Extract A File From The 'Resources' Area?

Jun 4, 2012

Im wanting my program to extract a file from the 'Resources' area in the program and put it in the 'C:Program Files (x86)FolderFolderFolderFolderFolder',

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Extract .ico From Resources?

May 7, 2009

All I am trying to extract a .ico from My.Resources folder to C:windows in visual basic 2008 express edition

i have try a few codes like system.io.WRITEALLBITES and so on but none seem to work

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Extract Resources To Folder (VB 2008)?

Dec 1, 2009

I've been trying codes like:

My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(My.Resources.File, "C:\b.jpeg")

I've tried declaring the file

Dim Targetfile as String
Targetfile = My.Resources.File

and i get an error because Resources' can't be converted to string...

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Extract En-US From This String "C:\bin\x86\Debug\resource.en-US.resources"?

Dec 16, 2010

are 2 strings for which the CultureID's 'en-US' &


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Set The Viewable Area To A Smaller Screen Area?

Jun 11, 2012

Trying to set the viewable area to a smaller screen area and have it cycle through as the person moves using collision detection to move the backgroudn image. Here is the start but its off to a bad start so far.

Public Class Form1
Dim Mapx As Integer = 600
Dim Mapy As Integer = 2000


Basically the forum size is set to 600x2000 but the client should only allow you to view 600x600. I want it to add +1 once you "collide with a invisable box I'll add and this will redraw the screen.

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Specify Actual Usable Form Area Instead Of Outside Area?

May 12, 2010

I designed a form and managed to fit graphics inside it. Picture box is 465 pixels high. Form1 is 500 pixels high. SnapShot of the screen verifies that the 500 pixel height is the overal height. It includes the upper Bar and lower frame. Is there an instruction to set the From's inner pixel size and not overal?

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Cannot Change The Value Of Text Area Using Code Behind File?

Feb 16, 2011

I want a multi line textarea using VB.net.I have used textarea in html before but I have never used it in VB.net I tried:

<text area id="TA" cols="100" rows="20"></textarea>

I introduced space between text area only coz I cud not write it other wise in this forum.. in my code there is no space. But I cannot change the value of textare using my code behind file.

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Opening File Stored On Shared Area?

Jan 12, 2011

I'm working on a web application that stores some Office document (and any other kind of doc) on a remote shared area. I need to allow user to view the files available on shared area using my web application, how can I do that? Some years ago I solved this issue with Java / JSP opening into an output streaming the file, how can I do the same with ASP.NET and VB.NET?

This is how I organized my application:
C:Webapp -> Webapplication
emoteserversharedfolder -> shared area

The owner of IIS process is the only user that can write / read the shared area.

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Saving A File Into The End Users, User Area?

Jun 11, 2011

If I create a save a text file, how do I get my application to save it into the end users directory?

Ive current got this which saves into my user area.
file = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter("C:Users#####FruitFruit.txt", False)

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Strip Out HTML From The File When It Has Opened In My Text Area?

Mar 3, 2010

The projects program is designed to open files output by another program, allow the user to edit the files content, then send the file to a specific bookmark within a word template. Unfortunately most of the output files by the 'other program' are html format.Question Is there a way to strip out HTML from the file when it has opened in my text area within the program? I found one or two online guides but haven't managed to get them working.

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Create A Folder And Dropping A File In It, With Area To Detect Input

Dec 25, 2010

Make a folder, based on an input file - example :

You have a file named Movie1.avi on your desktop, u open up the program (that I want to make) and then simply drag drop that file into a box area, and then the program will create a folder, with the same name as the input file, but without the extension (folder name Movie1) and then automatically put that file into the folder it just created.

The new folder will be created in the same dir as the input file.

Multiple file support - is NOT needed.

I know how it will be done, but I don't know the code..

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Parse Some Text To Extract The Name/path Of An Image File Inside An X File?

May 9, 2009

I need to parse some text to extract the name/path of an image file inside an X file. The part of the file looks something like this:

TextureFilename {


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File Path, As A String, Of A File In The Application's Resources?

Sep 15, 2011

The reason I ask is that I want to print, at run-time, a file in the application's resources, like this:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim printProcess As New Process
printProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "C:UsersGeoffrey van WykDocumentsCountdown_Timer_Help.rtf"
' printProcess.StartInfo.FileName = My.Resources.Countdown_Timer_Help
printProcess.StartInfo.Verb = "Print"
End Sub

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Move File From File System To Application Resources

Oct 21, 2009

I want to know if it's possible to move a file from the file system into my applications resources.And if so, how?

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What Is The File Path As A String Of A File In The Application's Resources

Jan 23, 2010

The reason I ask is that I want to print, at run-time, a file in the application's resources, like this:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim printProcess As New Process
printProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True


When I use "C:UsersGeoffrey van WykDocumentsCountdown_Timer_Help.rtf" as the argument of FileName, it works. But when I use My.Resources.Countdown_Timer_Help, it says it cannot find the file.

