Reading From Text File And Pulling Specific Rows?
Oct 15, 2011
I have a test.txt file that contains:
1/15/2011; somedescription ; Joe Blow ; $50
1/18/2011; somedescription ; John Doe ; $30
2/1/2011; somedescription; Joe Blow; $90
I want to be able to pull all rows of data associated with Joe Blow if a users selects Joe Blow from a combobox. In testing this out I added the code to a button
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Sep 27, 2011
I finished every piece of code in my program save for one tid bit, how to pull two numbers from a text file. I know how to pull lines, I know how to pull search strings, but I cant figure out this one to save my life.[code]The two numbers that I need out of this are the two ones that I put in the **'s (the asterisks are not normally there). These numbers will be different every time this sheet is generated, and the number placement might be different as well as some of the numbers could have 4 digits, 5 digits, or 6 digits.
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Feb 24, 2012
I would like to search a webpage for a value in the left column of a table, then pull the value from the right column as my result. In a Visual Basic Forms Application.
the data is listed in a table, for example...
abc 123
def 234
ghi 345
jkl 456
and if i just want the value of ghi ( I know "ghi", but i want the goal of the code to find the "345")
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Feb 16, 2010
I've been writing a weight program for flooded pressure vessels and I'm having trouble retrieving the data from the text files I've been saving. I know how to write the data to the text file, but retrieving it with OpenFileDialog is not so easy for me.The user has individual text boxes that they input strings or numbers into and when they save the file, each text box input is written to one line in the text file. For example, the first text box is for the username, therefore the first line of text that is saved is the person's name, the second text box is the customer, thus the second line in the text file is the customer name, and so on.
(Actually, the first line of text in the saved file designates whether English units were used or Metric units because when the user retrieves the saved file, English units will open one form and Metric units will open a separate form, so some If...Then statement will need to occur).I need to be able to read the first line, have either my "EnglishForm"form open or my "MetricForm" form open, and then have each subsequent line of text be displayed in their corresponding text boxes. I know I need to use ReadLine or LineInput, but I don't have a clue what to do.Assuming the syntax I've displayed below would just magically work (if only life were that easy), it would look something like this
If FirstLineOfTextInFile = "English" Then
ElseIf FirstLineOfTextInFile = "Metric" Then[code]....
And so on...I read a lot of articles from the MSDN library and exhausted each link that I've looked through from Google and Bing, but most only retrieve data from the file to a single text box through some loop or streamreader and don't take into account multiple forms.
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Nov 28, 2011
I have been learning VB for about 3 months now at college and decided to enhance my skills by making my own project at home. My project is basically a game where you have to guess if the next number will be higher or lower than the previous version and you can place bets on it. I have done all of this ok but I wanted to create a high score system so that you could save your score.I can manage to write out to a text file ok so that it looks like this
etc. But I am not sure on how to read in a specific line. So for example I want lblHighscore1.text to equal line 3 of the text document (as vb counts the first line as 0) So far all I have is this;
Dim objReader As IO.StreamReader = New IO.StreamReader("C:UsersKarlDesktopHighScore.t xt")
lblHighscore1.Text = (objReader.ReadLine)
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Apr 21, 2009
I'm trying to create a program that stores a users stats for their character (for something like an RPG). I know how to write more than one line in a text file, but I want to learn how to read and write text on specific lines of my file. I know that you can just read each new line individually in order using a StreamReader, such as
username.text = readLine.ReadLine()
userage.text = readline.ReadLine()
This is good for just displaying the stats and changing them from a constant interface, but I'm afraid that eventually I'll need to read/write specific lines, like reading the fourth line which might specify magic level, or writing a new money amount.
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Oct 15, 2011
I am currently writing a Login Script, and I am having trouble making StreamReader read a specific line in a text file. This is what I have so far (not the entire script, just the reader lines):
Dim path As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData)
Dim file As String = (path + "LogDat.txt")
Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader(file)
Dim line1 As String = sr.ReadLine(1) '' Supposed to read line 1
Dim line4 As String = sr.ReadLine(4) '' Supposed to read line 4
Dim line9 As String = sr.ReadLine(9) '' Supposed to read line 9
View 2 Replies
Sep 27, 2011
I finished every piece of code in my program save for one tid bit, how to pull two numbers from a text file. I know how to pull lines, I know how to pull search strings, but I cant figure out this one to save my life.
