Program Dont Work If Not Change CPU Type To X86 In Project Properties

Dec 13, 2009

Each time I create a program, if I don't change the CPU type to x86 in the Project Properties, Compile, Advanced Compile options, it doesn't work. For example, if I hit the drop down button on a combo box, there will be no data, but after switching to x86, there is data. How does changing the CPU type affect how others (such as when its being graded) view the program? If the program is not run on an x86 system, would it appear to not work then?

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Forms :: Short Cut Keys Dont Work?

Jul 8, 2009

I have formA.vb and I added some shortcut keys using the key_up event handler. Before coding the handler I change the keypreview property of the form to true. I added this code :

Private Sub IntRMA_KeyUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyUp
If e.KeyCode = Keys.ControlKey And e.KeyCode = Keys.C Then


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Using Session State Dont Work Properly

Dec 8, 2010

i am still new to using session state, i want to convert page name into and integer according to a database table a function then compares "X" and "Y" to check if a user have the right to view this page..i know this is not the best way of managing website security, but it is like "training on how to use the session".[code]

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VB - Set Hotkey - Dont Type Anything In The Textbox ?

Nov 23, 2009

It there a way where you dont type anything in the textbox, and you press F2 and then the textbox says F2 or if you press 1 on your numberpad, the textbox will say NUMPAD1, or something like that and if you press Ctrl on your keyboard the TextBox will say Ctrl

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Visual Studio 2008 Log4net Multiple Modules, Same App.config Different Loggers, Dont Work?

Aug 20, 2009

I have 2 console apps projects in the same directory but different projects. There is some common code in the App_Code directory and a common app.config which gets build into seperate .exe.config files.One module (VScanDemonStarter) starts up and writes to one logger with its own appender going to a seperate file. It uses an process.start() to execute the other module (VScanDemon) in another command prompt hidden window.When I run VScanDemon by itself it puts entries into its log file. When I run VScanDemonStarter it puts entries into its (different) log file, the VScanDemon log file gets created, but no entries. I can see it is executing because some files get moved from one directory to another. Just no Log entries.

<appender name="LogFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender" >


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Change A Project's Application Type?

Jul 10, 2009

Instead of changing the Application Type through the dropdown list of a project's Application properties, is there a way to change a project's Application type through VB code?

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CodeDom - Change The Type Of Output Project?

Dec 17, 2009

I know that I can launch activate/Use functions in assemblies that I have created, but can I start subs? and If so could I start Sub Main from an Assemble? What I mean is I want to run the created program in memory from a sub main and I dont know how .

My other question is how can I change the type of output project? So from a console app to a Windows Form app? ( I am no longer talking about using the assembly dynamicly this is more about creating the physical exe as what I want it as.

I know that they are the Compiler options command line but is it the same as the ones that Visual studio use when compiling? (The ones you see in the out put window)

This one:


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Change Properties Of An Unknown Object In Program?

Jul 25, 2009

I have a sub that handles when 14 ComboBoxes have their Index changed. I am able to cast the sender of the event, and obtain properties from there. However, after that, I want to be able to change the properties of the actual sender, rather than the cast one.[code]...

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Change All Properties Of A Form To Properties Of Other But Don't Change Important Properties?

Feb 26, 2011

How to change all properties of a form to properties of other but don't change important properties like Owner,Handle, OwnedForms, Parent,HasChildren,Controls and ... .I have a child form that i want it to provide controls of Form.The background form provides Aero frame and child form is a transparent form in it.I want it because I want to draw buttons with system style in Aero in Windows Forms.This is my own code but it does not work good (ForeForm is child form):

For Each Propertry In ForeForm.GetType.GetProperties()
Select Case Propertry.Name
Case "AeroBackgroundEnabled", "FormBorderStyle", "TransparencyKey", "Parent", "Owner", "ShowInTaskbar", "Handle", "HasChildren", "OwnedFo[code].....

Additionaly:I wrote a great Aero Form.I don't publish current version (1.2) that supports Aero Blur,RealTime Aero Color change,extend Basic theme?

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Make Program What Work In Any Type Of Resolution And Monitor?

Jun 22, 2010

I want to know how can I make a program what will work in any type of resolution & monitor. For example if I make an application fullscreen it will work. But problem is that text boxes or another things will not work properly. For example if I make a program & make it fullscreen for 1440 * 900 resolution it will work fine when it will get 1440 * 900 resolution. But when it will get different resolution like 1280 * 1024 or something like that it will make my application fullscreen but buttons or another things will not be present there in same place. So what should I do to get rid of this problem? All I want to make a program what will adjust itself everywhere(though you change resolution or monitor like 17 inch or 29 inch whatever it will work & buttons & another thinks will be there in same place).

