- Avoid The Unwanted Use Of "Attach To The Process " In VB 2008 In Windows XP?

May 7, 2012

I am working on Visual Studio 2008. I have this problem with Windows XP. I have no problems debugging when the process starts but after a while it just disconnects then I need to attach to the process manually and after a longer while it again disconnects.I am seriously frustrated with this ,I had uninstalled the VS 2008 and re-installed my IIS and intalled the VS 2008 again but still the same problem.Initially VS will automatically attach, it will continue to do so on successive debug commands, but eventually after a while it stops attaching and it must be done manually. Hitting debug does everything, builds, starts the development server, opens the page and simply fails to attach.

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Attach A NativeWindow To An External Process?

Jan 29, 2008

We use a 3rd party engineering application that does not expose an automation model. We can 'automate' it after a fashion by using low level Win32 API calls. I can get the Process by iterating the GetProcesses method. Is there a way to attach to the app by using the NativeWindow class?

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Loading DLL And Attach To Process For Debugging

Nov 30, 2009

This is all VB2008. I'm working on a plugin for an app which expects it's plugin dlls to be named something other than "dll" (in this case, it wants them named with a ".plugin" extension. I can compile my .net dll just file, copy it and rename it to *.plugin and move it over to the application folder, Run the app and everything works just fine.

But I can't debug the dll in VS. VS doesn't know that I copied it so it can't load that DLL and attach to it's process for debugging. I've searched for ways to change the default extension of files that VS builds, but so far haven't turned up anything. Even just a way to attach to the process once it's renamed to *.plugin.

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Include .exe In Project And Attach To Main Process?

Apr 16, 2012

I have a VB.NET project (main.exe) and include an additional .exe application as internal resource. Now I do not want to run the extra .exe as a separate process but want to attach it to the process of main.exe so I have just 1 process overall and not 2.

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Avoid File Is Being Used By Another Process?

May 27, 2011

I am trying to check whether file exists or not. if not create and write something into it.The file is getting created but not updating and getting error message says it is being used by another processCode snippet:

Public shared sub MyXml()
If Not System.IO.File.Exists("configfile.xml") Then
Dim writer As New System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(fullPath.ToString + "configfile.xml", Nothing)


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Visual Studio 2003 - Macro - Process.Attach Not Working Always

Mar 17, 2009

I'm using Visual Studio 2003, and I have a macro similar to this:


The first time use the macro, it works fine. Each subsequent time, even after I detach from the process, the .Attach() doesn't seem to do anything. The same thing happens as I step through the macro... the proc.Attach() gets called on the correct process, but nothing happens. One note: when viewing the process in the Processes window, the Type column for my process shows ".NET, Win32".

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VS 2005 Windows Services - Process Is Listed As A SYSTEM Process Rather Than A Process Under User Name

Jun 4, 2009

I have written a windows service that is meant to launch a notepad when a specific action happens. The problem i have is that even though the service launches notepad, the actual notepad it self is NOT visible. I know that it has been launced because i can see the process in the task manager. By the way the process is listed as a SYSTEM process rather than a process under my user name (i believe that is because my process is a "LocalSystem" one).

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How To Attach PDF File Into Windows Form

Sep 10, 2010

I have a requirement and that is as follows:Aussume that i have a windows form in which i type all the details of an employee and i need to attach his resume [ which is in a PDF Format] to his details. When i click the save button, all his details which he has entered can be stored into a table.Now what i really want is that:How do i attach a PDF file into the windows form which the user can do by clicking a button after typing all his details.When the user clicks the save button, how do i save the file that has been attached by the user.When i retrieve the employee details, i want the file which was attached also to be displayed and shown.

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VS 2008 - Process.waitforexit Is Hang Up When Running On Windows 2008

Sep 21, 2009

I use the 'Process' object to run EXE from my application. It works fine when it run on Windows XP and 2003. When it run on Windows server 2008, it hangs up: the process is stayed in background but never returns. It never goes ahead for the next commands. What could be the reason? [Code]

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VS 2008 Process.waitforexit Is Hang Up When Running On Windows 2008?

Feb 4, 2012

I use the 'Process' object to run EXE from my application. It works fine when it run on Windows XP and 2003. When it run on Windows server 2008, it hangs up: the process is stayed in background but never returns. It never goes ahead for the next commands

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Attach To Windows Service But Shows As Disabled In Available Processes

Aug 20, 2009

I'm trying to attach to a windows service I am running to debug it however the "Available Processes" list under "Attach to Process" it shows as disabled and won't allow me to attach.

