Trying To Get Specific Values Of A Rows Or Cells In Datalist

Jan 28, 2012

I have a datalist in vb web form.How can i get the value in a specific rows and cells of a datalist?I could do it for detailsview but how to do it for datalist?Below is my code for detailsview: Dim selectedCommentAns As String = DetailsView.Rows(0).Cells(1).Text.I tried the same way for datalist but it dont have rows and cells to be selected.[code]

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DB/Reporting :: Inserting Values Into Specific Rows

Dec 14, 2009

I am making a game and decided to add a high score section. I currently have this code setup to insert and read from the database, I set the insert code to a bottom just for testing purposes.[code]There are three columns in the database rank, score and name. I set the rank to auto number so the database would assign the player rank automatically, how would I go about inserting the score into the relevant place inside the database and moving the other scores to their new relevant places?

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.net - Datalist Not Retaining Values On Postback

May 20, 2009

I have a datalist control that is not retaining it values during postback when the control causing the postback is outside of the update panel that the Datalist resides in. I have verified that viewstate is on for that usercontrol as well as all its parent controls. My basic situation is that I have a Datalist that contains a user control on a page. When the user selects several rows in a grid and presses a button, a datatable is filled on the backend and assigned to the Datalist which has its item template set to the UserControl.

On ItemDataBound I set specific properties in the control which customize the messages on that control to the specific item. This is then popped up using the AJAX Control Toolkit Modal Popup[ Extender. When the user presses Save the whole page posts back. Data is collected from the user controls and saved to the DB and the popup disappears. The issue I am currently having is that the DataList has 0 items when the save button is pressed instead of the appropriate number. THis issue just started appearing after we upgraded from .NET 2.0 to .NET 3.5.

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Hide Items Within A Datalist If Values Are NULL?

Jan 3, 2011

For example in my datalist if Eval("OptionJ").Tostring = Null I would like the function GetVisible to set visibility of the radio button to false like so:

<input name="Q<%#Eval("ID")%>" type="radio" value="J" visible="<%# GetVisible(Eval("OptionJ").ToString()) %>">


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Itextsharp And Datalist - Export The Details In Datalist Into A PDF File

Dec 23, 2011

I'm trying to export the details in my datalist into a PDF file by using this third part program called Itextsharp. However, I'm encountering problems in generating the PDF as it keeps giving me the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error which points to my "htmlparser.Parse(sr)"

I been trying for 2 hours now to fix this problem however no progress. Does anyone here have experience in Itextsharp?

Here is the code that runs the export to PDF command

Protected Sub Button15_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=Resume.pdf")


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Accessing Specific Rows And Information From The Rows Using VB In An Access DB

Mar 23, 2010

Public Shared Function isMatch(ByVal username As String) As Integer
For i As Integer = 0 To table.length - 1
Dim cellValue As String = table.getRow(i).getCell("Alias")


I have the code listed above as a translation from a Java snippet. The problem i have is that in Java, my table was stored as a dataset and as such, the methods were easily identifiable by "getRow" and getCell" using specific numbers and column names. However in VB the information is stored in an MS Access database (which i already have an open connection to, called: "_SalesPerformance_AnalyticsToolDatabaseDataSet12") and as such i do not know the correct way in which to iterate through each row in the database, checking a specific column against an already specified variable and then returning an integer based upon the value of a seperate column in the same row.

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Copy Selected Rows/cells From One Datagridview To Another?

Jan 3, 2012

I would like to copy only the selected rows, but not all cells, only the ones I set in the sub, from one datagridview to another datagridview.

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How To Paint Rectangles Around Individual Cells Or Rows

Mar 1, 2012

I have a DataGridView (not data bound, not editable) that displays a bunch of data. I want to draw rectangles around some of the blocks of cells to set them apart visually. For example, I want to draw a red border around the block of cells from row 3 colum 2 to row 6 column 3 so that there is a red rectangle around the 8 cells.I've found how to paint rectangles around individual cells or rows, but I can't work out how to do it for a block of cells.

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Access To Datalist Event Inside Another Databound Control & Finding Controls Inside Nested Datalist?