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Apr 2, 2010
I am trying to pull sql data into a text file. The code works just fine, until some new data comes in from lazy employees and a couple fields (used for notes/comments) are now left blank. Originally I've never seen them blank so I didn't think anything of it.
col2 = myreader.GetString(1)
It will error if the field is ever null - I even tried using a case when:
case when note is null then '" & empty & "' else note end and set the variable emtpy = '', but vb still thinks that it's null and errors?
View 6 Replies
Oct 10, 2011
Im trying to come up with a do while statement that reads through a text file till the end while pulling out 3 different matched items, then writing those matched items to ascending spots in an excel file, and then creating a bar graph according to the saved data. Sounds complicated but...I have the program reading the text file, pulling out the first iteration of all three, writing them to an excel file, and I have it even graphing them the way I want it to. The only thing I havent done before (and which is probably the easiest), is creating the do while statement so it keeps searching line to line for the three interactions of what im looking for and writing them to ascending spots in the excel file.
Right now my code works like this, which is perfect for pulling out the first 3 and creating a graph, I just inserting a do while and a rowindex + 1 variable.
vb Dim alines() = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:deviceinfo.txt")
Dim amatch As String
Dim muvalue As String
I have a feeling in order to pull this off, I do not want to use the, "ReadAllLines" option and possibly want to put the text into an array.
And do something like: if lines.count > 0
But im not familiar with how arrays work in VB, and more specifically what the syntax is. The other tricky thing I am trying to add is an if statement that adds to a variable (such as i) everytime a line is added to excel so the program will write to ascending lines. I was trying to have the it work with the do while statement but pretty soon realized that if I did: i = i +1. Everytime it went through the loop then the data was going to be on random lines corresponding to their place in the text.
View 17 Replies
Sep 19, 2011
I am coding on Visual Basic 2010 and need some My Access database table has following information:
Basically what I am trying to do is create a Search function where the user will enter a First and Last Name in the search boxes and upon hitting the ''Search'' button the program will look through the database and check if the records exists.
If the record does exist then I want the Phone number to appear in a separate textbox which is named txtPhoneN. I have included the code I use to connect to the Database. I have already managed code the part to Add new record to the database.
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Jul 2, 2011
I am reading data from the database with SQLCommand object SQLReader, all I want to know is I want to read a specific row from my column myData...e.g.I want to read row 11 or random row from mycolumn, what is the correct syntax I am reading all the data(rows) from mycolumn with the command
"SELECT mycolumn from Table1"
what is the syntax to read the 11 or any row of this column?
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Dec 13, 2010
i am a beginner in vb8 i have a text file named alarm.txt,sample alarm.txt file is shown below
can someone help me to read the alarm.txt file and extract data.for eg
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Sep 8, 2011
How to read a string in another string where between Starting Index and first-encountered Ending IndexI have one giant file which contains info for each customers and they seperated the customers info with Starting and Ending Indexes and I need to get a specific customer info to display.
Dim oFile As New FileInfo(sFileName)
Dim sFileContent As String = oFile.OpenText().ReadToEnd()
Dim iStartIndex As Integer = sFileContent.IndexOf(roNotification.StartByte)
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Jan 9, 2010
I want to read a file from a specific position and at the same time i want to use the StreamReader.Peek to check out how it works....... So i tried out this
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Jan 18, 2011
What I am trying to do is I have a .dat file that I cannot read but can at the same time. What I mean is I know how to decipher it by hand (alas takes minutes per 6 parts and there are thousands.) I am trying to make an application that can read this and allow me to edit it from my computer. I can open this with a hex program such as hex editor neo. I am currently trying to get it so I can read the file and have it place corresponding parts in to text boxes that I can alter to suit my needs.
I am new to visual basic and know a tiny bit about C++ if you think I would be better off trying in C# I can try that as well I do know some since learning c++. There are 41 parts to each item listed in the file and each one would need to go in its own text box. In hex there are 348 blocks that need to be arranged in corresponding order. Also the beginning of the file has 6 block followed by a code for each item. I need to find a way to put all the correct code in the correct text box and have it make sense.
