Create Multicolumn Listbox In Program 2005 Express?

Jun 17, 2009

How to create multicolumn listbox in vb2005 express edition.

i have created a listbox and set the multicolumn property to true

but how do i add the columns to the listbox ?

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.Net Multicolumn Listbox Search?

Jan 25, 2010

I want to create a search option.I have 3 text box with "name", "address", "phone number" on a form.what i want is when i start typing into the "name" textbox there should be a multicolum listbox with name and phone number,and as i type into the textbox the name should be searched into the listbox and highlited.when i select the name from the listbox the remaning textbox (address & phone number) should get the data accordingl from the database.if the name that i type into name textbox is not available in the listbox then i should get other two text box so that i can type the address and phone number and when i click save it (name, address, phone number) should be saved into the database.

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Multicolumn Listview Or Listbox?

Mar 2, 2009

i have never created one and the manual is to difficult to understansi want to create a listview as shown belowhow do i go about doing this,using laymans terms.I dragged a listview control onto the form, but then im stuck. how do you add columns (which are actually displayed on the control), i have added columns in the properties but they cant be seen in the listview.

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Populate A Multicolumn Listbox?

May 7, 2009

I can get a single column but how do I get 2?

myTenAdapter = New MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT ten_name, ten_contact FROM tenants ORDER BY ten_name, ten_contact", myTenConnection)


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Converting A VB 2005 Express Program To VB 2008 Express

Feb 24, 2010

The program I am trying to modify was initially written using VB 2005 Express. I have subsequently downloaded the 2008 version. The program creates a monthly spreadsheet from a template. The old code that will no longer (highlighted and underlined) compile is as follows:


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VS 2005 Displaying Multicolumn Data - Which Control?

Jul 17, 2009

I would like to create a multicolumn list of items, similar to the right pane of the Windows Explorer window. There are rows, one for each item. And there are columns similar to the filename, size, date of last modification, etc. columns of Windows Explorer. The data supplied to the control will be individually extracted from files. (I mean, no database, no spreadsheet is available as a source.)

Question: Which control is the best for this purpose? I tried listbox, but it seems "multicolumn" means not what I'm used to in Excel VBA.

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Create A Simple Countdown Timer Using Vb 2005 Express Edition?

Oct 26, 2010

I am trying to create a simple countdown timer using vb 2005 express edition. I think the code is fairly simple but I have fallen at the first hurdle. How do you display the result, i.e. which control do you use? Tried label and textbox but both return the error: "Value of type [integer or long] cannot be converted to [textbox or label].

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Create Setup In Vb Dotnet Including Sql Express 2005 With Username & Password?

Aug 20, 2009

I want to know how to include username and password of sql express 2005 for creating setup file in vb dotnet.Also how can i create an instance of sql and include it in setup project.

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Create Custom Chrome For A Windows Form In Program 2008 Express?

Aug 14, 2009

How do you create custom chrome for a windows form in using Visual Basic 2008 express? I want to basically scrap what they give and start fresh.

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Create A Listbox In Program?

Nov 15, 2011

How do i create a listbox in vb8?

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Create A Program That Add The Contestant Details To A Listbox?

Jun 3, 2012

I was required to create a program that add the contestant details to a listbox.

to List


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Create Chart In Program 2005 Or C#?

Mar 28, 2009

I am doing Windows applications in VB.NET 2005. I want to use chart in my project. I already asked this question in this site. But viewers said the solution to use "MSChartControl" (but this is for Visual Studio 2008.).

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Create Registerable DLL In Program 2005?

Mar 11, 2009

I created a DLL with VB6 which registered OK as it contained DllRegisterServer and DllUnregisterServer - these seemed to have been automatically put in place.I upgraded the source code to VB 2005 and built the DLL but now it will not register itself as the DllRegisterServer and DllUnregisterServer elements have not been created in this new DLL. How can I instruct VB 2005 to include these elements?

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Cannot Uninstall VB 2005 Express And Visual C++ Express?

Nov 20, 2009

I have attempted to uninstall VB 2005 express and C++ express using Remove Add programs to no avail. Error message: The Window Installer Package c:program files visual studio 8 vs_setup.msi could not be opened. I have removed the MSDN library and SQL server successfully. I have also tried vs_uninst_betas tool which doesn't find anything to uninstall. I would prefer not to modify the registry if at all possible. If I could find a source for the original install packages for VB and C++ I would attempt reinstalling and then uninstalling....but cannot find them anywhere.

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VS 2005 : Create A Multi-user Chatroom Program?

Jun 25, 2011

how to create a multi-user chatroom program. I don't have the server, but I have got a web hosting. I want to know how I can connect to the chatrooms by connect to my web hosting using with httprequest?And also, I would like to have code to allowed me to send the users private messages, ignore the users and kick/ban the users out of the chatroom.

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Vb 2005 Create Standalone Program To Auto-send Datagrid Via Email?

Jun 12, 2011

Now i wan to create a standalone program to send datagrid data via email . izit any way to send the datagrid to email body ? below is my code.

