Add Last Row Of Dataset To Datagridview?

Jun 22, 2011

i want to add the last row of the dataset but it is only displaying System.Data.DataRow in one of the colums

cmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand("select product,Quantity,MRP,Sale_Rate,Disc_Amt,Amt from sale_table ", con)


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DataSet Not Seeing Changes To Datagridview

Jan 27, 2009

I have a datagridview that is linked to a bindingsource....which is linked to a table in a dataset. (and i have tried it with the datagridview linked to the dataset and table directly).

When i make edis to the datagridview, and check the DataSet.Haschanges, it returns false.[code]...

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How To Add Two Dataset Into One Datagridview

Apr 28, 2011

is it possible to add two defferent datatable (single dataset) into datagridview? what I mean?I have a datagridview and one dataset with two datatable. here on the datagridview, I have 3 columns on datagrid as (code, name and unit (combobox)) first two from table 1 and 3rd from table2. there is relation between table1 and 2 (code). so, in combo, I have to fill the unit depents the column1 (code).

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.net - Going From Excel To A DataSet Or DataGridView

Jul 28, 2010

I have data that I'm taking from an Excel sheet with the ultimate goal of displaying in a DataGridView.

Currently I am just going over the UsedRange of excel data and plugging it into a datagridview. This works fine, but can get bogged down when there 100+ rows of data.

I have also toyed with going from excel into a dataset (using the same wasteful method), and as expected it takes about the same time to load the data. Maybe use the XML from the Excel file?


Some Additional Information:

This is a WinForms application and the user will be picking and loading the excel file at run-time.


The Return of Some Additional Information:

The Excel file is located on the user's pc. The general assumption is that they will be loading different files each time they use the application. [not sure if this helps, but might be good to know :)]

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Datagridview That Is Bound To A Dataset?

Apr 9, 2012

Okay so I have a datagridview that is bound to a dataset. I have a column called type is a string char of either C, R, A, or V. The problem is that I want to sort the datagridview rows using that column and do so in the order I just gave so I want rows with C on top and then R and then A and then V. Because these aren't alphabetical, how could I sort the items this way? I did look into the icomparer, but really wasn't able to figure out how that works.

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Datagridview With Dataset As Datasource?

Jan 13, 2012

my question is, is there a way to filter records in the dataset and use that records to fill in the datagridview? for example, a datatable (with 3 columns: ID, StudentName, Gender) is filled with list of students. i have two datagrids in the form namely DatagridView1 and Datagridview2. DatagridView1 is where the the list of student where Gender is equal to M and DatagridView2 is where the the list of student where Gender is equal to my current solution, i am using a loop.


is there a way without using a loop?

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Dataset And Datagridview Not Synchronized?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a data bound datagridview where I am allowed to add and delete rows.So a new row is the last row in the grid with the '*'. When a user starts to type in the new row, that row no longer is considered the new row. It is then inserted into a row above the new row (*). The user, however, can press 'Esc' key and this row gets deleted.If the user does not pressed 'Esc' but move the cursor along that row, this row will be permanently there. I have tested this scenario and check the underlying dataset and it registers no changes as in the myDataset.hasChanges=FALSE.If I call myDataAdapter.Update(myDataSet), nothing gets updated. How do I save this row to the database?

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Load A Datagridview From A Dataset?

Jan 19, 2011

I am not sure why my dataset is not being posted into datagridview

Sub to load the form and datagrid view
Private Sub btnMueME_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnMueME.Click


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Update Datagridview And Dataset?

Jul 5, 2009

this code that i use just update the datagridview not update at dataset..anyone can tell me what wrong with my code.

Dim mResult
Dim ObjConnection As New SqlConnection()
mResult = MsgBox("Are sure want Update this record?", _


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IndexOutOfRange From Datagridview When Refreshing Dataset?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a datagridview on a form that is bound to a table in a dataset from another class.I use a data adapter to .Fill a table in that dataset and the grid displays the data fine.Works fine.On my form I have a textbox the user can type in that will will pass a parameter to the storedprocedure used to fill this table. So on startup the textbox will have "%" in it. and then the user can type in "F%" and get everything that starts with an "F"

So when that textbox changes I launch an async refresh (.BeginInvoke) to do my refresh. The table gets populated with the reduced number of records (I check ds.table(0).rows.count and it is correct)

But the datagridview then starts throwing datagridview.dataerror events. "System.IndexOutofRangeException : Index # does not have a value".It looks like the dataset is getting filled correctly and not having any issues, but the datagrid is not liking this update. The index out of range error is so common that I'm not finding what I need through searches.

