Set Screen Position For Control(Like Button)?

Oct 11, 2011

how i can set screen position for control(Like Button)?

*I'm talking about position(screen), not about location

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VS 2008 Windows Media Player Control - Full Screen Button?

Feb 17, 2010

I have an application that is currently playing videos through the windows media player control from a website. I want it so that a button I have created, when clicked will make the wmp control full screen.

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Set Its Screen Position And Lock It There?

Oct 14, 2010

But not my application.A app i use refuses to be brought forward, so wondered if there was a way for a vb app to run in the bg that can force a specified application to stay on top, & even maybe set its screen position and lock it there???

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Set Forms Z Position On Screen?

Jan 28, 2010

Is there a way to set the forms Z position on the screen?

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VS 2010 Set Screen Position?

Jul 13, 2011

Is there some way of setting anther process's position? Lets say we had our vb program up and you click a button, could this button set the position of Google Chrome to the top left corner?

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Get The Iconimage And The Position Of All The Icons On Screen?

Mar 31, 2010

I want to get the Iconimage and the Position of all the Icons on my Screen. How is that Possible?I found that: http:[url].....Topic, but its C# and the C#-Vb Converter dies while converting,

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Change The Mouse Position On The Screen

Sep 22, 2009

A simple example is: lets say that im trying to make a program that allows you to move the mouse only with the arrows (left/right/up/down) how can i change the position of the mouse on the screen programmatically? If i wanted when you press a button the mouse to change position to X=0,Y=0 of the hole screen/desktop not the window of the form how can i do it? [Code]

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External Application Screen Position

Nov 3, 2010

how can I make load "DXSETUP.exe" at center screen position using this code?

Private Sub Panel3_MouseClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Panel3.MouseClick


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Get Pixel Color At Screen Position?

Feb 11, 2010

Is there a way to get the color at a certain mouse position in the active window? I remember doing it with AutoIt Script, but I can't find any references for it in vb?

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Get The Form Position In Relation To The Screen?

Apr 16, 2011

I have this code working fine , it takes pictures of the correct size and correct file name , however , all the pictures it takes are in the top left corner of the screen , rather than where i have the form to. FYI the picture box in the middle has no picture in it , and is transparent , i want to save a bitmap of the contents of the picturebox ( a user defined size of the screen). The picture box and button are docked so that the form scales properly when being resized.


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Move The Mouse Pointer To A Certain Position On The Screen?

Aug 11, 2010

I'm trying to move the mouse pointer to a certain position on the screen.I've done the declarations for both the SetCursorPos as well as the mouse_event, however I keep getting a Declaration expected error at this line: SetCursorPos(x,y),Perhaps something is wrong with the project or vb as well, cause I used an other declaration as well and when I wanted to use that I also got a Declaration expected error.[code]....

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Saved Form Position Get Set To Off-screen Values?

Feb 15, 2012

I have now had two occurances of (different) users "losing" their frm position. I save the position to my.settings in the formClosing event ... and this is the only place that these values are set. When the users loaded the form the first time it worked just fine. At some later point the for got repositioned to -32000 (top) and -32000 (left). I now check for this and reposition the form when it is not on the monitor, but I'd like to understand what causes this. I'm using VS2010 and compiling against .net 3.5

Is the formClosing the wrong place to put the logic to save the settings?

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Set Control (windows Control) Position To Some Other Control Relative Postion?

Mar 25, 2011

I want to set control position relative to other control so when i make one control hide then other control move up like this.

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GetCursorPos - Read Out Absolute Cursor Position On The Screen

Aug 14, 2009

I am currently trying to read out my absolute cursor position on the screen. I read some threads in the "Legacy Visual Basic (VB 4/5/6)" Forums but this is as far as I get:


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VS 2010 - How To Set Program Start Position Lower Right On Screen

Aug 16, 2009

Is it any way to make my program start in the lower right of the users screen? Above the clock you know.

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[2005] Multi-Screen Application - Control Each Screen Separately?

Jun 23, 2009

im about to develop a small appliacation for a bet system, which needs 6 screens, each screen will be a touch screen for each client... the application will be running in one computer only just with 6 screens. my question is does anyone knows how to control each screen separately?. somethign that would allow me to output each forms in different screens would work fine.

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Interface And Graphics :: Get Form Boundary Position With Respect To Screen

Sep 3, 2008

I have a ScreenCapture class that allows me to capture the content of the screen by specifying a X Y value of the top left and X Y value of the bottom right corner of a rectangle. This all works fine, however the problem that I have is that I want to capture the content of a panel on a form, the panel obviously has a location X and Y which gives me the top left position and I can use the width and height propoerty of the panel to determine the bottom right position. The problem that I have is this obviously gives me location of the panel on the form and not the screen. The other problem that I have is that this form is a MidiChild for another form.

So basically what I want to know is how can I get the location of the panel but as a screen position?

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Position Form At The Bottom Right Corner Of The Screen In Visual Basic?

Dec 4, 2009

How can I position a form at the bottom right corner of the screen when the form load?

I use visual basic 2010 express


Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width - 400


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VS 2010 Forms Startup Position To Be Right Side Of Users Screen?