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Kill A Process 2008 Windows Mobile?

Mar 27, 2010

I have 2008 with 3.5. I also have Windows Mobile 6 SDK and 6.5 SDK. I am having an issue killing an external process with my app. I have searched and tried numerous bits of code and none seem to work for Mobile. I keep seeing GetProcessByName but that is not an option for Windows Mobile. I know the process exe but the PID changes so I cannot hard code that.

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VS 2008 Killing One Specific Windows Process

Mar 7, 2010

I'm using the namespace System.Diagnostics. I need to check if there is a Windows process called "gospeakx.exe". If exist the "gospeakx.exe" process, end it. Does anyone know how I can do this?

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VS 2008 Unwanted Form Resizing?

Aug 13, 2009

developed my app on a Vista laptop and deployed it on an XP desktop. When deployed the Form and even some controls are resized so text and portions of controls are not visible.Next I moved the project files and VB to the XP desktop and published the application on that machine. Same result, in fact the sizes were changed within the properties of the forms and controls within the project files

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VS 2008 Kill Windows Process Then Restart At Later Time

Jan 27, 2011

I have some old VBscript code to kill a windows process but am having trouble gettign it working. here is the code


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VS 2008 TextBox Replacing Unwanted Characters?

Jul 20, 2009

My program paste lots of stuff to a text box. Is it possible to replace every character that is not a number or a point to nothing? It may get lots of weird character there so is here way to replace them to �� and keeping numbers?

I know how to TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text.Replace("%", "") But its too many simbols to list, Can it be done easier?

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What Is The Use Of "Attach To Process" In VS2008

Feb 20, 2011

what is the use of "Attach to Process" in VS2008. How can i use it and what it do.

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VS 2008 : Fix Unwanted Space Added Between Grid And Right Form Side?

Nov 11, 2011

I have an application that runs in full screen. Controls are placed different when screen resolution is changed :
1024x768 :


How to fix unwanted space added between grid and right form side,as in last image (1280x1024) ?

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Avoid Screen Flickering When Painting Graphics On A Windows Form?

Feb 19, 2010

I'm writing a simple paint program in VB 2008 that allows the user to create rectangles using MouseDown event to anchor one corner, MouseMove to stretch (or grow) the rectangle, then MouseUp event to complete the rectangle.The last statement in the MouseDown event is Me.Invalidate() to trigger the form's paint event where all the rectangles are drawn (refreshed).

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VS 2008 Writealltext Method Generate Some Unwanted Chars When Writing Txt Files?

Aug 19, 2009

I have a problem when writing some text to txt files.Here is my My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("test.txt", tekst, False)where tekst is a string variable.

When opened in some HEX editor, test.txt begins with 3 unwanted characters - ASCII values: EF BB BF. Notepad isn't showing them.

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IDE :: Can't "Attach To Process"

Oct 14, 2008

I'm using VS 2008 SP1 on a Vista x64 system (UAC enabled).I've created a Windows Service and installed it successfully. I start the service and then go back to VS 2008 and under Tools I selecte Attach to Process but I don't see my service running? I tried "Show Processes from all users", and I tried "Show processes in all sessions" but the service is not listed.I've tested this on another Vista x64 computer that has UAC disabled, and I'm able to attach to the process (windows service). It would appear UAC is causing this problem? Event Viewer shows no errors.I did see that Windows Defender reported a 3004 in the System.Log but it's action taken was "Permit" so I don't think the Service is being "blocked". Vista's unintelligent security processing and VS 2008 and attaching to a process that happens to be a Windows Service running under Local System account??It's bad enough that the "Allow interaction with Desktop" checkbox is there but not functional under Vista.

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.net - Visual Studio "Start Debugging" Vs. "Attach To Process"?

May 12, 2009

I have a client/server application using the .Net 2.0 Framework. I'm using Visual Studio 2008 to build and manage code.When I run either a Debug or Release version of the application simply by starting the .exe, I get an insert statement on the database that tries to insert a "0" for the foreign key of a table, triggering an error because the primary key of the other table is not 0.When I run the application by hitting the play buttton ("Start Debugging"), the insert statement uses the correct foreign key.In the first case, this happens even when I "Attach to Process" to the Debug version after it's started. My question: what's the difference between attaching to the debug version of the application after it has started and starting the application from the debugger?

