Dynamicly Creating Controls At Runtime

Dec 23, 2009


I need the picture to have a tag value so i can use them later.

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Dynamicly Creating Two-dimensional Arrays

Mar 6, 2011

I have the followig problem; i want to make a class with a private field as a 2-dimensional array, where it's dimension is set in the constructor of the class.Contained data does not matter at this moment.I've looked a bit around but couldn't find a direct solution to my problem, is this possible in VB.NET? [code]

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Access Controls After Creating Them At Runtime?

Jul 1, 2007

I am having some problems adding controls at runtime, or I guess I should say accessing the controls after adding them.The application starts off with a tab control named "tabIncidents" and one tab for an incident information. The user can click on a button to add a client. When the button is pressed a second tab is added to "tabIncidents" named "Clients." On the newly created "Clients" tab another tabcontrol is added named "tabClients" and we create a tab named "Client". Multiple "Client" tabs can be created on this tabcontrol. Each "Client" tab gets a usercontrol added named "clientInformation" which has name and address textboxes.

So basically it is ...

TabIncidents.tabFirstTab (already exists)
TabIncidents.Clients (new tab added at runtime if user clicks a button)
TabIncidents.Clients.tabClients (new tabcontrol on the new tab)


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Creating Form Controls At Runtime?

Jan 5, 2011

I want to create a Panel dynamically on the form when a button is clicked. Also labels with given TEXT are also to be created when create label button is clicked. then we should be able to print the form contents as it appears but without any buttons. We should be able to resize the panel to adjust the page size.

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Creating Multiple Controls At Runtime

Jan 21, 2012

I know how to create a control at runtime e.g.[code]Can anyone tell me how to create multiple instances using a for-next loop? e.g.[code]The part I can't work out is how to give each new button a new name... like button1, button2 etc

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Creating A Container Control Out Of A UserControl Can't Access Controls At Runtime?

Oct 16, 2009

I have created a usercontrol that contains two rectangle shapes to create a unique button effect and a rounded-corner rectangle shape serving as a border to provide a look similar to a group box. It also contains two labels, one for use with a Text property of the control and the other to indicate the status of expansion of the control. The control is designed to collapse itself when the "button" is clicked leaving only the "button" visible. Clicking it again toggles this affect. I've dubbed it an ExpansionBar. It is also designed to be a container control so that I can add controls to it and allow these to disappear when the bottom portion collapses. The problem is that the controls contained in this usercontrol cannot be accessed during runtime. In other words, I can add a checkbox to it and it will disappear correctly when the control collapses, but I can't select the checkbox to check it... same thing with any other controls, you can see, but can't touch. I'm a novice developer, so I'm sure I'm missing something obvious.

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Create A Datatable Dynamicly And Use A Datagridview?

Jan 9, 2010

I want to make 2 planning forms, one for persons and one for materials. The most ideal situation is when it can be in 1 form and switched by using an option field at the top.

- The information is coming from a SQL 2008 database.

- Vertical the persons or materials must be shown(dependent of the option field).

- Horizontal every day of the year must be shown, so the number of columns will be 365.

- At the crossing the number of hours must be shown.

- The form must be build as fast as possible.

I tried to create a datatable dynamicly and use a Datagridview. The advantage is the information, which must be shown, can easily be changed. The disadvantage is it is slow.What is the best method to do this in VB2008?

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Dynamicly Add A Handler For Every Picture Box Created?

Jul 21, 2009

I have a text file filled with the locations of pictures and I have this code to dynamicly create picture boxes on my form, the code works because it does create one picture box but no more than that, my question is what do I have to do to this code to get all the picture boxes created?


Also How would I dynamicly add a Handler for every Picture box created?

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Dynamicly Displayed DropDownList If Multiple Entry Exists In Table?

Apr 9, 2012

I'm trying to create an option to select a specific entry in a SQL table if multiples exists. The Sub listed below is for a textbox (MOTxt) and a button (GotMO) for checking an MO# to pull from SQL. Based on the number entered, will populate other text boxes on the page with that row's data. There are exceptions to this, where the MONumber will be entered more than once with different data associated with each entry. So, here's my situation. If we have a duplicate MONumber listed in the table, it will populate the textboxes with the first entry it finds for an update.I would like to create a dynamic dropdownlist (that displays only if multiples are found) displaying the 'Name' field entries for each MONumber found, then once the correct name is selected from that list, to then populate the textboxes with that selected datarow.Here's my code behind:

Protected Sub GotMONum_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GotMO.Click
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter


