Create A Program That Will Allow Multiple Office To Run The Same Software And Update Their Local Databases?

Jun 1, 2009

ive been asked to write a program to deal with supply chains (tracking commodities, personnel, etc). I want to create a program that will allow multiple office to run the same software and update their local databases as well as a central to best send the data/ recieve it, and store it so that all offices can see, edit, and store the data both locally, and over the internet.

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DB/Reporting :: Create Local Databases On The Light-side Of Things?

Jul 18, 2008

My boss wants me to create local databases on the light-side of things. I was researching on what solutions are available, we discussed the possibility of using text or xml files... but we dropped the idea since we want to use SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE command sets (or the like)I proposed the idea of using Access files (mdb) but he told me that he doesn't want the user to have Access installed on their computers.What are the choices avaible, am I forced to install Access on machines that would be using my VB .NET app to access mdb files?

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Local Databases In .Net

Feb 22, 2010

I am looking to add a local database file (.sdf) into my .Net Project, so i go right click on my project, click "Add" -> "New Item", select "Local Database" and rename it to what i want.I then click the "Add" button and get the following error."The data provider required to connect to the local data file could not be found. The file will be added to the project but the typed DataSet assosciated with the file will not be generated."I am using Visual Studio 2008 .Net Framework 3.5.

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VS 2008 : Make A Program That Works With Multiple Versions Of Microsoft Office?

Mar 3, 2010

What is the best way to make a program that works with multiple versions of Microsoft office? I own office 2007, so my program uses the office 2007 com objects. When I try to use my application with office 2003, I get errors related to the com objects. Does Microsoft have com objects that are compatible with multiple versions of office?

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Create A Program That Will Auto Update Another Program?

Mar 30, 2009

I want to create a program that will auto update another program i have created. I want (this program) to check for updates (from a txt file that i wil have in the first line the previous version and in the second line the present version) and if there will be a new version then start downloading and the progress bar will show the progress. How can i do this?

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Synchronise(update) Windows And Web Application Databases?

Sep 21, 2009

I am having an application in both windows and web domains.The web part of it have only limited features compared to it's windows counterpart.But for my case (an appointment fixing module which is done using both domains),I want both databases to update with the other database.

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Entities And Multiple Databases?

Sep 26, 2010

We've got the following scenario:

Central Database (replicated across multiple servers)
Client Database 1
Client Database 2

The Central db has Users and Roles amongst other things The Client dbs have similar tables to each other but with some fields tweaked - contact, address, At present, each client db has its own user/role information which is copied from the central db by a scheduled process. I want to retrieve the user/role information directly from the central db instead (bearing in mind tables in the client db make reference to the user entity)

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.net - Querying Values In Multiple Databases?

Oct 16, 2010

I'm using this function to return a value from multiple databases across three SQL instances (On the same server). I'm looping though a DataGridView that lists all the databases on one of the three SQL instances.Is there a faster way of doing this? It's quite slow using this method.

Function DatabaseStatus(ByVal SQLServer As String, ByVal Database As String)
Dim myConn As New SqlConnection("Server=" & SQLServer & ";User Id=USER;Password=PASSWORD;Database=" & Database & ";")
Dim Status As String = ""


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Best Way To Set Up Server That Could Hold Multiple Databases

Apr 5, 2010

connect my application to a remote sql server database, so every one who installs the application would be able to connect to the same remote database. the application would obviously require the internet to run.i also want the option to add more databases in the future, preferably one for each business who would use my software.i am wondering the best way to set up this server that could hold multiple databases. i would think i have two options:

1) set up the server myself on a dedicated computer

2) pay for some type of service that host sql server dataases

so how would i go about executing these options? i dont know the first thing. which option is better?i do however know how to connect to a remote database so thats not what i am asking.

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Multiple Databases Information Display?

Jul 7, 2011

I currently have an old database that has tables for requests and customers. This information is currently displayed in ASP.NET

What I was required to do, was to connect a new database for users into this system, while keeping the tables for the requests in the old database. Thus it is using 2 databases. I have set it up so, when a user creates a new request, in the request tables it saves it with his userID from the new database, but when the table is being displayed, it uses this new userID to find the user information from the old customers table. Thus I ended up with this:

Sub BindDataGrid()
cmdoledb = New SqlCommand("SELECT r.customerid, r.RequestID, R.RequestDate, R.RequestDescription, a.AssignedTo, r.Urgency, r.ExCompletionDate from tbl_requests r, tbl_assignedto a where r.statusid = 1 and r.assignedtoid=


Currently it displays nothing, and gives out an error for myItem.Value = rdr.GetInt32(0) being a Null. I went through it step by step and it loads customerids normaly into the myItem.Value, but when they run out, it is supposed to exit, but keeps going, thus giving an error.

