Forms :: Tab Control / Smaller Tab Page?

Apr 28, 2010

Does anyone know if it's possible to have a tab page, on a tab control, with a smaller area than other tab pages on the tab control.

For example, if the small tab was in focus, the contents of the tab behind would be visible.

I have tried the tab page size properties, this doesn't work.

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Divide Project Into Smaller Entity (dll) Or Convert 10 Forms To 10 Dlls?

Jan 21, 2011

Let say I had a project contains 10 forms and 10 reports and typed dataset (xsd)I am trying to divide my project forms into dlls, so when the client had a problem or asks for modification in single forms, I had to build the project all over again and the exe size will be large.

in my current project, the exe size is 4.8 MB, and I am working with customers by internet and remoting, so every time I make small changes (change the back color of textbox in one form) I had to rebuild and send the whole 4.8 MB to the customer. And not forgetting the increasing size of the exe with time.I know that converting my project to class library and built it will convert it to dll, so I had to create a second project to manage it.

1 - Can I convert 3 or 4 forms / 10 forms total in my current windows application project to dll?

2- What is the best recommended method to divide the project into smaller entity.

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Forms :: Automatically Resize A Windows Form To Fit A Smaller Display?

Jul 13, 2009

Is there a way to automatically resize a windows form to fit a smaller display? I created a program on a computer with a 12" display, everything works fine. However, when I load the same program on a computer with a 8" display, I am not able to view all the contents on the windows form. Is there a way to correct this without manually resizing all the contents on the form?

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Forms - WebBrowser Control - OWA Does Not Allow The Text Fields On The Login Page

Mar 13, 2010

I'm working on a pretty simple project, just a WebBrowser app which is tailored for Webmail. I'm working on an OWA portion, and OWA normally doesn't allow the textfields on the Login page to be auto-filled. Is there a way I can force this? Search through the OWA login page code, find the fields, then fill in the fields with preset/saved data?

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VS 2010 Control Instance - Loading Forms Into A TabControl Creating A New Tab Page?

Jan 2, 2012

I am loading forms into a TabControl creating a new tab page each time the form is loaded. ** I would like to point out that I am using UC instead of a from**

Now, I can easily have many tabs with the same form loaded. On the form I have a 'Search Button' So my question is, after clicking the search button how can I tell which instance of the form the 'Search Button' was clicked? Hope this makes sense


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Non-modal Forms Cannot Be Displayed In This Host Application From An ActiveX DLL, ActiveX Control, Or Property Page?

Oct 20, 2010

How to Resolve following Error in .netNon-modal forms cannot be displayed in this host application from an ActiveX DLL, ActiveX Control, or Property Page.

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Form With A Tab Control That Has 18 Pages - Click On A Tab It Opens The Page And Select A Textbox On That Page

Mar 8, 2009

I have a form with a Tab Control that has 18 pages. When I click on a tab it opens the page and select a textbox on that page (txtTextbox1. Select() ). This works for the first 8 pages but not for the remaining 10 pages. Although on these pages I can mouse click on the textbox, enter info, save then click my Add button that clears the textboxes and has the code (txtTextbox1. Select() ). The textbox is selected just fine. The code for all my pages is the same except for the tab name and the control names. The tab key will move the selection to the next textbox in order on all pages and the Enter key is coded to do the same. The first 8 pages have a total of 256 labels, buttons, list boxes, textboxes and checkboxes on them.

View 10 Replies - Set Master Page On Page Preinit Based On Custom User Control Method Result?

Apr 27, 2011

I have a user control that checks if a certain query string and session value are present then returns a boolean based on that, if it's true I want to set the master page. The page is throwing an Object reference exception when it tries to call the method EditUser1.UserAuthorization(). Why is this happening? I imagine that the method doesn't exist at that point in the stack. Protected Sub Page_PreInit(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.PreInit


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Control Child Popup Page From Parent Page With Program?

Nov 18, 2011

Using on an aspx code behind event, is there away to tell from a parent page if the child page popup is open, and then close the child page if it is truly open based on some event on the parent page, like clicking a gridview edit link, again?

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Access A Page Variable From User Control Placed On That Page From VB?

Dec 27, 2009

I want to access a page variable from a user control placed on that page. All the solutions work in C# via casting to the page class. The problem is that this doesn't work in VB. The page class is not selectable from the Intellisense dialog. Manual typing results in the error type not defined. It is strange that C# can do this without a problem. What is the proper solution for this in VB? I had other cases where I needed to access a control on the main page. C# again uses a cast to the page class to access the control. This doesn't work in VB again. So how can I access the page class from a user control in generell?

