- Convert Pop3 Connection To Imap?

Jan 15, 2011

tcpClient.Connect(hostName, 110)
Dim networkStream As NetworkStream = tcpClient.GetStream()
Dim bytes(tcpClient.ReceiveBufferSize) As Byte


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VS 2010 - Email Client That Works With IMAP And POP3

Jan 25, 2011

I'm trying to make a email client but my biggest problem is finding a component that is (preferably) free. I need one that works with IMAP and POP3. Also would be nice if it could handle sending emails (Via SMTP). It would also be great if it worked with gmail.

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Pop3 (tcp Client) Connection?

Jan 16, 2009

I created some apps with the and .net namespace. Sending an email and save files and such. Now I want to use pop3 to receive and read the messages on that account. I used TELNET to connect to my pop3 account and that is going well.

Here is the code I used in vb.

Dim client As New TcpClient
client.Connect("", 110)
If client.Connected = True Then


How can I verify if the connection is ok and I'm logged in with this name and password? In Telnet I receive +ok after a command and input is correct, otherwise it generate -err.

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How To Read IMAP Email

Aug 17, 2011

How can I Read IMAP email? I found smtp reader but not IMAP.

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Receive And Read Imap?

Oct 27, 2010

Sample code or snippet to receive and read/filter email, from imap (gmail)

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Aspose.Network.Imap FetchMessages = Null?

Mar 11, 2011

When I do this code:

imap = New ImapClient()
imap.SecurityMode = Aspose.Network.Imap.ImapSslSecurityMode.Implicit


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Unable To Get Large Mails From Server (POP Or IMAP)?

Nov 20, 2009

<!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in .5in 1.0in .5in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} -->

I am developing a desktop application that reads mails from the mailserver using pop and imap. The application is almost fnished .The problem is the some time when a command is send to retrieve a mail using GetMessage() functions the applications is going to a halt. So I tried to run the the code in debug mode and ran line by line.

What I noticed is in the while loop in GetMessage() function is
While Not tmpString.StartsWith(sPrefix)
tmpString = reader.ReadLine
msg = msg & tmpString & vbCrLf
End While

The reader reads line by line at certain point of time it got hangs. Some times it ill catch an exception and give an error. I am pasting the exception below:
"Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream".
But some times the applications will hang and go for a halt. This applications has to run 24/7. So if it hangs in the night or it will be problem. What I want is if the reader is not able to read from the stream after certain time period. The control has to be removed from the reader and the function has to return a message. I am new to this the network level applications and I am running shot of time.

Public Sub connect()
Dim objTCP As New TcpClient
Dim sslstream As Net.Security.SslStream
Dim reader As StreamReader = Nothing
[Code] .....

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Custom GMail Vacation Auto-Responder (Using IMAP)

May 20, 2009

I've always found deeper-knowledge articles elsewhere, but your community is the most co-operative and your forum article-editor is the best.I'm a Systems Engineer who works in an Anonymous Company. My indirect supervisor (my boss's boss) wanted to have a custom GMail Vacation Auto-Responder that would:Have a list of involved GMail accounts.2- Connect to GMail and identify unread messages.3- Auto-Reply to the senders of those unread messages with a custom auto-reply template.Well, this could have been done easily using the GMail Atom Feed url... but since the atom only provides access to the very latest 20 unread messages, it could not be used for that purpose.

So, I had only one of two choices, either use POP3 or IMAP. Of course, IMAP was the right candidate for many considerations, the most prudent of which is its resourceful command-set. I had to design the tool (a Windows Service in this case) with minimal data transfer/session time in mind, because Google becomes touchy when you over-use IMAP with its servers.I was new to the whole Socket/IMAP thing, so I had to get my feet wet. I designed the tool, planned it well, and thought the best work-flow would go like this: Well, my boss's boss had some comments - that he never really declared which makes them IMPLICIT :D :D :D - on the way the tool works, but he decided to spell the word only when I announced that my proto-type code is done. He is not supposed to be technically involved - I mean into code - although he really involves himself into bits and bytes, and he has not even seen the code, not to mention that he might not fully understand it, but yet somehow he declared that what I did was a waste of time.[code]

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VS 2010 Convert Datasets From ODC To OLE Db Connection?