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Mar 23, 2010
Public Shared Function isMatch(ByVal username As String) As Integer
For i As Integer = 0 To table.length - 1
Dim cellValue As String = table.getRow(i).getCell("Alias")
I have the code listed above as a translation from a Java snippet. The problem i have is that in Java, my table was stored as a dataset and as such, the methods were easily identifiable by "getRow" and getCell" using specific numbers and column names. However in VB the information is stored in an MS Access database (which i already have an open connection to, called: "_SalesPerformance_AnalyticsToolDatabaseDataSet12") and as such i do not know the correct way in which to iterate through each row in the database, checking a specific column against an already specified variable and then returning an integer based upon the value of a seperate column in the same row.
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Aug 30, 2009
Hi, i'm trying to use the treeview to display the text of a rtf (rich text file) file when an specific node if clicked.HomeOMGWOOTFor example, if i pick OMG, i want the text of lol.rtf to be displayed on a richtextbox. But somehow i just can't manage to get it... I know to import the text of a .txt file to a textbox, but using the treeview makes it more complicated.This is the code im using right now:
Private Sub TreeView1_NodeMouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs) Handles TreeView1.NodeMouseClick
Select Case e.Node.Index
Case 0
Another thing is, that i can't import the *.rtf text into a richtextbox and i don't know why.
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Feb 28, 2009
i'm trying to use the treeview to display the text of a rtf (rich text file) file when an specific node if clicked.HomeOMGWOOTFor example, if i pick OMG, i want the text of lol.rtf to be displayed on a richtextbox. But somehow i just can't manage to get it... I know to import the text of a .txt file to a textbox, but using the treeview makes it more complicated. [code] Another thing is, that i can't import the *.rtf text into a richtextbox and i don't know why.
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Jan 24, 2011
make the text in a text box into a text file that auto-creates in a specific?
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Aug 15, 2011
make the text in a text box into a text file that auto-creates in a specific?
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Jan 2, 2010
I am working on a project in VB 2008 and need it to do this:Read first line from text file (using Openfile)Enter line into textbox on formDo some other codeThen Read second linefrom text fileEnter line into same text boxand loop until we have gone through text fileI am not sure how to read line by line from text file then enter it in textbox. I can open the Openfile and get the filename and everything, but I just am not sure how to read from it or enter that line into the textbox.Here is what I have, its not much but its a start:
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim FileReader As StreamReader
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Mar 10, 2011
Is it Possible for me to read text from textbox control and write it to .txt file at specific location.
for an instance.... say below with quote is my Text in .txt file:
and with programming code I want to change some text in the same sentance become....(see below)
so you can see the word BROWN change to GREY and word DOG change to CAT
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Jun 25, 2010
I'm trying to read a text file that contains info like this:
ACX-101-011 , J2168
BTXR-130A-013, D6733
AJ4-233-614, T8211
I want to split each line at the comma and write the left side to a textbox and the the right side to another textbox. I'm close, with the code below, but I can only post results from the first line in the file. How do I loop this and append the text results in each of the textboxes.
Dim TempFile As String
TempFile = "temp.txt"
Dim sw As StreamWriter
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Jul 22, 2009
I've been having some trouble being able to pull the text from the monthly balance column and displaying in the textbox (remainbalancebox) beneath it, all I can make it do is display the text in the bottom left column, when all i really want displayed is the last text on the RIGHT column?
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Apr 28, 2011
How can I pull a word out of text and use it? I want to create a hyperlink and use the urls in the text. So for example if I have text that says: John clicked on the link and went to How can I make the [URL] a url?
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Nov 12, 2009
How would i go about pulling text from a web page using webbrowser 1 and having it update in a timer displaying the viewer count in a label.
<strong class="first" id="channel_viewer_count">1</strong>
I Can make it recognize id="channel_viewer_count" but it's not showing the viewer count in the label.
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Jan 13, 2009
I need to be able to change a path inside a document ( a config file to a program) to the current directory of the application im creating in VB so the text file looks something like
i need to change c:server
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Apr 4, 2011
I have a checked list box that is populated with the text from a text file. I started off with this code:
Dim FileToLoad As String
FileToLoad = TextBox3.Text
Dim fs As FileStream = New FileStream(FileToLoad, FileMode.Open)
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Apr 7, 2012
I have a long text file with job descriptions with each description split over 5 rows. (2 examples are below.) I would like to combine each of the 5 rows of the single description into 1 row. so for example the 10 lines below would be combined into 2 rows so that I can then import into SQL server and clean it up. I'm fairly new to but I've written the code to import the text file and export it again but I need to process it after import.
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