Make Object Backcolor?

Nov 17, 2011

I am coding an application for seats reservation and it contains two forms one of the forms contain 32 labels that represent the seat number and when the user wants to reserve that seat, he/she can double click that label to bring up the other form . The other form contains 2 text boxes (Name,Phone) and Date time picker, and I have remove and save. The remove button should change the backcolor of the label that was double clicked in the first form to white. The save button should change the backcolor of the label that was clicked in the first form to yellow. Yes I am using an array.

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VS 02 / 03 - Check Backcolor Color Of Object

May 23, 2009

Simple it possible to check the backcolor of an object, like a label for instance? What I want to do is check if a label's backcolor is green (or some other color) then have something else happen based off the color. Here is what I tryed, but neither worked...


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Interface And Graphics :: Change The Backcolor Property Of An Object To A Rgb Value?

Dec 8, 2004

How can i change the backcolor property of an object to an rgb value?

i do as it says in the help:

dim ink as long
ink = rgb(233,126,190)
lblInkPot.BackColor = ink

but i get the error "Value of type "Long" cannot be converted to "system.drawing.color"", but it specifically tells you in help to use "long"...

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Make A Frame's Backcolor Transparent?

Nov 1, 2009

How do I make a frame's backcolor transparent?

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Make PictureBox Have BackColor Transparent To Can Use (pic.png) For BackgroundImage?

Apr 13, 2010

I want to use a PictureBox2 (pic.png) above PictureBox1 (pic.jpg) on VB I used this code:

PictureBox2.BackColor = Color.Transparent
PictureBox2.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
but it doesn't work
it makes the border black & white

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VS 2008 : Make A Labels Backcolor Invisible?

Dec 28, 2009

I wan't to know how to make a labels backcolor invisible.Like it only shows the caption but the backcolor is "nothing".i have put some labels on a many colored picture so I can color the label one color, I just need to get the back color invisible.

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Interface And Graphics :: Make A Listbox's "backcolor" Transparent In 2008?

Jun 19, 2010

I have a form and on it there is listbox. What I want to do is to make the listbox's backcolor transparent. I really do not understand. I have searched many sites but I couldn't find an exact answer. Is it really that hard to make it??? I found this code on a few sites:


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Make Object Plot Quickest Path To An Other Object?

May 20, 2012

Ok i need to make an object in this case a picture box draw a line to another picture box with the shortest length while avoiding other type of objects such as labels i am not sure how to do this but so far i have come up with

Private Sub ProgressBar1_ParentChanged(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ProgressBar1.ParentChanged
If ProgressBar1.Value = 50 Then


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C# - Make An Object Accessible To Only One Other Object In The Same Assembly?

Sep 15, 2009

Each business object has a matching object that contains sql calls. I'd like to restrict these sql objects in a way where they can only be used by the matching business object. How can this be achieved?

Update Greg brought up the point about testability. Since the SqlObjects will contain very business-process specific sql I don't want them reused in multiple buiness objects. (Basic CRUD operations are all code-generated) Is there a way to make the SqlObjects accessible to only one business object in the business assembly (like yshuditelu and Greg Beech showed) AND expose the SqlObjects to the unit testing assembly?

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How To Make Object Browser

Oct 23, 2011

I have VB 2010 Express installed & are working through some Labs.Also I'm trying to run my first code into an external software package acad.exe. I'm supposed to be able to launch this via right click properties underproject name then on debug tab, again can't find ?

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Make An Object Not Pass Through Another?

Apr 5, 2012

I am making a simple maze game that you use the arrows keys to navigate. I completed the movement part of it, but now i'm having trouble with the walls. How can you make an object not pass through another and how to tell the program what to do when a object gets to a defined place(the finish)

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Make Some Members Available To Only One Object?

