C# - MVC 2.0: Send Simple TextBox Value To Action With An ActionLink?

Feb 22, 2010

Basically, i don't want to use <input type="submit"> mainly because it's a button, i'd rather user ActionLink, so i am using Ajax.ActionLink, and i'm not sure what to place in the routeValues argument for it to pickup the new (edited) data (user enters comments etc) and send it to my action.this is what i have, but of course, it sends the original comment before user edit back to the server/action :)

<%= Ajax.ActionLink("Update", "UpdateComment", Model.Comment,
New AjaxOptions With
{.UpdateTargetId = Model.CommentDivId, .HttpMethod = "Post"})%>

ps: i know how to do this in javascript, and doing ajax posts etc,

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How To Print Nice Drawings And Things - Send The Data From A Simple Textbox To A Piece Of Paper

Oct 28, 2010

How to print nice Drawings and things... All i want to do is send the data from a simple textbox to a piece of paper. I understand how to do page setup and such.. The only thing i don't know is how to actually set up the page.

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Create Simple User Control + Click Action?

Feb 9, 2011

create a simple control. The control have 1 label and 2 panels with images. The control needs to be clicked, the problem is i can create the click action for the control, i can only use internal click events. how to use it out of the control.

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Custom Action To Send Email?

Jan 12, 2010

I currently have a Win32 deployment package that I would like to include a custom action to send an email or contact a web service, is this possible?I know I can create a custom action to call an executable but I would prefer not to use this method and was wondering if i can send an email or call a webservice directly from the custom action.The reason I wish to do this is so that I am notified when the end user install's the package.

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VS 2008 Send A POST Command To A Login Form's Action

Jul 24, 2009

How can i send a POST command to a login form's action...in easier words. how can i login to a webpage without opening it in a webbrowser control and after that how can i send text from a vb application to a webpage(sort of like posting) im making an autoposter application.

If u dont know wot an autoposter is see this:


This program posts inside many forums (you can choose). It's main objective is to allow a user to distribute their posts to many forums easily without opening each individual page on the in a web browser therefore you get more points to your filehoster's account.

Note: you must still create each forum's account manually.

If u want an example of an autoposter...go here [URL]

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Asp.net - How To Define The ActionLink

Jun 3, 2009

This Image shows type-safe method of defining the Actionlinks ,how to define it in VB.NET

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Send A Simple E-Mail?

Mar 9, 2010

How can we send a simple E-Mail with VB 2008?

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C# - Using Html.RenderAction And Ajax.ActionLink Together

Jan 28, 2010

when i do this, i get the ACTION being called TWICE, what should i do about this?

if i call html.partial instead to just render the control, then i need to specify all the objects/values manually, which i shouldn't need to do this as the ACTION itself takes care of this stuff.

i maeks sense to have both these work together but they don't, what should i do?

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Communications :: How To Send Simple SMTP Mail

May 27, 2009

I'm using the following code to send simple SMTP mail. the code sends successfully on the development PC however, as soon as i move this to another environment (another PC) the message delivery fails..

>> Locally I'm using a version of .Net (2.0.50727) (under application properties > references)
>> The remote machines for which this is failing on has various version of .net 1, 2, 3
>> I'm using the VS2005 and publishing with the wizard
>> Used a packet sniffer to monitor the network interface connected to the network and the no traffic is being generated by the source/sending PC.

Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Mail

Public Sub SendEmail(ByVal Email_To As String, _
ByVal Email_CC As String, _
ByVal Email_From As String, _
ByVal Subject As String, _
[Code] .....

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Communications :: Simple Send Text/files With IP

Aug 31, 2008

So ive looked everywhere but every example i find doesnt work on visual studio 05 and doesnt convert properly. I simply want to send info from one computer to another through direct connection. if anyone could point me in the right direction it would really be helpful. most stuff i find seems to be more complicated than what im looking for.

then just one other question. both computers will be going through a router. as long as i have the port im using forwarded on the hosts side, that shouldnt be a problem, right?

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Asp.net Mvc 3 - .Net, MVC3, And Razor - Modifying ActionLink Helper?

