MDI Container That Acts Like Windows Desktop?

Oct 23, 2011

I'm creating a program that requires an MDI Parent Container to keep its Children inside of the client area. If you didnt understand id like a MDI to have all the forms it creates to stay inside of the actual MDI.

I've said like the windows desktop becuase thats what the windows desktop is. It's basically a realy advanced MDI container.If you know any methods on how to do this as this may be used a lot by future programmers and it would be great to just link this to the same type of question.

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Process.Start Acts Differently With Windows XP Or Vista?

Aug 12, 2009

I have a small VB. app in VS2008 that opens a windows folder in maximized view.I am using the following code:

Dim startInfo As New ProcessStartInfo("explorer.exe")
startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized
startInfo.Arguments = "C:\Program Files\123 Systems\ExcelFolders\TechTimeSheet"

When using my app with windows xp it works well. It opens a single folder as if going through the "my computer" to open it. Attached is a screen shot "folder" to show the desired way.However when using the same code with Vista it opens my folder as if I right clicked on the start menu and selected "explore", also a screen shot named "explore" is attached showing what I do NOT want. What should I change to get both vista and XP to work the same, that is opening a single folder.

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Cannot Get A New Windows Form To Use The MDI Container

Jan 2, 2011

I have an older VB6 program that uses a MDI sheet. this program was upgraded to I can not get a new Windows Form to use the MDI Container. the new sheet lays over the top of the MDI sheet.

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How To Screen Scrape A Windows Container

Nov 10, 2010

I am developing a web program using that scrapes data of a certain website. I am using System.Net.HttpWebRequest and System.Net.HttpWebResponse.My problem is I can not retrieve the codes of certain frame/container where the data that I needed is located. I mean, when I view the source code of the website, I can not find the data but I can see it on the web page. When I view source it, it is under the


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Scroll-able Container For Windows Form?

Jan 22, 2012

I usually use table-layout-panel container in windows form to enable formre-sizing. But I've got too many label boxes and text boxes in a form to to fit in normal resolution. So I am in need of a similar container which is bothscroll-ableandre-sizable. Can someone tell me how it can be done using table-layout-panel container. If it doesn't support that kind of things then which one does?

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How To Make MDIParent Form Acts Normally

May 24, 2012

I`m developing a desktop application using Visual Studio 2005 and a code.I`m using one MDIParent form 'frmMDI' and about 20 Child Forms. In the frmMDI there is a MainMenuStrip that contains 20 ToolStripMenuItems each one used to load a corresponding child form through this [code]So, that code is responsible to load a child form. Now what I`m facing after the loading of the child form is that the behavior of the controls of that child form is not so normal. you can`t set the cursor to the end of the text in a textbox.

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Window That Acts Like MDI Child Over Chart Control

Jul 2, 2011

I need a tool window to act like a mdi child over a chart control. I can't use mdi because I'm using the krypton control ribbon component and they pretty much use all the mdi code in the background. Anything I do mucks it up. So I need a window to float over another control and be bounded by the real estate of that control.

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How To Launch Windows Desktop

Oct 29, 2010

I need help on how to launch the normal windows desktop. I have a TCP Client/Server application where the client should start before any other application starts. To do this, I replaced explorer.exe with my application file path in the registry. What I want to do is the client minimizes when it receives a command from the server, and start windows as normal.

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MAC Like GUI For Windows .NET Desktop/Web Applications

Apr 13, 2012

how to give a mac like UI look to desktop apps

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Program For Class That Acts Like An Accounting Ledger Or Checkbook Organizer

Jul 3, 2010

I am writing a program for class that acts like an accounting ledger or checkbook organizer. There are many things that I can't figure out how to make happen.

First- I need a running total of credits and debits at the bottom of the form. I can't figure out how to get that to display. I tried it, but it just locks up the program.

Second- I put in an error handler for non-numeric input and that works but when I want to clear all fields with the clear button it errors each field for not having an entry. I tried 6 ways to Sunday to accept (""), but it messes up other things.

Third- I want 5 transactions to be visible with the ability to have 7. I have hidden the last two and want them to display when the new transaction button is clicked, but can't find anything in my book that would allow that to happen.

