Edit And Continue With Linked .vb Files?

Oct 20, 2009

There are 2 ways we can add .vb files.We can add them as a link and choose not to copy. Or we can add them and copy.The way I did it in vb.6 is equivalent with add them as link and choose not to copy.Also what's the point of copying to target folder anyway? I want the original linked file to be updated when I change the file during debuging.

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IDE :: Can't Edit And Continue While Debugging

Feb 19, 2009

I'm writing in Visual Basic, using Visual Studio Standard 2008, targetting framework 3.5.When debugging, I pause code and edit it in my Startup Project, then continue running.Where the code moves into one of my non-startup projects, I am sure I used to be able to edit that code and continue running.Now, whenever I try and do that, I get a dialog stating that "Changes are not allowed when the debugger has been attached to an already running process", even though I can still edit code in the already-running startup project.All of my code is in VB, there's no weird language crossover thing going on. Why can't I edit-and-continue my non-startup projects?

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Use Edit-and-Continue On Vista/7 64-bit?

Oct 30, 2009

64 bit is a wonderful thing, except that MS currently has no plans to make a 64-bit IDE. However, you CAN compile your program to be 64 bit using AnyCPU or x64 compile options. However, by using either of those options, you cannot edit-and-continue.To enable edit-and-continue on an x64 machine, you must set your compile option to x86 in the Platform property of 'Project Settings > Compile'. If you do not have that option available, be sure that you select 'Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > General > Show Advanced Build Configurations'.

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Why Can't Activate Edit And Continue

Apr 29, 2012

Why can't I activate Edit And Continue? When I go into the Options, "Enable Edit And Continue" is checked but it's not allowing me to edit code at run time.

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IDE :: Lost Edit And Continue Capability

May 12, 2012

In the last day or two I've lost the ability to edit code while the program is running (and halted at a breakpoint).I also can't instantiate otherwise unused test variables for purposes of examination - I'm told they don't exist in the current context.Also System. Diagnostics.Debug doesn't work anymore.the error message generated when attempting to edit is :Changes are not allowed in the following cases:

- When the debugger has been attached to an already running process.

- The code being debugged was optimized at build or run time.

- The assembly being debugged is loaded as domain-neutral.

- The assembly being debugged was loaded through reflection.

I suspect that optimizations are being performed that are causing all this but I can't find where they are being set nor why they have changed.tools/options/debug shows that Edit and Continue is enabled although it is grayed out while the progarm is running. Windows 7, X86.

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VS2010 - Edit And Continue Not Working?

Apr 20, 2011

Opened a solution on which Edit & Continue worked in VB2008. Now at a breakpoint, editing of source code cannot be accomplished. No error messages - keystrokes are ignored. Any idea as to what we should do to get Edit & Continue.Price Brattin, SQLServer & SharePoint 2010 MCP, Microsoft Dynamics SL Consultant?

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Disabling Edit-and-continue In Vb10 Vs2010?

Jun 8, 2009

I've been using the vs2010 beta but I can't seem to get edit and continue to work.

Compile -> Advanced Options -> Target platform is set to x86 (Compile -> Platform is disabled and set to Active (Any Cpu)?).Options -> Debugging -> Edit-and-continue is checked but grayed out. Presumably for the same reason I can't debug.Options -> Historical Debugging is set to Events Only. Disabling it doesn't help.I get no warnings when trying to modify files while debugging, they're just read-only (shows a lock icon in tab).

What are some other options that might be disabling edit-and-continue?

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IDE :: Edit And Continue On Break Mode( Vs 2008 + .net )?

Sep 20, 2011

I have a problem when i want to E&C on break mode.I turn off Optimized code generation but i still haved the problem!Here, Build>Configuration manager, when set configuration to release, i get an error like "Changes are not allowd when the debugger has been attached to an already running process or the code being debugged was optimized at build on run time". in Other Side when set it to debug, the breakpoints not be hit and have a error like "The breakpoint will not currently be hit.No symbols have been loaded for this document".I use Win7 x64,Visual studio 2008 and also set my project's platform target to X86?

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VS2005 @ X64 Environment - Workaround To Enable Edit And Continue?

Jun 22, 2011

It's kinda overkill (i7, 8GB, SDD, W7 x64) for what I actually need but it is supposed to last for a few years.For maintenance issues I had to install Visual Studio 2005 and it turns out that "Edit and Continue" wasn't working . I found a thread here HTML Code:[URL] in which I read that E&C is not supported in 64-bit OS.

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VS 2010 Intercept Web Requests And Edit <title> Of HTML Then Continue Request

Mar 14, 2012

I am trying to make a program that when run changes the <title> attribute of the HTML, on any page requested then loads the page (IE). Is this possible, without making a new browser? If so, how?