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Make Custom Properties In Properties Window To Refresh Upon Change Via Code?

Apr 26, 2012

[code]I want to make the Properties Window to update the properties for X and Y at each MouseMove, so they become immediately visible for the user.

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How Are Value Type Properties In A Reference Type Class Allocated

Sep 11, 2009

In VB.NET, if I create a class it is a reference-type. But, if that class it chock full of value type properties, how is this handled? If the class is instantied but never filled, I suspect a pointed for to the heap is allocated. But is more space allocated on the stack for all of it's value type properties?

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Why Can't Define Get Type And Set Type Distinctly Within Properties

Aug 31, 2011

I wanted to define a property which accepts decimal numbers and do some process on the value and return string such as the below:

Public Property Amount() As String
Return Utility.PaddingRight(Me.msAmount.ToString(), 10)
End Get


But compilers warns "Set parameters must have the same type of the containing property."It doesn't look like it should throws an error since it looks legit.

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Change "Type" From 6 To Program 9?

Apr 30, 2009

I have this code which i used to use in vb6 to flash a window i need to convert it for vb9.[code]...

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Can't Edit Project Properties

Jan 21, 2012

I have a new project , It has two forms, I want to edit the properties so that the second form is the startup form, however, when I go to project properties I see the everything in the application tab is dimmed.

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Displayed In The Project Properties?

Jul 31, 2009

I have been searching all over to find some code that will get the Project/Application's GUID. I can see it displayed in the Project Properties and I want to display it on the About Me page as well as use it to check for updates. So how do I get it via code?

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EXE Program Don't Work Debudding Of Program Work

Jan 8, 2012

I'm building a VB(2010) program to create the graphics for my laserprojector.The program works when I debug it in VB, but when I run the EXE program in the release directory, it doesn't work. The problem in the EXE program is theat I can't draw/view graphics in the picturebox..I coppied my whole program to a new VB project, but I'm having the same problem...In the original project, where the program works, there are no warnings or errors.

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Add A Resource Via Project Properties Resources Tab

Aug 10, 2011

In a VB project I can add a resource via the project properties resources tab, or I can right-click the project in the solution explorer, click add, then click add existing item. What are the differences?If I want to add a DLL file and include it as an embedded resource, do I have to add the file via both methods? Only one?

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.net - Get Properties From Anonymous Type?

Feb 12, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to get at an anonymous typed object's properties, when that anonymous type isn't created in the current function.

Specifically, I am binding an ASP.NET ListView to LINQ resultset, then trying to process each item in the ItemDataBound event.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Class MyPageClass


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How To Get All Class Properties By Type

Mar 19, 2012

How can I get all the properties of a class that implement a specific base class or interface? I have a properties class that contains several other property classes. Some, not all, of these classes implement an interface. I would like to know if it's possible to iterate over all properties of parent class for child-classes that implement the target interface. It sounds like a job for reflection? I'm just not sure how. Can it be done via the "PropertyInfo" object?

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Iterating Over All Properties In A Given Type In .Net

Jun 19, 2009

If I have a complex structure which contains properties which are both simple and complex types, how can I iterate over all the properties of this structure and any child properties which are not simple types?

I have a complex type called file, which contains lots of string properties and some which are other complex types which contain similar structures, eventually the whole structure breaks down into strings.

At the moment my code looks like this:

Dim file As New File
Dim props() As PropertyInfo = file.GetType.GetProperties()
_propList = New CheckBoxList


This works, but it is ugly and I am not at all happy with certain chunks, specifically the type comparisons to establish if this is a date, string, decimal or boolean which are the potential low level types which I want to get out.

In C# it would seem these type comparisons are easier, but i seem to have to create an instance of a given type to be able to use GetType to return its type.

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IDE :: Crashed When Opening Project Properties -- Compile Tab?

Dec 22, 2010

I got a legacy solution targeting .net framework 2.0. When I open the properties - Compile tab of the VB projects in VS2008 or 2010, the VS always crashes. Other C# legacy projects are working.I am using windows 7 64 bit. (It's working in the xp mode.)