Oct 27, 2011

I have a DataList inside another DataList. I want to access the child DataList "dlQuestion" events, ItemDataBound event. Also, I'm tring to find the control LableControl "lblQuestion" in the child datalist. How do I do that? Here's the mark-up:

<asp:DataList ID="dlSection" runat="server" Width="100%">


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.net - Datagridview - User Only To Be Able To Select Rows And Not Individual Cells

Jul 1, 2011

I want the user only to be able to select rows and not individual cells in a VB.NET DataGridView. Is there a way to make this happen? I don't see an option for the DataGridView object to control this via properties.

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VS 2008 Datagridview Rows(cnt).cells Color Change?

Jan 6, 2011

I was looking for some code that would change the colors of some rows in my datagridview but I could not get that to work. I have this code which should work but it doesn't, I could not find any replacements. I need to change the color of some rows.

Do While cnt > -1 If datagridorder.Rows(cnt).Cells.Item("DataGridViewTextBoxColumn16").Value.ToString.Substring(datagridorder.Rows(cnt).Cells.Item("DataGridViewTextBoxColumn16").Value.ToString.Length - 5, 5) = "Cease" Then
datagridorder.Rows(cnt).DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Red
End If
cnt -= 1

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DB/Reporting :: Set All Cells In Column To Specific Value?

Aug 4, 2008

I have a DataGridView binded to a DataSet that I created using the Visual Studio Data Source Configuration Wizard. Everything works good except for one problem.I have two columns, Modified_By and Date_Modified that should be inserted or updated as the user and the current date, respectively. So every row in the DataGridView should have the same value for these two columns.So far, I have thought of two ways to get this working, but neither one seems very clean. The first idea is to make a custom Fill method that takes as parameters the user and the current date and then add them as extra columns in the select method. For example

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Set Border Style For Specific Cells?

Mar 27, 2009

I would like to know how to set the specific cell border size to insetdouble.I search some document, there is dataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle, but how to apply to specific cells in data grid view

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Printing Content Of DGV To Specific Cells In Excel?

Nov 11, 2011

I created this code to export from DGV to Excel and it worked with me. I tried to print the data from DGV to specific cells in worksheet but I don't know.


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Reading Excel Data From Specific Cells?

Sep 30, 2010

G'day all, I've been on google for far too long trying to figure this out, so hopefully somebody can point me in the right direction. I'm trying to write a program that will open an Excel spreadsheet and read data from specific cells while preserving datatypes, so that I can write the data to an XML file. The basic functions I need to perform reduce to:


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Import From Excel To SQL Server AND Auto. Update Specific Cells?

Dec 5, 2010

So, I am already able to successfully import an excel file to sql server through my vb application BUT I want to automatically change a value in a certain column to another. To expand on this, my excel file has a column that lists test titles such as "WCOB 1120 Access Test". I want to have each specific test title changed to a number. So, "WCOB 1120 Access Test" would need to be changed to '1' before it is added into my database.

Public Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim myPath As String = sFilePath & sFileName
Dim ExcelConnection As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='" [code].....

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Left Justify The Standard ErrorProvider Icon In Specific DataGridView Cells?

Jul 23, 2010

We would like to have 2 ErrorProviders for a DataGridView. The standard ErrorProvider and another WarningProvider with a different icon. Also is it possible to Left Justify the standard ErrorProvider icon in specific DataGridView cells?

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Writing To Word And Excel 2007 - Transferring Data Into Specific Cells

Aug 23, 2010

I'm developing a program that handles money, and there is a pre-made excel spreadsheet that I am to be transfering data into specific cells. How can I go about telling my program to write specifc data into specific cell numer in excel? Also, how can I get my program to write into specific areas of a MS Word Template (my program will generate letter with the same template just different names/addresses/valus)?

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Add 2 Cells Values In Datagridview?

Nov 13, 2008

i would like to know the syntax for this.i wanna add the values of 2 cells and then i will display their total in textbox.i have been trying to use datagridview.rows.cells but i cant just use it to add to cells values.

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Edit The Values In The Cells Of Column(1) Ie Qty?

