Parse A File Name And Compare To Names In A Database?

Mar 29, 2010

I need to parse a file name and compare to names in a data base. The file name has an underscore "_" as the delimiter. I need everything before the underscore.

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Compare List To File Names?

Jan 12, 2011

So in my Textbox I have a list of (folder) names, such as:


I want to compare THAT list to another folder somewhere in someones documents (no specific folder). So let's say we compare it to the 'Arts' folder, which contain these folders inside:


I want to put all of those folder names in the Art folder into a list. And then I want to compare the folder names in my Textbox to the folder names in the Arts folder, and Folder3 is missing in the Art folder, so I want the textbox to contain:

Folder3 tell you that you are missing Folder 3 in your Art folder.

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Open Directories To Compare Directory / File Names And Other Properties?

Aug 16, 2010

I have several groups of files with idential names, but the files inside may or may not have identcal names, and may differ only in the size or date stamp. I want to combine them to save all unique directory names, and unique file names, and if the date/sizes are unique, then add some number on the end of the file name to make them unique as well. Only idential file sizes and names and dates will be discarded. How do you open directories to compare directory/file names and other properties?

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Parse Names In Strings

Jun 11, 2011

I'm currently taking a class in VB 2008, with that said I am working with strings and had a quick question. I need to add code to parse the name when the user enters a name and clicks the Parse Name button, this code should work whether the user enters a first, middle, and last name or just a first and last name, before I get decimated by everyone, I am not asking anyone to do my homework because I already have a working solution to this, my question is to see if there is a "cleaner" or more "efficient" way to code this.


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Parse Variable Names And Operate From String?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm using a Microsoft Word form template to create objects in a form programatically, so depending on the information read by the program from the template.

So, I've got some fields where I store formula data for the form, in which I specify that the value for that field is obtained by multiplying other fields in the template. So I store in the string something like this:

"Text1.Text * Text2.Text"

So I need to convert these string values into variable calls to actually operate these values.

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Extract Specific Texts From Parse Given Header Names

Feb 6, 2010

I have a parse from Wikipedia saved in a text file in the following form: The town itself is situated to the south-east of the rock, and overlooks the Palaia Monemvasia bay. A small hamlet with about 10 houses lies to the northwest.The founding of the town and fortress of Monemvassia most probably occurred in the 6th century AD. The town was founded in 583 by people seeking refuge from the [[Slavic peoples|Slavic]] and the [[Eurasian Avars|Avaric]] invasion of Greece. From the 10th century AD, the town developed into an important trade and maritime centre. The fortress withstood the [[Arab]] and [[Normans|Norman]] invasions and conquests in 1147. Cornfields that fed up to 30 men were grown inside the fortress.What I need to do is to extract specific texts from the parse given the header names. For example, if I type in a textbot Geography I need ONLY the geography text returned.

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Replacing File Names Without Database?

Jul 20, 2010

I have about 7,000 files (with temporary file names) that I need to replace with specific file names.

I figure I can match up the temp file names with the needed file names in

access. I'm not sure where to go from there.

I do not have to use a database if there is another way of going about it

but I do not think there is.

amounts of file names to unqiue IDs/names?

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Compare Every Record In Excel File And Save To Database Table?

Nov 15, 2011

My query is i want to save record from an excel sheet to my Database Table.

But i dont want to insert the Excel sheet as a whole rather i want to insert the record in my database table Row wise.Inserting the records is not the only thing but my major issue is i want to check and compare the Primary Key column of my Table with the Column in my Excel.

Suppose Table1 is my Sql Database Table,and RegistrationNo is the Primary Key Column.Similarly there is also a column of Registration Number in my Excel Sheet.

Now before inserting each record the RegistrationNo column should be compared.If the a registrationNo in the excel sheet say RegistrationNo 112 is already present in the table then it should not Insert the record and if its not present then it should insert.

Also the other issue is the number of columns in my Database table are more than the number of columns in my excel Sheet.So the columns that are not present in the excel sheet should be set to NULL while inserting the record in the Table.

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VS 2008 Setting A Primary Key And Changing The Names Of Some Fields On Database File?

Aug 5, 2011

Lets say we have an Access file in a well known path (i.e. "C:MyFolderMyFile.mdb"). That file does not have a primary key set on the table we are interested in . Is it possible to set one of the fields as a primary key (for example the "ID" field , which is also an AutoNumber data) ? And one more thing : I'd like to change the name of a field on that table . For example , lets say there is a field called "My Field 1" (note the space characters) and we want it to be renamed as "My_Field_1" . If it's possible , I'd like both these changes to be permanent in the data base file itself , not just in the imported DataSet ,

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Reload Form Again To Read New Texts Names And Mainmenu Items Names From Resx File?