Jun 21, 2011

How do I modify or create my own Html.ActionLink helper to accept and handle the first parameter (linkText) passed in as an empty string / nothing?Details: I currently have a strongly typed view that's passed a model which contains search results. My view loops through each item in the model and attempts to display a link to a contact with the following code:

@Html.ActionLink(currentItem.ContactName, "contact", "details", New With { .id = currentItem.ContactID }, Nothing)

Normally this would work just fine, but not every item in my search result has a ContactName. The Html.ActionLink helper errors when this first parameter is empty. In case it helps, here's the model property for ContactName (which is generated from a template due to Database First, so I don't believe it can be modified):

Public Property ContactName As String

I'd like to have a helper function that simply returns nothing if the ContactName is an empty string / nothing.I'm guessing I need to extend this helper, and I've struggled to find any good, up-to-date resources in VB.net for extending helper functions. Other approaches are more than welcome if they're considered best practice. I'm working in VB.net, MVC3, and Razor in the ASP.net 4.0 framework.

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[2008] Perform Action On Tab Or Change Textbox?

Mar 3, 2009

is it possible to perform an action when the tab key is pressed in a textbox or the mouse cursor is moved to another box?

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VS 2008 : Make A Simple Send Key System On Project?

Jul 4, 2010

Im trying to make a simple send key system on my project but it dosent send to the window in in why ?


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.net - Silverlight Datacontext, Repeats All The Past Commands/action Each Time A New Action Is Performed On It

Mar 28, 2011

a datacontext defined in a module(domain services ado.net ria)a page having add/delete methods whenever any method is executed, it is found that all the previous actions (NEW RECORD ADDITION and DELETION OF RECORDS) are carried out before the new action is carried out normally

this behaviour is not prominent but "when using break points and inspecting the values of the variables and table object to be added to context, it is clear that all the previous actions take place again. even when the datacotext. savechanges is called, even after that still all actions carried out on the datacontext repeat themseleves, when any new action is to be carried out

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Create A Simple Program That Send String Data Through Winsock

Sep 3, 2010

im trying to create a simple program that send string data through winsock, there are hundresd of tutorials allover the web, but non of them seem to work! I am fairly new to visual basics but i undersatnd the consept of winsock and 'all that stuff'. [code]

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VS 2008 Send A Simple Text File To A Client From The Server?

Feb 16, 2010

I am Really Interested in Learning How to Code in Vb With Client and Servers.What should I use Tcp/Ip,Winsock? any Good Tutorials or Examples. How do I send a Simple Text file to A Client from the Server?

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Slow Action On Visibility Change Of Textbox/ComboBox/DateTimePicker

Aug 10, 2009

I populate a hash table with the name of a control as the key and the control itself as the value using the following code that loops through my code on start-up:

Private Sub Populate_Hash_Table()
For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Controls
For Each member As Control In ctrl.Controls


This method works effectively, but the only problem is I seem to get a preformance hit as it takes a second to set the current control to false and the new one's visibility to true. What way should I modify my code so that it works more efficiently?

View 7 Replies

Create Simple App Within Program To Send Timed Controls To External Device?

Mar 15, 2010

How can I create a simple application to send timed controls to an external device?

What I need is to create a very simple application that sends control signals or voltages out to an external device connected via serial perhaps. The external device will in turn trigger some electromechanical devices. There needs to be 24 independent controls each with a simple command equivalent to on or off. What is important is being able to control the timings of the on and off on each control.[code]....

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Simple Chatting Software Which Will Use Wireless Modem To Send And Retrieve Data

Jun 11, 2011

i need help to do a simple chatting software which will use my wireless modem to send and retrive data.i must create a program something like MSN messenger.

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Send Only One Line In A Textbox On Each SendKeys.Send?

Aug 27, 2011

I'm making an auto-typer and I need it to only send one line of a multi-lined textbox at a time. It looks like this right now;

If Label1.Text = "1" Then
Timer2.Enabled = False
End If

I want the Textbox2.text to be entered one line at a time and then to sleep for the desired time.