Nov 8, 2011

I have my main form which will have the option to hide itself and open up a mini version. I would like this mini version to start at the top-right of the users screen.I have went through other posts and understand that you can set distance from top-left.

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VS 2010 Changing Control Parent Property Changes Control Location Position?

Feb 16, 2011

I'm trying to make a program with transparent labels over pictureboxes and when I set the label Parent to the PictureBox the position of the label changes.

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Bind Control.Text Property To Control Position In FlowLayoutPanel?

Jun 6, 2012

Is there a way to bind the text property of a control to an expression? I have a user control that I add to a FlowLayoutPanel. You can see I have 4 controls in the FlowLayoutPanel below. The first control is a LinkLabel and the other three are my user controls which are numbered 1, 2, & 3. I'd like to bind the label that shows the 1, 2, or 3 to the user controls index within the FlowLayoutPanel.

If I happen to remove the 2nd user control I want the 3rd user control to now display 2. I could use the FlowLayoutPanel ControlAdded or ControlRemoved events, but wanted to see if I could do some binding first.

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Finding The Position Of A Control From The Control Handle.?

Feb 24, 2012

I've looked throu all of the SendMessage(messages) but there does not seem to be anything like WM_GetPos.Now I can accomplish through AHK with ControlGetPos, but for the life of me I can not figure out what Win API function they are calling to accomplish this.We have an order entry system we use, that I am trying to automate the printing of our reports (we have 4 per order form) to save time

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Assigning An Array Position For Each Button?

May 2, 2009

1. i am trying to assign button1....button81 a position in currentbuttons(81) and i currently have it at

currentbutton(1) = button1
curentbutton(2) = button2

and so forth to 81. how can i get around it into a small loop so i loose alot of the redundant code?

2. i am also having difficulty with being able to change properties of buttons in regards with..for the butons like...button1, button3, button5, button6 all be changed to a different colour.i currently have something along the lines of

button1 = system.colour,
button2 = system.colour.

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Can PointF Be Used To Determine The Position Of A Button

Nov 25, 2010

I am using a button together with a mediaplayer. The button represents the media player currentPosition. (I know this is already a built in feature of the media player object but I need a much bigger display area.) It works as planned and allows the user to get or set the currentPosition. The only aspect I'm not happy with is its jerky movement as it jumps from pixel to pixel. I thought I had solved the problem by using a PointF (MyButton.Left = MyPointF.X) only to discover that the MyButton.Left value is reconverted to an integer (i.e. a position in pixels).

Is there any way that objects like buttons can be positioned accurately using units of less than one pixel?

If not, is there any other kind of object that can be positioned more accurately than a button?

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Change The Position Of The Start Button?

Jun 21, 2010

i have a program that change the look of the taskbar. But i have a problem, i want to set the start button position to the middle of the taskbar but can't find any code to do this. I know that its possible because there are some programs that do this.

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Changing The Position Of A Button From Within An Application?

Oct 11, 2009

find out to change the location of a button.Can't find out how to use the Button.Location.Y property.

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Drag The Button To The Position Of Mouse?

Jan 30, 2009

Public Class Form1
Dim i(1) As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


What im trying to do is when u have the mouse hold down you can drag the button to the position of your mouse, however all it does on mouse down is move it to the bottom right and if i keep click it will keep going down til its off the screen.

Im trying to make a drag drop styled interface for user customization.

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Previous Button Is Click The BindingSource Position?

Feb 24, 2009

I would like to make data binding using BindingSource whereby whenever either Next Button or Previous Button is click the BindingSource position will change to display the data at that position.

I know that if I want use a loop of the BindingSource I could do somthing like vb code below but I am not sure if of binding it seperately. I usually bind it through the properties but this I cant because is an image column which I want to bind and I have to us memorystream to display it to reduce memory usage, so I asign it to arrPic so that whenever the BindingSource position changes the image column will be asign to arrPic.

Dim MyRow as DataRowView
For Each MyRow In dtView
'only use non-repeating names
CurrentPicture = Trim(CStr((MyRow("FileName"))))
If CurrentPicture <> LastName Then


The BindingSource filter the picturenames and add to a listbox. One name may contain about 4 or more pictures so when you select a name from the listbox the bindingsource populate only the pictures have the selected name and you can navigate forward and backwards.All what I want is how to bind a column to a textbox or picturebox by code. I know if it is a dataset I can declare a datarow and bind anything to the columns.

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VS 2008 TabControl - Position Of New Button Column

Jul 28, 2009

I have one form with one tabControl with two tabs, in each one I have one dgv, in the visible change event I create and add a new button column, that will be placed at the end. Now the "problem", if the first tab it's selected when the form becomes visible, the column it's placed in the correct position (last), and in the second tab the column it's placed in the third position.

If I do this with the second tab selected when the form become visible, the column it's placed correctly in this one, and in the third position in the first one... The code that I use, it's very simple, every datagrid it's bounded to a datatable, I tried the add method, then I tried the insert method, then I manually set the display index for each column, and none of this options solved my problem...

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Control Position Of CurrencyManager?

Jul 14, 2009

I have a datagridview, a bindingnavigator both of them link to a datasource. i want to ask you how can i control position of CurrencyManager.

I tried but not yet :


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