Write A Program In VB 2008 Express That Takes An User Entry From A Textbox And Strips Out All The Spaces?

May 10, 2011

I need to write a program in VB 2008 express that takes an user entry from a textbox and strips out all the spaces, changes it to either all upper case or all lower case then checks to see if it is a palindrome. I must also include a loop structure and a decision structure. I have seen bits and pieces of code but I do not really know how to put them together. Basically I need it from the button click to the end. ?

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Write A Program That Takes Three Values Then Uses Them At Once?

Jan 22, 2011

How would i write a program that takes three values X Y and Symbol. the program is supposed to display a rectangle which is X

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Write A Program That Counts The Number Of Spaces In A String?

Dec 17, 2011

Write a program that counts the number of spaces in a string provided by the user

-You need to use the InStr function and start it at different points within the string on each loop of the Do Until control structure.

output- needs to state how many spaces that are in the string that was inputed in the text box

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Write A Program That Takes A String Of Bits And Encrypts It Using DES Encryption?

Feb 19, 2010

Alright, So ive returned to using vb after several years now. Ive programed in VB6.0 years ago and I was quite proficient at it. However after returning to vb (now using Visual Studio 2010). Either Ive forgotten everything, or something has changed. For a university project. Im trying to write a program that takes a string of bits and encrypts it using DES Encryption.


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Textbox.clear - Won't Allow The User To Use Spaces?

Nov 4, 2010

Im making a textbox which wont allow the user to use spaces but rather then clear the textbox it simply deleats the last character (which is the space)


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.net - Setting Textbox So User Cannot Type In Non Numeric Characters Or Spaces?

Apr 19, 2012

Is there a way to set a textbox in vb such that it does not accept a space or a non-numeric character entered by a user? I am writing a program that has a textbox called "phoneField" in which the user should type in only numbers and if the user trys to type a non-numeric character or space, nothing should be displayed in the textbox. How could that be done?

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Working On A Program That Takes Input From A Textbox?

Aug 31, 2011

I've been working on a program that takes input from a textbox, removes the punctuation, puts the words into an array (using the split method), and compares the array against a reversed copy of itself to determine if it is a word palindrome or not. I understand the logic, but I'm getting kind of caught up as far as what code to us. This is what I have so far, but no matter what I enter into the text box, nothing happens. I'm completely lost as to what I'm doing wrong.


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VS 2008 - SQL Server Express - Program To Run No Matter If The User Is Logged In To The PC Or Not

Jan 22, 2010

I am starting design of a program that needs to run no matter if the user is logged in to the PC or not. So I will be writing it as a VB.Net Service.

As I am not overly familiar with SQL Server Express, is it possible to connect to a local SQL Server Express Instance and access the database from a VB.Net Service while the user is not logged in to the PC?

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How Do Publish A Vb Express 2008 Program With "terms Of Use" Clause The User Must Agree To In Order To Install The Program?

May 26, 2009

I have a program in vb express 2008 which I would like to publish in a little more professional manner than provided in the standard vb express package. I would at least like to include a "Terms of Use" document the user must agree to before installing the program. I have dovnloaded and installed web developer, c# and vs 2008. Do any of these include a professional installer? If not are there any free installer packages available? I am 72 and live on a limited budget so I cannot aford an expensive package for one program.

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Create A Program That Takes An Amount Entered By The User And Then Convert It Into Half Dollars?

Oct 13, 2010

Im trying to create a program that takes an amount entered by the user and then convert it into Half Dollars, quarters, dimes, nickles, and pennies when the calculate button is clicked. Each coin has its own function and is shown in separate text boxes... right now i cant get it to work correctly. When i try to get half dollars to work it rounds up and then the rest of the coins say 0. How should i do this?

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VS 2008 Array - Write A Program For A User To Take A 20 Question Test

Apr 22, 2009

I have to write a program for a user to take a 20 question test (A, B, C, D). The users answers will be stored in an array and compared with a 2nd array that has the correct answers. Its then supposed to go to a 2nd form when you click show score, grade it, and display whether each answer was right or wrong. I'm missing something easy probably.


