Take A Snapshot, Or A Copy Of A Control, For A Bitmap?

Dec 13, 2010

I am trying to take a snapshot, or a copy of a control, for a bitmap. I'm wanting to do this to a listbox, but part of the listbox may be hidden.On the mouse_down event I need to get the snapshot of the whole listbox (even though parts may be hidden behind other controls, I need the whole listbox) and draw it to the screen in the same location as the original listbox (but the hidden parts still stay hidden behind the other controls on the bitmap).

On the mouse_move event I need to move the snapshot up/down based on mouse movement. This also moves the listbox up/down and this code is done. I will just move the snapshot of the listbox the same way as the original listbox.On the mouse_up event, I will dispose the bitmap and display the original listbox again.

I am doing this because moving a listbox up/down is really messy. It's a custom drawn listbox and looks horrible moving, so I figured if I could snapshot it, move the bitmap while visible, and listbox behind the scenes, it will flow smoothly and no one would notice I am scrolling a bitmap instead.

Double buffering the form and listbox didn't help . I've done some graphics.drawstring before, but not much on other graphics.

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Take A Snapshot Of A Portion Of The Map And Dump It To A Bitmap?

Feb 4, 2009

I have a third party GIS tool that I'm using to view maps with. Occasionally we have to take a snapshot of a portion of the map and dump it to a bitmap. The third party tool has a function that will give me the upper left and lower right coordinates of the area selected on the map. These coordinates come out as system.drawing.point objects.

The two point objects are then used to generate a new system.drawing.size object that will give the height and width of the area selected. The height and width values are passed to the constructor for the system.drawing.bitmap.All this works fine most of the time. Sometimes, however, when the user selects a particularly large area, the bitmap constructor bombs with a 'parameter is not valid' error. There isn't any documentation on this error, but I'm assuming it means the height and width are too big.

So what I'm wondering is... is there some way to check my height and width values prior to creating the bitmap and make sure they are in acceptable bounds?

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Copy A Bitmap To A Form?

Oct 12, 2010

I know how to copy a bitmap to a picturebox.image but how do I copy the bitmap to the form?


I want to create a form 1600x1200 and put a 1600x1200 image on the form to cover the entire surface.

Then I want to put several pictureboxes 256x40 (Tool Bars) at different locations on the form.

If pictureboxA is at x32, y32 on the form, I want to copy from the form at x32, y32 256x40 to the picturebox.image then draw

the buttons on the pictureboxA.

I know how to load a .jpg or .bmp to the form from a file. This won't work for my purpose.

If there is no fix for this then the only thing I could do would be to create the bitmap then save it to a file, then reload the file to the form. I want to avoid this... It takes up time :(

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BitBlt Copy Bitmap To Screen?

Mar 7, 2012

Edit: Fixed, I created a compatibleDC for the graphics object, and a handle for the bitmap (using b.gethbitmap), then used the SelectObject function inside GDI to select those two, and used the compatibleDC instead of hDc in the BitBlt function I've been trying to draw a bitmap to the screen (device 0), however I have encountered a problem copying the graphics using BitBlt.

Initially, I was drawing directly to the desktop using SetPixel (gdi32), but it was slow, so now I am setting the pixels of a bitmap object and then creating graphics from that object, and copying the hdc of the graphics to the screen.My guess is that I am adding the HDC of the graphics object to an intptr, which essentially gives me the HDC of the container of the graphics object, which is not what I need. However even so, I have not found any information on how I could copy a bitmap to a device other than using BitBlt.

This is my current code (Windows forms app, textbox, button) The textbox is the device to copy to, and the button starts it. For testing purposes, set the textbox text to 0, and press the button. You should see a black box (50x50px) in the top left corner of your screen. The colour should be blue if it is working correctly:

Public Class Form1
Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Int32) As Int32
Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Int32, ByVal hdc As Int32) As Int32


The way it works is it calls the function setpx, given a location and color from within a loop iterating through all of the pixels in a box (50x50 in my code). The setpx function will then call the setpixel fuction on a bitmap b. This part is working fine.Next, it will define a graphics object g from the bitmap, and I use BitBlt to copy g's hdc (g.gethdc) to the screen. This is not working correctly?

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Copy Background Of A Form To Picturebox / Bitmap?

Oct 4, 2010

Using a blank form I draw simple colored shapes to the form(x800 - y600 @ x0 - y0).

I'm using a picturebox(x800 - y600 @ x0 - y0), how do I copy whats on the form to the picturebox?

I want a mirror image copy.

Also, how do I copy from picturebox to form?

