Adding Image Effect: [Blur]?

Sep 1, 2009

the goofiest bloor function that exists in simillar to saying hello world!No blur hardness no sharp edges or any other settings everything should be default the easiest way to do it.

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Make A Glow & Blur Effect On Image?

May 12, 2012

How to make a picture glow & blur even if the picture contains transparent color?

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Use Fade Effect In Adding BackGround Image

May 27, 2009

Is it possible to set Background image to a label at mouse enter event using fade effect also. I can set the background image but i also want to use fade effect. Ribbon Style effect will also do.

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Adding An Aero Effect To VB Form In VB 2010

Apr 13, 2011

visual basic 2010 code or tutorial video on how to add the aero effect to my form for Windows Xp environment? What is the code of adding an aero effect to VB form in Visual basic 2010 for Windows XP environment?

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.net - Rubber-band Effect On Image Using ASP.Net?

Oct 26, 2011

I am trying to watermark an Image and works perfect and now I need to have my customers much more convinient so that I am planning to add a feasibility to the image watermarker.I want to have an adorner control or somethng like the rubberband effect which has 4 0r 6 corners so that they can enlarge the text with that.I have seen one of the articles in codeproject which is implemented with WPF as shown below.But I need to implement with my normal ASP.Net application.So how do I start with it?

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Background Image In PictureBox With Tile Effect?

Jun 18, 2010

I have a picturebox and I have a image with a blue and red square. When I click a button it puts that image into the picturebox as background image. The background image property is set to tile. But when I click on my form to draw the image to it, it just draws the original not the one that has the tile effect from the picturebox. Is there a way i can do this to keep the tile effect?

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How To Change Image With Fade Effect Fast

Aug 13, 2011

I used this:

Dim i1 As Bitmap = owall.Clone
Dim i2 As New Bitmap(ChangingWP)
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(i1)
Dim cm As New Imaging.ColorMatrix(New Single()()


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C# - How To Create IPhone Style Icon Effect On Thumbnail Image

Oct 23, 2009

I have an image upload facility in my project, when uploaded a thumbnail of the image is generated and saved to disk. What I would ideally like to do is apply some nice styling effects to this thumbnail image.. similar to the look of the icons on an iPhone.. perhaps a slight gradient, smooth rounded corners, and a border.

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Make Backgroundform Become Dim.(blur)?

Aug 6, 2009

I want to make my mainform become blur when a new form is showed.I dont want use opacity property because it can't make mainform darker.I mean opacity only change opacity of form.

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Click A Button Then Form Will Be Blur?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a login form and a Main Menu Form. I want that everytime I click Login (assuming that I'm in Main Menu Form) Main Menu Form will become blur then a small form for Login will pop up.

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Make Background Blur With Code?

Jan 16, 2010

How can I make background window blur with code.just like when you open regedit in Vista or seven all background changes to black except the prompt window.I want to mimic this behavior but instead of just color black I want it to be the image of the background in blur view. How can I do this in VB 2008?

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Text In Code Windows Became Very Blur?

Sep 2, 2010

I do remember what I did but text in code windows became very blur.Another screens such as option, solution explorer are still very clear.How to fix it?I tried to reset to reset all setting but no luck.

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VS 2005 Blur With LockBits Not Working?

Dec 23, 2009

I tried using LockBits to blur images, since I heard it was faster, and there's no error, but there's no blur either. It doesn't do anything. The commented-out code is the code I had before using LockBits, and it works.
Private Sub BlurImage(ByVal img As Bitmap, Optional ByVal radius As Integer = 3, Optional ByVal blur_bounds As Object = Nothing)
Dim bb As Rectangle


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VS 2010 PrintForm Prints The Form With 'blur' Labels?

Sep 2, 2011

I'm using PrintForm which comes with PowerPack to print a form with a couple of Labels into it.But the letters appear a little blur and not clear at all, bad quality, I tried by increasing the size of the labels but the result was the same.Under the PrintForm parameters I only found one that could be relevant, the papersize but that doesn't helped too.

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Adding A TAg To An Image File?

Mar 28, 2009

Is it possible to save an image filewith a tag (string) attached to it that can be read in a second time?

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Adding An Image To A DataGridView?

Aug 7, 2010

I have a DataGridView that is bound to a DataTable. In this DataTable is a column that contains an image path location, ie; c:imagesmoon.jpg. In the DGV, I'm only displaying 2 columns, the "Name" of the image and the "Image" itself, which basically is the path information. how do I get the image to display in DGV Column? Because even though it's data comes up when I run the app.

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Adding Gif As Button Image?

Oct 4, 2011

i used gif image as button imagebut its not animating what to do

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Way Of Adding An Image To A Post?

Aug 6, 2011

This was my old link regarding "How to insert a picture...":>>


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Adding An Image To Tree View In Wpf?

Apr 21, 2011

I have a treeview control in wpf..i need to add an image at evry is it possible?

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Adding Image In A Access Database?