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Add Controls AND Code At Runtime

Jan 15, 2012

"add controls at runtime" how to add code to the controls. kinda useless with no code, ehh? all results only told me how to add the control, that's it. well, this result is different. i will teach you firstly how to add controls at runtime, then how to apply code to them at runtime

Firstly, add the controls:


Now run it. do you have a button on the form? if yes, excellent. if not, you made a mistake. try again now how to add code? you may have noticed that when you double click on any control, it says private sub button1_click(blah, blah, blah) Handles button1.click where it says handles button1.click is what determines when the code executes under what event for what control (in this case the click event for the button1). this won't work when adding code at runtime. did you notice in the above example i added a with event, and addHandler? this is what creates the handler (same as Handles button1.click)

Now we add the code for the runtime control


Above, the addressOf button1_click tells the program to execute the sub button1_click when the button is clicked on (as determined by .click) but i know what you're thinking! your thinking "why would we even BOTHER doing this at runtime? isn't it easier to do it at design-time in the first place?" yes it is, providing your not writing a plugin. plugins are code based, not GUI (also reffered to as WYSIWYG). to update existing forms using plugins, you need to use this method.

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Add Controls At Runtime To Form?

Mar 29, 2012

I have created a form Dynamically at run time using this below code but how can i add controls to it.

Dim NewFm as Form

how can i add treeview to this form and populate with data during runtime?

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Adding Controls At Runtime

Jun 1, 2009

is there a tutorial (i looked, couldn't find) on adding controls at runtime?

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Adding Controls On Runtime?

Jan 1, 2010

I've created a code that will add a control on runtime.

Sub Button_AddNewGradeEquivalent_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button_AddNewGradeEquivalent.Click

Dim newGradeRepresentation As New TextBox
Dim newGradeCondition As New ComboBox
Dim newGradePercentage As New TextBox
TextBoxItems += 1


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Controls Change Look At Runtime?

Mar 10, 2010

I did something that when I now load my program(VB 2008), my controls; combo boxes, buttons, progress bar, etc. look like they are from VB 2005 or like VBA buttons, not the rounded edge buttons of 2008.

They look like vb 2008 controls while I am in design view, but then they change their style when I run the program..

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Controls In Datagridview At Runtime

Feb 12, 2009

I have a situation where i'm populating records in datagridview from a table where first column is the ParameterName, Second Column is ParameterValue and third column is ParameterType.When i click on second column in any row as per the records, it should show the control type in this cell as per the third column parameterType.[code]

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Create Controls In Runtime?

Jun 21, 2010

I want to create controls in runtime and attach them to an already connected database..

the controls must vary e.g.Array of Strings can be used.

how to place these controls on a panel in a orderly fashion.

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Generating Controls At Runtime

Apr 29, 2010

I was wondering if there was a way to dispose a control that i generated at runtime in a diffrent block of code, The reason why i can't dispose of the control in the same block of code is that the controls settings depend on what the user imputs. For example if i generate the control on a timer tick the code would look like this,


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IDE :: Adding Controls At Runtime / Where Goes App?

May 18, 2009

In the helpfiles of Visual Studio 2008 I read control arrays are no longer supported. There is an example for the new situation but then you need to hard code the names of all the controls beforehand.I do not know how many controls I need, could be one or 5000 (think simple image browser). Is it still possible to create something like that or should I change to a different programming language like Phyton? At the moment I work around it by using a browser control and then manipulate the <img> tags but I'm puzzeld as to why this functionality was removed and if there's a solution to the problem.Another thing I don't understand is where the app goes when it's installed with 'Click once'. It dissappears completely, doesn't show up in 'Program Files', can not be found by the search function but it *is* somewhere because you can start it form the Start menu. However, I use data which is in a subfolder of the program folder, which I nor my program can find any more after the app is installed. The program runs but it can't find any place to put/get its data so in the end it doesn't work.

I work around it by *not* installing the program but have people just run it after unpacking the downloaded folder. This works great but I wonder how long this will be the case until Microsoft disables this possibility? I have no idea why they would, but I also have no idea why they did remove the functionality I mentioned above. I already changed to PHP and MySQL because I had to throw away my carefully built W2K+MSAccess image database a few years ago and after installing Vista Visual Studio 2005 was a goner. OK, I upgraded but then no control arrays any more and now they hide the apps when you install them? Why on earth would they do that?

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Moving .NET Controls At Runtime?

