tantalization) from my database.all I want is to refresh/ update this values on my controls in my windows form I'm using VB.NET on VS2010.

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Refresh ComboBox After Adding New Values Via A Separate Form

Feb 15, 2012

how can i Refresh ComboBox After Adding New Values via a Seperate Form in vbnet.

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Updating Values In Combobox In .net?

Mar 17, 2010

When I update but do not really made any changes to the value and press the update button, the data becomes null. And it will seem that I deleted the value.I've taught of a solution, that is to add both combobox1.selectedtext and combobox1.selecteditem to the function. But it doesn't work.

combobox1.selecteditem is working when you try to alter the values when you update. But will save a null value when you don't alter the values using the combobox combobox1.selectedtext will save the data into the database even without altering.But will not save the data if you try to alter it.-And I incorporated both of them, but still only one is performing, and I think it is the one that I added first:

Dim shikai As New Updater

Try = TextBox1.Text
shikai.fname = TextBox2.Text
shikai.mi = TextBox3.Text


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Combobox Not Updating Or Change The Values In It

Jul 9, 2009

I have a form with a number of controls based on those controls and a database i filter what data i want to be in AllowableHeightsCombobox. I am using an Arraylist to hold the data. The problem i am encountering is that after filling allowableHeightsCombobox once, it will not update or change the values in it. this is the only place where i change the AllowableHeightscombox's datasource.


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Fill A Combobox With Values From A Datatable?

Feb 13, 2009

I want to fill a combobox with the values that I have in a datatable. How can I do that? Below is the code for the population of the datatable:


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Loading The Contents Of DataTable Adapter Query Into A Datatable?

Nov 18, 2009

load the contents of a query from a dataTable Adapter into a datatable?

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Error When Updating A Table Adapter In VB?

Oct 4, 2011

I'm trying to progress my programming abilities by coding in Visual Basic forms. I've created a database and linked that to a VB form, I'm now coding a way to write into the database instead of reading.I'm filling an array which is in-turn put into the dataset row by row however when attempting to 'update' the table adapter I get the following error:

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Updating Data From A Table Adapter

Apr 18, 2006

Honestly I do not understand why I need to write code to update a databse and why it stores it localy. I'd simply rather the system update the individual row after it is scrolled off of.

In either case since I guess I can't do that.

Here is some code in a button on a form

Catch ex As Exception


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Dynamicaly Refresh Databound Combobox Items Based On Selected_index_changed Event Of Another Combobox?

Jan 27, 2010

I am using VB.NET together with ADO.NET to create a program. I have set my TableAdapters as needed and bound the correct tables-columns to my comboboxes.My problem though is this:My combobox2 item is bound to a datatable. The table adapter's Fill method (the select command basicaly) includes a public variable in the where clause to fetch the correct results. I ll put some code here to clarify it a bit more.Public Class Frm_inv


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Datagridview Linked To A DataTable Loaded From A Sql Server Via An Adapter?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a datagridview linked to a dataTable loaded from a sql server via an adapter.I wish to sort one of the column: Filenumber.The Columns is a string. For example:


But when i sort the columns by using Me.DataGrid.Sort(DataGrid.Columns(9), System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending), it turns out to be:


I would like to know how to sort it like:


How should i go about it? I've thought of getting rid of the M- in front and putting it into another column, but it makes filtering nuisance.Also, is it true the a custom sort via an IComparer is only applicable to things without a binding source?

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Concurrency - Restore A Dataset To The Previous State Before Updating The Database With A Data Adapter?

Dec 10, 2009

How do you restore a dataset to the previous state before updating the database with a data adapter? I have a concurrency update problem that I believe to be caused by this. The update fails during the update and a rollback command is issued using a SQLTransaction object. However, now the rowstates of the rows that did not have errors have been changed to unchanged. So this record is no longer availible to be inserted into the database. When I updated the value that could not be null and then test the second update which runs just as the first does then I get a concurrency error. The update code is below:


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Express 2008 And Access 2007 - Source Database Not Updating From The Local DataSet Via Data Adapter/DataConnection?

Aug 22, 2010

Only my local dataset updates when adding, deleting or editing records.The Source Database is supposed to update on issuing DataAdapter. Update(dataset )However, when I check my source database after running the operations it remains the same as the original.

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DB/Reporting :: Refreshing A Data Adapter / Combobox?

