Force A Connection String To User Scope?

Sep 1, 2009

I've tried searching and haven't found much useful information on this, I know it has to be possible, but I'm not sure how. I've got an application that bi-directionally syncs with an SQL express 2008 server. right now, I've got a hardcoded sa user in my conection string, however one feature that was asked for was to audit every change made by end users into the database. To implement this, I've created a user login and password for each user that is going to use my app (8 of them) on my sql server, however I now need to change the connection string to include each users name in the string. This is what I've got setup so far:


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Psss A User Into SQL Connection String?

Sep 1, 2009

I've tried searching and haven't found much useful information on this, I know it has to be possible, but I'm not sure how.

I've got an application that bi-directionally syncs with an SQL express 2008 server. right now, I've got a hardcoded sa user in my conection string, however one feature that was asked for was to audit every change made by end users into the database. To implement this, I've created a user login and password for each user that is going to use my app (8 of them) on my sql server, however I now need to change the connection string to include each users name in the string. [cdod]e...

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VS 2008 - How To Get OLEDB Connection String To User Folder

Jul 17, 2009

I have a script that checks a version table from one mdb (server) and compares it to the same table in another mdb (user folder), if the version number is mismatched it needs to replace that file from the server, to the user folder. The problem is, how to get the OLEDB connection to the user folder since, the folder destination is
E:Configurator & UserName & Detail2004.mdb
How to set this up?

Here is my code:
Dim UserName As String = Environment.UserName.Substring(Environment.UserName.LastIndexOf("") + 1)
Dim connectionString2 As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=C:Configurator" & UserName & "Detail2004.mdb"
Dim con2 As New Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(connectionString2)
Dim cmd2 As Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand

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Assign A My.Settings.Item Connection String To Cmd.Connection Connection String Value?

Aug 25, 2009

How do I assign a My.Settings.Item connection string to cmd.Connection connection string value?

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand()
cmd.Connection = My.Settings.Item("csStaffHoursWorked")
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.CommandText = "spSaveDeltekImport"

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App Not Load User Scope Settings When In Starts By Registry Run Key?

Aug 17, 2010

Why does my app not load the saved user scope my.settings when it starts by way of the registry run key? This key starts programs after the user login, per microsoft. So why does it not load the saved user settings? The program does start up, but all the areas on the form where saved user scope settings should be, are the default values (mostly empty strings). (The user scope settings are there if I start my program by the desktop shortcut

I've looked, searched, posted to other forums, but can't seem to find an answer.

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Change The Scope Of A Designer-Created WPF User Control From Public To Friend?

Nov 27, 2010

I'm using VB.Net. I have a WPF User Control called "NavigationPanel" which I created with the Designer. By default, its scope is Public. When I change its scope to Friend in the file NavigationPanel.xaml.vb, I recieve the following error:


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Change The Connection String (server Ip, User And Password) Of A MySql Data Source In Visual Basic 2010?

Jun 1, 2012

I have a project where I added visually and successfully a datasource of MySql. I binded a datagridview with a table.

But, how do I change programatically the password, ip or user to connect with the MySql server? Because it can change at any time, so I can let the user change these values.

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The Connection String Could Not Be Found Or Data Provider Associated With The Connection String Could Not Be Loaded

Mar 11, 2010

I got this Error Message while I try to preview the records in Dataset Designer:"The connection string could not be found or Data provider associated with the connection string could not be loaded"

Here is my dataset.xsd code

<Connection AppSettingsObjectName="MySettings" AppSettingsPropertyName="loginConnectionString1" IsAppSettingsProperty="true" Modifier="Assembly" Name="loginConnectionString1 (MySettings)"


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Force User To Use The Topmost Form

Dec 10, 2011

I'm programming a Minesweeper clone in Visual Studio 2010, with VB.NET, as a Windows Form Application, and I'm having trouble with the Game Won and Game Lost forms. When I show those forms, I want the game form to still be visible, so that the player can see where the mines were, but I don't want the game form to be enabled until the Game Won or Game Lost form is closed. Exactly like Windows Minesweeper does when you win or lose.


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VS 2005 : Force User To Input Value?

Oct 26, 2010

creating code to force user at runtime to place values in textboxes. This is what I have so far. I want to be able to force the user to have to place a value in the empty textbox and change the backcolor of the textbox back to default color after a value is placed.

Public Sub Subjectvalues()
Dim SubjectValues As TextBox() = {Me.subj_ba_txt, Me.subj_bed_txt, Me.subj_dom_txt, Me.subj_gla_txt, Me.subj_levels_txt, Me.subj_lotsize_txt, Me.subj_lp_txt, Me.subj_orglp_txt}
Dim tb As TextBox


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Force User To Close Window Before Proceeding?

May 9, 2012

this maybe an easy one for mos of you! I have a windows that is displayed as full screenThe window contains a series of images (movie posters) and the name below it. When you user clicks on a movie poster a new window appears (smaller window) in the middle of the screen.I want to force the user to close close on the small window before procedding. Currently if the user clicks outside the small window the full screen window comes to the front thus hiding the smaller window.