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IDE :: Resource Files Not Linked To Assembly?

Jun 11, 2010

I'm having an issue linking a lot of .resx file into a compiled assembly to be used in an asp.net web app. The error message I get is:

Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture.

Make sure "Reports.My.Resources.ArgsRptAgeAtAdmission.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "Reports" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.

My solution is set up as so:

Two .dll projects, both building a 'Reports.dll' at the same location (to be able to compile different sets of reports into the website).

One web app project

Each project is located in their own separate folders.

When I build my reports dll project, it saves the assembly in the site /bin folder. I then run the site, builds without errors. I get the exception when I try to load the report that uses the embedded resources. I find it odd, as in code I can access Reports.My.Resources.ArgsRptAgeAtAdmission just fine with Intellisense.

In the report code files, the exception is being thrown from the code

Dim resources As System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager = New System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(GetType(Resources.ArgsRptAgeAtAdmission))
'Exception is thrown here _____ / _______
Me.textBox3.Text = resources.GetString("textBox3.Text")

The assembly is also being loaded in to the page through reflection, if that makes any difference.

What am I doing wrong in this scenario? I can retrieve the string value by directly calling Reports.My.Resources.ArgsRptAgeAtAdmission.textBox3_Text without error

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Edit-And-Continue: Ignore "unable To Apply This Change While Debugging"

May 13, 2010

When using VB.Net (2008) and paused in debugging, Edit-And-Continue is a great time-saver. However if you change any module/class-level information (variable, sub/function signature, etc), you get the error message like this:

"unable to apply this change while debugging"

While I can understand the technical challenge to making this work (and why it would be hard), it leaves me in a tight spot with just a few options:

1) Restart and recompile and get the program back to the same state

2) Continue debugging without making the change, and risk forgetting

3) Type up a reminder note to make the change All of which are annoying.Now I know that option '4) Just actually make the change' may not be possible. but does anybody know how to enable the following 'technically easy' possibility?

4) Let me change the code, get it flagged with the purple squiggly underline, so I can save it, but just ignore the change until recompile

I have checked the Tools|options|debug|edit and continue, nothing appears to let me do this.

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"Edit And Continue" Doesn't Work With VB 2008 Express

May 3, 2010

I'm not able to use edit and continue feature while debugging my project. I'm using VB 2008 Express Edition on a 32bit winXP version.

I already check on MSDN and found that this feature can be enable in dialog Tools/Options/Debugging.... However, I do not have a Debugging entry in the treeview in this option dialog. I also used to reset the Import/Export setting features in the tool menue. However this did not solve the problem as well. Then I tried to import some settings and I was able to select the option for debugging. However in the tools/option menu, the debugging feature is still not visible. Edit and Continue is not working as well

Its really a pain to debug with the current setup, as I always have to restart my application when I did some minor changes.

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VS 2008 X64 "Edit And Continue"?

Dec 1, 2009

okay so i just installed win 7 clean version 64bit and installed vs 2008 on it i was loving my new 64bit OS up until i discovered i couldnt edit code in vb2008 while debugging and continue from where i paused.

then luckily i stumbled upon a place in program properties-->compile-->advanced compile options and i set it to x86 (instead of any) and it worked and i could use edit and continue feature as im used to it..2 questions tho

1st of all how do i make it by default for every project i create or open for the compile options to be x86?

2nd of all, im no programming guru, but i mean if i can edit and continue while debugging in 32 bit mode but cant while debugging in 64bit mode, and since its possible to make programs suitable for x86 and x64 at the same time, why oh why would cant the debugger simply debug in x86 mode and still compile the program as suitable for x86 and x64?

am i to understand that everytime i want to compile a program suitable for x86 and x64, i have to change the compile option to x86, completely be certain that im done with the editing of the program (which im never certain of), and when im ready to buld and release the program i have to change the compile options back to suitable for any (x64 and x86)?

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Can't Edit Vb Files

May 5, 2009

i can't edit my vb files. after having opened visual studio 2008, i open a project with the solution file. i can see, in the solution explorer window, my vb file. but if i double-click the vb file, i have the following error; there is no editor available for form1.vb. make sure the application for the file type (.vb) is installed. i have re-installed visual studio and still got the error. someone knows how to fix this?

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Create And Edit Pdf Files?

Dec 31, 2010

How to create and edit PDF files in VB.net?

this can be some library or third party non-commercial tool (free to distribute) that can be included to setup package and should work when installed to any compatible PC with pdf reader. I want to be able to draw lines circles etc. within the document... or maybe draw within image and then print to pdf.