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Write A Program In 2008 That Allows The User To Enter In Information About A Video Into Textboxes?

Apr 30, 2009

I need to write a program in visual basic 2008 that allows the user to enter in information about a video into textboxes and from there it needs to be sved to a file. The user also has the option to search for a video in the collection by name and the info for that video should go to the textboxes. how i can do this?

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VS 2008 Restrict Spaces On Textbox?

Jul 30, 2009

I am just wondering is there any way I could restrict entering spaces into a textbox, or how to check are there any spaces in the text? I do know how to remove them, so I would need to check or restrict

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VS 2008 - Deleting Spaces, Putting Each Line Into Textbox

Oct 13, 2009

OK, SO i have this program that outputs all the servers on a specific game. It outputs it to a text file. HOWEVER, There is a lot of annoying spaces. This is kind of hard to explain, so ill try to explain it. This is what The text file looks like. [Code]

As you can see, they have these annoying spaces. What I want to do: 1. Get rid of the spaces, BUT KEEP A SPACE BETWEEN THE IP AND THE PORT. 2. After the spaces that are bad are gone, I want the program to output each single IP AND port To its own text Box. It doesn't matter is the textbox of the IP and Port are separated, It can just be one textbox with the IP and port, with a space between them. Thats about it. I have the GUI done, and the rest of the programming, all I need now is this. Reformat without spaces > output each separate line of text to a separate textbox > TYTYTYTY

PS, is there a way for VB to send a command to the command prompt? Say, I wanted it to open a CMD box and send ipconfig into that box, what would that be?

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VS 2010 Building A Program That Strips Out Certain Keywords From A Much Larger File

Apr 25, 2010

I am building a program that strips out certain keywords from a much larger file. I am using code that .paul. provided in a different post, but I can't get it to work correctly. Here is the code that I am using: [code] Basically, the first match will appear in textbox2, but no other matches appear after that. I put a breakpoint at the For Each loop and checked out the locals. I am showing 2,502 matches for the variable "match." I just now put another breakpoint in there and I can see that it is stepping, but nothing is recorded.In the archive is a file named debout.txt. This file should be used for the testing.

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VS 2008 : User Control For Date Entry?

Dec 29, 2011

Im trying to build a user control to enter date as dd/mm/yyyy. I want to create a text box control so the user can enter the date without making a mistake.ex:-Lets assume that the user is trying to enter 31/03/2010 so when the user types 3 first the next number allowed should only be 1 or 0 because there cant be any date more than 31.and if the user enters 31/ then he should only be allowed to enter a month which has 31 days. Im trying to implement this codes in keypress method.So it checks the errors at runtime and prevents the user from typing a wrong value.So far i have got to something like this but Im stuck.Please help

Dim IndexOfCursor As Integer
IndexOfCursor = textbox1.SelectionStart
chr = e.KeyChar


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VS 2008 : Are Spaces In A Masked Texbox Not Really Spaces

Jan 1, 2010

I just changed a control on a form from a masked textbox to a normal textbox because I wrote my own code to validate the data. I'm trying to clear the leading spaces that were created for this column in an Access database using the LTrim function and it doesn't work for some reason. The column is " :30" in the table and when I LTrim it and save the changes, it's still " :30" , not ":30". Is that leading entry not a space character?

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VS 2008 Make A Program Which Takes A Bunch Of Inputs (Name, Age, X2 Score Results)?

Mar 12, 2011

I've recently started programming for Visual Basic Express - 2008, and I'm currently trying to make a program which takes a bunch of inputs (Name, Age, x2 score results) and then turns this into an output at the end which varies depending on the score results.