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Force User To Input Number Not Letters

Jun 29, 2010

I'm attempting to learn VB in college. My first project is to create a program in Small Basic and then write it in Visual Basic. I'm looking for the equivalent of TextWindow.ReadNumber() from Small Basic in Visual Basic. I want to force the user to input a number not letters. I'm writing this program for the Console. Is this possible? During my testing I entered a word instead of numbers and the program crashed.

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Force User To Make Combobox Selection?

Jun 30, 2011

I'd like to force a user to make a selection from a combobox.I've tried to test it by Combobox.SelectedText = String.empty as well as another version similar to this but a little different.When I test it, it will tell me that it is still unselected/blank even when I selected something.

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Create A Small Application That Will Force User To Enter An Even Number?

Oct 5, 2011

I need to create a small application that will force a user to enter an even number but i MUST use a loop. Here's what i've come up with:


Dim bynombrepair As Byte
bynombrepair = InputBox("Entrez un nombre pair")
If bynombrepair Mod 2 = 0 Then


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Force A User To Log Back Into To An Application If No Activity Is Detected For X Minutes?

Apr 22, 2010

I would like to try and implement a feature wherby once you have logged into an application (straightforward winforms application) and had your credetials verified the application would then force you to log on again if no activity had been detected in the application for a certain number of minutes. In essence I want to provide some extra security for those occasions when users get up and wander away from their machines for prolonged periods.

I have all the logic for logging into the application, it's just the checking for no activity over a given period and then forcing the user to log back in again that I'm not having much luck with.

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Text Box Formatting - Force User To Use Specific Type Of Input

Dec 16, 2009

I have a text box labled QTY, which feeds the QTY column on a datatable. the table then is ran through a function that takes the data and converts it to a string which my production machine can read. My problem is this, and its probably really simple (these problems usually are) how to i force the user to use a specific type of input on the txtbox so they would have to put the QTY in the format of 01 02 03 etc etc, i have it set to default to 00 but i want to force the user to haver to input 2 chars.

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Trap Mouse In Form - Force The User To Pick One Of These Buttons?

Jun 26, 2009

I want to create a simple form with 2 buttons, one to end the program and one to log the user off, I have done this successfully and have everything looking and working as it should. However, I want to force the user to pick one of these buttons before using the machine, my idea was to trap the mouse in the form so the only thing the user can do is select a button. My question is how can I do this?

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Force String To ASCII?

Aug 23, 2011

I am having a bit of trouble converting a single stored in a string as four hex values. I believe my problem stems from some Unicode hex values not matching the corresponding ASCII hex value above 0x7F (127). For example, I have the following single stored in a string; "518.42" or 0x44019AE1. The char that would contain 0x9A if the data type were ASCII contains U+0161 which will not convert properly to a byte array. My question is: Is there any way to force a string to be of ASCII rather than Unicode? Or maybe there are other recommendations? For reference I have tried both of the following. The first throws a format exception and the second converts to the wrong single.

Private Function ConvertHexToSingle(ByVal hexValue As String) As Single
Dim iInputIndex As Integer = 0
Dim iOutputIndex As Integer = 0


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User-Scope Settings When A .NET Assembly Is "Referenced"?

Apr 9, 2009

I have a stand-alone WinForms application, let's call it "Program A." Program A let's a user create a file and save some information to it. Program A also exposes some public classes.Another stand-alone WinForms application ("Program B") references Program A, and uses some of its public classes.

However, some of Program A's classes need to open the file the user created in order to retrieve data from it. In Program A, the location of the user's file is saved in the "Settings" (as user-scope settings of course) and are retrieved (this is a VB.NET app) via My.Settings.

This is all well and good until Program B runs - when it runs and uses the classes from Program A that need to read from Program A's My.Settings, the settings are blank - it's as if they were reset (as when you run Program A for the first time or under a new user account). Any application-scope settings are kept, but any user-scope settings are reset to their default values (whatever they were set to in the IDE when Program A was written).


Assume that the user has already run Program A at least once and opened a file, so Program A's My.Settings.UserFileName should be set.

When Program B calls Foo.GetStuff(), it doesn't return anything because My.Settings.UserFileName doesn't contain the user's file name - more accurately, it contains whatever the "default" value for that setting was (as set in the IDE when you set up the setting in the first place). But, if you turn around and launch Program A, it remembers the user's setting for UserFileName.

So - the question is: When calling a function in a referenced assembly, why are the user's settings not retained? Is there an explanation for the behavior I'm seeing, or am I missing something terribly obvious? Or perhaps I'm just going about this all wrong, and I shouldn't have made any of the public classes in Program A rely on anything in My.Settings in the first place?

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VS 2005 Force String To Be A Certain Length

Oct 12, 2009

In VB6 if you do this,

keyStr = Left$(baseKey + encPassword, 56)

the string will be 56 characters even if it means appending whitespaces to the end.


keyStr = Left$(baseKey + encPassword, 56)

will not necessarily be 56 characters. How can I force it to append whitespaces at the end if the baseKey + encPassword is less than 56 characters long?

