Get Control Of Opened Powerpoint Slides To Perform Search?

Jun 22, 2010

I'm currently doing a program to search for text in powerpoint files using interop in 2005. When a user does a search, it will open the powerpoint (.ppt) file and do the search. This is working fine.What I want to achieve next is if the powerpoint file is already opened, I want the program to search for text in the opened powerpoint file (without opening the file again in ReadOnly mode).How can I do that..? I mean, I need to first search the list of opened program to see if the powerpoint file is opened and then i need to somehow cause my program to gain control of the opened powerpoint file before I can do a search right..? How can I do that..?

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Create Powerpoint Slides Without COM Objects?

Apr 22, 2010

I want to make powerpoint slides with the data from sql server 2008

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Use A Webbrowser Control For A User To Enter A Url And Perform A Search?

Aug 16, 2011

I have built a webcrawler where I use a webbrowser control for a user to enter a url and perform a search. Once the page is uploaded, my app grabs the HTMl and then with a button click convert it into plain text by using html agility pack (HAP). Finally by clicking a button I store the result inside a sql server database.

Now I want to use a background search system using the above control to perform the task which I am not able to figure out Basically say If I have a textbox where I enter the URL and it grabs the HTML then using HAP I have convert it into plain text and store it inside a database.Here is my code class for the normal search I carry out:


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Using Bing Search Api To Perform A Advanced Image Search

Mar 11, 2010

I am developing a application in which i need to get images from a search engine. there are many choices to do that google,yahoo, bing etc. I chose bing simply because microsoft provides tight integration with bing and it offers more functionality to developers. So after searching some more i learned how to use this service in my application. Created a key and added web service reference in my solution.[code]But i cant figure out how to do that, after a lot of searching i came up with this link here url...I am unable to use it. If i use it no results are returned.

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How To Perform A Search

Mar 5, 2010

I just downloaded Windows Search 4. Ive seen several spots that seem to hint that you can access it using .NET but I cant seem to be able to find anything.

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Trying To Perform A Directory Search?

Jul 22, 2009

I'm running into some issues when trying to perform a directory search. For some reason I keep getting a {"Unknown error (0x80005000)"} -2147463168 soon as I try and run the search. When I review the details of the error under item I get "In order to evaluate an indexed property, the property must be qualified and the arguments must be explicitly supplied by the user."I'm running as the domain admin, so I hope I can rule permissions out of the picture. I have tried the ldap string with and without the server nameip address makes no difference.Starting to think there is an issue with AD.

I have included the simplest code that reproduces the error.


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Powerpoint Presentation In Web Control?

Aug 20, 2010

I'm putting the finishing touches to a fullscreen Winforms Application in VB (.net 3.5, VS2008). This is Q2 for today, as I seem to be coming up with all these little glitches I can't figure out!!I have a webcontrol, which I use to show a PowerPoint presentation - by using webctl.navigate("c:MyPresentation.ppt").This works perfectly, and my presentation shows exactly as desired.However, sometimes, when I close my application, the Powerpnt.exe process is left running.Is there any way of programatically forcing this to close if it has been left open, or am I not disposing of something I should (I can't find anything along these lines when running powerpoint through a web control)?

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Created A SELECT FROM WHERE Query To Perform A Search

Jun 21, 2010

I have created a SELECT FROM WHERE query to perform a search here is my code:

SELECT EmployeeID, DepartmentID, Forename, Surname, Role, Email, Telephone, Extension, Mobile, Photo FROM Employees
WHERE (Forename = ? or ? = '') and (Surname = ? or ? = '') and (Role = ? or ? = '')

I have then put the folllowing code to rung the query within my form:

Me.EmployeesTableAdapter.FillByName(Me.myDataSet.Employees, Me.ForenameTextBox.Text, Me.ForenameTextBox.Text, Me.SurnameTextBox.Text, Me.SurnameTextBox.Text, Me.RoleTextBox.Text, Me.RoleTextBox.Text)

When i search by forename or surname it works fine but when i search by role i get this error..oledbException occured No value given for one or more required parameters.

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Perform A Search Starting From The Completion Of A Form ?

Nov 19, 2009

I want to link sql server and (ADO.NET) . I'm using visual basic 2008 express edition and sql server management studio.

My problem is how to perform a search starting from the completion of a form (in ). On pressing the button search it verifies if the records are in the table (in my case FoaieParcursMasina).