Public Class Form1
Dim oLapp As Object
Dim oItem As Object


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VS 2005 Keystroke Watch - Create A Program That Runs In The Task Bar Next To The Time

Apr 10, 2009

what I would like to do is create a program that runs in the task bar next to the time. What I want this to do is listen for the key stroke combo of CTRL-ALT-T no matter what program they are in. When they hit this key stroke I want the program to do is hide the task bar on the bottom of the screen. you know how you can change the hight to two rows one row and so on but you can also drag it down so it has no rows and can't see it. Then when they hit CTRL-ALT-T it will then display the task bar with what ever the hight wa set to. Just don't know what direction to go to do this.

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VS 2005 : Make Program To Select A File, Create DataTables And Then Perform Some Other Functions?

Feb 9, 2011

I am attempting to have my program select a file, create DataTables and then perform some other functions. I want to be able to open another file and re-do the same steps.The problem I am having is that I add columns to my Datatables and when I try and to open another file while one is already open I get a message that a column of xyz is already added how do I properly "clear my datatable" or perhaps that isnt even the correct approach? Here is the code I have that Opens a File

Private Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OpenToolStripMenuItem.Click


This was working at one time but after adding to my project I must have placed something in the wrong place inadvertantly or it has soemthing to do with adding columns,?

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Itextsharp [2005 Express Edition] - Install To Extract Data From PDF Documents Using 2005?

Mar 12, 2009

Is this software what i need to install to extract data from PDF documents using 2005? If so is this the link i need to get it from? [url] I just got no idea about itextsharp

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VS 2005 Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Required?

May 3, 2010

does any body have the link for the offline installer of vb2005

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Difference Between Sql Express 2005 And Sql Server 2005

Jun 21, 2010

i wrote a software which would work perfectly fine on with connection string: [code] but if i try and run it on a pc with sql server 2005 installed it fails to run what changes do i need to do to make it run

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VS 2005 ListBox - Remove The First 9 Lines Remain In Listbox

Dec 17, 2009

Next listbox value:


I want to remove the first 9 lines remain in listbox:


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VS 2010 Program Crashes As Published Executable, Not As Program Running In Studio Or Express?

Jun 6, 2012

I wrote this VB program to be able to throw a device we developed into programming mode where we use an ATMEL Flip installer to upload new firmware. I can program one device after another running the application off of Visual Studio Express 2010 or Visual Studio 2010, but when I go to publish this file and run it on another machine, it becomes unstable and crashes after each upload. On those same computers if I run the raw unpackaged program under Visual Studio Express, the system does not crash, and I can program devices repeatedly.

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.net - Icon On A Multicolumn ListView?

Jan 2, 2011

I use this:

Public Shared Sub FulfillListView(ByVal Icon As Icon, ByVal Item1 As String, ByVal Item2 As String, ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim imageListSmall As New ImageList()
vehicles_prod.OpenOrdersLB.SmallImageList = imageListSmall


In order to Full fil a multicolumn ListView At the start of each line (sub items lines) i want to have an icon, different each time
The only icon i see is the last entered Icon and it is the same for all the lines?

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MultiColumn Combo Box In Datagridview?

May 24, 2009

me a simple example about that.i have searched on internet but i can't find out any example.

I mean i want to fill a dataset to combox. i know i have to use addrange but i don know how can i implement it

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There Is A Multicolumn In Datagridviewcombobox Using Vb 2010

Jan 20, 2012

There is a multicolumn in datagridviewcombobox? what is code?

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VS 2005 - Create A "post Office" Program That Will Send Html Emails Thru The Framework

Oct 19, 2009

I am a one man dev shop and need some outside opinions on how to approach this project.

I need to create a "post office" program that will send html emails thru the framework.

For each job submitted to the postoffice the app would need to read a user created html email string from the database, read a string of email addresses to send to and send out the emails based on a set processing time.

The first step would be to parse out the email addresses to find out how many emails it needs to send out and determine how many it would need to send per minute to complete the job in 20 minutes tops. I.e. if 1000 email addresses are submitted per job it would determine that it needs to send 50 emails per minute to complete the job.

The part I am stuck on is how I should queue the emails. If the app determines it needs to send 50 a minute should I only load up the first 50 on a timer event then get the next 50 queued up for the next timer tick? Or would it be better to load up all 1000 in a loop and build in some kind of wait time after it sends the first 50?

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.Net 2008 : Multicolumn Combobox Like Access?

Jul 17, 2009

I am running VS2008 and developing a Windows Form App in VB.Net. Is there not a bound multicolumn combobox like Access has had forever? If there is one buried in VS2008, the Windows OS or MPF 2010 or somewhere else would you mind sharing? I could hardly believe my eyes when I did not see one in the common controls list.

Not knowing the correct terminology, I would like this control to be a tool component that I can drag onto my form and set the binding and column properties and be done with it.Come on Microsoft VB.Net Dev Team... where have you been on this? This type of control has been out for umpteen years in Access and 3rd party took kits. There is nothing that says Rapid development like roll your own code! I have seen serveral articles on how it can coded;?

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Add Data From A Datatable Into A Multicolumn Combobox? ?

Oct 19, 2011

Is there a dll somewhere or some place I can read a good example on how to add data from a datatable into a multicolumn combobox? Preferably to be able to stick a datagridview right into the combobox would be awesome.

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C# - Multicolumn Autosearch User Control In Wpf?

Apr 26, 2012

I need to create an Auto search control which will show the results as rows as this one [URL]. However, I dont need the graphics and checkboxes here. A simple listview like appearance will to create the user control using WPF.

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