Mar 22, 2009

I'm currently coding an ATM system in VB, and when a user picks a card to 'log on' with, they have 3 attempts to log on before the card is confiscated. The card numbers are in a combobox (which are retreived from an SQL database using the DataAdapter), and each card has a boolean 'confiscated' field in the database.


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Updating Treeview Nodes Without Complete Refresh

Dec 27, 2009

I have a FileSystemWatcher object watching my database file for changes and when it detects any changes I want it to update my treeview in my application without doing a full refresh

The Treeview has 3 levels: Root Node is the "Project" the next level down is the "Machine" and the third level is the "Assessment". Each node has the database primary key value set as the Tag. My primary keys are set to Auto Increment starting at 1.

I just can't get my head around it. I end up banging my head against the brick wall. Every way I think of ends up seeming really long winded.

I have developed my own database layer and at the moment when the form containing the treeview is notified of the changes I receive a list of all the row's ID field values in 3 separate arrays. I need some logic to take the treeview and these arrays and add to the treeview what is new and remove anything that has been deleted - nothing more.

The application is notified of the changes on a different thread so any solution would be executed on a different thread if that's of any relevance.

I know essentially I will be looking at two loops one to see what should be added and one to see what should be removed for each level. How these should be nested just makes my head want to explode!!!

But then when I know which Id to remove for example how do I then remove it - with yet more loops to find that tag in the treeview and remove it?? If I see a new assessment how do I know which parent node to add this to in the treeview? I can retrieve what machine/project it relates to from my database layer without any problems but then that's more loops.

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Loop Datatable And Select Checkboxlist Item Based On The Datatable Field Values

Aug 18, 2011

I am trying to display value of the field ("UserID") for every row exists in datatable to checkboxlist(make the checkboxlist item selected).

I used for loop, but only the field value from last row of RoleUsers table is selected in the checkboxlist.

Here is my code

Private Sub DisplayRoleUser()
Dim conn As SqlConnection
Dim cmd As SqlCommand


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Refresh The Textbox/datatable To Re-run This Command?

Nov 6, 2011

This piece of code grabs a customers hire record using their hire ID and displays their details in multiple textboxes. It all works fine and well, however, I can only run it once. If I type in another customers hire record ID it just displays the first customers details that were materialised, which I assume is because the datatable has been populated and not refreshed based on the new hire record ID I've entered.


With this I can search a column of a datagridview for a match. It works all fine and well, until I insert a new record into the database at which point I refresh the datagridview to display the newly added record. After I do this, I can no longer search using the textbox. Once again, I'm not quite sure what to do to fix this issue.

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Forms :: Refresh Data In A Listview After Adding/deleting Or Updating A Record?

Jun 16, 2012

I have designed a form which contains a listview(to see the list records) and textboxes (used for adding or updating).an already save record into table using this

cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO student_info_tbl VALUES('" & txtUserId.Text & "','" & txtFirstName.Text & "','" & txtMiddleName.Text & "','" & txtLastName.Text _


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SqlAdapter.Fill (DataTable) Does Not Refresh Rows

May 28, 2010

The following code loops through the rows of a datatable to process each record which has a Processed column value not equal to -1. When a record is processed, its Processed value is updated to -1. As a record is processed, the code within the Do Loop may add a new record to the datatable with a Processed column value equl to 0. All of that works as intended. My test set record gets processed and a new record is added.At the end of the For.Next code, there is a line , "clsWTAdapter.Fill(clsWTDataTable)", which I intended to refresh the rows so that it would include the newly added record which would then be processed during the next iteration of the For...Next sequence. This is not happening. What am I doing wrong, and how can I refresh the rows and process the newly added records?

I found this line in an MSDN page about DbDataAdapter Fill Method (DataTable) at [URL]"The overload of Fill that takes DataTable as a parameter only obtains the first result. Use an overload of Fill that takes DataSet as a parameter to obtain multiple results."Does this mean that I am on the wrong trackby using a datatable where I should be using a dataset? Does "multiple results" mean filling the dataset multiple times like I am trying to do with the datatable?

Using clsCnn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("Server=REXSQLEXPRESS;Database=dmf;Trusted_Connection=True;")
Dim clsCmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand


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Why A DataTable Does Not Refresh Its Schema After Reading It From A Xml File

Jun 7, 2009

I have an untyped-Dataset with two related DataTables, and I have a grid bound to the parent DataTable. I used the WriteXMLSchema() method of the parent DataTable in order to save the schema in a xml file. Then I opened the file with the Notepad, deleted two columns from the schema file and saved it. After that, I used the ReadXMLSchema() of this DataTable but -contrary to what I would have thought- the DataTable's structure was unchanged. Using the debugger I noticed that after calling the method the number of columns was the same. Why? How can I make the DataTable's schema to be changed by using a file?

notice that I am using the DataTable's methods and not the Dataset's because I do not want to touch the child DataTable.

