C# - Parse Files In Directory/insert In Database?

May 22, 2010

I have a directory full of .txt comma delimited files arranged as shown below. What I want to do is to import each of these into a SQL or SQLite database, appending each one below the last. (1 table)... I am open to C# or VB scripting and just not sure how to accomplish this. I want to only extract and import the data starting BELOW the 'Feat. Type,Feat. Name, etc' line.

These are stored in a mynetworkdirectorystats folder on my network drive. Ideally I will be able to add functionality that will make the software/script know not to re-add the file to the database once it has already done so as well.


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Upload Files To The Database Directory?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a folder on the Server that has a bunch of files such SBSA_UPLO_20101124, SBSA_UPLO_20101125, SBSA_UPLO_20101126. I would like to copy these files from this Server to a remote host Server that is connected to my IBM Universe database. The application must only copy a file that was uploaded 3 days before the current date.

e.g. if the current date is 27/11/2010, it must copy this file SBSA_UPLO_20101124.

SourcePath : \\ntdfkku1\download
Destination Path: cd /disk1/mmhh/PFILES

I am not sure what the best way to start this is

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Insert Multiple Files To SQL Database In VB?

May 4, 2010

My files are being inserted but the byte array is showing as a 0x0000... etc for every file after the first inserted file. The first inserted image is correct. The database is set up as an Image type. The problem exists in the code here\

Dim uploads As HttpFileCollection
uploads = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files
For i As Integer = 0 To (uploads.Count - 1)


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Read Multiple Text Files In A Folder And Insert Them Into The Database?

Mar 20, 2009

I have many text files in a folder. What I can do now is to read through one text at a time and insert it into the database. My little app reads a text file when I debug it. So, I need to run it several times to read all those text files and import them into the database.

My question is how to read multiple text files inside a folder at a time. Here's my code which works fine but it reads only one text files at a time.

Private Sub btnRead_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRead.Click
Dim filelocation As String filelocation = "F: xtfilesch25.txt" Dim chid As Integer chid = 25 'read from file Dim MyStream As New StreamReader(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath,


Obviously, I need a way to loop through a folder and check if there's text file. But I cant get it right.

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Scan A Directory And Copy All Excel Files To A Single Directory?

Feb 28, 2009

am trying to scan a directory and copy all excel files to a single directoryhere is the codeTry

For Each foundFile In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles("e:datainventory_resultsarchive", FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, "*.xls")


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Get Files From A Directory And All The Sub Directory's To Show In A Checked List Box?

Jul 14, 2009

I'm trying to get files from a directory and all the sub directory's to show in a checked list box. This is my first time working with arrays?here is the code

Public Class add_to_play_list
'IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory & "\x"'
Dim Home As String
Dim Fi As New ArrayList


I have a sansa fuze and i have to make my own playlist for it so i want to have the program read the songs that are on there and show it to you in the list box and you can check off the ones you want then it will read the mp3 files to make the playlist, it needs the path, name, and duration from the mp3 file. i can get the name and the path so far...

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DB/Reporting :: Database - Access Denied To A Text File (since It's Stored In The Program Directory In The Program Files)

Sep 20, 2010

I have a program where a lot of the required information for it is stored in text files. I simply read this information into large arrays. However, I don't think it's necessary to load all the information each time. Rather, it would be more efficient if I could simply search through a list of items to find the one I need and then use the data from it, or to find a similar name and use it elsewhere.

Would I be right in using a database? And is database programming done in SQL? I have a book on it telling me to use the SQL Server (IIRC), so I shouldn't be doing it in the VB.NET Express GUI?

Here's an example of what I would do:

Hex = 03 00 => dex number 003
Search in file Pokemon Dex Numbers
003 returns Bulbasaur
Check Bulbasaur base stats in the base stats file

So basically I'm reusing a lot of information. I think a database would be best and it would all be internal right? I'm getting complaints about access denied to a text file (since it's stored in the program directory in the program files).

So to cap up the few questions I have:

-Databases are done in SQL and not inside the GUI?
-Databases would load internally?
-I could search a database without having to load it into like an array or something?

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Select A Directory And Move Files From The Directory

Apr 8, 2011

I am going to need to create a windows form for work that we can connect to a database table, select a directory and move files from the directory that are in the table and move to another folder. The directory will have sub directories that I need to search for the file name and move. I would like to have the table hold the file name (or path) and move all files that are in the database. There might be 20 files or 1000. Depends on the client we are processing for.


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VS 2008 Copying Files From Directory To Directory

Dec 25, 2009

I'm using a dialog box to select multiple files and move them to the directory "C:/Playlist". I guess you can say I'm having trouble with 2 things.

1. The Loop

2. Use of the dialogs FileNames function


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Parse Files For JPG Header?