Jun 4, 2011

I have an EggSac object which contains references to >100 000 Egg objects. Some variables in the Eggs have to be maintained to be consistent with EggSac, so I want to make these only changeable by EggSac. However EggSac passes references to its Eggs all over the application, so if I use public methods then any other code could modify the secure parts of the Eggs by accident.

What's a proper OO way to make sure only the EggSac object can call the "secure" methods of the Eggs, but still make the "safe" methods available to everyone?

My idea is to split Egg's class into a base class containing only safe methods and a derived class containing the secure methods that only EggSac should have access to. Then EggSac has members of the type of the derived class, but it casts them to their base class whenever something else wants one.

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.net - Make A Object Moving On The Screen?

Jul 22, 2010

How to make a object moving on the screen- How to make game with VB.NET

- In 2d game, ex i see a mario charator, which is object ( Label, image v.v.v)

- Is there a physical engine for

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How To Make Array Of Object And Add To ListBox

May 18, 2010

Imports db = System.Data
Public Class CustomerADO
Dim cid As Integer
Dim fn, ln, em, pw As String
Dim bl As Decimal
[Code] .....
What should I do in the while loop to make array of customers objects. And what should be the code in the form to add this array of customers to listbox.

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Make An Instance Of A Recordset Object?

Jun 2, 2012

In this chunk of a code, the writer makes a reference to a recordset object and I just wanted to make sure I understood why before moving on. [code]...

In LoadDataBound, it says set rs = GetData(). This calls to the Function below, but why does it require to be set as an object of the rs recordset. Correct me here, because i'm most likely wrong, but does it require this so that you're able to make a function out of the recordset without having to use the same name for both (recordset and function) ? Or is there another process going on here that i'm unaware of.

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Make An Object Move Up And Down Constantly?

Mar 27, 2012

So I have been trying to make this game in visual basic, it is basically like the worlds hardest game but in viusal basic but I am having problems programming the enemy, it doesn't seem to move up and down or left and right at all.


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Make An Object Of A Detailed Checke?

Feb 7, 2011

I have not asked any questions in a long time because I have not been programming. But I am now back again with a question about Graphics.I want to make an object of a detailed checker. What I mean by detailed is there is going to be a big ellipse, then it is going to have a hole bunch of ellipses going around the edge to give it the checker affect.

How do I bind it all or make it all into one object and do something like a button has when clicked (Handles Button.Click) but with this object so I can move it.Is it possible to do this? If so can someone tell me how?

PS. This is my first time dealing with Graphics, so go easy on me ;)

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Make Object Available Throughout Entire Application

Jul 28, 2009

I've recently began to use OOP in my application and now I'm stuck on how to use it properly.

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Make Remoting Cache Object?

Aug 5, 2011

I'm using the following code in a singleton remoting object MBRO. This function is only called on the server side.

''' <summary>
''' Return a cached DataCentricObject


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VS 2008 Make An Object File?

Sep 21, 2009

Is there a way I make a file that contains the information for a contextmenu?The reason I'm asking this is because I want to make a program that can customize a contextmenu and then turn it into a file that can be opened by another program I'll make so it can be used by the new program.I feel I'm not explaining well, so I'll try to break it down. This will be slightly hypothetical, and this is the case that I find out how to do this.

I open my program to create the context menu that will do tasks specified by the tag for the buttons. So I create all the buttons in my app, then I press a button and it saves the contextmenu as some sort of file, this file can then be opened by my other program. My other program opens my contextmenu file and applies the contextmenu to a textbox. So how can I do this?

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Game Programming :: Make An Object Move?

Aug 13, 2009

something like this

pctObject.horizontalPosition += 5

I just dont know the right syntax

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Group Boxes Make Object Invisible?

Oct 7, 2009

I put some group boxes on a user interface and now labels and pictures that are set to visible can't be seen even when the group box is set to visible = false. (I have the group box and the pictures and labels in the same place on the form and was planning on using buttons to make them visible and invisible but the pictures and labels stay invisible no matter what while being in the same place as the group box.)