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Drawing A WebBrowser Control To A Bitmap?

May 17, 2012

I'm trying to save a panel control as a bitmap using the following code (VB.net):

Private Sub SaveFileDialog1_FileOk(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles SaveFileDialog1.FileOk
filename = SaveFileDialog1.FileName


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Pasting Images Onto A Control And Saving It As Bitmap

Oct 2, 2009

pasting images onto a control and saving it as bitmap

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System Memory In Bitmap - Using Bitmap To Show Picture Box Like Slideshow Using Timer

Jul 3, 2011

I'm using Bitmap to show picture box like slideshow using Timer. For each timer interval, I've to go for new instance of Bitmap, there System memory increases to 1MB, How to resolve this, 'BG is picture box

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tic Dim img As Bitmap

img = New Bitmap(System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile(FileIO.FileSystem.GetFiles


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Use A ToolTip Directly To A Bitmap Object (System.Drawing.Bitmap)?

Dec 15, 2010

I'm trying to use a ToolTip directly to a Bitmap Object (System.Drawing.Bitmap), aparently I can't do this because Bitmap isnt a Windows Control.

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Create Monochrome Bitmap From Semi Transparent Bitmap?

Sep 17, 2011

how can i create a monochrome bitmap from a semi transparent bitmap in vb.net? the bmp is for a transparency mask image for an icon i'm trying to create with the CreateIconIndirect API function.

i'm using vb2008 .Net3.5, but i would prefer an answer that would also work in vb2005

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Copy To The Clipboard Using CNTRL/C On A Menustrip - Copying Text From One Control To Another Control On A MDI Child Form?

Aug 19, 2009

I am still messing around with Cntrl/Copy and Paste from a menustrip. Paste is working fine. The copy is working to a certain extent. It will copy the complete text field from one control to another. how do I determine what is the selected text only. My code below:

Private Sub CopyToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles CopyToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim activeChild As Form = Me.ActiveMdiChild ' Determine the active child form.
Dim activeControl As Control = activeChild.ActiveControl


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Take A Snapshot From WebCam In .NET?

Aug 4, 2009

I need to capture image from WebCam in my .NET application which should work on both Win XP & Vista. While creating this thread, the forums suggested me 3 links that were helpful. I though I got the answer from one of them, but it worked spcifically on Win XP, not Vista.

I jus tneed to capture an image from the WebCam, rest all processing of the would be handled by my .NET code.

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Take A Snapshot Of A Webpage?

Dec 27, 2010

I'm trying to take a snapshot of a website and show the snap shot in my picturebox.

the only thing on my form would be the picture box and a button to take a snapshot.

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Snapshot Of Displayed RTF Document

Apr 10, 2009

I would like to be able to take a snapshot of an whole RTF document displayed on screen (and also whats not yet displayed below screen) and save it as a JPEG image, but I cannot work out code to do this in VB.NET.I can do it all manually by displaying the document on screen, highlighting all text displayed and copying it to the clipboard. Then I can paste it into 'Paint' and save it as a JPEG. But I would like to be able to do this programatically inside my program.

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Take Snapshot Of Webbrowser And Save It To C?

May 31, 2012

How i can take snapshot of webbrowser and save it to C:file.png

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VS 2008 How To Take A Snapshot From It And Then Be Able To Save It As A Jpg

Jul 16, 2009

Basically I need to be able to take a snapshot from a webcam.The webcam is known so I know what cam I am looking for and what I wish to connect to and it will be there but I can't find out how to take a snapshot from it and then be able to save it as a jpg?

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Mdf Using VB2008 Express In VB Lesson Snapshot 5?

Jun 11, 2009

I have been using the VB2008 express edition following Bob Tabors's 18 course lesson in VB 'snapshot 5'. I was starting lesson 14 on the RSS reader. This lesson adds the .mdf for the first tome. The .mdf file was unable to be opened due to some message about code 603?. The final requst is that the database be recreated. What would you suggest. I was not expected to run into this problem so quickly in the learning process. so be it

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Taking A Snapshot Of A Form Which Is NOT Visible On Screen?

Jun 11, 2009

I need to take a snapshot of a form which is not necessarily visible on the screen. I need to save that into a Bitmap object. I cannot use Graphics.CopyFromScreen() because if there was anything obstructing the form, it will appear in the snapshot taken.

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Webbrowser - Snapshot Of Website With Provided URL Address?

