VS 2010 Make An New Archiver Based On Existing Dlls

Aug 25, 2010

I've decided to make an new archiver based on existing dlls. Im aiming at a simple 7zip style archiver thats quadcore optimized and 8 core compatible (the 8 core part can wait cause amd's bulldozer aint out yet). I'd like to include [code]Where do I start? And where can I get the dll's? (multiupload.com links are nice).

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VS 2010 - Make A Simple Text Based Rpg Game?

Nov 9, 2011


Yup,not PHP but it's the same for readability)As you may imagine I want to make a simple text based rpg game, but that's not an important fact.The buttons btn1 to btn3 are already created at the designer, and there are going to be other procedures which will assign values to their text property according to the game context (main menu, combat, shopping, training, etc.) you're at.Ok, so what I want to do with that procedure I pasted is to parse the text of ANY of those buttons when I click them, and according to its value select a case which will trigger another appropriate procedure (now there are only msgboxes as placeholders for testing only).My problem is that I dont know how to refer to the originating class of the handled event! I mean, let's say I click btn2. I'll want to immediately get the text property of that button only and use it as the value for the select case tree. I suppose I need to put something at that ?I wrote there, but I don't have any idea. The first time I was so naive to put me.text in there, and of course it returned the form name. Is there's something to do this thing...? I thought at first it would be a very simple task, but I'm going nuts searching for a solution so it's like if it was not possible, but I find hard to believe that, because this would be very useful, right? By the way, what I want to achieve is not needing to make a separate procedure for each button and to avoid as well the need to move any game option to another procedure if later on I want to rearrange the menus, because I expect the game to have more than three buttons actually.

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Create A New Database Based On An Existing One?

Feb 1, 2011

I am working on a database application for my Class Reunion in VB.et and VS 2008, My problem is when i build the program it will only work with 1 Database For my Class year, I would like the ability to be able to create a new database for a different classyear than the 1 i build and pre-Populate, so the person using it can do more than 1 year and keep the databases seperate.

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DLL Import - DLLs Were Re-compiled As 64-bit DLLs And They Still Don't Work?

Apr 6, 2010

I am trying to understand how to interact with external DLLs written in C++ for use in my VB.NET application. I have some DLLs that a client wrote that do some math functions. Everything was working on a 32-bit machine. Because we were taxing the 32-bit machine we moved to 64-bit. Now we can't get the same functions to work. The DLLs were re-compiled as 64-bit DLLs and they still don't work. So my client wrote some dummy DLLs to see if we could figure out the problem. Here are the "signatures" of the DLL calls that I am making:[code]....Ultimately I would like to get to calling initialize_quiet and I am guessing at the format of the marshalling, const size etc.

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IDE :: Creating An Array Of A Structure Based On Existing Project?

May 1, 2009

how to write the code for my project.I am to base my new project on an existing one(existing one has code that works 100%)and create an Array of a structure that bascially holds the information from a summary form AND the totals from an AddToOrder_Click event. If you are still with me)... I cant figure out what the code is for my structure and Array so that I STILL have a Summary Form but I have an array that shows when I click my PrintPreview. So an Array is basically a "space" that holds information, like my summary form except it doesnt show until I click PrintPreview right?

If I just wanted to show the table then my code belongs in the PrintDocument1_PrintPage to show the array but the actual structure code belongs in the Click_Event of my AddToOrder? Please Please understand I AM NOT asking for anyone to write my code, basically I am asking for some clarification on what exactly creating an array from a structure is and therefore determing where the structure is to be placed in my code..

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VS 2008 Create An Interface Between A Third Party Application Which Can Make Use Of C/C++ DLLs

Nov 30, 2010

I am trying to create an interface between a third party application which can make use of C/C++ DLLs, but no interface directly to .NET. What I was hoping to accomplish (not sure if possible though), is create a very basic C++ DLL (not .NET), which the third party application would call directly. This DLL would contain a basic method such as "DoSomething()". Somehow, from my .NET application, I want to "listen" to this DLL and "takeover" the DoSomething() method, and then returning the result back to the DLL, which will in turn return the result back to the calling third party application.

