Cannot Access Or Add New DataMembers To The Dataset

Jun 12, 2009

I am developing an app. with VB and i have stumbled across a verry eary problem. Until 2 weeks ago everything was working perfectly but now here what is my problem:

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MS Access - Dataset - How To Reset A Dataset

Jun 9, 2011

I have a form that has 1 text box and has 2 queries that locate the data. One is by customer ID and the other is by customer last name. They both work but when the code works and the user enters a customer ID and the query locates it then enters a customer last name it also locates it. If the user enters the same customer id again the query seems to fail. This is why I'm sure I need to add some kind of code to reset the Dataset.

Here's the code in the load sub procedure:
' Start out clean.


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Filtering Dataset - Dataset (WW1Dataset) With One Data Table(WW1) (database Used In An Access Database)

Feb 1, 2010

I have a dataset (WW1Dataset) with one data table(WW1).(database used in an access database) I'm trying to filter the dataset e.g a user wants to filter by a chosen surname (SurnameTextBox.text) so the datset is filtered to display only those records wherethe surname column in the dataset matches SurnameTextBox.text.

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VS 2008 Access The Access Database - Error "Value Cannot Be Null - Parameter Name: DataSet"

Mar 29, 2009

I am trying to utilize the access database, but I'm getting an error message: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: dataSet


That's the code I'm using, why I'm getting this error?

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Does VB Allow A MS Access Database DataSet Create A Stored Procedure Or Will It Only Allow SQL Database DataSet Create SP

Oct 9, 2009

does VBasic allow a MS Access Database DataSet create a Stored Procedure or will it only allow SQL Database DataSet create SP...

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Access Dataset Throughout Project?

Dec 3, 2011

I'm just starting to explore VB.NET datasets but I'm stuck on a (probably) trivial problem.I have declared a dataset (let's call it 'Fred') as public in a VARs module.In the main form in a sub routine called at the start of the project I connect to an Excel spreadsheet and read it into the 'Fred' dataset into one table (called 'Table')I then bind the dataset table to a datagridview and I can see the spreadsheet. Which is very nice :-)

Having loaded the dataset I want to be able to get some values so I created a button and used the following [code]....

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Access The Dataset Items That Have Been Deleted?

Sep 11, 2009

I have written my main program which uses a datagridview however I seem to be struggling when trying to access the dataset items that have been deleted. Just before I commit the changes I want to record the user that deleted the items.

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Access Query - How To Use DataAdapter With DataSet

Jun 3, 2011

I have access Query have more than one table. I want to insert into it. I cannot insert into it by CommandBuilder coz CommandBuilder for one table only so how can I do that using DataAdapter with dataset.

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Access Values Stored In A Dataset In VB?

Feb 17, 2012

So i have a DB with 3 tables. User Table with U_ID and U_Name, Class with C_ID, and C_Name and User_Class Table with U_ID and C_ID. Foreign keys are set.I want to display the classes associated with the selected user. The user is identified by their name. I know these are the two SQL statements I need to execute:SELECT U_ID FROM User WHERE U_Name = current_U_name

SELECT C_ID FROM User_Class WHERE U_ID = current_U_ID


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Can't Query Access - Not Filling Dataset?

Aug 26, 2011

The SQL string won't return data from Access. I've tested this exact SQL String in Access and it works fine.First of all, Am I getting a SQL query from Access in the proper manner?Second... should I be using a stored procedure for this? Or is making a query from tables like this a good practice? Third, if I'm doing it right, why won't Access query return and fill my dataset?These are the results I'm getting.

Connection State = 1
Tables in Dataset = 0

Where am I going wrong?


SELECT PageSetupData.Size, PageSetupData.Category,
PrinterList.Location, PageSetupData.isPlotter, PrinterList.LocationSuffix,
PaperSizeData.PrinterName, PrinterList.HasAltPrinter, PageSetupData.SetupTitle,


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Cannot Get DataSet To Update Access Database?

Apr 16, 2010

I have a form in vb8 that is set up as follows:
I have a table in my Access database calledUsers that has a name and a password (encrypted).
Using the toolbar I created aBindingSource with a name of UsersBindingSource and a dataSource ofUsers
Using the toolbar I created aDataset called with a Name and a DatasetName called Users_Dataset
Using the toolbar I created atableAdapter called UsersTableAdapter
I added two textboxes on the form and changed theirDatabindings...Text property to the corresponding field in the Database.

