Have Buttons To Read Text To Speech Like Play Pause And Stop?

Apr 15, 2012

I am having a problem and that is I have buttons to read text to speech like play pause and stop I have created 4 buttons Play,Pause,Stop,Resume but now I dont want the Resume button, instead when I click on the pause button it should pause the speech and later when I click the same button again I need the speech to be resumed this is what I wrote?

Public SAPI = CreateObject("SAPI.spvoice")
Private Sub startSpeaking_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles startSpeaking.Click
SAPI.speak(RichTextBox1.Text, 3)


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Windows Media Player - Only Play / Pause And Stop Buttons Work

Nov 6, 2009

I am actually designing a simple media player. Here are all the buttons I have
4)next track
5)previous track
6)fast forward
7)fast rewind
8)repeat playlist

Public Class Form1
Dim myarray(100) As String
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
WMP.uiMode = "NONE"
[Code] .....

In all of these only play, stop and pause work everything else isn't working. tried lot of codes and even forms nothing works ..

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Play/stop/pause VB 2010 Express?

Apr 20, 2011

Ive come to do a question about windows media player look Im trying to make a program which if you make a certain input which he is going to request to you then I want to play that video but I have no idea how to use windows media player controls to manipulate that video. [URL]..

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Play, Pause, Restart, & Stop An Audio File?

Apr 18, 2010

I have a start and stop button on a form and would like a pause and restart button aswell.

I can start my audio file (WAV file in the C-Drive) fine with;

My.Computer.Audio.Play("C:Bleep_TestBleep_Test.wav", AudioPlayMode.Background)

Thus allowing other functions to be carried out.I can stop my audio with;


But i would like to be able to pause and restart the audio?There are timers and getkeystates envolved with this form. The timers I can pause and restart, the getkeystates are a function called in conjunction with the timers as a case statement, (all this is working).how to pause and restart the audio, bearing in mind the loaction and the other features of the form? (I only wish i was a clever as you guys/girls out there to return the help rather than leaching your knowledge continously)

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VB 2010 - IDE - Run / Pause / Stop Buttons Missing

Jun 14, 2012

I loaded up VS 2010 to work on a VB.NET project but for some reason the Run/Pause/Stop buttons are missing from the toolbar and I cannot set breakpoints. Only changes from yesterday to my system was this morning Windows was trying to install Visual Studio SP1 updates but all failed.

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Make A Play Button Play/stop Toggle?

Feb 9, 2010

How can you make a play button play/stop toggle? Currently my button plays a file in WMP but when I click it again, it just restarts the file. I would like it to toggle on and off, play and stop, not play and pause.

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Read Text File And Stop Then How To Continue At The Last Read Point

Dec 15, 2009

I'm using vb.net 1.1 to develop the program. I got text files that contain test result from a machine, like below.

T1 1.24535 2.56335 2.43253 1.24538 2.55619 4.35243
T2 1.42542 1.63728 3.57295 4.59275 1.57320 2.72057
T3 5.12857 2.45375 6.38593 2.58375 3.57259 3.57204

I need to check the test result with the data from database, to find out which test result is failed. If there is a fail test result, I will show an alert to the operator and stop the checking process. Until the operator close the alert, then the checking process will continue from the last read point.

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VB 2010 Speech Recognition / Speech-To-Text / Voice Control

Oct 23, 2011

I'm trying to create a Speech Recognition support for my program. I want to make it so that if I say something in my microphone, the program just writes what I said in Label1. I looked for Speech Recognition codes in MSDN and Google, but I didn't find anything useful. I found a code, but it was for VB.net, I tried but it didn't work in VB 2010.

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Axwindowsmediaplayer Play/Pause In If Statement?