Feb 15, 2012

adding image in my current payroll project i need a more simple way or easier to understand codes in adding image in my database

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VS 2008 Adding Image To Listview?

May 4, 2009

After reading some tutorials i have kind of grasped loading images in, you need to load them into an image list then use the "key" of the image to display it, i have put together this


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VS 2010 Adding Same Image Repeatedly?

Oct 29, 2011

How is it possible to add the same image repeatedly beside the last one added?As I said on my other thread, I am making a math game for my kids, I wanted to add a picture when then reach some score then again the same picture.. like number of stars or cups winner.

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Adding Attribute To Image Button - How To Read It

Dec 13, 2011

I'm adding in (vb) an attribute to an image-button:
imgButton.Attributes.Add("myAttr", "true")
This is working fine. Now I want to read the attribute, but it does not work:
If imgButton.Attributes("myAttr") = "true" Then
How do I get this thing working?

I have an repeater. In this repeater I have in each itemtemplate two image buttons.
If I'm clicking on an imagebutton, the other imagebutton in this row changes it's URL. I want that this URL is saved, after clicking on another row's imagebutton. So I'm adding in the repeater event
Dim imgButton As ImageButton
If e.CommandName = "imgBtn1" Then
imgButton = CType(e.Item.FindControl("imgBtn1"), ImageButton)
imgButton.ImageUrl = "myURL"
[Code] .....
While debugging, it still skips everything, because all Attributes are empty (but actually they are not)!

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Loading PictureBoxes And Adding Tags To Each Image

Apr 18, 2012

Basically I am playing around in vb and trying to build a simple photo app. Here is an example of the problem I am facing. I have 3 pictureboxes. The first one is an image of an album the second picturebox shows a thumbnail image of picturebox1 when it is clicked and then the final picturebox shows a blown up image of picturebox2 which is the thumbnail. I can do all this fine when just using the first set of images. The problem that I am facing is that when I run the program and lets say I clicked on picturebox2 which is a thumbnail image it shows it in picturebox3 before picturebox1 is even clicked. I am trying to do this by adding tags to each separate image but have failed miserably.

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Adding An Image To 1 Of The Tabs On A TabControl, Blocks My Tab's Text?

Dec 9, 2011

Using Visual Studio 2005 ( (windows forms) on Windows XP, I have a standard Microsoft TabControl.A button click adds/removes an image from 1 of the Tabs.Seems like the image is placed OVER my tab's text, making it unreadable.Why isn't it like it should be: Image on the left. Followed by text on the right.Why is the image being placed OVER my tab's text? Do I need to do some kind of "refresh" or "redraw" before it will appear as it should? I don't see any way to "make the image appear on the left edge of the tab". (NOT the tab-page.) ... and then place the text just to the right of the image. (Just like a normal image+text tab can do.)The code is pretty simple, it just gets an image from my ImageList: cfgTab.ImageKey = "PadLockClosed.png"' Show CLOSED PadLockThe tab's text changes from: This is my tab text to: T(IMAGE HERE)is my tab text The image appears OVER the beginning of my text. But if I move to another tab, then move back, the image appears in the correct position:(IMAGE HERE) This is my tab text

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Adding An Image To Label Or A Picturebox Some Images Display But Others No?

Mar 8, 2010

When adding an image to my form i can see it in the editing mode but after execution no not all images some ones display and others no it is really weird even if they have the same type png or jpg

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Adding Progress Bar While Loading Image List To Listbox?

Aug 7, 2011

I am trying to add Images using open file dialog and folder browse dialog and populating the image list to listbox.While adding these Images I need to show the progress bar for every image it loads.

I am trying to get that but when the value of the progress bar say something around 25 0r 40 it is stopping at that point but I need to show the progress bar until it completes the 100% and then populates the Image list.

Here is my code:

Private Sub AddImages_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddImages.Click
If Not Directory.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "Backup") = True Then


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File Info (Adding Keyword To Image Properties)

Jun 22, 2010

I am working with an image tagger system. I am done reading the file's properties. Then when I go to code for keywords.. an error exist saying that Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {58968145-CF05-4341-995F-2EE093F6ABA3} failed due to the following error: 80040154.

I Already added the DSO file.dll and the class library Imports System.IO
An error exist in the Bold text below.
Dim oSummProps As DSOFile.SummaryProperties
Dim strTmp As String = String.Empty
<strong>Dim oDocument As New DSOFile.OleDocumentPropertiesClass()</strong>
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 TreeView - Adding Child Nodes With No Image?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a treeview. The root nodes have images set at 30x30 - is there a way to add child nodes with NO image or a smaller image? I can do a blank image, but each child is spaced far apart! I would like the child nodes to be like there is no image... tight and close to each other.

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Dynamically Adding Background Image - Creating A Button Control ?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm dynamically creating a button control, and I'd like to add a background image from my resources thing to the button.

Now, I'm pretty sure it would be:


But I don't know how to refer to an image that is in my project resources.

I've tried:


But that gives error:Value of type 'System.Drawing.Bitmap' cannot be converted to 'String'.

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