I don't even know if this is possible because I'm sure I would somehow have to get a hold of the memory space of the DLL as initiated by the third party application. Also, it seems that creating a managed DLL does not work, based on feedback from other individuals who have tried this.

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Automate Existing Windows Form Based Application Using Autoit?

Jun 15, 2011

I want to use automated testing using autoit for my existing windows form based application. Currently looking at the autoit documentation I couldnt figure out how to start a existing windows application in vb.net and then use it for further automation.

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.net - Plugin Architecture - Make An MDI Parent Form Aware Of Children In DLLs

Jan 25, 2010

I'm experimenting with a plugin architecture for my company's internal business system. I have managed to read all .DLLs in a Plugin folder which implement a specific interface. What I am trying to figure out is the best method of communication between the "host" MDI parent application and forms that will be in the .DLLs which I intend to make MDI children.

Currently, I am returning just ToolStripMenuItem objects from the .DLLs to add to the MDI Parent. I've also tested that events wired in the .DLLs to the ToolStripMenuItems do propagate to the code in the .DLLs. I've also managed to return a Form object via the interface and open that form, as the Plugin folder is being "scanned".

However, I am not clear how I would make these forms MDI children. Also, any other forms living in the .DLLs will also have to be MDI children. I created a VS 2008 Addin project just to see what's going on, and it seems that the Addin accepts an Application object on which it adds to the ToolStripMenuItems and does other operations. The code to build the menu inside the .DLL. This is opposite of what I have done so far, where the MDI requests a ToolStripMenuItem from each .DLL and adds the returned object to its own menu.

Would designing my plugin architecture to accept an application object in the same manner the only way I could get forms to open as an MDI child? Am I asking for other, currently unknown to me, headaches by NOT passing in the application object to the .DLL?

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VS 2010 Adding DLLs In GAC?

Mar 8, 2012

In my Installer project I just added my OracleDataAccess.dll to the "Global Assembly ache Folder" folder in the "File System on Target Machine" But when I install my project it doesn't install the OracleDataAccess.dll on the target machine'sC:WindowsAssembly.

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VS 2010 Publishing With Dlls

Jul 11, 2010

I have this vb program that uses 2 dlls i made in c++, the dlls are attached to the project and are set as "copy always" and in vs debug mode they work fine, however when i try to publish the program and run it it can no longer find the dlls even tho they are right there next to the program itself the dlls are declared as following: Private Declare Function Trace Lib "Lowstuff.dll" (ByVal targ as IntPtr) As UInteger.so what im thinking is that maybe theres like a switch in project settings i didnt flick or maybe i need to specify the dll with full path or wut?

As it turns out it had nothing to do with vb afterall, it was the c++ dlls that had to be made as static. However now i have a new problem: Im geting a bunch of overflow exceptions from my program but only on other computers, in the dev machine it reports no errors or warnings whatsoever, i also went over function where the error was generated and all the functions it used and detected no fault so how am i supposed to track these down?

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Using Inheritance-Based Controls - Creating As New Classes (not UserControls) Inheriting From An Existing System Control

Oct 15, 2011

I seem to be having a problem with controls that I am creating as new classes (not UserControls) inheriting from an existing system control. Everything seems ok while I create the control code, through to the compile (which is successful and adds the control to the toolbox) and dragging the control from the toolbox to the GUI surface. However, when I then debug or compile the project, I get a message such


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How To Manage Different Releases Of Supporting DLLs In Visual Studio 2010

Nov 18, 2011

I have a VB.NET/C# Visual Studio 2010 Solution with a bunch of projects that depend on about 30 third-party DLLs all from 1 vendor. This third-party vendor recently released a new version of their software so I would like to parallel test their new software and my enhancements until I am comfortable to switch over. What is the best way to setup a solution in Visual Studio 2010 so that I can use the code I have developed on top of these third-party DLLs and have the opportunity to easily switch between:

(1) the new version of the third-party DLLs [for my testing] and

(2) the old version of the third-party DLLs in case I need to debug some problem a user is having.Third party assemblies ARE NOT in GAC (they're currently in a folder on a network drive). They are NOT strongly signed (ran sn -vf ). They are changing from version 5.4.618.0 to 5.4.619.60.