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Unable To Get Master Page Control's Value At First Page Load

May 21, 2012

I am using <%@ MasterType virtualpath="~/__.Master" %> to embed my master page content into child page to access control belong to Master Page. I have one DropDownList in Master page. And I want to access its SelectedValue in my Child Page.

Problem is when page first time loads and as I am trying to access DropDownList's Selected Value by writing in child Page - "Master.DropDownList.SelectedValue". I am not able to get DropDownList's Value. Its display's Blank.

But When Page.IsPostBack I am able to get SelectedValue of that DropDownList.

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Scroll An ASP.NET Page Under Control Of The Code-behind Page?

Jun 3, 2009

I have an ASP.NET 3.5 page with some AJAX, some Validators and some business-rule validation done in the code-behind page (VB.NET).

The Validators set focus to the 'offending' control when an error is detected.

When a business rule is violated, I used the following code to generate some javascript "on the fly" and execute it to simulate the Winforms "MessageBox.Show" functionality:

Sub DisplayMessages()
Dim lblError As New Label
lblError.Text = "<script language='javascript'>" & Environment.NewLine & "window.alert('"


At the end of the "btnSave.Click" code, if everything went ok, calling that subroutine.

What I get is the page scrolling to the top and then back to where it was when the Save button was clicked.

For various reasons, 'MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback="True"' is in the Page directives at the top of the .aspx code. What I'd really like is to make that FALSE for just a moment so that the page resets at the top - again, only if everything is ok and only for this button (there are other buttons on the page that require the page to keep it's scroll position).

View 1 Replies - Adding To Page Control Collection From Inside A User Control?

Feb 12, 2011

I have an usercontrol which represents a "popup" dialog. Basically, it's a wrapper for the jQuery UI dialog which can be subclassed to easily make dialogs. As part of this control, I need to inject a div into the page the control is used on, either at the very top or very bottom of the form so that when the popup is instantiated, it's parent is changed to this div. This allows "nested" popups without the child popup being trapped inside the parent popup.

The trouble is, I can't find a safe way to inject this div into the page. A usercontrol doesn't have a preinit event, so I can't do it there, and calling Page.Form.Controls.Add(...) in Init, Load or PreRender causes the standard exception "The control collection cannot be modified during DataBind, Init, Load, PreRender or Unload phases."

I thought I had found a solution by using. ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, Me.GetType, UniqueID + "_Dialog_Div", containerDiv, False) which seemed to work well normally, but recently a coworker tried putting an UpdatePanel inside the dialog and now she's getting the error "The script tag registered for type 'ASP.controls_order_viewzips_ascx' and key 'ctl00$ContentBody$OViewZips_Dialog_Div' has invalid characters outside of the script tags: . Only properly formatted script tags can be registered."

How are you supposed to add controls to the pages control collection from inside a user control?

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Add A Control To A WebBrowser Control Page?

Apr 16, 2009

I have a webbrowser control, where I show images (bmp files, that the program creates), and I want to add some UserControls to setup the images (as showing layers, or choosing colors to display). Is easy to do appropiate UserControls on VB.NET, and I know almost nothing about HTML, so, I would like to add standard VB.NET UserControls near the images.

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Can't Access Web Page Forms

Mar 14, 2011

Seems like something is preventing me from accessing forms inside web pages that I visit. When I visit a website like using my custom VB browser I can't add text to the Google search form or any forms on any web page.So I can't register at web sites. And I can't login or use any form that sits on web pages.What is keeping me from accessing web page forms? I mite be missing some kind of .DLL file on windows XP but I can access forms fine in web browsers like Mozilla FireFox.

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Forms :: Keep Page In The Same Form?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm writing an atm program. Should I write it to where each page (ie: withdraw, transfer, deposit, etc.) hides the current form and calls another form to show? How do I keep it all in the same form so it doesn't look like I'm closing and opening new forms?

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Make A Form Smaller Than 27 X 112?

Jan 15, 2010

I'm making an app with several forms and wanted to add a label to each form that, when double clicked, would resize the form to 10 x 10 pixels.

ControlBox, MaximizeBox, MinimizeBox, properties are set to false so there is no title bar. No text or icon. MinimumSize is set to 0,0.

I made a new project that consists of one form with one label to make sure there was nothing in my code causing the problem but still every time I double click the label the form is resized to 27 pixels high by 112 wide.