Nov 9, 2005

I made project using VB.Net 2005 with multi languages, the first form is MDIParent form with MainMenu and toolbars also there is some changes in properties as righttoleft and text of forms.In my Mainmenu (Menustrip) there is opetion to change the UI Culture and I have already done but I need to change all texts in the form as mainmenu items anf form properties.My quetion is: how can I reload my form again to read the new texts names and mainmenu items names from resx file?

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Error: "Upgrade Failed: Exception Occurred: Can't Use Character Device Names In File Names"

May 25, 2006

I am experiencing a problem when trying to convert a rather large VB6 application into a .Net 2005 application. Everytime I try to convert the project I get the following error: "Upgrade Failed: Exception occurred: Can't use character device names in file names"The weird thing is i have tried to convert the project using .Net 2003 and I do not get the error, it does convert.

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Compare Version Between Host And Client Download The File If Compare Version Not Same In .net?

May 20, 2011

they need to make some compare version between host version and client version.. and each 1 version different will download the file to the client..[URL]..with both example, how can i make a program in VB.NET just like i said just now?

View 15 Replies

Parse Databinding To Database?

Dec 19, 2011

What i have now is a listbox which databinding to database,everytime i click the item on listbox, all related information will display on textbox.[code]...

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How To Parse Data From A SQLite Database

Apr 2, 2009

I'm writing a program that needs to parse data from a SQLite Database, I have the reference DLL but I do not know the proper syntax for the actual parsing of the file. The reference I have is located at [URL]..I don't really see any code that would need to be given seeing as the code for that class is currently something link:

public class SQLite
public sub Retrieve_Data
end sub
public sub Connect2SQLite
end sub
end class

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Way To Parse Information From Email To Database

Nov 15, 2011

I have an email account that receives various requests to get free materials, for different items. These emails will usually contain name, item, quantity of item, address, state, zip. What makes it difficult is that all the emails are different, unstructured, and the data is usually buried in the emails, i.e. a forwarded email.I want a way to get all the information and parse it into a ms sql database.I know there are products that would work really well like url... but at work we can't afford this.I was thinking of creating a webservice that would input mail data posted from a third party site like into a secondary website and then maybe creating a ruby script that would crawl the messages and extract addresses, etc. Anyone know of a good, simple alternative, a custom script in ruby, php, or possibly an open source solution?

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Way To Parse Information From Email To Database?

Jun 3, 2011

I have an email account that receives various requests to get free materials, for different items. These emails will usually contain name, item, quantity of item, address, state, zip.What makes it difficult is that all the emails are different, unstructured, and the data is usually buried in the emails, i.e. a forwarded email

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C# - Parse Files In Directory/insert In Database?

May 22, 2010

I have a directory full of .txt comma delimited files arranged as shown below. What I want to do is to import each of these into a SQL or SQLite database, appending each one below the last. (1 table)... I am open to C# or VB scripting and just not sure how to accomplish this. I want to only extract and import the data starting BELOW the 'Feat. Type,Feat. Name, etc' line.

These are stored in a mynetworkdirectorystats folder on my network drive. Ideally I will be able to add functionality that will make the software/script know not to re-add the file to the database once it has already done so as well.


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Parse Value From Database Datareader And Handle Possible NULL Value?

Feb 16, 2011

I have run into this problem a few times and have never come up with a good answer. I figure others must have dealt with this already.I have a datareader returned from the database and I want to use the values therein however values may or may not contain NULL. I would like to have a unction that takes in the value from the datareader and returns the value if it is not NULL and blank space if it is NULL.The problem I have is that the data-type of the variable I am testing is variable. It can be a String, and Integer or a DateTime. Can anyone suggest a simple way to test the value and then return the original value (as same data-type if possible) or something else if it is NULL

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Parse Some Text To Extract The Name/path Of An Image File Inside An X File?

May 9, 2009

I need to parse some text to extract the name/path of an image file inside an X file. The part of the file looks something like this:

TextureFilename {


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Save Chinese AND English From RichTextBox To Text File And Load/parse File Back Into RichTextBoxControl?

Nov 19, 2010

# TAG NAME = is saved to a file using the code below but when I load that same file back into a RichTextbox Control using additional code below, I get inconsistent results as I try to parse the text. Has anyone else had this problem?'Save the contents of the RichTextBox into the file.richTextBox.SaveFile(saveFile1.FileName, RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText);'Retrieve contents of File into RichTextBox control Dim logData As String
logData = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path + "\" + filenname);

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Parse A Text File And Extract The Data To Excel File?

