Get And Save Form Name?

Jun 21, 2012

I have a form and a module. The form opens and then closes and opens another form. I want to save the form name befor it closes and on the form load event i have this[code]...

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Save The Form Settings Like A Save State Of The Form

Sep 17, 2010

I need to save the form settings, like a save state of the form. Because the program allows the user to add controls. I would like to be able to save them and load them. BTW: The controls are Panels and Labels. BUT! The Panels are a modified version of the control, known as NewComp. This simply allows the user to drag the panel around the form.

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[2008] Getting Texboxes To Save To Form When "save" Is Clicked

Jan 13, 2009

how to get the form to save some data, but the problem is I only know how to get it to save as the body. since the main parts of the program are third party, but here is the code I'm using to save data.

Private Sub Initialize()
' cmbLabel shows group(student) level
cmbLabel.DataSource = _schedule.DataStorage.LabelStorage.Labels


Since I have them all saving to the "body", whatever the last box is in the code is what shows for all three once I click save.

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Make A Button That Will Save Changes In One Form That Will Affect Another Form?

Jun 9, 2011

I need to make a save button. The user will work in main form. User also has Settings in the MenuStrip, when the user clicks Settings a new form will open. There user has ability to make changes that will affect the Main form. This is the code:

If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then
End If

This is the change that the user will be able to do that will affect the Main form, but I'm not really sure how to make that the CheckBox1 will be saved when the user clicks it and the clicks OK button. I also want to know how to make a cancel button.

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Make A Login Form That Will Save Data To Form 2?

Apr 25, 2009

Im using 2 forms

How Would i make a login form that will save my data to form 2 like i sign into form1 and it saves like my username/email and password from form1 to form2

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Form In VB 2008 - Use A Button To Save The Form

Jul 5, 2010

I have a form in visual basic 2008 in design view. how do i use a button to save the form i am working on, and then open a new form, I think the code is something like this!

Sub Button2_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)


But how do i open form2 and close form1 Using the same button. the code Below does not work (Why?)

Sub Button2_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e


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Getting Texboxes To Save To Form When "save" Is Clicked

Jan 15, 2009

I finally figured out how to get the form to save some data, but the problem is I only know how to get it to save as the body. here is the code I'm using to save data. [Code] Since I have them all saving to the "body", whatever the last box is in the code is what shows for all three once I click save. Does any of that make sense? How can i get all 12 of my text boxes to save to the form so that when I click save and then re-open it, they're all populated? Should I use the .Tag property (don't know how) or assign the data to an array somehow?

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Using "save" To Save Data To Another Form?

Jan 6, 2009

I have a scheduling program here that shows you a calendar and let's you double click a time to open another form where you input the meeting information. When I click save it saves the person's name to the calendar view, but no details when I double click the entry again. What would be the best method of getting the other fields to save so they're there when I double click? Should I just somehow assign them to strings and return them in the right text box or would I need an array?

EDIT: Actually there is a database involved so I guess I have to get it to store the info in there first.

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IDE :: Save A Form In VB?

Jan 31, 2006

How can you save a form in VB?

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Save A Whole Form?

Apr 21, 2009

I have a form, and I have around 50 Textboxes in it. I wanted to know, that when I code my save, if there is any code so that the WHOLE form is saved as it is, so after I publish it, the user opens this application, puts in the required info, he saves it, then when he comes back to it, he should find all the info still there.

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How To Save Size Of Form

May 30, 2010

I have googled, but i cant find anything useful about saving changes done in a PropertyGrid. i only figured out that i'm going to use xml. Here is how to save the size of the form.

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Save A Form To File?

Apr 19, 2010

I have a form (Form A) which collects data from other forms.

Form A is a certificate, how do I with a button click save this form to file (Form A - certificate)?

When it is saved to file, eg; c-drive, AMSFT (root foder), RNFT 5 Certificates (sub-folder), then the form saved in this sub-folder under the name of eg; textbox5.text?

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Save A Specific VB Form As Exe?

Apr 22, 2011

I'm making a program and I want the program to save a form as an executable file(.exe). Is this possible?

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Save Form At Runtime?

Mar 29, 2010

i am working on dynamic Cheque printing, i made a form with moving controls at runtime. user arrange controls acc to his cheque or cheques, now i want to save so that user print cheque again and again from once made setting.

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Save Form Data To XML?

Feb 17, 2009

I have a form with a group of text/cbo boxes, and two listview controls. I would like to save these textboxes and listviews into a single xml doc with a schema like[code]...

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Save Form Icon To Ico?

Sep 2, 2009

I am trying to develope a icon extractor program..

I've coded all the function exept the save as .ico ...

My Code works 50% The saved file color get mixed up, just like if you take a picture on a Camra with a negative function.[code]...

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Save Form To Screen Or PDF

Mar 30, 2010

is there a possibility to save a complete form including Dataviewgrids and everything to a screen or a PDF?

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Save Information To Another Form?