Feb 3, 2012

I have an existing system that uses an ODBC connection to connect datasets to a SQL Server database. I want to conevrt these to use an OLEdb connection.

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VS 2008 - Convert Existing DB Connection Strings From ADODB To ADO.NET?

Jul 14, 2009

I have upgraded my VB app from VB to VB.NET and its working fine. Now, I want to convert my existing DB connection strings from ADODB to ADO.NET so that I dont have to use MS Access on every client which runs this app. Currently the VB app looks up into an Access db to get the server ip, username, password etc. I aim to hardcode these values so that I wouldn't need the Access db anymore. Any inputs on how this could be done?


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VS 2008 Use .net For Pop3 With Ssl?

Aug 16, 2009

searched 2 days, but can not find a good example. any class? or free component? found one, but it is C#.

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Can't Send Command Using Pop3?

Jun 3, 2012

my problem is i can't send command using pop3 in every time i try to send its nothing happen but i can connect in tcp client server and server reply +ok when i connect

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Create Pop3 Account Using VB

Sep 18, 2009

I have started a project in VB 9.0 (or if you like Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition), it's called bEdit (Basic Edit). It is like notepad for writing basic files (.bas). And now, my problem is:If you press enter to start a new line and then save the file, and then open that file in Notepad and there will be no blank line, all words will be together and blank line will be replaced with some weird ASCII character.
Source code is attached.

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Receiving Emails Using POP3?

Feb 15, 2012

on a mail client in visual basic, till now i can only send emails using smtp, but i am having troubles finding how to receive themsimple code on how to read/receive emails using visual basic using .Net framework 3.5 will be the best.

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Retrieve E-Mail Through POP3?

Aug 25, 2009

I found these tutorials and codes regarding 'Retrieve E-Mail Through POP3' on an e-book entitled 'Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Programmer's Cookbook'. I understand what each functions/codes are but how do i design the GUI/interface to fit the codes?You want to retrieve messages from a POP3 mail server.Solution. Create a dedicated class that sends POP3 commands over a TCP connection.


POP3 is a common e-mail protocol used to download messages from a mail server. POP3, like many Internet protocols, defines a small set of commands that are sent as simple ASCII-encoded messages over a TCP connection (typically on port 110).Here's a listing of a typical POP3 dialogue, starting immediately after the client makes a TCP connection:

Server sends:+OK <>
Client sends:USER <UserName>
Server sends:+OK[code]....

To add this functionality to your .NET applications, you can create a Pop3Client class that encapsulates all the logic for communicating with a POP3 server. Your application can then retrieve information about messages using the Pop3Client class. We'll explore this class piece by piece in this recipe. To see the complete code, download the recipes for this chapter in this book's sample files.

The first step is to define a basic skeleton for the Pop3Client class. It should store a TcpClient instance as a member variable, which will be used to send all network messages. You can also add generic Send and ReceiveResponse messages, which translate data from binary form into the ASCII encoding used for POP3 communication.

Public Class Pop3Client
Inherits System.ComponentModel.Component
The internal TCP connection.[code].....

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Set The Pop3 Server In System?

Jul 21, 2010

how to set the pop3 server in my system?

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Download Attachment Files Using Pop3?

May 15, 2009

how to download attachments files using pop3(received mails) in

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How To Get POP3 Unread Mail Messages

May 10, 2007

I need to get all unread messages (without attachment) from POP3 server mailbox.

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Mail Pop3 Retrieval Encoding?

Jan 26, 2010

I am trying to retrieve mails from my mail account which is working, but I'm facing two problems

1. Text mail (No-attachments) appear correctly but they include some characters like "=20" , I don't Know if there problem is in the Encoding.