Mar 22, 2012

I am making a media player and I have a button where I want the text to change depending whether the media player is playing or paused. So far I have this:

If (AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.playState = WMPLib.WMPPlayState.wmppsPlaying) Then Then
Button3.Text = "Pause"
ElseIf (AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.playState = WMPLib.WMPPlayState.wmppsPaused) Then
Button3.Text = "Play"
End If

The problem is, is that i get an error under WMPLib.WMPPlayState on both lines. The error says 'WMPPlayState' is ambiguous in the namespace 'WMPLib'..

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Combine Play And Pause Button?

Aug 3, 2009

I've been wondering how one could create a button which display "play" when it's not pressed. And then shows "pause" once it's pressed. And visa versa when it's pressed again.I had a similar problem when trying to create an expand panel button, but that was easy because I could just set a variable to true or false if PanelCollapsed was true. But in this case I couldn't find any property in a button that I could query.

If isPlay = True Then
If isPaused = False Then
btnPlay.Image = Image.FromFile("iconPause.png")[code].....

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Pause While One Video Is Playing, And Later Play A Second One?

Mar 18, 2011

I'm playing videos in a form with an embedded media player, I want to play one, and later another one, how I can programm a pause for the first video to play, and later to play a second one. system.thread seems is not the solution for me.

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Pause/Play Button In Vb 2010?

Feb 14, 2012

I am new to stackoverflow and the programming world. I have a basic program i'm making that will play a song in the background.

I already have that part working, it auto starts a launch of program.

However, I would like to have a button that pauses, then resumes the audio.

(I am trying to avoid making it a media player and using the media player control) Song was add as a resource.

My.Computer.Audio.Stop (works to stop it.)

But how can I implement the pause,resume? by adding a boolean or something?

(I would like pause and resume feature to be within the same button)

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VB 2008: Text Event - Read A Text File Till The End And Stop It?

Aug 5, 2010

i am working on read line by line . At each line that my app read , i added a event . How do i read a text file till the end and Stop it? there is how it work :


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Play/pause Mp3 Anad Wav Sound In VB 2008?

Jul 23, 2009

how to play/pause mp3 anad wav sound in visual basic 2008?

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Pause Or Stop ALL Bgworkers .net?

Feb 19, 2012

I am looking for a code to stop all backgroundworkers in form 1 ( or pause them )the names of the bgworkers are all very different so not bg1 bg2 bg3 etc.

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Capture Play / Pause Frpm MS EHome IR-Remote Control HID?

Nov 29, 2007

I will control it with a Microsoft MCE eHome IR-Remote Control. I can Capture all Buttons on the KeyEvents but the important Keys whant work ( Play, Pause, Forward, Backward ) Can anyone tell me how i can Capture this keys ?[code]...

View 7 Replies

Download File With Start / Pause / Stop

Jun 6, 2011

Is there any way i can pause a file download in my vb program?? I have tried both the http method and the my.computer.net method with no luck. I have also tried pausing the background worker by this method: [URL] But even if the bgworker is paused the download goes on.....


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Forms :: Media Player Stop And Pause?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a problem with media player playback control.. When I click stop button, it stopped, but when I cli

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MS Speech SDK - Highlight Text On A Richtextbox Control While Reading The Text Using Speech Sdk Control

May 26, 2011

I just want to know that how can i highlight text on a richtextbox control while reading the text using speech sdk control. I mean the word currently speak automatically selected in the RichTextBox.

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Stop Pause / Gap Between Tracks In Windows Media Playlist?

Aug 16, 2009

Is it possible to prevent the pause or gap when playing audio from a windows media playlist in VS 2008?

Or is there another method of playing .wav or .mp3 files without pauses or gaps inbetween each other?

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[2008]Pause/Continue Buttons

Jan 26, 2009

Right now in my app I have a Pause and a Continue button, basically I enable/disable the controls on the form. Is there a better way to handle this.

Is there a way to lock the cursor in the control that it is in when the Pause button is clicked and then release it when the Continue botton is clicked?