Oct 3, 2011

I'm trying to parse through a large file which I know contains the raw data for numerous jpg files. I need to start by identifying the location of header for each jpg image and then carve out the image.The header in this case is as follows;

hxFF hxD8 hxFF hxE0 hx00 hx10 hx4A hx46 hx49 hx46

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VS 2008 List Files In A Directory + Write The Result In A Text Files?

Dec 14, 2009

I am trying to create a program which will read the files that exist in a directory, and then write in a text file the specific information (full file name, date created)i have found several code in the site but i cant make it work, the machine i am running the code is XP and i am using VB2008.The code i have found is the following:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.String


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Reconcile A List Of Files And A Directory With Subfolders/files To Find Changes?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a SQL Server table with a list of files (path + filename), and a folder with multiple layers and files in each layer. I'm looking for a way to reconcile the two without having to process the list twice. Currently, I'm doing this:

For Each f as FileInfo In FileListFromDatabase
If f.Exists is False, mark it as deleted in the database


Is there a better way to do this? I'd like to avoid converting all the matching files (of which most will be) to FileInfo objects twice. Since I'm a T-SQL developer first, I'm picturing something like an OUTER JOIN of the two lists where they don't match. Something LINQ-ish?

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Copying Files From One Directory To Another Directory

Oct 13, 2010

i am trying to move a file (test.txt) from say from:[code]I understand from the MSDN forum, i can use this File.Copy(pathA, pathB) OR Directory. Move(pathA, pathB) where pathA = C:folder_ est.txt and pathB = C:folder_ est.txt

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How To Parse XML Files (Extract Contents)

Nov 16, 2009

I am having a question on parsing XML files. In my local folder c: estrdl, I have a bunch of xml files.... what I want to achieve is to extract the contents between <commandtext>. The extracted information is basically a SQL query.... Next step is to extract the FROM Clause from the query and save that piece of information into a file with the same of xml file and suffix is "FROM", for ex, if the xml file is called abc.xml, the extracted piece will be called abc_FROM.txt....

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Parse Strangely Formatted Files?

May 29, 2009

I need to parse a file but the data is in a strange format that I'm not familar parsing.

The data is always formatted like this. The field name is to the left and the data is right of the "=" and all fields are always in this order.[code]...

Is there a more elegant way to handle parsing files like this?

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VS 2010 Parse VB/C# Code Files?

Sep 5, 2010

I am creating a kind of 'lightweight' visual studio IDE, basically a text editor for VB or C# code files, or in other words: a visual studio IDE without all the fancy stuff like actually running projects, debugging, form designer, etc. The idea is that you can view and edit code source files quickly and easily without having to start visual studio itself. I often find myself opening source files in notepad when I just want to take a look at something quickly, or to type some code that is intended to be posted on this forum. I find it too much 'work' to fire up visual studio on those occasions, but it would be nice if I had some basic syntax highlighting (already have that), Intellisense and such.

What I'm trying to do now is parse a VB or C# source file to extract information such as the types/classes in a file, and the members (as well as their parameters and return type) in those classes.I was going to do this manually but I doubt I could pull it off efficiently (if at all), so I started thinking about it and thought maybe .NET has some built in functionality already. I don't know much about this stuff, but I do know that you can compile source code by feeding it a string that represents the code. So if it can 'compile a string', then surely it should be able to parse it as well? With the difference between compiling and parsing (I'm not sure if I have this terminology correct) I mean:

- compiling: reading the source and converting it to the CIL so it can be run

- parsing: reading the source and extracting classes/members info, so that the IDE can do some basic error checking (undeclared variable warnings etc) and display the members in a class (in those comboboxes at the top of the code editor for example).

I don't need to compile the source (I'm not going to run the application), I only need to parse it.I would assume that I could call some function that would return a collection of types (Type), and from that I could figure out the members (MethodInfo, PropertyInfo, etc) and their parameters, return types, etc. And all I should give it is the source code as a string.

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Directory Listing - Write A Simple Program That Will Let Me Choose A Directory And Get A Listing Of All Files?

May 8, 2010

All I am trying to do is write a simple program that will let me choose a directory and get a listing of all files in that directory and its sub-directories and show it in a RichTextBox. I got as far as being able to select the directory but when I click "OK" I get "access to c:documents and settingsstevedesktopmp3 is denied".The code I am using is listed below.


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How To Copy, Delete, Show Files, Show Current Directory, Change Directory, Make Folder, Rename Folder

Jul 22, 2011

how to copy, delete, show files, show current directory, change directory, make folder, rename folder. My problem is i have a method on deleting a file and copying a file, but i don't know how to pass the method so that when i click the delete button it would let me choose what file to delete. By the way im using buttons on each function.[code...]

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Parse Databinding To Database?

Dec 19, 2011

What i have now is a listbox which databinding to database,everytime i click the item on listbox, all related information will display on textbox.[code]...