Public Class

Dim Tran1, Tran2, Tran3, Tran4, Tran5, Tran6, Tran7, TotalCred, TotalDeb As Double
Dim NewBal1, NewBal2, NewBal3, NewBal4, NewBal5, NewBal6, NewBal7, BegngBal As Integer


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Add The Desktop Toolbar On Windows 7 Taskbar?

Mar 10, 2012

When right-click the Taskbar -- Toolbars, then click the Desktop, the taskbar will show the Desktop toolbar.

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Controlling Windows Remote Desktop?

Mar 8, 2010

I am trying to overcome a problem I am having with remote desktop.Basically I have 2 machines running in different locations. I use remote desktop to access one of them (the "Remote Machine") from the other.("My PC")The "Remote Machine" is performing automated tasks that require the screen to be active, not the user login screen.

When I do so the Remote Machine logs off and presents the normal windows login screen.When I am finished reviewing the remote machine I log off and then I need to log back into the "remote" machine. It has no monitior but I can log in by pressing the enter key which sends a keypress to log into the user account( there is only one). In fact I do this the other way around. I press the enter key on the "Remote Machine" and this logs the user back in - terminating the remote session on "MyPC".

The problem is I have to physically go to the Remote Machine to press this enter key.This is a hassle - One solution is to remotely re-boot the remote pc but the lead time involved is too great.I am unable to fix this problem by tweaking setting or registry hacks so I guess the solution must be to cause the remote user to log back in programatically.I am an experienced VB user but I have never worked outside the windows environment. Ideally I would like to programmtically send a keystroke "{enter}" to the login screen but this doesn't work.

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Make Windows App Go Behind Desktop Icons?

Jul 26, 2010

is there a way to make my windows app go behind desktop icons?

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Obtaining A Bitmap Of Windows 7 Desktop

Mar 21, 2011

The following VB 2010 code runs, but returns only a black bitmap. I suspect the problem lies with the call to GetCurrentObject but I haven't been able to find good documentation on the arguments for it.[code]

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Placing A Form Above Desktop, But Below All Other Windows?

Aug 26, 2009

I'm new at the forums but not to .net development. I'm trying to make an application, which stays above the Dektop level but ALWAYS below any opened window. This application cannot be minimized, it has to be visible as a desktop background (just for getting you the main idea). As I was reading, I found that the way to make the form not to minimize is by using the WndProc function, and intercepting the Minimize message. My question is.. which of all the available messages is the correct for this case?.

P.D.3 (And last one I hope): See, the main reason of this application, is to make some kind of an "Active Desktop" function, which is not supported by Windows XP 64-bit. As XP64 doens't come with Active Desktop to use Web Pages as Desktop backgrounds, my idea is to make an application which loads certain web page and put's it on the desktop background.

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Refresh Desktop And Windows Explorer?

Jun 2, 2011

I try to find out a way to refresh desktop and Window Explorer after change in registry.

I use VB.Net 2008 and my OS is Windows7.

I Show/Hide File Extension in Registry with this [code]...

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.net - Show Desktop Button In Windows Form?

Apr 28, 2012

In my windows form application i want make a button that when a user cliked the button, the Desktop should be showed, (Show Desktop Button) .Consider a form name as form1 and it got a button like "Show desktop", when user clicked, all the application should be minimized and it should show desktop, is there any Code for VB.NET Windows Form application.

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.net Application To Run On Desktop + Windows Mobile 6 - Which Database To Use?

May 20, 2012

i would like to build an inventory manager application that would have two versions :1. Would run on the desktop 2. Would run on windows mobile 6 I would like to have both these versions store and read data from a database that can be stored centrally either on a webserver or somewhere on the LAN.

I would like to know can i use Access as my backend database or sql server ? will windows mobile app be able to access it and read and write to it Note : I would prefer to create only one database that will just store the details in the tables and do not need any other functionality. All functions such as save,edit,delete,search,filter etc with be done from the FRONT-END VB.NET interface ONLY If you suggestion involves the use of 2 databases such as one for desktop version and one for windows mobile then please also tell me how would i sync the data between them.

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Drag A Listviewitem To Desktop , Windows Explorer?