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Split Large App To Smaller Exe With Dll's?

Aug 3, 2010

The exe can call functions and forms in the dll's that are part of the solution BUT is there anyway

for the dll's to access forms, dataset's etc in the main exe project?

It doesnt appear that it works that way.

I forgot to add this is a VS2005 application.

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Forms :: Make A Label Control Transparent Over A Panel Control?

Jul 9, 2009

I'm trying to make a label control transparent over a Panel control.However by setting the background colour of the label to Transparent, it actually sees right through to the form itself, not the panel as intended.

As an example we use a panel with a background as white, we make the label transparent, however it gets the form�s colour as blue.However, we are using a custom panel control and need the label to be transparent over the panel and not see the forms background.

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Forms :: Make Subform To Appear On Tab Page?

Sep 11, 2011

How do i make subform to appear on Tab Page.

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Forms GridView On ASPX Page?

Apr 22, 2010

Is there a way to use a VB.NET Forms DataGridView object on an ASPX page?

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Multiple Forms On Same Page And The 'enter' Key?

Aug 15, 2011

I have an ASP.Net site that is using the singular form model. Each page has multiple forms (login, search), and I'd like for the forms to obey the 'enter' key. Currently if a user is in the login form at the top of the page, if they hit 'enter' the form is submitted, but if they are in the search form, a little further down the page (and lower in the DOM), hitting 'enter' causes the login form to submit.

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Web Forms - How To Make Registration Page

Mar 15, 2012

I have a question about web forms. I've set up a web service and I'm now trying to make a registration page. The one thing I couldn't figure out is how to handle events. For example, I have a simple button with id="Register", how can I handle that event? I can't seem to call a textbox on my form like you usually do in a VB form.

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Forms :: Design Time Control Behaviour On Tab Control?

Feb 9, 2011

i have a splitter control on tab 2, a grid and a scheduler control on tab 3..looks fine...i save it....close the form...reopen the form, and the controls are all resized and moved around on me....and not for the better.

wierd thing is that when i run the app, the controls are placed properly, but design time is totally f&*ked up.I know this one isn't me. is it the tab control? should i just do toggle buttons at the top and show/hide my own panels? this is just too freaky to deal with. is there an easy work around for this?

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.NET Data-type Smaller Than A Byte?

Jul 9, 2010

How about a Nibble etc.

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Make The Browser Size Smaller?

Jul 16, 2009

i made a webpage with a drop down when i click on the drop down list and click on the item there, a box will pop out i dont want the browser box to be the standard maximize internet explorer browser size or standard minimize internet explorer browser size...i want it to be in a A9 or A10 paper size the moment I select an item and it pops out...

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Find And Interact With A User Control On Page From Separate User Control?

Oct 17, 2011

I have an aspx page that has two different user controls. I want to find user control A and be able to set properties, etc., from user control B.

I was thinking I could do something like this:

Dim CMFilters As Control = Me.Parent.FindControl("CMFilters")

...but that doesnt work to be able to set properties and call methods. I somehow need to get the user control and and declare it as that user control type.

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Forms :: Get A Noise From WebBrowser Whenever Load A Page?

Nov 15, 2010

Does anyone else get a noise from the WebBrowser whenever you load a page? Internet Explorer does this too and I want to turn it off. Does anyone know how to silence this?

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.net - Split A Large File Into Smaller Files?

Oct 8, 2011

I have a large file (2.7GB). I need to split it into smaller files. How to split a large file into smaller files using VB.NET 2003? Cannot use LINQ and the resources (cpu and memory) on operating environment are very limited (it is a shared hosting environment).

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Cut Bitmap Into Smaller Files And Showing On Screen?

Jan 4, 2011

I am trying to take a png file (around 2000 x 2400) and split it into 8 smaller images of 500 x 1250 each (2 rows of 4), each of which is saved as a png file. I then which to display these smaller png files in a picture box so that they look as if they were one image.

My problem is that when I display the png files in the picture box, lines that look like grid lines show up in the picture box at the points where the png files sit next to each other.

When I view the smaller png files in Paint it appears as if the left column (x=0)and top row (y=0) of each file is set to clear (or transparent). What shows up in the picture box is the background colour of the picture box.

This clear/transparent row and column are not added on to size of the smaller png files. They are still 500 x 1250.Not every file is affected. If the smaller files are created from the original bitmap in the following order[code]...

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