Jun 23, 2010

How can I parse a text file and extract the data to excel file. The text file is in the following format

Tim Alen
596 George Town


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File I/O And Registry :: File System Object Does Not Allow Spaces In File Names

Feb 3, 2010

I am working on a VB Console Application that takes an Autocad drawing type DWG and converts it to a PDF using a shell command that calls a third party application. In this case, acmecadconverter.exe from Then the PDF that is created needs a unique watermark, so I call a second application for that called pdftk.exe from

Everything works as intended, except when I try file names that contain spaces. The file system object does not tolerate spaces in the drawing file name. For instance, the following command gives me a

My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile("Test Flowchart1.dwg", "Test~Flowchart1.dwg")

It's the same problem for all of my File System commands. Either file not found or invalid arguments.

The complete script I'm using is here:

Sub Main()
Dim arrArgs() As String = Command.Split(","), _
i As Integer, folderPath As String, myPart As String, _


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Compare With Data In Database?

Sep 27, 2010

i want to create an system that can trigger alert which, the alert box will change to a red color depending on its value.

my problem is, the value that i used to compare is dynamic and based on what user key in in the paramater table while the data that will be display the alert is from the alert table.

lets say the value in the parameter table is been declare as Aand the value that display the alert is been declare as cellvalue.

this is the code that i have been tryingif cellvalue < A then' some code to change the box colorEnd if

but i kept failing. the system cannot read the A value.

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How To Compare Variable To Value In Database

Apr 3, 2009

I'm a little brain dead at the moment and was wondering if someone could help me out with some code.I am pretty new to using databases in vb and what I want to do is to match a variable with a value in a database field and when it finds it, it will store the row count into another variable. I know I have to use a counting loop, I'm not sure how to compare the variable to the value in the database.[code]

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How To Compare With Data In Database

Jun 8, 2011

i want to create an system that can trigger alert which, the alert box will change to a red color depending on its problem is, the value that i used to compare is dynamic and based on what user key in in the paramater table while the data that will be display the alert is from the alert table.

lets say the value in the parameter table is been declare as A and the value that display the alert is been declare as cellvalue. this is the code that i have been trying if cellvalue < A then some code to change the box color End if but i kept failing. the system cannot read the A value.

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Database Table Attributes - Query A List Of Table Names In The Database Ordered By Date Created

Jan 22, 2011

[Code] my issue is that now i need two cases, first i need a query that will return the date created and modified of the table and i also need to know if its possible to query a list of table names in the database ordered by date created but that have a certain thing in their names. for example the database contains the following tables: [Code] and what i need the query to return is the tables that contain "Data", settings and employees are for the other functions of the program. so the query should return the 4 data tables in order of date created. but i have no idea how to go about doing that in the query, does anyone know how this is done?

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Compare .net Objects To Fields In A Database?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a connection string set up and a data reader.I have two textboxes on my form for users to type in. One textbox (txtLogin) is a user name and the other textbox is a password (txtPwd). I'm trying to compare what a user types into those two boxes to a table in a vfp database. The table I'm trying to compare to is open about 99% of the time so I need to be able to read from it in some type of "shared" mode.

My Select statement needs to be something similar to "select * from sites where clogin = txtLogin.text and cpassword = txtPwd.text"I just don't know how to get this to work properly.

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Compare Between The Cell Value With The Value(parameter) In Database?

Sep 26, 2010

i want to compare between the cell value with the value(parameter)in database.

as example, if my cellvalue value is 3 and my paramater(a) in my database is 5 it will be like this if cellvalue<a then (some code)end if

the problem is i don't know the exact data type. the reason i need to use data type is because my data is dynamic.

here is my code:

protected SubGridView1_RowDataBound(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowDataBound
con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;


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Compare String Values From Database?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a tblVersion that contains the versions of my application:

VersionID Version

VersionID is a bigint primary key, version is a ntext column that holds the current version... I want to be able to pick the row that has the highest version number, but version could be in this format:

MyApplication 1.0.1

If I try to convert that to a int32 it will throw an exception obviously. I would like to know if some of you have a idea how to solve this issue. I could of course make sure the column will only contain numeric values but this gives a little more flexibility.

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Extract And Compare Time From Sql Database?

Jun 23, 2011

I m writing a Auto Sms Sending application which will work in the background. I m using VB2010 and Sql 2008 This application will check SMS table every 5 seconds to check new records if it finds a new record it will sent three sms at an interval of 6 hours.The problem is I don't know How to Extract Value of a 'Time' Column and Compare it with system time.i simply want to Compare value of 'Time' column and system Time if Time Deference >= 6 hours the application will sent SMS

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