Activity Monitor Log

infos 50

warnings 0

errors 0

# Type Description GUID Hr Source Time

1 Visual Studio Version: 9.0.30729.1 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010/12/22 12:44:57.002

2 Running in User Groups: Administrators Users Microsoft Visual Studio 2010/12/22 12:44:57.004

3 ProductID: 92357-152-0000034-60049 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010/12/22 12:44:57.004

4 Available Drive Space: C: drive has 139105247232 bytes; D: drive has 284777865216 bytes Microsoft Visual Studio 2010/12/22 12:44:57.005

5 Internet Explorer Version: 8.0.7600.16700 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010/12/22 12:44:57.006

6 Microsoft Data Access Version: 6.1.7600.16385 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010/12/22 12:44:57.007

7 .NET Framework Version: 4.0.31106.0 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010/12/22 12:44:57.008

8 MSXML Version: 6.30.7600.16385 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010/12/22 12:44:57.009

9 Loading UI library[code]......

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IDE :: How To Assemble Custom File Properties Into Project

Apr 3, 2010

I am using vb2008,I imported Custom Tool from my other project,It is on my project,But it is showing Below Warning, Not Error..!Warning Could not find type 'VBProject2.AxMSHFlexGrid Array'.Please make sure that the assembly that contains this type is referenced.If this type is a part of your development project, make sure that the project has been successfully built.

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Error:Project Work On Seven System-Don't Work On XP System

Oct 19, 2011

I'm using vb2008 with DB MSA2007 (save it to MSA2003) on Seven(7)System After I create my project I build it(make exe). then I took the file of project (application) and the DB from Debug Folder.

I tried to run this application with DB on another computer it's system is seven and MSA2007 and work very well. then I run it on pc it's system XP and MSA2003. it showed this error

Application Error THE APPLICATION FAILED TO INTIALIZE PROPERLY (0XC000135). Click on OK to terminate the application

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C# - Dll Reference Of One Project Into Another Project - Error Of "Type Or Namespace Name Could Not Be Found"

Apr 25, 2011

I have 2 projects, one built in VB.NET and another in C#.NET. I want to use certain functionality of VB.NET into C#.NET and hence I have added the dll file of VB.NET solution into C#.NET as a reference by browsing the dll from my system. Say dll name for VB.NET is myData.dll. In my C#.NET project I am trying to declare it as a namespace i.e. "using myData;" and its giving me an error of "Type or namespace name could not be found"

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Deployment :: Application Icon Setting In Project Properties

Jun 5, 2009

I have a icon for my application that I set in the project properties window there is a little drop down box to browse to the icon location. While debugging everything is good. Once I build the app and place it on a PC and manually start the app all is good. My app starts with windows and now every time the program goes to start I get an error that the icon cannot be found in the DocumentandSettingUSERNAME folder. So the question is do I have to place my app icon in this folder? In design I have the icon in the binDebug folder and that is were I point to in the Project properties page.
I am using VS 2008

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IDE :: Cannot Find The Optimization Check Box Or Properties For Project 2010?

Mar 7, 2011

i am trying to add a text file in Debug folder. But when i go to project tab to add a new item, there is no option to add a new item? What part of the setting needs to be changed? Using Visual basicExpress 2010.

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IDE :: Modify Properties On Multiple Same Type Controls?

Oct 6, 2010

i need to do something as the old scholl on vb6, create a control array, i need to put 50 listviews controls and when the form is initialized start asigning properties since i will drag items to each one of those grids, im goin to make a dragdrop event to handle all the 50 controls, dont like the idea of adding handles c1, c2,cn, c50 but whatever, is there soemthing easy to create a routine to change properties and add columns to each one control dinamically?


for x=0 to 50
control(x).property = true or ""

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.net - VS2010 ItemTemplate Throws Exception Until Project Properties Opened?

Feb 21, 2012

Okay, so I wrote a few custom ItemTemplates for VS2010 that implement IWizard in VB.NET (4.0). Straight forward enough. They work during my testing, but when someone else deploys and attempts to use any of them, Visual Studio throws an incredibly generic Exception has been thrown by a target of invocation error.

Stranger still, after they open up the project properties and try again... they work. Without changing anything. Anyone have any clue what is going on? Or perhaps even just a way of getting VS to give me a more specific error? I already tried devenv.exe /log but nothing out of the ordinary was there.

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Programatic Access To Project's Application Root Namespace Properties?

Jan 25, 2010

How does one gain programatic access to the information that is entered into the "My Project" properties Application section?I am able to pick up the assembly name from those properties, but I haven't been able to pick these up.Below is the line of code that makes me interested in picking this up programatically. I have found that if the name within the quotes for Sections (GenConfig) doesn't match exactly what is entered in those properties, I will get an application error during run time.How do I reference that property?Is there a better way to pick that value up?

Dim applicationSettingsSection As ClientSettingsSection = config.SectionGroups("applicationSettings").Sections("GenConfig.My.MySettings")

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