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Calendar Control From DataGridView To Dataset?

Feb 23, 2012

I have a DataGridView with 4 columns which I transfer toa dataset - this works fine, i posted the code belowHowever I adde a CalendarColumn into my DataGridView but this doesnt transfer over to my dataset.Does anyone know how I can add this Calendar column onto my dataset along with the other 4 columns?

Dim col As New CalendarColumn()
Me.dataGridView1.Name = "Trip Date"


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DataGridView - Create New Row And Update DataSet?

Jun 10, 2009

I have a datagridview that was bound using the wizard and all the column created that way. So I haven't done any code to bind the datagridview. It will pull the data from the database and dataset just fine. My problem is when I create a new row it won't update the dataset or database. I have tried different ways that I thought it would work in the code and still haven't found a usable way to do it yet. Or if I need to do all my binding and columns through code give me an idea where to start if I have to go that route. This is my first experiences with Datagridview. I normally use comboboxes and textboxes to write to a dataset and database which all work very well.

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Datagridview - Dataset Display Different Column?

Apr 5, 2010

I am making a combobox from my data source. Basically, This is a projects form and the user needs to select the the primary contact which is contrained by the customer id (GETbyCustomerID) set in another field. I have it working... mostly except the combobox only displays the contact ID which is completely useless to the user. I need to know how to display the First and Last name (both are seperate columns in the table).

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DataGridView Does Not Refresh After Dataset Update?

Apr 13, 2012

I have a form with a dataGridView

The dataGridView data source is the dgvTableAdapter with this sql statement

SELECT membres.ID, membres.refere_par, bands.titre,
membres_1.prenom & ' ' & membres_1.nom AS reference_nom
FROM ((bands INNER JOIN membres ON bands.ID = membres.[band])
INNER JOIN membres membres_1 ON membres.refere_par = membres_1.ID)


I know the delete statement works because I saw the changes in the database. If I close the form and reopen it, the dataGridView is up to date.

The membres table is an access table

I'm running the app in visual 2010 debug mode.

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DB/Reporting :: Filtering A DataSet To A DatagridView?

Apr 25, 2011

Here is my code that parses an XML string to a datagridview:

Dim DS As New DataSet
DS.ReadXml(New StringReader(StringHTML))
DataGridView.DataSource = DS


Child list for field Produits cannot be created.I'm sure it's something so simple you guys are chuckling...Can't wait to see what's the problem

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Display Two Tables From A Dataset In A DataGridView?

Oct 21, 2011

I have a Dataset with 2 different tables. What I have to do is to display those tables in a DataGridView.What I have done with a reference is given below.


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Filter Datagridview By Letter Without Dataset?

Feb 3, 2011

how can I filter my datagrid view by letter..for example: if I write "m" in a textbox, every row begin with "m" appears,then I write "moh",so every row begin wiz it appears...I found a lot of methods related to dataset and binding source...but in fact I don't need such those methods... Just wanna filter it without any relation between database...(because I'm using webservice java+access as database,so my db is related to eclipse not to

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Loop Through A Dataset And Populate A DataGridView?

Jan 6, 2012

How do I loop through a dataset and populate a DataGridView - heres my code. Hopefully someone can point out where Im going wrong... Not getting a specific error, just failed message box. when i take out the try/catch function then Im given no error but the DataGridView does not populate.


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VS 2010 DataGridView To DataSet Won't Work

Aug 7, 2011

I' newbie and i dont understand why this won't work TableName is String "Tab"DataGridMain is name of DataGridView.[code]

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Bound Relations Between Tables In A Dataset To Datagridview?

Aug 6, 2010

How to bound this dataset to datagridview?


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Datagridview InvalidOperationException Error When Try To Update Tha Dataset?