Nov 11, 2010

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(SQLSTR, conn)
reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
Dim myDataTable As New DataTable


i hve the follwoing code by which i bind the data to the grid the grid has 4 columns PRODUCTNAME, QTY,RATE, AMOUNT the user shld be able to edit the data in the column qty for as many rows it has but i m not able to edit this column how do i edit the values in the cells of column(1) ie qty?

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Read Values From Excel Cells

Apr 28, 2009

[code]i need to read data from specific cells and assign them to other cells.

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First' Row Cells Values Are Their Owner's Column Header Tex?

Feb 4, 2011

The problem is my first' row cells values are their owner's column header text.

ID | FirstName | LastName | Address |
ID | FirstName | LastName | Address |


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Multiply Or Add The Values Of Two Or More Cells In A Datagridview Control In A Row?

Nov 15, 2011

I want to multiply or add the values of two or more cells in a datagridview control in a row and and should also be auto-saved in the database after entering datas in the cell. I am using SQL Server 2008 for my database. do take a look at the screenshot attachment that I made for further details..

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Reading Values In Cells From Excel .csv File?

Sep 6, 2011

I am new to VB.NET and I am trying to read a line of data from a .csv file. For some reason the line of code below is returning "System.__ComObject", why? I verified that the cell contains "4/8/2011 9:20".

Me.cv_wks.Cells(i, "G").ToString

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VS 2010 Get Values From Certain Cells In Excel Document?

Aug 25, 2009

I want to retrieve the value from example Cell C4 and dim it as String and then retrieve Cell D8 and dim as string etc.

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Read An Excel File - Loop Through Cells To Get Values?

Jul 25, 2008

I'm using VB.Net's Excel component to read Excel file, but the performance is totally slow, since it has to loop through cells to get values. Reading a file containing one sheet with 1162 rows and 105 columns (which is small size compared to my general requirement) already costs more than 5 minutes.1. I want to ask if any of you have suggestion on reading such an Excel file with better performance, except OleDB, cuz most compies here have vesion problem?2. Is it normal that it tooks a long time for Excel component to read Excel file, or is it that I implement the code in a wrong way?

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C# - Datatype For Multidimensional Array That Keeps Growing Depending On The Previous Values Of Cells?

Jan 20, 2012

I am looking for an elegant datatype and method to handle this problem below in Java or dot Net environment (C# or is a (r x c) matrix of numbers (integers). The 1st column values is a 1D array (range of numbers). The 2nd column takes a different range of values for each of the 1st column value (so, its basically a 2D jagged-array). The 3rd column has a range of value for each pair of 1st and 2nd column values.(when the 1st and 2nd column is fixed with a value, the 3rd column takes a range of values). The number of columns is not fixed and depends on the user input. It can go up to 20 or even more

How do you handle this problem efficiently in java or C# or am linking an image to the equation that I want to program. , in-which C and S are some constants. i=1,2,3...r (number of rows) and k-1=0,1,2,3..c (number of cols). The range of R(i,k-1) depends on maximum and minimum values and MAY also depend on previous values from R(1,k),R(2,k)...R(i-1,k-1) according to the equation. The initial known values are fixed integers (not in a range) for R(1,c), R(2,c),...,R(r,c)

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Bind Specific Rows Of Datagridview?

Feb 24, 2009

know it is possible to have bounded and unbounded columns in a datagridview.Is it also possible to have bounded and unbounded rows?I knows its unorthodox, but I want to have two rows in my datagrid per item in my object list One row is bounded to the properties of each item; below that I want an unboundedrow of checkboxes for each property But since when binding the datagridview sets the rowcount equal to the list count, I'm not sure its possible.

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Get Specific Data From Multiple Rows?

Aug 31, 2010

get specific data from below case?. As it is imported from text file, all row data located at A column per Row and total number of rows are more than 30000. From below, I want to get Company name and Address data only out of long text data.

For your understanding, a)Each row start with 6digits number like 3336041, 3336058 etc and end with pin code 6digits. b) there are minimum 4 or more digit's space after company name and each address data.

Result should be got <company name> and <Address field> data only.

for example 1st block should have below format;



2nd block: to display in another lines as like above - marked as bold in sample text

3rd block: to display in another lines as like above - marked as bold in sample text


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Highlight Specific Rows In ListView?

Apr 17, 2010

how to highlight specific rows of ListView in

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