2. Mails With attachments appear in a very strange format, So I don't know if there's anyway to get the attachment itself Function to Retrieve Message:

Function GetMessage(ByVal msgindex As Integer) As String
Dim tmpString As String
Dim Data As String


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Pop3 - Check Email Using Application?

Jan 26, 2011

I am looking for a code for receiving e-mails without using any 3rd party libraries. I want to check Unread messages, Inbox and Sent messages. A Working sample is needed.

What is the default port for SMTP , is it port 25 (is it the same for all SMTP mail servers?). Which is more flexible in my case POP3 or IMAP ?

Edit: Someone please give me a sample working code for receiving mail using lumisoft (pop) in

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POP3 And SMTP Access At Same Time?

Mar 3, 2011

I am looking to write a VB.Net program that can send and receive emails that contain data in attachments. I'm planning to use MailBee.Net for this. My question is, is it possible to perform both sending and receiving actions at the exact same time? That is, using multi-threading? If yes, how would I do this in VB.Net?

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POP3 Reading Mails Automatically?

Mar 28, 2011

I Need to make an application that reads an email automatically (when there is an new email) and delete it afterward , those emails have an attachement that i want to use later

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Possible To Find POP3 Server For Any Email Id Using .net Or PHP?

Jan 15, 2010

Is it possible to find POP3 server address for any given email id (like If yes, please provide some guidance preferably in PHP or .Net.

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Receive Body Of Email Via Pop3?

Jun 11, 2009

I have been wanting to make a program that can read emails from GMail's pop3 service. To date I have been able to connect to their pop3 service but not download any messages. I also would like to download message with a certian subject line. Here is my current code.

Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Net.Security
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text


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VS 2008 How To Receive Pop3 Email

Apr 28, 2009

I have an application that needs to check a dedicated mailbox for mail, and then read and process those emails. The email account is an internet-based account, and I use a pop3 server for incoming mail.

how do I do this inside my VB program?

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VS 2008 Receiving Emails Via Pop3 Using SSL?

Aug 6, 2009

receiving emails via pop3 using SSL. I've searched all over and only documentation I could find used Chilkat or Aspose framework.

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Download Emails From Junk Folder Using POP3?

Feb 3, 2012

POP Servers allow for the LIST command that returns a list of all of the emails in the mail box. Unfortunately it does not return ALL of the emails, it only returns the emails from the Inbox. So if an email lands in a junk folder it cannot find it.Is it possible to download emails from the junk folder using POP?This is the current class(s) that I am using:

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Imports System.Net, System.Text


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Retrieve Latest's Emails From A POP3 Server?

Apr 3, 2012

I was recently working on a project that involving connection to a POP3 Server. I was using this piece of C# from CodeProject[URL] had complied it into a DLL and was using it in VB.NET.I'd connected to my Hotmail Account (not many mails) and it seems to work just fine. After that, I connected to my GMail account... I stared seeing errors!POP3 is meant to fetch emails only from the Inbox. Even when I made my own program to cross-check the problem, I saw that when I requested for the number of messages, the GMail POP3 Server returned a value which is about 5 times less than the actual inbox size.

255 Emails in my Inbox?? Online it shows me 2,414 emails in my Inbox.And secondly, my MAIN QUESTION is that how does one fetch the LATEST email from the POP3 Mailbox. What I've fetched here was an e-mail with ID 1! I want to fetch the top 20 emails (that were most recently delivered to the account)...Is there any work around for how to fetch the LATEST email from the POP3 Server rather than the oldest emails? I've also tried to connect to the Hotmail POP3 Mail Server. Again a "RETR 1" command fetches me the oldest email and not the latest one!

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Retrieve Mail From Pop3 Server Program?

Jan 5, 2006

I want to download mails from pop3 server to my local system ie.. something like what other mail clients do i can send mail successfully through & by creating a smtp client through

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VS 2008 Read POP3 Gamil Emails?

Apr 19, 2010

i'm setting here for last 3 hours trying to figure out how to real emails in my Gmail inbox (or any other POP3 server)here is what i need to do: identify new emails and read them (only new once)

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