How to now update the database when I click Update. What the program needs to do first is encrypt the Password before saving it. I wrote the code in the TextBox2.Lostfocus event to encrypt the data a place it back into the TestBox2 field. The only samples I find on the net refer to DataGridView controls (which work) but I don't want to use them. How can I get the database to accept these changes as well as changes to radio buttons or comboboxes?

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Cannot Update Access Table From A Dataset?

Dec 17, 2010

new to vs2010 express trying to accomplish a simple task read records from a sql server DB table and add them to a table (different format eventually) in an access DB Sample code below seems to work ok up to the point of the data actually showing up in the access table.


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How To Access Table Data Via DataSet

Feb 17, 2012

I'm confused about DataSources and DataSets.I created a DataSource (DataSet?) via the DataSource wizard called PPIDataSet. This has tables in it Customer, Vendor, Orders, etc.Now I want to access the data in these tables via code. So I'm expecting to be able to do PPIDataSet.Customer.AddRow or something like that. However, when I access the PPIDataSet object, in IntelliSense,I only get PPIDataSet.CustomerDataTable PPIDataSet.CustomerRow
How do I access the table data via the DataSet? Or do I have to access it some other way?

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Updating Access Database From Dataset?

Mar 11, 2010

I am having a problem updating an access database with new information from an updated dataset. the database consists of 4 columns: User_ID, Login_Name, Password, Access. The following code makes a connection to the database, fills a dataset with the data from the database, reads a txt file with user name and passwords, and should update the dataset and then the database. However, I keep getting an Syntax error on the INSERT INTO statement on the datest.Update(dsUser,"User") line. I have found multiple posts on here showing the correct syntax of how to update a database, but I can't seem to get it to work.


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VS 2008 Reload DataSet From Access DB?

Jan 28, 2010

I have been allover the web and can't find a solution that works.I am creating a signout system using An access DB I call student info using their ID# using FillBy to fill a form I call Equipment Info using a Barcode # Using FillBy1 and fill the rest of the form I then use a OleDb.OleDbConnection To add a row to the DB this adds the row to My Access table and works fine.Now the problem when I go to sign the equipment back in the equipment can't be found ( I am loading the record using the barcode#and Fillby for that tableAdapter But if I stop debugging and start again I can find it.

So I am assuming that I am writing data directly to access but calling data from the dataset which I can only get to update when I restart the program.The question is how can I get the dataset and the database to both be updated with the same data at the same time without stopping and restarting my project?

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Why Can't Access Tables In A Dataset By Table Name

Oct 25, 2011

In my VB.Net desktop application, I have several places where I am accessing a table, both for reading and for updating. For example:

Dim tempCount As Integer = Glbl.GlobalDataSet.Tables("Profiles").Rows.Count

The above does not work. However, the following does:

Dim tempCount As Integer = Glbl.GlobalDataSet.Tables(4).Rows.Count

I am pretty sure it was working in th past (I have recently switched to VS 2010 - could this have anything to do with it?) but it is not working now.

How can I make the first statement work, so can access tables by table name instead of by index?

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Automatic Update Dataset After Change In Access?

Jun 30, 2009

Automatic update Dataset after change in Access

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DataSet Primarykey - Auto-number MS Access But Not In VB?

Sep 28, 2010

I used this code to assign the primarykey from my MS Access database to my DataSet in my project:

Dim col(1) As DataColumn
col(0) = ds.Tables("Filmer").Columns(0)
ds.Tables("Filmer").PrimaryKey = col


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Fill Empty Access Table From Dataset?

Jun 3, 2011

I think this may be a usual issue but I am not able to find much info. There is a master customer database and a call log database at work. The call log database has two tables that are updated from the master database monthly. Now I am writing this vb frontend for the call log database and cannot figure out the update portion

For p = 0 To maxrowsC (currently around 1000 rows)
With myCommand.Parameters
.AddWithValue("@HEATSeq", dsCallLog.Tables("ConfigDS").Rows(p).Item(0))


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Insert Date Into A Dataset From An Access Database?

Oct 27, 2011

Using VB2010, I am trying to insert a row into an Access 2010 database. The database has several tables, but right now, I'm just trying to insert a row into a standalone table in the database.

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Populating A Dataset From The Tables That Are In An Access Database?

