Get The Index Number Of "test" Word?

Sep 6, 2009

I want to get the index number of "test" word. This codes only get a char's index number.I want to find "text" and it's first char "t" index number.How can I get the index number of a word like "test". Do you have an opinion?


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Use An Array With Index Number To Insert The Text But Index Was Out Of Range?

Apr 30, 2012

Trying to input a high setpoint, low setpoint, a % load, and number of compressors, then calculate the temp that all compressors are off. Then build a datagridview with the staging of compressors from all off to all on for each compressor up to 10 compressors.I am trying to insert headers from 1 to 10 compressors (Variable) with the text "Comp1", "Comp2", etc....Two rows with header. I am trying to use an array with index number to insert the text, but that is where my problem happens."Index was out of range".Here is my code

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim i As Integer, num1, num2, num3, num4, alloff As Single, stg As Single

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Get A Text Box To Show The Word The Same Number Of Time As The Number Selected Using Loops?

Nov 2, 2011

In VB if you prompt the user for a number between 1-20, then a word, how do you get a text box to show the word the same number of time as the number selected using loops?... Ex: please select a number: 4 / select a word: cat....the text box should display ::: catcatcatcat ........

I am doing this for a class and my brain has locked up. Prob. just over thinking it though. Thanks in advance for any help!

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SHA512 Encryption - Encrypt The Word 'test' And Get Encrypted Hash

Jun 11, 2011

so I'm creating a program that creates a SHA512 hash. I have a problem though. I try to encrypt the word 'test' and I get this encrypted hash as:


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How To Get Index Of Word In Textbox

May 20, 2011

I added a textbox and a button to my form. In the textbox I've wrote "Hello my name is eddy and I'm 17" so when I click the button , I got the textbox length .

My code button on click is :
textbox1.text = "hello my name is eddy and I'm 17"
msgbox(textbox1.length) ----> the length is 32

Now my question is how to get the index of the word "eddy" in the textbox and as you see all the text written in the textbox has the length of 32 and the number 7 which is the last letter in the textbox has the index of 32. So how do I get the index of the word "eddy" in the textbox.

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How To Check The Inserted Test In A Text Box Is Number?

Oct 4, 2011

How to check the inserted test in a textbox is number?

In vb windows phone application.

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Test The Program I Put Any Number From 1 To 16 And I Get My Own Error Message?

Mar 2, 2012

[code]...Basically, I'm trying to make it so when you type a number between 1 and 16, it runs it through the equation and displays a result in a label. This event happens after you press a "yes" button.The problem is when I test the program I put any number from 1 to 16 and I get my own error message, specifically the <1 error. It doesn't make since because I type in numbers that are greater than 1...

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String Handling - Put Letter Of Word In Different Index

Apr 2, 2009

with the code i made till now found below i'm putting a word in txtEnterMsg and this goes into position 5 of the letters i have in txtLetters. How can i put each letter of the word i write in txtEnterMsg in a different word is 'hello' put 'h' at index 5,'e' at index 13.

View 8 Replies

Same Random Number Generated When Run In Test Fixture Setup?

Feb 26, 2009

I am trying to generate a random number during testing using NUnit, but it keeps generating the same number. I am using the following function for this purpose.

dim dCount As Integer = Math.Floor((High - Low + 1) * Rnd() + Low)
dim divName As String = "abc" & dCount

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DB/Reporting :: Test A Number Of Stored Procedures Through SQL Server Query Analyzer?

Mar 17, 2008

I am trying to test a number of stored procedures through SQL Server Query Analyzer. But am stuck when I try to test stored procedures that contain Output parameters.

DECLARE @Counterbigint
DECLARE @GUIDuniqueidentifier
exec usp_tbl_User_Add @Counter, @GUID, 'UserName', 'First Name','Surname',


When I put the Select statement though in the 'usp_tbl_User_Add' stored procedure in works fine and gives me the correct values.

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Index Number In 'for Each'

Feb 25, 2010

Sometime in i have something like:[code]But if i need the index number, i have to change it to [code]Is there another way of getting the index?

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Create A Program Which Promps The User To Enter An Unlimited Number Of Test Scores

Jul 7, 2011

Create a program which promps the user to enter an unlimited number of test scores. The program should show the high score and the low score. You should use a loop of your choice within this program. The program should look similar to the one below:

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Get The Index Number Of A Brand New Row?

May 8, 2009

I need to find out how I can get the index number of a brand new row I just saved.
The table is set up with primary field as Identity (It auto generates the number
in column(0)- "DoorID")

dim ds as dataset = DoorsData
dim dt as datatable = ds.Tables("Door")
dim dr as datarow = row
dr.item(1) = txtDoorNumber.text


What is the primary key value of the row I just added? I have another table with Col(1) as "DoorID" and Col(2) as "KeyID" I need to know what the ID numbers are so I can fill this table next.

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Returning Index Value Not Row Number?

Mar 30, 2011

I have having problems with the code listed below. I'm trying to re-call the name of a product from a table when I know the productID which is the primary key but i'm getting court up as the primary keys do not match thier row numbers e.g. product with an id of 10 may be on row 2 so when I run my program i get the product name of the product on row 10 not on row 2. The database I'm using is microsoft trial database NorthWind. The rest of the code calculates the number, value and sum of the order.

i, j, k As


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Add An Item In A Listview By Index Number?