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VS 2005 - Create A "post Office" Program That Will Send Html Emails Thru The Framework

Oct 19, 2009

I am a one man dev shop and need some outside opinions on how to approach this project.

I need to create a "post office" program that will send html emails thru the framework.

For each job submitted to the postoffice the app would need to read a user created html email string from the database, read a string of email addresses to send to and send out the emails based on a set processing time.

The first step would be to parse out the email addresses to find out how many emails it needs to send out and determine how many it would need to send per minute to complete the job in 20 minutes tops. I.e. if 1000 email addresses are submitted per job it would determine that it needs to send 50 emails per minute to complete the job.

The part I am stuck on is how I should queue the emails. If the app determines it needs to send 50 a minute should I only load up the first 50 on a timer event then get the next 50 queued up for the next timer tick? Or would it be better to load up all 1000 in a loop and build in some kind of wait time after it sends the first 50?

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.net - Nested Queries From Multiple Oracle Databases

Jul 21, 2011

In .NET, Is it possible to run a nested query from two separate Oracle databases?


Ultimately, this is an effort to overcome an "ORA-01795" error from using an "in" statement with over 1000 items in the conditional list, without having to break the query out into multiple "OR value IN" lists.

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Addding Multiple Databases (datasets) Into One VB Project

Jun 28, 2011

I have a dilemma. The program I"m trying to complete is one VB project with three (3) forms. The first form will act as a menu dialog box. The other two forms will have a dataset (database) on each form. The first form will have a button when clicked it will pull up form 2 and the second button when clicked will bring up form 3. What I add the dataset to form 2 everything is fine. I can see my tableadapter, dataset and so on. Now, when I add the second dataset (database) to form 3, I loose my, dataset and so on. It doesn't appear on any of the two forms (in designer)tableadapter.

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Finding A Record Across Multiple Access Databases?

May 3, 2010

At my company, product is boxed and then placed on a scale/label printer set up in order to be weighed and labeled. The application running on the PC also records a record of each box in an MS Access Database which is then transferred to the main server. There is a separate access database for each scale PC and currently the only way our shipping department can print out a manifest for each pallet (which contains a list of all the boxes and their weights) is to open the correct access database and print out the report by entering the pallet number. Since there are six printer scales and the shipping person has no idea which scale it will be on just by looking at the number, she has to find the correct database through trial-and-error.

What I've been asked to do is create an application where she can simply type in the pallet number, and it will search each individual database for the number, then open the correct one where she can then print out the report without having to guess where it is. I've already figured out how to make the application open the database and report, but I don't know how to make it find which database the pallet record is contained in.Basically I want it to search a number of databases for a particular number in a field, and the return a value when it finds it of which database it is so that I can plug that in later. I have no idea how to do this and my searches online have proven fruitless.

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Create A Multiple Line String In Program?

Jan 15, 2011

Is it possible to create a multiple line string in

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Create Multiple Threads To Improve A Function On Program

Sep 7, 2011

i need to create multiple threads to improve a function on my program. it is a simple thing really but it's slow and if multithreaded it can improve the speed some thousand times. my program uses a dll to check the MX record of an e-mail from a textbox called emails if the mx record is correct then it validates that domain, if not, it sends to an error textbox with that mail my problem is that im reading a lot on multithreading and i dont have an idea how to make something like this: for x=0 to emails.lines.count -1' start a thread that runs my function next if i can limit the number of threads to avoid crashing it would be good.

View 5 Replies - Utilize Multiple Databases In An Entity Framework Solution Simultaneously?

May 31, 2011

I have two unrelated databases and I need to pass data back and forth between them. Right now I have created two separate entity models - one for each database - but this is causing issues in my code b/c I have to do a Using nameofcontext / End Using and when I try to then use some of the results from the first section of the code in a second Using nameofcontext / End Using it doesn't like it - b/c I've closed the connection to the first database!

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Create Access Databases Programmatically?

Jun 7, 2010

I need to make an application that from a master database creates a number of access database files (tables of a larger db), then these are manually given to users who fill in data, the database files are emailed back to a user who, through the application, combines them again.The only part of this that I am unsure about is problematically creating the access db's. I have read that through Microsoft Jet OLE DB Provider and Microsoft ADO Ext I can create them (the tables and data), but I also need forms.

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Create Command Link Buttons (with Multiple Lines Of Text) In Program?