May 7, 2010

I have a database that has tables in it. Tables can be added to this databse programatically as well as the data that needs to be in those tables.I need to be able to query that database to get what tables are in it, place the names of those tables into a listbox so that when a user clicks on the name of the table, It will update a DataGridview with the data that is in that table in the database.I assume that you would need to build a dataset at runtime based off of what tables are in the DB, but i have no idea how to do this.

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DATASET - Whenever Try To Access - Shows Error Of Invalid Password

Jun 5, 2011

I am having a small problem with dataset. problem defination is:

System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException was unhandled
Message="Not a valid password."
Source="Microsoft JET Database Engine"

And My connecting string is:

"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="D:Shop InventorydatabaseDATABASE.mdb";Persist Security Info=True;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=123456789"

WHERE the password I added is rightbut whenever I try to access is it shows error of Invalid Password;

I have coded it as:


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DB/Reporting :: Fill Access Database Table From Dataset?

Jun 5, 2011

I have 2 databases that I am working with. One is a compant customer database and the other is my personal call log. Now I am creating a front end for the Call Log. I was updating my customer list by Importing 2 tables from the customer database, a series of queries would erase all of my info, take all the data from the imported tables and move it into mine then erase the imported tables.

Im trying to accomplish the same in my VB frontend. I can connect and fill datasets from the customer database. I can erase my tables. How do I take all of this data from the newly created dataset and move it over to my empty tables?


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How To Pass A Parameter In A Dataset Created From An Access Database

Oct 19, 2010

I have created an application in which I have to make a report with ReportViewver from Microsoft.Everything ok until now. I have created the report and for this report I have created a dataset. This dataset contains data for every month in every year from 2010 to 2015. With this dataset I am populating a graphic but my problem is that I want to select the year and create graphic for one year.I do not know how to insert a parameter in the dataset. In sql is very easy by in Access is different and if I try to put something like ...' where year_column=@year_parameter' I receive an error.

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Reference Access Database DataSet Designer File In WPF?

Mar 22, 2009

I've included an MS Access database in my WPF VB app, and I'm trying to link the data to an XCEED Datagrid. I have the following code in my testerDataSet.Designer.vb file which I assume is the funcion I should be referencing

Public ReadOnly Property Contact() As ContactDataTable
Return Me.tableContact
End Get
End Property

I'm trying to get it to fill my datagirid using this
<xcdg:DataGridCollectionViewSource x:Key="cvs_contacts" Source="{Binding Path=Contact, *Source={x:Static testerDataSet}*}"/>
[Code] .....
What I'm trying to achieve is for the datagrid to display the data in the Contact datatable.

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VS 2008 Return Dataset From Access Stored Query

Feb 7, 2010

I am trying to call a SELECT query (with parameters) in Access from VB.Net 2008. I am able to call queries without parameters using the code below. The problems are (1) how to apply the parameters to procName and (2) how to get a dataset returned. I have looked around the net for hours and have found some examples. However, they are all for ms access action (update, delete, etc) queries using ExecuteNonQuery which does not return a dataset.


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Access Database - Text Boxes Binded To Table From Dataset ?

Feb 2, 2012

I have text boxes binded to table from dataset. I make changes, i save changes.. then I open database with access, i can see changes...everything is ok... Then I open application again, changes are there, everything is ok. Then I close application and go to smoke.. when I come back and open application , the new data is gone. what's happening? This is how i save changes:


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Access Or Update A Field In Underlying Dataset That Is Not Shown On A Form

May 11, 2012

I have a Windows Form application with a form that has an underlying data set. When the users click a particular button, the code clears some fields on the form but also is suppose to update a value in the underlying dataset on a field that is NOT displayed on the form.

In VB6 and VBA this is very easy to do. I simply says Forms!formname!NameOfUnderlyingFieldNotshown and pass it the value. How do I do this in with a Windows Form and underlying dataset?

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Access Query, Calculation Always Missing Start Date In Dataset?

Feb 15, 2011

I have an issue with calculating a total from my dataset. For some reason the number of plates produced on the StartDate is not being added to the TotalPlates in my program.Here is my query and calculation of total plates produced:

Dim Plates_Query As String = _
"SELECT *" & _
"FROM [PlateHistory_Query] WHERE (PlateDate) BETWEEN #Start# AND #End#"


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DB/Reporting :: Error While Passing Access Database Values Into Dataset

Sep 23, 2008

Trying to make a program that is able to read values from an access database and pass them into some data sets. Here is the code I have so far, with the error line between the two dotted lines:


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