Mar 28, 2011

i am trying to find a way to add something to one of the columns in my listview. The way my code is setup is like this:

While dr.Read()
If dr.IsDBNull(12) Then
objItem = lstMaster.Items.Add("nothing")


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Extract Index Number From Column Name In DataGridView

Apr 20, 2009

I am trying to sort a column in DGV as follows:
DataGridView8.Sort(DataGridView8.Columns(0), ListSortDirection.Ascending)
However, I want to use the name of the column and extract the index number in the first parameter of the Sort method. However this fails:
DataGridView8.Sort(DataGridView8.Columns("Date").Index, ListSortDirection.Ascending)

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Find The Index Number Of Child Node?

May 31, 2012

Is there any way to find the index number of Child above shown example is it possible to find Node index of -Node32

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Get The Index Number Of The Selected Listview Item?

Jan 31, 2011

I have set my listview multiSelect = false, view = details , FullRow select = true , HideSelected = False. I have one coulumn which has 10 items . I want to get the selected row index in

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Getting The Index Number Of Selected ComboBox Item?

Feb 6, 2010

I have a combo box setup with 4 items, with indexes ranging from 0 to 3.

Later in my code, I need to do a certain event depending on what is selected. To do this I thought about comparing what the index of the selected combo box item is, because integer comparison is faster than strings, right?

how I can grab the index of the selected value?

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Return A Value Of A ListBox Item, NOT The Index Number?

Apr 20, 2010

I want to return a value of a ListBox item, NOT the index number.

My attempt: Dim pInt1 As Integer = ListBox2.Items.Item(0)

i want this code to return the ListBox item's integer value, and not the index number itself how can i return a ListBox item's value?

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Use The Indexof Method To Search For An Index A Number?

May 1, 2011

How do I use the Indexof Method to search for an Index a number? The number will be different on each line of the file. Each array has a name and a different zip code. I want to tell it to search for the first number in the line. Everything before that index will be first name, last name, and then zip code.


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Display The Index Number Of The Selected Record In A Listview Box?

Jan 29, 2011

I want to display the index number of the selected record in a listview box as it is clicked by the user. I can do it with multiselect set to false and the following call.

Sub ListView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
Handles ListView1.SelectedIndexChanged


This works fine except for one thing! after I click OK to the msgbox prompt, the record highlights normally and I click on the next record, and I get an Argument out of range exception error message, where I expected to just get another message with the next record number.

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Get Index Number User Clicks On A Control In A Collection?

Apr 9, 2010

I'm using an open source ribbon control that does not have click events for controls such as tabs, panels, etc.When I looked at the properties of the ribbon it does have the tabs, panels, etc. all in collections.I would like to change this (0) code so that I can get the index number of the control that the user clicks on. The tabs on this control are not like the regular tabs that come with Visual Studio. "Tabs" is a collection of Ribbon1.

Private Sub Ribbon1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Ribbon1.Click
MessageBox.Show("You clicked on:" & Ribbon1.Tabs.Item(0).ToString)
End Sub

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Random Number Generator :: Index Was Outside The Bounds Of The Array

Oct 20, 2009

I cant seem to see what is wrong with this arrary size. It works if i set the random number to 10

pretty sure it's to do with this line For i = 0 To intResult but i cant for the life of me figure it out.

Dim intResult As Integer
'// Initializes the random-number generator, otherwise each time you run your
'// program, the sequence of numbers will be the same


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2010 DataView.Find() Query - Search On A Index / Row Number

Nov 15, 2011

I am trying to do a search on a index/row number taken from a dataview i.e. I enter 379437 in the input box which I know has a index/row number of 6. Now when I replace the Rows(index) with a Rows(6) I get the results that I want. When I run the code below the index comes out as 75 which displays the first row from the dataset which is a completely different set of results.


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Number/index/type Of The Shape Selected In Excel 2003?

Jun 5, 2009

Dears, I would like to know the number or index or type of a selected shape in Excel 2003.

Based in this information I intend to activate a command in a macro in VBA.

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VS 2008 - How To Store User Numeric Index / Socket Number

Sep 7, 2009

I have been working on recoding a VB6 client/server application of mine and have run into a bit of an issue with storing the players location on the tile map which means I will need to rework the way I am storing the user connections. In my VB6 application I would store the user's numeric index/socket number/whatever you'd like to call it as the Key, however, in VB 2008 I can't seem to find where, or if, the numeric index is stored. If this isn't possible then does anyone have an example of how they store user connections using some numeric index as the key of a hashtable?

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VS 2008 Setting The Index Positions And Lenghth To A Specific Number?

Mar 23, 2010

I dont want to be setting the index positions and lenghth to a specific number becuase when i choose a different name from the listbox that is at a different position or longer it wont display it properly. explain to me another way around this so as it will allow any details to be selected and read???


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Convert Number Into Word Using .Net?

Feb 1, 2011

Anyone knows how to convert Number into Word using VB .Net : Like this example.. (sample: 150 = One Hundred Fifty )

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Convert Number To Word?

Nov 18, 2008

How to convert the 5-digit number into a word using visual basic express edition

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