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File I/O And Registry :: Find/Extract String From A Text File?

Jun 7, 2011

I've got an application that passes commands to a terminal window and saves all the output to a text file Here is one of the commands my application passes to the terminal

MyProcess.StandardInput.WriteLine("host " + device)

The output of which is

"HostA has address Y.Y.Y.Y"

this along with a whole bunch of other text is saved to a text file...my question is how do I find the sting "HostA has address Y.Y.Y.Y" in that text file and then extract the IP address and assign it as a string variable?

View 12 Replies

Parse A Text File And Extract The Data To Excel File?

Jun 23, 2010

How can I parse a text file and extract the data to excel file. The text file is in the following format

Tim Alen
596 George Town


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Unable To Debug Project - Warning    1    Could Not Find Type 'WindowsApplication1.My.Resources.Resources, Time Table'?

Feb 28, 2009

i'm unable to debug my project that i made. i save it and everything, but it just won't playit says Warning 1 Could not find type 'WindowsApplication1.My.Resources.Resources, Time table'. Please make sure that the assembly that contains this type is referenced. If this type is a part of your development project, make sure that the project has been successfully built. C:SchoolIPTTime table, using 2 loopsTime table, using 2 loopsForm1.Designer.vb 123 0 now when i open it up and try to debug it , it comes up with an error, i even try referencing it but it does nothing ,

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Extract Data From File And Place Into New Formatted File?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a insanely large file that has a lot of customer data in XML format. The start of a customer and end are how I'll determine the starting and ending points of the customer data I need to extract. The is the number I'll be searching for. I'll input a regular text file with 12-byte document numbers into the file (Doc Number List.txt), search the massive XML file (example.xml) for those document numbers, find the data before and after the DOC_NUM tags, but within the CUSTOMER tags and extract it to a formated file. The formated file needs to have these tags, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

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Add A File From Resources To Temp File Location?

May 12, 2009

ok im tryin to run an embedded .exe in my app but i seem to be having a issue with my code can someone have a look

Private Sub ButtonX1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonX1.Click
Dim size As Long = My.Resources.Myprogram.Length - 1


my error is ' Read ' is not a member of 'system Array'. i have change the program name to Myprogram i have added myprogram.exe and then the 'exe' is not a member of 'system array'

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ADD File To My.Resources?

Apr 10, 2010

dose any one know how to add a file say file = C:mypicpic.jpg to my.Resources at run time sometime like my.Resources.add(file)

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How To Use File From Resources

Dec 20, 2009

I was wondering how to use file from resource when I have something like this:
Shell("cmd.exe /k echo [filefromresource])

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Use Pdf File From Resources?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a PDF which i want to open when user clicks a buttonI know how to open a file from drive location but how to open PDF from my.resources so that it can be deployed with the application

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Use Resources File Like VB 6.0?

Jan 2, 2008

how to use Resources file in VB.net like VB 6.0

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Extract Data From File And Then Append It To Another File

Jun 22, 2010

I have a file that contain data structure as below:



so how can i extract 1 and -18970.811,53728.643 and export it into a new output file with new structured as below: C 1 -18970.811 53728.643 For your information, the value for -18970.811,53728.643 will be placed after string K,1,P or K,2,P or any number between K and P...

One more thing is i want to append that new formatted data into old ready file that already contain old data... new formatted data will be append to the top of the old file..

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Access .exe File In Resources?

Nov 15, 2011

I have an encrypted program in my resources in a project I'm working on and I need to access that file like this. Dim fs As New FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Open)

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Compiled File Resources?

Jun 15, 2009

For the last two days or so, I've been trying to get a program to compile another program that will extract a series of files and run them in a given order, like a self extracting zip archive.The program compiles fine and compiles sub programs, but I am unable to go about correctly embedding the resources.The output program shows the large amount of data ( ~12mb from the file I've been embedding to test ), and there are no compile errors.However, I cannot get it to access the resources correctly. It will either result in a compile error about the resource image not being valid / containing any resources, or a friendly "System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException" being thrown.

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Copy File From Resources To A PC?

Oct 12, 2010

How can I put in the resource files are copied to a PC?

I use Visual Basic 2010 (. NET Framework 4)

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Copy File From Resources?

Feb 25, 2012

I want to copy my Startup.wav file from the programs resources, but i don't know how to do it.I have tried: system.IO.File.Copy(My.resources.Startup, "C:windowsmediaStartup.wav", true) But it doesn't work. I've spent some time searching the web, but found no usefull awnsers to my problem. Maybe i'm not searching for the right things..

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How To Open A File From The Resources

Sep 20, 2010

how to open a file from the Resources in vb.net i added it i just want to run it (word doc)

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