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Refresh Table Adapter When I Have A Child Table Attached With Parent Table?

Dec 21, 2011

I have a data table whose one column is related to a column of another table. I have a listbox in a form which shows a column (which is sorted by another column value by ORDER clause) of the parent table and other columns are in textboxes. The child table is represented by a datagrid. When I add a new item in parent table and click save, the newly created item is listed at the bottom of the listbox violating my ORDER clause. When I wrote some codes to fill data again after updating, it shows an error message[code]...

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Why Is A Row Added To Session Datatable Disappearing On Refresh Of Page

Feb 25, 2010

I have set up a class as a facade to access the session variables for my app. In this app I store an entire dataset for a particular employer as a session variable.Within one of the sub pages I have a button that adds a row to an existing table stored in that dataset.

Dim curRow As Data.DataRow = mySession.tWorksiteOtherMeasures.NewRow()
curRow("lngWorksiteID") = getSelectedWorksiteID(getSelectedSiteID())
curRow("strMeasure") = ""
curRow("lngStatusID") = -1


When in the code to add the row the row count increments and the row exists. Once out of that scope the page refreshes due to the button being contained in an updatePanel. When that happens and I click the add button again the row counts for that item reset to 0 and 1 after the code runs. The previous added row is gone.Here is how the Dataset is assigned from the web service:

Public Shared Sub loadDSEmployer(ByVal strUserId As String)
Dim myService As New someservice.service
mySession.dsEmployer = myService.GetEmployerAndSites(strUserId, isInternal)
End Sub

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My DataTable Not Updating

Jul 22, 2009

I have a dataset which I load three tables into from the database. Each of these three tables are related by the AccountNo. On two of the tables I specify this field as a foreign key constraint with the appropriate cascading flags. However when I scroll through the list of companies with my combo box. Only the one table is having its values change on the form whereas the other tables remain static/unchanged.[code]...

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Updating The Datatable In .net?

Jun 11, 2012

I am using sql server 2005 with 2008. I really troubled to resolve a problem that how to updating datatable. My code just update the first record the datatable but when i want to update any other record of datatable it still remain unchanged. I am using Master/Detail tables and my coding structure is as under Note I am just facing problem to updating the child table only and I am using Typed DataSet and in child table ItemID is a Primary Key

Dim i As Integer
StoreDBDataSet.Tables("RequisitionDetail").Rows(i).Item("ItemName") = txtDescription.EditValue


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Refresh The Combobox Data?

Feb 3, 2012

I have combobox binded to binding source (NastavniciBindingSource). I wan't to refresh combobox when I add new data.

Dim str As String = InputBox("Enter name:")
Me.NastavniciTableAdapter.Insert(str, "", "", "", "")

' here I need the code to refresh combobox

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Using A ComboBox To Refresh Another Combo Box?

Nov 15, 2011

I just had a question because I cannot seem to find the answers anywhere on the internet... also we are not upto this part in class yet.. Say I have 2 combo boxs... cmb1 and cmb2.. both are datasets from an access table.. how do I make it so cmb2 refreshes based on the value of cmb1? eg; if cmb1 is say, period 1, then i want cmb2 to only show results bases on items I have in period 1?

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Updating A DataTable Without Index

Sep 12, 2011

I am wanting to update a datatable which is been created dynamically. Each row has a unique Id column. How can I retreive the row and update a column in it using the Id column


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Updating Access DB From DataTable?

Dec 15, 2011

created a small application that I'm able to add items from an access DB to a ataGridView.Now, My questions is: suppose that I have a list of item in this DGV,containing name and Quantity. Now I would like the database to be updated with new values on Quantity column, something lke this: (Current values - Quantity on DGV).

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VS 2008 Updating DataTable?

Jan 27, 2010

I have a form which has bound textboxes from 2 tableadapters allowing me to use:

so I assumed that I could use:


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Combobox List Display Refresh?

Mar 30, 2010

I'm using VS2008, VB.Net and WinForms. I cannot get the combobox droplist to display the most recently added item unless I quit the app and restart. I've searched thru several forums for answers but cannot get any to work for me

Private Sub cboSpecialty1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles cboSpecialty1.KeyDown
Dim objCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand


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