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Edit PDF Files By Programming

Mar 24, 2010

i have tried itextsharp for putting watermark on pdfs. It worked fine. Now i am trying to edit existing Header on pdf file to desired header. Is it possible? if its possible then i have to try to use it on the bunch of pdf files in one single folder

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Can't Edit Files Loaded In WebBrowser

May 20, 2012

I have two Windows 7 machines and for some reason one of them does not save the changes in the file on the local computer when I right click in the WebBrowser and choose View Source.

When I click on View Source in the WebBrowser, it opens the file but with [1] attached to the filename.

When I edit the Source, and save it and reload the webbrowser,the changes not saved.

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Edit Any .dll Files's Resource Like Bitmap?

Dec 30, 2009

I want to edit any .dll files's Resource like bitmap, strings and replace it as resource hacker or peexplorer do.

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Possible To Edit List Of Text Files All At Once?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a client that needs me to create an app that:Takes a list of text files from a checklistbox and inject a variable into each file then place the new text file into a seperate checklistbox and save each new text file as a new file name.

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Edit/delete/place Files Into A .jar File?

Aug 8, 2011

I would like to work on a project that would edit a .jar file, since i dont have any knowledge with Jave programming i was wondering if this could be done with java. Basicly i would like my program to place Files into this .jar file & delete like a folder inside the .jar file.

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Monitor Folder - Open And Edit Files

Feb 24, 2011

I want to be able to monitor a folder, and anytime a file is placed in it (in this case, a .jdf file) I want to edit a string within the file (it's just a text file), then save the file onto a network path and remove it from the hotfolder into a "done" folder.

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RDLC Report Files Edit By Client?

Jun 12, 2010

In these days I'm using VS 2008. Now i'm stuck with a problem. I'm using RDLC reporting files for the reports. But is there anyone who has a solution for the client editing reporting in 2008. The client wants to edit his own report. SO basicly I need a RDLC editing tool for the Client side.

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Create, Delete, Edit Files And Folders On A Remote Web Address?

May 31, 2009

i'm developing a program that must be able to create, delete and edit files or folders on a remote web address such as [URL]

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File I/O And Registry :: Recursively Edit Text Files In Sub Folders?

Jul 20, 2010

I found this code on here to open a text fille, do a find & replace then save the changes, and the code is in a loop that will do that to every file in a given folder. My question is I also have files in sub folders, and more sub folders, and i'm not sure how deep it goes. I want to recursivly go though all the sub folders and do this to all the files, not just the files directly in the main folder.

Here is the code so far:

FolderBrowserDialog1.Description = "Select Path for files to edit"
OpenPathVariable = FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath


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VS 2010 Any YAML Parser Availible So Can Edit YAML Files More Easy

Jan 4, 2012

is there any YAML parser availible so i can edit YAML files more easy (.yml)in visual studio forms app 2010

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Data - Add An Edit Button That Will Edit Existing Entries?

Apr 28, 2010

I have a form that adds new contacts. New contacts are added by pressing an appropriate button and they appear as an entry in the list on the form. I try now to add an edit button that will edit existing entries.User will select a given entry on the list and press edit button and will be presented with an appropriate form (AddContFrm).Right now it simply adds another entry with the same title. Logic is handled in a class called Contact.vb Here is my code.

Public Class Contact
Public Contact As String
Public Title As String[code]....

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.net - Application Linked To Msi?

Jun 29, 2009

I'm using VS2005.After I install an application using an .msi. Everytime this application loads it tries to find the setup and installs itself again if a file has been modified. If I delete the .msi file then the application can't even load.Is there a way to remove this link between the application and the msi?

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How To Add A Linked Table

Jan 9, 2012

I have a large number of MS Access databases that I'm automating to relink tables. However, there is one table that can't be relinked normally as Access says it has too many indexes. A manual work-around is to link to the view in SQL Server (2000/2008) and rename that table.Now, I want to do this programatically (I'm using DAO to relink the tables, which works nicely). I've been looking at CreateTableDef, but I don't know if this is the right way of going about it. I don't want to hardcode 260+ fields that may change (this is the main table from a 3rd party vendor, so I have no control over the fields in this table, or any normalization for that matter, but that's another topic...).Also, 98% of the tables being changed are Access 2000/2003 tables. The other 2% are Access 2007/2010.[code]

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DataGridView Add Row (Linked To Access Db)?

Nov 22, 2010

Currently I have DataGridView box, clicking generate button fills it with a query from the database.I want the add button to add another row filled using the same query, so far I cannot get it to do it.Current generate button code:


Add button code:

Me.DataSet.App.Rows.Add() - this does add a new empty row

I tried sticking the generate code inside (between add brackets) it but that just did the same thing as the generate code.

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