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Sendkeys.Send, Send From Textbox?

Mar 26, 2010

i tried to code sendkeys.send(textbox1.text)but what it did was just pressing down the letter.i wanted to write Shift in textbox and press a button and it will press shift and not S-h-i-f-t

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Send The Contents Of A Vb Textbox To A Flash Textbox Which Is In An Swf Embedded On Vb Form?

Feb 3, 2010

I recently learned how to send the contents of a vb textbox to a flash textbox which is in an swf embedded on my vb form using a vb button to trigger...

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
AxShockwaveFlash1.LoadMovie(0, "C:sample.swf")
End Sub


This workds great, however what i REALLY want to do is the other way around.... I want to click a flash button thats in the embedded swf and have it put text into my VB textbox... The text I want to dislay is:"well done!" SO Far:I have built a simple swf with a dynamic textbox and a button. textbox is named "sampleField" and its var is: "sampleFieldVar"...button instance named "Button1" is an instance of "button".

using as2 I have put the following code onto the button:
(read this somwhere online)


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Create A Simple Calculator Using Only 1 Textbox?

Mar 29, 2011

I want to create a simple calculator using only 1 textbox , 1 button and 1 label, but I don't know how to create the code.

for example if i write : 53+35-33=

and if i press the button it will calculate and the answer the label will show the answer (55).

View 3 Replies

Simple Checkbox Binding Without Using A Textbox

Jun 11, 2011

I Have a question about binding (pageID + PermissionID) to a checkbox/ checkboxlist, without using a textbox or any other tool. The thing is, i'm working on something just for exploration is it possible to have multiple checkboxes all bind to a different pageID but all have same permission. (lets say the permission is view-only) So when some checks a checkbox with ID 1, ,5,9,19,56 he gets view permission to those pages. when he uncheckes then they get deleted.

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Send A Simple Binary String To A Printer Port Such As "00000011"?

Jul 3, 2009

I need to be able to send a binary string such as 00000011 to a printer port using visual basic.

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Email & SMTP - Program To Send Very Simple Text Email Messages

Feb 17, 2009

I'm trying to get my program to send very simple text email messages. I did do a search beforehand, and found that I was having the same issue as someone else, but the specific question I have was not answered --

I've learned that if you're trying to send mail, you need an SMTP server... I found this list here but every one of them I've tried yields the same "Failure sending mail" error.

Here's my

Dim mail As New MailMessage()

mail.From = New MailAddress("me@mycompany.com")


Is the problem that I need to show "credentials" (i.e. user/pass)? If so, what would those credentials be? Can I use my yahoo email SMTP server with my login info to do it? And is this all I'd need to add to add the credentials?

smtp.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("MyUsername", "MyPassword")
(before the smtp.Send, of course)

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Print Out An Textbox With A Simple Click Button?

Jun 23, 2009

How can i print out an textbox with a simple click button? i prefer it with a dialog where people can select there printer. This is what i found but it doesnt work

Private Sub Button84_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button84.Click
End Sub

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Make A Popup With A Simple Text Description For A Textbox?

May 21, 2010

How can I go about implementing a popup box or something that shows a simple description of a controls contents if the user hovers over the control?

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Use Entries From A Textbox To Update Simple Access Table?

Aug 2, 2010

I familiar with how to populate information from an access table to textboxes but not the other way around. I am familiar with the DataTable class.

I would appreciate any methods whatsoever on how to do this with as much detail as possible since I am not an expert on database connections.

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User Control With Simple Textbox - Custom Properties

Oct 15, 2011

I've created a user control with a simple text box and a corresponding label and added a few custom control properties. When added to a form, I'm trying to loop through all control of this type and evaluate the custom property. In the below, the cntl.MyCustomProperty is not recognized. I can evaluate the property when I check each user control on the form by name, but not by using the loop below. I would much rather use the loop as it is much cleaner.

For Each cntl As Control In Me.Controls
If (TypeOf cntl Is MyUserControl) And cntl.MyCustomProperty = "ABC" Then
''Do some stuff
End If

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