Dec 28, 2010

How do you drag a listviewitem, to desktop, windows explorer, Ect...

For example, i got a listviewitem in a listview, and the text is the name of a file, and the Tag the filename, in a string... When i drag the item, to the desktop, or a folder in Windows Explorer, it will automaticly create a shortcut or something...

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How To Drag A Listviewitem, To Desktop, Windows Explorer

Feb 5, 2009

How do you drag a listviewitem, to desktop, windows explorer, Ect...For example, i got a listviewitem in a listview, and the text is the name of a file, and the Tag the filename, in a string... When i drag the item, to the desktop, or a folder in Windows Explorer, it will automaticly create a shortcut or something.

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Playing .mp4 Videos In A Windows Desktop Application

Aug 17, 2010

I'm looking to see if anyone has a good reference for a third-party add-in that will allow me to play .mp4 video files inside my program without a need to embed a web browser in my program.

I have no problem buying it (well that depends on the cost of course!), but I want that when I distribute it, I include their .dll files and it'll work on the user's computer without anything else needed.

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VS 2010 Desktop Toolbar, Topmost But Windows Behind?

Dec 2, 2011

I am creating a toolbar for the desktop. The only problem I have is that all though I have the windows above all others windows I need to have the other programs (not created by me) to snap or max to below my program etc. I have tried to search but have not found anything to help me or explain how to do it..

I am using Visual Studio 2010 Ultmate (visual basic 2010)..

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VS 2010 Hide Desktop Icons In Windows 7?

Aug 24, 2010

this code works in every other version of windows, why not 7?


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WIndows 7 Desktop Refresh And Picture Screensaver?

Nov 9, 2011

I am using in VS2008.I wrote a screensaver that cycles through pictures. When the screensaver exits it sets the desktop background to the last picture loaded using API call SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, sFilePath, SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE Or SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE).The desktop wallpaper refreshes for WinXP and Vista but not Win7.In Win7, if I run the screensaver as an EXE then the desktop background changes when the program ends. If I run it as a screensaver I need click on the desktop and press F5 before the desktop shows the new desktop background (or click and drag with the mouse to show pieces of the new desktop background).I have tried to add delays and even force a refresh by using SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, Nothing, Nothing) but with no success.

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[VB2008] Start Time Of The Desktop Windows?

Sep 18, 2010

Knowing the hWnd and the Title of all the desktop windows, I whould like to order them by start time order (them order on the task bar)In your opinion is there an API that gives those data? I can't use the Process.StartTime property because many of these windows have the Process.MainWindowTitle = "" and Process.MainWindowHandle = 0

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Capture Video Of The Windows Desktop And Save It As A AVI File?

Feb 11, 2009

Does anyone know how to capture (Record) the Windows desktop and save it as a '.avi' or '.mpg' file. This functionality can be done using screen capture / presentation programs like SnagIT:[URL]..I have found many examples showing how to capture from a webcam using the 'avicap32.dll' DLL file but these dont help with this problem.

If you are asking why i dont just use SnagIT its because the interface is overly complex and building my own version would allow me to intergrate it into my existing programs.

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Clear Browsing History From Windows Desktop Application?

Jan 2, 2012

Is there any way to clear Browser History using C# or desktop application.

Browser Name, Starting time and Usage Time and all i got it.But i can't able to delete that particular browser history.[code]...

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Sql - Hot To Access Windows Mobile SqlCE Database From Desktop .net?

Aug 20, 2010

I want to access the Windows mobile SQLCE database from the desktop application when device is connected to my PC.

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Program That Record My Screen Desktop Using Windows Media Encoder

Apr 20, 2012

I have made a small program that record my screen desktop using windows media encoder.

The recording is working good. but wen I start record I can not open any folder in the desktop by double click.

The is the source code :


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Where To Learn To Program Stuff For Windows Like Cd Tray - Desktop - Keyboard

Apr 4, 2009

Where should I go to leanr to program stuff like getting keystrokes, locking keyvoards, changing desktop backgrounds, opening CD trays, changing IE homepage, etc.... Basically everything windows... I'm using VB.NET right now. Is there an api or something to learn for this kind of stuff?

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