View 10 Replies

Read Text File / Stop To Show Error And Continue At Last Point

Dec 15, 2009

I got an text file that record data, and I need to read the data and do some comparisons. All data read will be showed in a form. If the data is fail, I need to show an alert to the user and wait for user to respond. If user responded to the alert, the program will continue to read data and do comparisons. The issue that I'm facing is that I don't know how to continue read file from the last read point.

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Create Custom Messagebox With Pause And Go Buttons?

Jul 20, 2010

I am fairly new to programming and vb.net and I am working on a small project but in the project i need a message box (2 different occasions) where the buttons, instead of Yes No say Pause and GO. The video [URL] told me to make a new form (dialogue) and then in my main form add a public sub.

Here is the sub I have:
Public Sub injectmessage(ByVal ingmessage As String)
Dim topmessage As New Message
Dialog1.Label1.Text = ingmessage
End Sub
All that does is puts the message on the messagebox.

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VS 2010 Stopwatch - Start And Pause Buttons

Jun 28, 2011

I'm searching a stopwatch like: HH:MM:SS. I need start and pause buttons. How i do this?

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VS 2008 Make A Program Stop Or Pause For A Period Of Time Before Continuing The Code Without A Timer?

Jun 13, 2009

Out of curiosity, is there a way i can make a program stop or pause for a period of time (which i would choose) before continuing the code WITHOUT a timer.I think I've seen this done before, but I'm not positive.Also note that I'm talking about a forms application (not a console app if that would be any different.)

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Play Sounds From User Specified Buttons + Save Settings?

Nov 20, 2008

For an application I am building, I need to have the user specify button labels and be able to click on them to play a sound they specify. I would like them to be able to specify the number of buttons, the label for the buttons, and the sound file to be played. I would then like the user to be able to save those settings. How do I go about doing this? Also, how do I get the file they've opened's name to show up in the title bar of the app?

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Buttons And Onclick Stop Working

Mar 24, 2009

I have a form with a tab control on it. I've coded all of my button clicks, but for some reason when I do an F5, some of the buttons aren't working. If i go into the code I see the code for the onclick, but if I go back to the designer and click on one of the buttons, I get a new onclick section. Will the code for the button break if i move the buttons around the panels?

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Inserting A Wait - So That Animation Has Time To Play And Stop Then Rest Of Code Will Display Other Picture And Numbers

Nov 4, 2011

I have the following

Public Class Form1
Private GIFAnim As Image = Image.FromFile("c:cointosscointoss_ani.gif")
Private frames As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


Now I would like to put a wait in after the line:

frames = GIFAnim.GetFrameCount(Imaging.FrameDimension.Time)
ImageAnimator.Animate(GIFAnim, AddressOf paintFrame)

This is so that the animation has time to play and stop and then the rest of the code will display the other picture and the numbers. Is this possible? I tried timer and sleep but I cant get them to work.

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Forms :: Trying To Coordinate Start And Stop Buttons

May 21, 2009

I'm very new to Visual Basic, and have just installed VB Express 2008 from a Sams book titled, "Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2008 in 24 Hours", by James Foxall. I've managed to make it through most of the book, which was very helpful in getting a quick jump start, but I find that I am still "not quite getting it" yet.

I've written a program that has a "Start" and "Stop" button which are suppose to control the logging of data through a serial port. When I click the Start button, the serial port gets initialized, opened, and then I go into a Do-Loop-Until loop to process the incoming data stream, and that is suppose to stop when the Stop button is pressed. However, I haven't figured out how to implement that.


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Added Extra Buttons To 'stop All' Or 'run Two Motors Simultaneously'

Dec 18, 2010

I have a USB interface connected to my PC which is used to control DC motors (robotics). Supplied with the interface is a VB program that produces a form with text inputs (motor speed) and tick boxes (motor on/off). This program calls upon a supplied .dll for the interface. I have played around with this program and have added extra buttons to 'stop all' or 'run two motors simultaneously' etc.What I really want to do is run a sequence of events, for example:

-Motor 1 on, speed 50, run time 5 seconds
-Motor 1 off for 2 seconds
-Motor 2 on etc, etc

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