Feb 1, 2012

I bound my dataset to a datagridview and when I did any changes with the data in it and try to send it to the database (pressing a Button) got the error message:"InvalidOperationException error was handled.Update requires a valid UpdateCommand (or InsertCommand depend on the action)when passed DataRow collection with modified rows."I read the related posts but they didn't solve my problem. (I have primary key in the table and the AllowUserTo... properties are set to True.)My table is very simple:

Org_id Number PK
Org_name Char


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DataGridView Unchanged After Adding Row To Bound DataSet

Jun 11, 2010

I add a row to the DataSet using the following code:
Dim NewRow as DataRow
NewRow = gds.Tables("TitleDataSet").NewRow
NewRow("Title") = txtTitle.Text
NewRow("Local_number") = nubLocalnumber.Value
NewRow("Number_suffix") = txtNumberSuffix.Text

This code executes without errors but the bound DataGridView remains unchanged (without including the new row). Obviously I am doing something wrong or I am omitting a vital command. What do I need to do in order to make the new row appear in the DataGridView? I did not choose to bind the DataGridView directly to the database table because the database is selected by the user at execution time. Instead I bound the DataGridView to the DataSet. I included the command:L
dgvTitle.AllowUserToAddrows = True
but that did not have any effect.

Solved. Was missing the final command:L

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DB/Reporting :: Updating A Dataset From A Datagridview Control

Dec 20, 2010

I have a datagrid that I use to display data from a SQL 2000 table. I am trying to write back any changes the user makes to the datagrid data back to the original table but don't know the proper method to do this.


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Fill A NEW DataSet's DataTable With Data From A DataGridView?

Jan 6, 2010

fill a NEW DataSet's DataTable with data from a DataGridView? I am generating a data report that uses that "new DataSet." I need to go from a DataGridView to a DataSet because i need the person to be able to perhaps edit the information before its inserted into the report. my process to generate the report is...

- fill datagridview with advanced join sql
- allow user to edit datagrid if necessary
- put datagrids modified information in new dataset
- set report's databinding source to new dataset
- generate report...

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Force DataSet To Update On DataGridView CellDoubleClick?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a DataGridView bound to a DataView. The DGV is setup for FullRowSelect and is ReadOnly. The first column contains a CheckBox to show that the Row is ready for processing. The user double-clicks on the row and the box is checked in the CellDoubleClick event. This works great.

I have a RadioButton on the page to hide any checked items. This allows the user to only have to look at the work that needs to be done. I use a filter on the DataView to make this happen. At the end of the CellDoubleClick, I call my ApplyFilter method, but the current row still shows up.

I got around this once before by writing some code to see if I needed to move forward or backward a row and also compared if there were any rows available, etc.

It seems to me that this relates to the value not being persisted back to the DataSet until the CurrentRow is changed in the DGV. Is there a way to force this data back into the DataSet without having to programatically change the value directly in the DataSet?

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Get Data From The Clipboard Into Dataset And View It On A Datagridview?

Mar 5, 2010

i am trying to get data from the clipboard into dataset and view it on a datagridview using the code below. The problem is that every line after the first line starts with a character (like a small rectangle) but when i run a sperate loop to view each character i do not find any unexpected asc code.

'this is the text in the clipboard
this is
a test
to get


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Getting The Row Number Of The Dataset By Using Datagridview's Currentrow Property

Jan 11, 2012

I have a datagridview that is bounded to a dataset and when i select an item to the datagridview to delete, I get the correct item. But when i sorted the datagridview to some field, it return a different item. Here is my code:


Edit: i try this line but it brings up an error.

Dim xID As String = sec_role_module.CurrentRow.Cells("nID").Value.ToString

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Populate Data From Dataset And Show In Datagridview

Aug 11, 2009

I am working in and i have a simple requirement. I have added a MDB file to a dataset and it contains 21 tables. I have a datagridview and a combobox on my form. I was able to get the combobox populated with the table names available in the dataset by iterating through dataset.tables. Now i want to add the feature where the user can select the table name from the combo and then it should populate the contents of that table. I tried the following Code


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Saving Data From Datagridview (dataset) Using SaveFileDialog

Mar 3, 2012

I wrote small program which is able to open database using OpenFileDialog, then I added binding navigator (so I can navigate and make changes in my data set) and now I would like to SAVE data which I see in datagridview AS NEW FILE... I have a question: How to save data (and changes) from datagridview using SaveFileDialog?[code]

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Sql Server - Reload The DataGridView When Changes Occur To Its Dataset

Jun 1, 2012

I have a DataGridView control in my windows form application. What i want to do is this: I want to reload the view so that it shows the correct data when a change occur to the database table that it is bound. In other words, when i delete a record, using an sql query not the DataGridView1.Rows.Remove(DataGridView1.CurrentRow) property, i want the changes to occur to the datagridview also. For example: I have a customers table that is bound to the datagridview. When i delete a record, lets say the one with ID=5, i want the row to be removed from the gridview in run-time. Is this possible?


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