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Display Connection Properties Dialog For Connection String Browsing(for Database) In Run Time?

Feb 5, 2010

Is there a way to display the connection properties dialog for connection string browsing(for database) in run time?

As I want the user to be able to connect to various database using the GUI.

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Force User To Select Minimum Two Check Boxes In Each Section In Gtrid View?

Jul 28, 2010

I have to select checkboxes besed on group column values. If you see below gridview, column 3 (GroupNo) has 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2....etc (this column data is not static, will change based on page index. i.e PageIndex =2 may starts with 7,7,7,8,8,8,8,8,9,9,9 etc).In every sectio/Group User must and should select minimun 2 check boxes. so If user select only one check box we need to show a pop up message as " Please select One more check box in that particular section" If User skips the message and move to next section we have to show the same message. We have to force the user to select more than one checkbox in the same section. Mainly our intention is the check boxes whatever user selected in each section/Group belongs to one Category.

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Winforms - .net Connection Entity Framework Connection String Security?

Sep 3, 2011

I understand the possibilities for encrypting a connection string in .net v4. I have a win forms application that will be used by multiple people on different machines. I understand that I need to protect the connection string at time of the app being first run on the target machine. However I am concerned that for a period of time my connection string will be unencrypted. I am looking for advice in how to deploy my app with the connection string already encrypted or encrypted during installation. encrypting the connection string in a secure way?

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Invalid Connection String When Modifying Tableadapter Connection?

Jan 19, 2011

I'm developing an app in (visual studio 2008). I have a Teradata back-end that will be supporting multiple users in a production environment. I need to use variables in the connection string as the user/pass will be changed every 3 months.

For the gist of the application:

In it's most basic form - I have a search form which works correctly - it pulls results into a listbox and the user then double clicks the list box which will then open a form that is bound via table adapter to the back-end table (Teradata). My connection string is fine everywhere in the application. My problem is using a modified connection string for the "fill" function of the table adapter once the form is opened.

I'm using the code below for the on-load event and keep getting an "invalid connection string" - again, the connection string works fine everywhere else in the app, and the variables etc... are working correctly.

Private Sub adaptertest_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim DBConnStr As String = "Provider=TDOLEDB;Data Source=TDDEV;Persist Security


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Mdb Connection - Transfer File Path In Our Connection String

Aug 26, 2009

I'm facing a problem after installation any software setup that has a database in access(mdb file) How to I transfer file path in our connection string.

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Creating Excel File - Force As String Type?

Feb 12, 2010

I have a app that I create an excel file with from sql data. It creates it fine but for cells that have a social security number, it makes that cell numeric and removes the leading zeros. Does anyone know how to force this cell as a string when adding it to the worksheet? Is there a property or method I can call to do this in my vb app?

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.net - Application Settings Scope - User Vs Application?

Apr 13, 2012

If I create a user level application setting and bind it to a text box on a form, then type something in the textbox, the value is automatically saved and when the application is launched again the value appears in the textbox. This doesn't happen when I scope the setting as application.

Why are application scoped settings not saved automatically like user scoped settings are?

If this is by design, how can I manually save these settings and load them at runtime?

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Error Login Failed For User ''. The User Is Not Associated With A Trusted Sql Server Connection

Oct 2, 2008

Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection("Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;uid=;pwd=;database=ContactManager")

Above is my connection string, The programs runs up until sqlConn.Open() and then i get the same error, using no UID and Pass, or using a uid and pass.

Login Failed For User ''. The user is not associated with a trusted sql server connection

I have the SQL Servers authentication se to Windows Authentication and SQL Authentication. I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005.

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Login Failed For User ' '. The User Is Not Associated With A Trusted SQL Server Connection

Jul 29, 2011

i am having a console application. I am trying to connect to a sql server.

my connection string: Data Source=<Some server>;Initial Catalog=<some database>;Trusted_Connection=True.

when i am executing on my local machine it runs successfully. But when i am trying to run it on a server it is giving me the following error:

Login failed for user ' '. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

do i have to change my connection string? if so what it should be?

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VS 2008 (TcpClient) User/User Connection Circular Reference?

Aug 22, 2010

I have multiple TcpClient connections to my program. The connections exist as instances of a UserConnection class, that fires events on logon attempt and when receiving messages. My program also holds a Users object, which is a list of a User class objects, holding saved data (username, password etc) for each user that is allowed to log in.

It seems convenient to put a reference object of the respective user, in the UserConnection class (when successful login is verified). Hence, when an event is raised by the connection, the connection object will hold the user reference. As any event handler logic will need to know which user is responsible for the event.

If I don't make a user reference in the UserConnection class, then I need to loop through the users (less than 20) each time, to find the correct user. Not a big deal maybe, but i'm looking to understand how it would be done by an experienced programmer.

When data needs to be sent to a user, I need to access a UserConnection object. Hence the User class also holds a reference to the UserConnection class.

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