May 6, 2012

I know how to use the default buttons item, but is there any way to achieve the style of multiline buttons (or maybe rather, "clickable text"?) like shown below?

The situation is that I have an interface for the user to select what kind of file he wishes to establish, and there has to be a brief description under the larger, main line of text.

I'm only planning to run this on Windows 7, so I don't need to worry about backwards compatibility with older versions of Windows

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Create A Program Which Will Allow Users To Select Multiple Files From A List And Then Burn Them All To A Playable DVD?

Oct 24, 2011

I am trying to create a program which will allow users to select multiple files from a list and then burn them all to a playable DVD. It would be wonderful if i could setup a custom menu programatically as well. I have seen some documentation on Imapi 2.0 but i have not been able to find too much suppoert for it. I have also found a few SDK's out there but most are over $1000 which just isnt in the budget.

1) Is there a library included in windows 7 that will allow me to do this.

2) Is there an inexpensive or open source sdk with good documentation out there to do this with

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Create A Class Or Module To Easily Connect To One Of Many Databases?

Jun 11, 2012

Basically, we have three databases to grab data from. One is a SQL Server database, one is an Access database (which is particularly annoying to connect to because we have to map a network drive and such), and the final one will be an Oracle database when IT finally gives us rights.I'm thinking about creating a helper function that makes querying any one of these databases as easy as possible. I want to create a two-dimensional array

Dim myEasyResultArray(10,10) as String
myEasyResultArray = DatabaseHelper("Access", "SELECT * FROM Employee")

Is this a good design decision? Also, how can I have the array be the right size? Can I just do this?

Dim myEasyResultArray = DatabaseHelper("Access", "SELECT * FROM Employee")

Should this be a module or a class? I don't really need to share variables?

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Connect And Query Between Two Sql Databases In Program?

Nov 18, 2010

I am trying to do a simple query of selecting an ID number from one table and matching it with the ID number in the other table, however the catch is the two tables are stored on two different sql databases.[code]...

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Rename Tables In SQL Databases With Program?

Oct 26, 2011

I am looking for the proper code format to rename a table of an SQL file within[code]...

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VB Databases - Backup The Data Stored In A Program?

Sep 29, 2010

I developed a program using Vb.Net that is data based enabled, it has a field for serial number etc. its working fine but the serial number failed to update when a record is deleted, its always keeps tracks of its formal numbering, even when the program is restarted, unless reinstalled.How do i also backup the data stored in such program.

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Directoryservices Update Local User?

Aug 7, 2011

does anyonne have a sample on how to update a local users account using directoryservices. (Winnt://)

need to update the following:


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Make Update For Program That 'user' Can Update App Without Re-installing Whole Program?

Aug 7, 2009

Is there a way to make an update for your program that the 'user' can update the app without re installing the whole program?

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Update Local Tables From Remote Server?

Apr 19, 2010

I have an off-line project. User uses a laptop to input data off line into local SQL server express. Once connected to domain (on line), local data will sync with remote SQL server using sync framework. (It is done, works fine)One job left:Since another user used another program to update some tables in remote SQL server, such as CUSTOMER, SHIPINFO, my off-line program need to update these new data once connect to domain.Here is what I design in Pseudo (take CUSTOMER as example)

1) In remote SQL server, create a store procedure (sp_customer) to select all CUSTOMERS

2) In application, create a dataset (dst_customer) based on sp_customer

3) Insert all customers data which is in remote SQL server but not in local SQL server based on CUSTOMER_ID

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VS 2008 Local Access Database (.mdb) Add, Delete And Update

May 23, 2011

I will be displaying most of my data in a Listview, One I found that works with how I want it starts like this:

Dim Connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim DataAdapter_ As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim DataSet_ As New DataSet


The Add, Update and Delete on the tutorial didn't seem to work any chance

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Office Automation :: Excel And VB08 Read And Update?

Jun 17, 2009

I am trying to create a program which loads a Excel file (03) with various worksheets, and the user can update them.I think it should use the Tab system on vb (08 express) and have each worksheet on each tab.On the tab, it should list the first 8 cells.

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Office Automation :: Automatically Update Job Status After 3D Printer Finished Job?

Mar 27, 2012

Company's software: MS Access User Interface and SQL Server backend. Visual Studio VB Express Edition.

I received an assignment to automatically update the job status in a drop down list from "In Progress" to "Finished" after the 3D printer has printed succesfully and "Crashed" if not successfully.

I was thinking to do the following:

New project/Class library/the code:
Public Class Class1
Private Sub PRINT_JOB_Click()
Dim myjob As Job


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