SQL Server:
Step1: Create the table and insert into them the values (full DDL):
-- creating the table FoaieParcursMasina
CREATE TABLE FoaieParcursMasina


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How To Set A Powerpoint Presentation As Powerpoint.application.activepresentation

Jun 22, 2010

how to set a powerpoint presentation as the powerpoint.application.activepresentation? In the program below, when the form is loading, it will open 2 powerpoint files (Test1.ppt and Test2.ppt). After Test2.ppt is opened, it will be the activepresentation because it is opened last.What I am trying to do is when I press button1, it will set Test1.ppt as activepresentation so that when I press button4, it will show me "C:Test1.ppt".The same also goes to button2 making Test2.ppt as activepresentation..But what I get is, no matter how many times i press button1, Test2.ppt is always the activepresentation.[code]

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PowerPoint Slide Running Through IE Control Pauses Unexpectedly

Aug 30, 2011

I have a strange problem on one machine that my VB.Net (.NET 3.5 - VS2008) app is running on, it runs a custom sized Powerpoint presentation in an IE control within my VB app. However, on one of the machines my app is installed on, the presentation always pauses on slide 2.

This is a kiosk type app, where there is no user interactivity. On all the other machines running this software, there is no problem. So it must be something related to the machine itself.

The PC is an XP Pro machine and was originally running IE6, which displayed the problem, I ugraded it to IE8 to see if this would fix it, but the problem persists. The machine is running Powerpoint 2003 (don't recommend upgrading the machines OS/Software- this is out of the question, as it is a business spec machine - even getting IE8 installed was a battle!)

The presentation itself has no complexity, all 15 slides are basic text and photos, no animation, no video etc. As far as I can tell, the problem is nothing to do with my software, or the Powerpoint slideshow, as this operates fine on similar machines and reinstalls made no difference, it must be a problem with the machine/installation itself. I've tried running the slideshow on the problem machine, in PowerPoint itself, rather than in my app, and it runs fine. I've also tried running it in an IE window, without running it through my app, and again, it seems fine.

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Excel To Powerpoint Macro - Copying Excel Range And Pasting As HTML Or Default In Powerpoint?

May 11, 2011

I'm trying to copy a Range from Excel and Paste the information in powerpoint in either the HTML or the default format, however, I am having some difficulties. I am able to get the code to work for pasting the Range as an OLE Object but nothing else. The problem with doing this is that having the embedded excel documents in the powerpoint makes the file extremely large and unstable. I just need to be able to paste the information without the embedded information where it is editable (so, not as a bitmap or picture).

With ppt2Slide
Range("CP12:CT" & RangeIndex2).Copy


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Power Point Slides Or Splash Screens In Form?

Apr 1, 2011

I have some apppliction....interface is good but its not that advance in visual i manage to implement power point slide in web browser (webbrowser.navigate "pps "to twick the look of the program...but when im changing the tabs or opening other windows and then go back to tab where is pps it wont refresh properly.(web browser spec. fill)And i got flickering when im changing tabs or pages.

1.Is it because i have slow comp?

2.Or it have another way (faster) to implement power point slides in application instead of the web browser?

3.Or in general the visual basic is a poor program(when u talking about visual stile) that have some limitations and works very slow when u implementing some visual staff?

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Perform A Control Click?

Nov 19, 2008

I tried this but it doesn't work


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Perform A Click On A Webbrowser Control?

Mar 30, 2011

perform a click on a control inside of a webbrowser? Preferably from ID?

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ASP.NET: Perform A Delete On Listview That's Not Bound By A Control?

Dec 9, 2011

I have a ListView and I have set up my Delete Link button. When I clicked Delete however I get "The ListView 'ListView' raised event ItemDeleting which wasn't handled." So I decided to try and implement the DeleteLinkButton_Click() and ListView_ItemDeleted() ... however I can't figure out how to identify which row I've selected for my DeleteLinkButton_Click().

I didn't bind my source through a control instead I used the following method.


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Session Lost When New Window Is Opened By A WebBrowser Control?

Apr 11, 2012

I am developing an application which has a WebBrowser control, and it navigates to a forum. Now allows users to sign in using existing accounts in google or facebook, and opens a new window for the same.Now when i click log in, a new IE window opens up, which asks me to log in, i provide the information, the window closes, but the user is not logged into the forum.I have heard that session plays some part here, but i don't know anything i can do for this. I tried WebKitBrowser but that not even opens a window to log in.

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Compare The Current Date To A Control Field And Perform A Function?

Oct 8, 2010

I know nothing of VB.NET, but if I were you

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Can't Control Window Dimensions And Position Of A Word Document Opened From A Form

Nov 23, 2010

I am writting a program that aims at filling up bookmarks of a template with data retrieved from a sql server db. The form opens a Word document but I can't control the position and dimensions of the word document. It seems that I can't manage to overwrite MS Word default settings for position and dimensions. I want to be able to display the word document close to the form.Here is the code that I have tried and doesn't work:



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Construct A Login Form With Text Box Control To Perform UserID Validation And Self Service Password Recovery

Feb 14, 2011

Design a form, which contain a TEXTBOX control that accept a UserID input, with a CommandButton control to perform a validation based on the criteria listed below. Display a Message on whether the UserID is Valid.