Jun 4, 2010

I am attempting to move all controls on a form down or up by the height of a menubar depending on whether it is visible or not. I have code which I think ought to work well for this, however it seems that Me.Controls is empty at runtime, so my for each loop is never entered. Could someone please offer a suggestion as to how I can move the controls?

Private Sub uxMenuStrip_VisibleChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles uxMenuStrip.VisibleChanged
For Each control As Control In Me.Controls
If control.Name <> "uxMenuStrip" Then


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Positioning Controls At Runtime?

Mar 4, 2009

How do you position controls loaded at runtime to align middle? I'm not looking to match the x y coordinates as the heights vary.

For example loading 2 text boxs and 2 labels.

I've tried using the Anchor and Dock properties but with no joy.

txtNewTextBox = New TextBox
txtNewTextBox.Name = "name"
txtNewTextBox.Dock = DockStyle.Fill


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Resizable Controls In Runtime?

Dec 25, 2010

I have to implement an application that allow the user to design his own card, the user will be able to drag and drop controls from toolbox and move them in the form and re-size them.

I can't make the control to be resizable,and i want to make the control just like the one in visual studio designer with the container that allow user to change the size ..

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Resize Controls At Runtime?

Sep 27, 2011

I have created a custom control in visual studio 2005. It contains a picture box with and image in it with 2 text boxes on top. I want to be able to resize this image by selecting the edge and clicking and dragging it.

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Snap Controls To Each Other At Runtime

Sep 21, 2011

I have so far written a program where you click a button and a custom control is added to the form. These controls can then be dragged and positioned anywhere on the form.I know want to be able to align/snap these controls.Please advise if you know of a way to drag a control on a form and snap it in line with another control?

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Creating An SQL DB Connection During Runtime?

Nov 22, 2009

Needing pointed in the right direction. I am fooling around with data sources and connections per homework and what I'm looking for is creating an SQL DB connection during runtime. I know that you can add a data source in design by going through the Wizard but what if one would want to create the connection, adapter, and dataset during runtime? Where would you start?

I have cruzed the net looking for some form of a tutorial to just get me started, I don't need it all completely outlined but I need to know where and how to start and what I need to declare the connection, string, and dataset as. I have seen a lot of information using VB6 but nothing that I come across seems to work.

My basic questions are:Do I have to create a seperate class for the database connection?How do I delcare the nuts and bolts of the connection,adapter, and dataset?If a seperate class isn't required then where is the most realistic place these items would be created?

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Creating DSN Entry At Runtime?

Aug 9, 2010

How can you add a system DSN with its security credentials programmatically at runtime from VB.NET? Keeping key in ODBC.INI is done, but when creating ODBC, it asks for Authentication Type (SQL or Network Login).How can we set that option at runtime?

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Creating Labels At Runtime?

Aug 14, 2009

I'm trying to make labels at runtime. The idea is to create them on the fly in runtime.

I have this on my form:



Which work fine, but if I want to create another label, how do I check to see if one or more labels have already been created and then apply a new location of the new label? (so it doesn't get override on the same location on the form?)

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Creating Picturebox In Runtime?

Nov 23, 2009

Im creating a fairly simple game, and when the left key is pressed i need a new picturebox to be created.Heres the code Private Sub frmMain_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown


Now there are no errors in the code apparently, but when the left key is pressed, the picture box isnt appearing. I added the "lblAnswer1.visible = false" just to test the keydown functionality, and that works.

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Creating Pictureboxes At Runtime?

Mar 5, 2009

im doing a project in which im basically trying to make an etch-a-sketch style program.

I am using a 5x5 pixel picture box as the 'cursor' and have made the program so that i can move the picture box with the arrow keys. I am currently trying to work out how to make a trail of identical picture boxes (from an array of picture boxes) appear wherever the cursor has been using this code

Case Keys.Left
CurrentLoc = New Point(PictureBox1.Location.X, PictureBox1.Location.Y)
If Not PictureBox1.Location.X - 5 < 0 Then


Basically, im trying to make a trail by moving the original picturebox and the inserting an identical picturebox in the original's previous position. However, the new identical ones do not display

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Add Controls In Panel Control Runtime?

May 28, 2009

how to add controls in panel control runtime. I mean, I want to add group box at runtime. When I click on my button, it should add a group box in my panel and when I click again, it should move the first group box down and add the second. Every group box should have a label control in it.

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Add Dynamically Controls In Runtime In The Form?

Nov 19, 2010

I'm wondering, when I add dynamically controls in runtime in the form - is there a way to save this controls, and they appear the next time when you run the application?

I'm using VB9.

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