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Folder-monitoring Windows Service Gets "process Cannot Access The File Because It Is Being Used By Another Process"

May 26, 2009

I have created a Windows service in VS 2005 that monitors a folder for XML files, reads some data elements from the XML using XmlDocument, then copies the files to another location. I find that when I drop 2 or more XML files into the folder simultaneously, it processes them with no problems, but when I drop the same files into the folder one at a time, I will get an error on the second file: "The process cannot access the file <my file> because it is being used by another process." If I stop my service, restart it, and drop the second file into the folder again, it works the second time. I am confident that no other program is accessing this file at the same time as my service. My impression is that the processing of file # 1 is somehow not releasing all of the resources, leading to the processing of file # 2 mistakenly thinking that it can't access that second file.

Dim FileWatcher As New FileSystemWatcher()
It points the watcher to my folder, sets up an event handler, then enables the watching:
FileWatcher.Path = InputFolderPath


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Using WSF (Windows Scripting File) To Retrieve Component Services Running Process ID's Using Running Process Name

May 7, 2009

I am trying to write a Windows Script that will allow me to monitor the following: That 2 x seperate but specific processes within Component Services "Running Processes" list are currently running and have not reset within the past hour. If I already know the PID, then I can retrieve the CreationDate (I assume which I can use to check for restarts? or is this the actual process creation/installation date) for each specific process, however if a restart occurs the PID will change and my script needs to know what the new PID is without me telling it!


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Process.MainWindowTitle Not Working For Windows 7 Enviroment In Windows Service?

Aug 2, 2011

I have developed a Windows Service in VB.Net (VS2010) which is running on Windows7. I am trying to get "MainWindowTitle" for processes thru their process object but it returns empty.


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Invoke - Enumerate All The Windows Of A Specific Process Windows

Nov 30, 2010

i'm making a little app in which i need to enumerate all the windows of a specific process. i managed to do that but through enumerating all the windows in the system and then just test if it is the process i'm talking about or not by using


but this method seem to take a lot of unnecessary time. is there a wind32 function that can allow me to enumerate the windows of a specific process giving its handle.

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Process.start In Service: Windows 7 Vs Windows Vista

May 18, 2012

I'm printing pdf files via the below code in a service. In Windows 7 this works really well, In Windows Vista, nothing happens at all? What am I doing wrong?


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VS 2008 : Attach Code To DataGridView?

Jun 20, 2012

I have a DataGridView setup on my form that connects to an Access database. When new data is entered in the DataGridView, the Access database is not automatically updated. I wrote some code that updates the access database by clicking a button. I'd like to attached that code every time I change rows on the DataGridView. Pressing a button every time to update is a hassle and sometime you forget. How do I do that?

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VS 2008 : SQLException Chose A Different DB, Cannot Attach File?

Aug 12, 2010

This may or may not need to be moved to the deployment folder...Okay I have a vb.Net application that connections to a sql server 2005 database "TacticalDB" while debugging the application I was using the connection string,

Dim con As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS; AttachDbFilename=" + Application.StartupPath + "DataTacticalDB.mdf; Database=TacticalDB; Trusted_Connection=True; User Instance=true")

Which works fine, but I have moved into getting the application ready for deployment and so I created a setup application in the same solution as the application. Now I have added the database file with the setup but when my application gets to the con.Open() line it catches an exception,

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Database 'C:UsersJohnDocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsBlackout_ScoutBlackout_Scoutinx86DebugDataTacticalDB.mdf' already exists. Choose a different database name.
Cannot attach the file 'C:Program Files (x86)MicrosoftSetup1DataTacticalDB.mdf' as database 'TacticalDB'.


Now I only have the one place where the application should look for the Database and thats Application.startupPath/Data/TacticalDB.mdf and if im running the newly installed exe it shouldn't look back in the myprojects folder but it is.

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VB 2008 Express Edition - How To Attach My Query In Order For It To Run

Dec 3, 2010

I'm using visual basic 2008 express edition and I'm not sure how to attach my query in order for it to run? I've been using trying to use visual basic to create a form which retrieves data from a Microsoft access database and filters the data to find the record starting with the letter retrieved from the user. When it is run without the query the data grid shows all the records. However when my original query is put in the application changes it and the value shown is null in all fields.

This is what i had before:

SELECT Allergies, Breakfast, Lunch, Supper, FirstName, LastName, MealDate, StudentId

FROM [Student Checklist]

WHERE (LastName LIKE @LastName + '%')

This is what was returned:

SELECT Allergies, Breakfast, Lunch, Supper, FirstName, LastName, MealDate, StudentId

FROM [Student Checklist]

WHERE (LastName LIKE '@LastName' + '%')

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