The UserID must contains SIX digits follow by a single character, limit the entry to a maximum of seven characters only.

The postfix character of the UserID is derived from the summation of all the six digits divided by seven and using the remain as followed:



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WebBrowser Control And Cookies - When I Click The "Documents" Link, A New Instance Of IE9 Is Opened?

Mar 9, 2012

I have a problem with WebBrowser control and cookies.First of all what happens when one navigates in a normal Web browser (IE9 in my case): open page

I enter my username / password,

I leave the checkbox "Stay signed in" unchecked and click "Sign in",

IE9 opens my GMail page with all my mails listed. That is OK.

1.2. At the top of GMail page there are a lot of links like "Calendar", "Documents", etc.

When I click the "Documents" link, my documents page is opened in a separate tab in IE9. No additional login information as name / psw is asked. This is fine too.Now, what happens when I repeat all that in WebBrowser control (I have created a very simple VB.NET application with single WebBrowser control in it).

2.1. In form load event the following code is executed:

Private Sub MyForm_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub

2.2. I enter my GMail login information (name and psw) in WebBrowser control,

2.3. When I click the "Documents" link, a new instance of IE9 is opened,

2.4. Instead of showing a list of my documents, Google asks me to login again in an IE9 window. Why? Why I have to enter my credentials again?I think there is something wrong with cookies and they are not set correctly in a step 2.2.

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ListBox Control With Auto-Search

May 17, 2012

I am trying to create a custom listbox control by inheriting the default class which would automatically select the item based on keyboard input. Currently the listbox provided in Visual Studio is capable of searching only on the first letter, but I am trying to create onw which would select the item based on consecutive keyboard input characters. on the listbox, The control would select Banana upon pressing b,ba,ban etc etc..on keyboard..I am trying to findout the event that get raised when typing is done.

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Search Database With A Textbox Control?

Sep 27, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2005, Version 2. I am coding a Windows Application in VB.NETI am coding one particular form for an Emergency Reponse Information System (for varsity)On my form, I have three textboxes (one of which must be filled in) and below them I have a datagrid. I want the user to fill in one of the boxes and then click a Search button. These textboxes correspond to different column names in the same table. There is a Location textbox, an EmergencyResponseID textbox and a Name textbox. So if the person types in a location "Washington", then I want all the Emergencies that have happened in Washington to appear below in the datagrid.

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Search In A Particular Folder When Using The Fileupload Control?

Jul 23, 2009

I want to force my user to only search in a particular folder when using the fileupload control. Is that possible?

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VS 2008 Search Text On Web Control?

Mar 5, 2010

How can search text on webbrowes? sample :On my web site have text " Welcome to my website " And If search on web have that text then function ...

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Allow Gridlookupedit Control To Search Only After Typing Two Characters?

May 26, 2011

I am using third party tool "gridlookupedit" of DevXpress in my application. I have loaded the gridlookupedit control on the key Down event of it. Now if i type a character "A" the dropdown gets loaded with all values starting with "A". Now a step ahead i want to load the GridLookUpEdit only after two characters. for rg: the control must load values only when user types any two characters. If user types "A" it should not load. if user types "Ab" then the control should be loaded by the values starting with "Ab".

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Creating A Search Control Where Searches Can Be Compounded?

Aug 25, 2009

I'm creating a search control where searches can be compounded. So, for instance, I could create a search for Orders where OrderID = 1232 or OrderID = 2343 and OrderID <> 23435

So I have a button that users can click to compound. Obviously its a complicated problem to do well, but in any case, on my path to trying to find the best way to do it, I wanted to create a variable that could be either '=' or '<>' depending on the value of some other variable set elsewhere.Is there a way to do that? Or do I have to switch to Expressions?

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Run A Search Query At Wordpress Via A Webbrowser Control

Jul 1, 2010

I am trying to run a search query at wordpress via a webbrowser control, when I enter the search query in any browser it works fine, however when I try the same thing with the webbrowser control in VB the search does not work.


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WebBrowser Control - Metadata Keywords Search

Aug 30, 2010

I'm making a (F1) part for my application. I made a form with a Webbrowser-control and I made several .html files. Now I would like that the users enter a keyword and that they see all the files where that keyword is found in the metatag <keyword>. What is the best (and fastest) way to search for that?

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Getting Search Results And Adding Each Result To Treeview Control?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm having a problem with part of my application I'm trying to get the directory entry for a computer object in AD (it could be mutiple computer objects based on whether or not the users passes a wild card for the object name). These names would be added add a child node of the parent node "Computers" in the tree view. I'm just having problems with using the search results...

Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim parentCNNode As TreeNode = New TreeNode("cn")


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