Does anyone know why group boxes do a sound job of making things invisible and how to correct it?

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How To Make Class / Increasing Object Scope

Jul 9, 2011

I am struggling to do what i want with classes at the moment as they are killed off at the end of a method, can somebody let me know how to make the classes live until i tell them to die? so that i can create one and refer to it from another method at another time? For example On form load i create a class Dog.Then later on i want to get info from the Class Dog. But it is no longer instantiated

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VS 2005 - Make An Object Array Using A Loop?

Mar 14, 2010

how do I set an object array using a loop so I don't have to type each button name?


only problem with that is it assigns a string value. I need it to assign an object. any suggestions?

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Determine That An Object (button) Make Collusion With Clone Of Itself

Jul 10, 2011

Let's say we have object A and object B (Picturbox for e.g) Iwant to move A from its position to B's position straightly .what is the mathmatical equalation to get the X,Y coordinator that A must move from its position straightly to B's positionI have another thing ,I would like to know how can I determine that an object (button for e.g) make collusion with a clone of itself.

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Game Programming :: Make A Button Spawn An Object?

Dec 20, 2009

I have a button named cmd_Grunt and a picture box named pb1_Grunt. I want to click the button and have a picture box created.

"Public Class Form1
Dim grunt = (50)
Private Sub cmdGrunt_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


This is the code I have so far. I get an error message, "Expression expected." It wants the expression between "CreateObject" and "('pb1Grunt', grunt))".

ie cmdGrunt_Click(CreateObject HERE ('pb1Grunt', grunt))

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Interface And Graphics :: Create An Object And Make It Visible?

Dec 28, 2009

I tried to create a lineshape and make it visible when a timer ticks. Also tried to set everything that would matter when creating it(border colors and thickness etc)

But still, I got no results.

Dim line = New Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.LineShape(CX, CY, ccx, ccy)
line.Parent = New Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer()
line.Enabled = True


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VS 2010 : Make Arrow Keys Move An Object?

Apr 18, 2012

there is this picture on the form How would you make arrow keys move the object around the screen?Also how would you make buttons correspond to arrow keys?

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Make Object Follow Mouse On MouseDown And 'Stick' On MouseUp

Apr 14, 2011

I'm working with a project that is WPF and I want to visually simulate "dragging" an object (though I do not want to use standard drag and drop for reason of purpose).Basically, I have a label object that, on its MouseDown event, I want it to follow the mouse cursor inside a 640x480 solid-size grid (but not outside of it!). Mind you, this grid is centered inside a full-screen window. Again, the object should not follow the mouse outside of the grid (I'm guessing a "ClipToBounds = True" here)Then, on the label's MouseUp event, I want it to either stay in its current position or return to its original position, as determined by the value of a boolean variable set by another object's MouseEnter property.Note, if it would be easier to work with, I can change the grid to a canvas in a cinch. I'm guessing that would be desirable.

How do I make the object (label) follow the mouse cursor inside the grid/canvas, but not outside of it? This needs to happen on the MouseDown event of the label.How do I make the object "stick" in its current position? (From this, I can probably figure out how to make it return to its original position on my own.

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VS 2005 - Make A Program Where You Can Control An Object And It Has Multiple Animations

Nov 23, 2009

I only started using visual basic earlier this year so I'm still a newbie but I've been wondering some things:

1. When you have a picturebox back color to transparent, objects under it still get hidden. Is there a way around this?

2. I've been trying to make a program where you can control an object, and it has multiple animations, but I can't figure out a way of doing this other than having a bunch of picture boxes together and making them visible/not visible as needed. Is there a better way to do this?

3. (I think) I know how to make global variables (dim whatever as global.system.integer ? I don't have it on the computer I'm posting with), but how do I make another form use them?

4. Is there a way to have multiple sounds play at the same time? Whenever I play a sound it stops whatever else is playing.

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