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How To Parse Data From A SQLite Database

Apr 2, 2009

I'm writing a program that needs to parse data from a SQLite Database, I have the reference DLL but I do not know the proper syntax for the actual parsing of the file. The reference I have is located at [URL]..I don't really see any code that would need to be given seeing as the code for that class is currently something link:

Imports System.data.SQLite
public class SQLite
public sub Retrieve_Data
end sub
public sub Connect2SQLite
end sub
end class

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Way To Parse Information From Email To Database

Nov 15, 2011

I have an email account that receives various requests to get free materials, for different items. These emails will usually contain name, item, quantity of item, address, state, zip. What makes it difficult is that all the emails are different, unstructured, and the data is usually buried in the emails, i.e. a forwarded email.I want a way to get all the information and parse it into a ms sql database.I know there are products that would work really well like url... but at work we can't afford this.I was thinking of creating a webservice that would input mail data posted from a third party site like cloudmail.com into a secondary website and then maybe creating a ruby script that would crawl the messages and extract addresses, etc. Anyone know of a good, simple alternative, a custom script in ruby, php, vb.net or possibly an open source solution?

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Way To Parse Information From Email To Database?

Jun 3, 2011

I have an email account that receives various requests to get free materials, for different items. These emails will usually contain name, item, quantity of item, address, state, zip.What makes it difficult is that all the emails are different, unstructured, and the data is usually buried in the emails, i.e. a forwarded email

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Insert Command Dont Insert Into Database?

Dec 18, 2010

could someone tell me what i am doing wrong in this codeProtected Sub insert_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Insert.Click


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Insert Into SQL Database With Tableadapter.insert Not Working

Mar 3, 2009

Visual Studio 2008VB.NETFramework 3.5Windows Application

I have a SQL database names TestSQLVB

In it a table called tblTest2, with a three fieldstest2id , int, pk, increment by 1field1, varchar(50)field2, varchar(50)

I have a dataset named Dataset2.xsd

A tableadapter named tblTest2TableAdapter

A insert query names InsertTest2 with fields @f1, @f2 and ExecuteMode = Scalar

When I run the following code per MSDN [URL] the database does not get updated.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim testds As New DataSet2TableAdapters.tbltest2TableAdaptertestds.InsertTest2("One", "Dog")
End Sub

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INSERT Query - Insert Data To Database?

Jun 22, 2010

im in the middle of doing sql queries i can search my data base usingGetDateFrom (Select, from, where) Me.nameTableAdapter.FillBy(namenDataSet.descip, Me.box1TextBox.Text,Me.box1TextBox.Text, Me.box2TextBox.Text, Me.box2TextBox.Text)i have this working fine im struggling with inderting data to my databse i have made the query ..

INSERT INTO `details` (`Forename`, `Surname`, `Username`, `Password`)
VALUES (''& ForenameTextBox.Text &'', ''& SunameTextBox.Text &'', ''& UsernameTextBox &'', ''& PasswordTextBox &'')


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Parse A File Name And Compare To Names In A Database?

Mar 29, 2010

I need to parse a file name and compare to names in a data base. The file name has an underscore "_" as the delimiter. I need everything before the underscore.

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Parse Value From Database Datareader And Handle Possible NULL Value?

Feb 16, 2011

I have run into this problem a few times and have never come up with a good answer. I figure others must have dealt with this already.I have a datareader returned from the database and I want to use the values therein however values may or may not contain NULL. I would like to have a unction that takes in the value from the datareader and returns the value if it is not NULL and blank space if it is NULL.The problem I have is that the data-type of the variable I am testing is variable. It can be a String, and Integer or a DateTime. Can anyone suggest a simple way to test the value and then return the original value (as same data-type if possible) or something else if it is NULL

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Get Files In A Directory?

Sep 17, 2009

I am trying to get the files in a directory and display them in a list box. I have that part working, but I would only like to show the files that are NOT hidden. I am currently using this:

Dim atts As FileAttribute = CheckDirectory.Attributes
If (atts And FileAttribute.Hidden) = FileAttribute.Hidden Then...
this is part of a for each loop.

But is there a way to only return the files that are not hidden, instead of having to check if they are?

I also need this to see how many files are in each directory so I don't have to count each file in each directory within the current folder. If I use the CheckDirectory.GetFiles().count, it counts the hidden files to.. A for each loop is just too slow..

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Get The All Files In A Directory Using .net?

Nov 11, 2010

how to get the all files in a directory using .net.. Iam using windows operating system and i know microsoft asp technology..

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C# - Deleting Files In A Directory?

Feb 12, 2011

I have seen questions like What is the best way to empty a directory?

But i need to know,

what is the fastest way of deleting all the files found within the directory, except any .zip files found.

Smells like linq here... or what?

UPDATE: By saying fastest way, i mean the Fastest execution time.

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