May 2, 2012

Form 1 code

Me. CustomersBindingSource.EndEdit()


Therefore that code above works perfectly as both of them saves information to the Customers table and waitingforApproval.The problem is here:When I open form2 which recieves information from WaitinforApproval database table(and I see it getting it from there as tableadapter works), I want to save the received information to the customers.So I have two data sets in here. Just like above So here I have created a button called confirm/save the data to customers. Hence I put this code in confirm button:
Form 2 code

Me. CustomersBindingSource.EndEdit()

And the current dataset set for this form is �waitingforApproval.So it doesn�t save the received information from waitingforApproval into the customers�

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Save Pictures In A SQL DB Via A VB Form?

Jul 26, 2011

how do I save pictures in a SQL Database via a Visual Basic Form? Each picture would be assigned to a unique number (example identity number)

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BindingSource. To Save Information For Different Form?

May 3, 2012

i have two forms and two database tables in sql. my problem is that, in one form(form1) i can save information to another form (form2) but in form2 can't able to resend data back to form1.

Am using dataAdapters and dataSet to load the data into application.

Having been thinking about this issue but doesn't solve it. i mean shall i use select query or what?

In form2, i don't want to insert new information rather all i want is to resend the loaded data from form1 back to it.

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Edit Form Save: MSAccess

Oct 15, 2011

Using: MS Access 2010 Visual Studio 2010 with Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 Connection


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Edit Form Save: MSAccess?

Oct 14, 2011

Using:MS Access 2010 Visual Studio 2010 with Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 Connection I have 2 forms: frmCustomers contains datagridview that launches frmEdit used to edit record.The issue I am having is my save button on frmEdit saves changes to the datagridview on frmCustomers but not to the database


Public Class frmCustomers
Private Sub frmCustomers_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'AutoBillDataSet.Customer' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.


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How To Save Form And All Value In Textbox And Listbox

May 10, 2010

[code]How to save this Form and all value in textbox and listbox.

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How To Save Form Control Values

Nov 20, 2009

I have a form with a couple of multi-line text boxes, a couple of radio buttons, and a couple of check boxes. When the form is closed I need to save the values of the textboxes, radiobuttons and checkboxes so their values will be retained next time the form is open. I've done this in VB6 on form open and form close, but I cannot get the same module to work in .NET

Here was what I used in 6.0 to save:
Sub SaveFormState(ByVal SourceForm As Form)
Dim A As Long ' general purpose
Dim B As Long
Dim C As Long
Dim FileName As String ' where to save to
[Code] .....

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Put The Second Listbox2 On Form And Try To Save Again But Fail?

May 15, 2010

I take this code from Crazypennie and the code is working very well.i try put the second Listbox2 on my form and try to save again but fail

Private Sub SaveValue(ByVal Path As String)
Dim ToSave(1) As String
Dim index As Integer = 0[code].....

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Save A Form As JPG In VB2008 Express?

Dec 13, 2009

I want to save a VB2008 Express form as "JPG" so that I can view the form in Windows Picture And Fax Viewer., the form contains other PictureBoxes which contains pictures from Database.ViditKothari

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Save And Retrieve Data In FORM?

Dec 4, 2009

im trying to make a basic Database

Its suppose to save the stuff written in the texbox for example

I have to input 255 students Name, address, age and Birthdays and save them all and then try to find all of the info stored by entering the Name.

Also i have to generate a student Id not just giving a Id to them so for example if the first student i enter his ID # should be 1 and so on as i enter the name

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Save Field Without Displaying It On The VB Form?

Nov 23, 2009

I have a VB 2008 windows application that I'm working on; the data are stored in SQL. I have a lot of fields that user will need to fill out. Some fields that not displayed on the form are actual combination of few filled out fields. For example - user types in first name, middle name and last name in 3 separate boxes on the form and I'd like to combine those and assign it to the "FullName" field. I know it's duplicating the data but this FullName field would need to be merged into report as is in a different program.

Another example - user will pick a data in combo box that is binded to a different table, but I need it to auto-populate 3 fields in the main form (those fields are not displayed). I know that I can actually add all those hidden fields on the form and assign calculated values based on user input and then everything is saved with built-in "Update" command. I was wondering if there is a way to specify those few calculated values as parameters and still use "Update" command without actually typing long Update command. I have over 400 fields - very lengthy command.

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Save Form And Re-opening To edit It

Sep 27, 2010

After that I save the form (VB), and re-opening to edit it, do not show me the design.Show only Page codes, I have a design program of the University to be handed over today.

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Save Form With Pictureboxes In A FlowLayoutPanel

Feb 1, 2011

I have small program that allows the user to add clickable pictureboxes to a FlowLayoutPanel. The .Tag property of these pictureboxes contains the link that the user has added to them. I have been doing a lot of research on ways to save forms and data in VB and am kind of overwhelmed with all of the options to choose from. Is there one best way to save the form and data?

I'm pretty sure I have to use XML Serialization in order to properly save the pictureboxes with their respective properties kept intact, but would like some input from the pros.

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