I've stumbled upon a small hinderance, which is that the very final stage which has a Console.Writeline does not appear after testing the program. So, everything else functions fine, but as soon as it gets past the "Console.WriteLine("All pupils have been calculated, the results are...")" command the program closes itself.I'm not looking for much help, just wondering exactly what is causing this to happen. I also realise that my coding is sub-par and is coded in a slightly odd fashion, but I'd rather just get this one to work and use the mistakes from this one to correct my future work.

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Converting A VB 2005 Express Program To VB 2008 Express

Feb 24, 2010

The program I am trying to modify was initially written using VB 2005 Express. I have subsequently downloaded the 2008 version. The program creates a monthly spreadsheet from a template. The old code that will no longer (highlighted and underlined) compile is as follows:


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Send A Text That A User Has Write In A Textbox?

May 8, 2009

I mean the same thing what the most websites have *CONTACT US FORM* that send your name, text that you have write to a e-mail. How i do this with Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition

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Write A Programme Where A User Can Type In A 'string' Into A Textbox?

Feb 6, 2012

I am attempting to write a programme where a user can type in a 'string' into a textbox. A data dictionary will contain specific keywords relating to a specific classification, where an algorithm can detect whether any of the keywords occur in the 'string'. Here are the processes that need to occur:

1) A data dictionary, that contains keywords relating to specific classes eg. (IT Issues, Printer, Software, Password).

2) An algorithm needs to compare the words in the Data Dictionary to that of the 'string' to detect any matches.

3) A rule set to determine what classification the 'string' needs to be classed as.

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Modify 2008 Program Entry Point?

Jan 17, 2010

How can I Tell Visual Basic or Studio to alter the entry point other that its default one(The first Form)[url]....

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Write A Sql Query That Takes Information From A Database?

Oct 31, 2009

How can I write a sql query that takes information from a database, and then put in the text in a label?

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How To Write User Input From Textbox To Web Config File In HTML

Feb 20, 2012

I am trying to obtain a file path that users manually enter on a web page, and then write it to the web.config file.

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Write File Keeps Adding Blank Spaces?

Jul 15, 2009

I have a log that is saved to a text file when i clikc a button.It then adds it self to a text file and a listview.


as you can see there is a blank space.here is the code i use.

'Write details to file
Dim LOG_NAME As String = "C:Simple HostUrlLog.txt"
Dim iTemp As Integer
Dim logArray(1) As String


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Write A Program That Allows User Input Information?

Jan 30, 2012

I am trying to write a program that allows user input information and plot a bifurcation diagram that looks like this:I haven't program in 2 years:sick: so I am all rusty and such. Here is what I have got so far and more information about what I am doing.

f(x) = kx(1-x)
and k = xL + i * (xR-xL) / 500

when i runs from 0 to 500, it plots (i, f(seed)), (i, f(f(seed)), .... up to the boundary number.Here is what I have got so far. Everything seems normal, however, I am really confused when it comes to plotting.


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Is Write A Function Procedure That Takes An Array Of Strings

May 9, 2010

I'm a beginner and doing a review for my final...the question is-Write a Function procedure that takes an array of Strings, sorts it using Shell sort and returns the sorted array. I do not get shell sort at all.

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Write A 64bit Dll Using Visual Basic 2008 Express?

Aug 20, 2010

I currently have a dll written w/ VB 6. The problem is my office upgraded to 64bit windows XP and the dll won't work. from what I have found it apears I need a 64bit dll.but am having trouble creating one.

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Write A Program In .net Take Some Input From User And Then Generate Hex File?

Oct 24, 2010

My project is GUI based. I want to write program in vb.net take some input from user and then i hav to genarate hex file so that it can be run on microcontroller. I just want to know weather hex file generation in vb.net is possible or not?

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VS 2008 Make Vista Style Menu Strips

Jan 30, 2010

I see many programs using a menu strip similar to the folowing: My grey menu style just looks ugly... I guess I should not use the image as background, because XP has other style menustrips, so it must be some sort of menu strip. How can I make a menustrip with that style?

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