Mar 11, 2010

i have seen google chrome, whenever you open a new tab, it will show you the last 8 pages that you have visited. I want to do a similar thing, except i have a vb.net code behind the .aspx file, which shall give me a list of URL's called form the database. When the page is loaded the URL's are displayed on it. what i need my code to do is to pick up these URL's, on the background open a web browser, take a snapshot of it and save it, and display it on the screen. dont recommend IFrames cause I need a snapshot and not an actual running site in the small snapshot.

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Capture Image On Click Of Snapshot Button Available On Webcam?

Jan 8, 2010

I'm building .NET application that uses DirectX API for web camera device I'm using DirectShowNet Library .

i want to capture the image when user clicks the snapshot button available on webcam.and then dispaly the image in picture box.pls help me out iam stuck with this issue.

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VS 2008 DirectX Audiovideo - Snapshot - Getting Errors And Exceptions

Sep 11, 2010

I have already incorporated DirectX into a program and set the owner to a picturebox which so far works great, but all it does is set the place/dimensions of the directx window to the picturebox... it doesn't actually USE the picturebox for the video so if i pause the video or set a timeframe I can't use the picturebox frame/image to pull information from. So what I want to do is when i pause the video at a certain frame I want to be able to actually take a snapshot and populate the picturebox with that image and then be able to save/manipulate it like a normal picture. I have read some examples and coding on screen snapshots using DirectX.3D, but not audiovideo. Not sure if its the same or what. I know normally you would start out with CODE, but in this case I have NO IDEA exactly where or how to start it.. I tried Bitmap options with the screen area/location, etc... but was getting errors and exceptions..

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Extraxct A Rectangle Bitmap From A Big Bitmap?

May 26, 2011

Here is a short program to demonstrate my question. I just want to extraxct a rectangle bitmap from a big bitmap.Code as follows:

Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object,[code]....

Execution stops when hitting the Dim cloneBitmap statement, which should have created a bitmap out of the rectangle cut out.The message is:

"MissingMemeberException was unhandled.

No default member was found for type 'bitmap"

I just don't get it. Seems that the method Clone(Rectangle, PixelFormat was not found.

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Parameter Is Not Valid - Bitmap Bmp = New Bitmap()

Feb 10, 2010

I have a grass image located here in my directory. I want to just create a Bitmap, but I am getting an error. (Parameter is not valid.) Immediate Window: A first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in System.Drawing.dll


private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap("grass.jpg");

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Any Way To Deep Copy Control?

Jan 31, 2010

Is there any way possible to deep copy a Control? Just want to know if its possible

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Copy Control, Paste As An Image?

Apr 21, 2011

In my program I have a custom control that is a combination of a datagrid, labels and images.

My customer wants to be able to select the entire control, then copy it and paste it in another document as an image.

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Copy Text To A Textbox Control?

Dec 4, 2009

I am working in vb2008. I have a series of textboxes on a form that I am using for my application. I cut and paste information into one of my textboxes as a description for the record. Most times the information is simple text but sometimes the text I am pasting is formated with carriage returns and special characters. I need my data to always go into this textbox unformatted.

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Create A New Instance Of A Control To Copy It?

Jan 27, 2010

I am trying to create an instance of a control to copy it.

Dim NewPanel As New Panel1

Is not working. When you create an instance like this, the "Panel1" wont show up in the list of classes, so it says "Panel1 is not defined".I have heard of control arrays dissappeared in VB2008,but still,is there any way to create a new instance / copy an already existing control or let a control appear like it was when you made it in VB so you can open multiple Panels like they are child forms?

EDIT: I know you can do:

Dim newPanel As New Panel
newPanel = Panel1

..but that's not what I want, because that makes you can't edit the controls inside the new panel.

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Cut Copy Paste User Control

May 14, 2012

i have a richtextbox in a user control my user control is loaded into a program with a menu strip..when a user tries to copy and paste into my RTB the key commands do no get to me because they are grabbed by the parent application..is there a simple way when the RTB gets focus to make sure it recieves the ctrl+C command?

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Clone / Copy A Control (with Child Controls) Using Asp.net?

May 28, 2012

I have a bunch of dynamically created controls by the user which I'm storing as a control collection in the session state so I can display them on every postback. Each control that the user generates is a div with other controls inside it. I have a button on each control that will allow the user to either delete the control or duplicate it.


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Copy A Control On A Form But Past Border?

Aug 8, 2010

Is it possible to copy a control that is on the form but also runs off th the form because it is bigger than the form and screen? If I have the height and width of an area I want to copy that runs off the form, any way to grab it? The form will not be minimized and will be the focused program. When i click a button I want to do this. Either copy to clipboard or even just save as an image. I can even have the handle to the control if that is needed.

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