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Add A New Form Based On An Existing Form?

Aug 26, 2011

How can I add a new form to my project that is based on an existing form in the same project?

I want to add a new form to my project with the same control layout as an existing form in my project, and then just change the label text and so on.

I tried to just copy and paste, then rename the pasted .vb file, but get an error when I try to open it for modification.

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VS 2010 Add A New Project To The Existing Solution?

Oct 16, 2010

is this possible? can not find how to add a new project to the existing solution. or, this feature does not exist in vb express?

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VS 2010 Add Existing Form To A Project?

Nov 9, 2010

i am trying to add an existing form to my project to reuse. From solution explorer Add>>Add Existing Item i select [filename].vb. But i can only see the codes not the dialog items.

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How To Make .txt Based Database

Jan 20, 2012

my project needs to store data online, and since i have no experience with databases ( aside from .txt base ones ) i wanted to know if it is possible ( and secure ) to save a database online and allow the program to write data to it and to read data of it. if this is possible could any body hint me in the right wa

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How To Make LAN Based Program

Jul 11, 2009

How to make a lan based program using ms access is there a exact code do I have to put in my connection string or what are the configurations should I make in the computer.

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PDF - Takes A 1 Page Existing Pdf That Ispecify And Inserts That Into Another Existing Pdf?

Nov 11, 2010

I need to make a program in vb that takes a 1 page existing pdf that i specify and inserts that into another existing pdf that i specify.

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VS 2010 : VNC Viewer Implementation With Existing .NET Project?

Mar 9, 2011

I am currently developing a .NET app for the NOC here at my company and I would like to implement VNC so that we can use the app to remote control client pc's. I have never implemented VNC into app before and I am kind of at a loss of how to do it as all the examples I can find are in C++ or C#.

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VS 2010 Creating A Form For An Existing Database?

Jan 22, 2012

I am creating a program for an existing database that stores the info into the database. So can I link an already existing database in MS Access to a GUI?

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VS 2010 Save Over Existing File (Notepad)?

May 14, 2011

I'm creating a notepad application with richtextbox as the editor. I have pretty much all of the funtions I want for the application itself, but I want a code that will help me understand whether it has been saved to the computer already.For example, just like in notepad, where you can open a .txt file, and if you don't modify it, it won't prompt you to save on application.exit(), but if you do modify the file in any way, it will ask you if you want to save, and it will automatically save over the opened file without popping up a savefiledialog.

I want my application to do the same thing, and also with any files that I save. For example, when I save a new file, after it prompts me with the savefiledialog, and I save the file to a directory, on my next "save" not "save as" I want it to recognize where it previously saved the file to overwrite it without prompting me with a savefiledialog like "Save As" does.There must be a code to recognize where it was last saved, or opened, but right now my default directory ("Initial directory") for both the open and savefiledialogs are set to the C:/ direcotry.

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VS 2010 Adding Properties To An Existing Class / Control

Sep 27, 2011

Is there any way to add new properties to a control? For example, I'm using an "OvalShape" from Microsoft's Powerpacks, these are designated as "Cells". I would like to add properties to the class itself (if I had a physical class to edit) for different processes such as "energy level", "family number", "mutation", etc. General variables that are either Boolean, Integers, or etc. If there isn't a way to edit the powerpack class itself, is there a way I can use the ovalshape power pack in my own class and add extra properties to it myself?

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VS 2010 How To Retrieve That A Button Is Pressed In A Existing Program

Oct 28, 2010

i have a program called Vip Task Manager.This program lets me set up task which others have to complete.When they are done with a task they have to mark it "completed" and make a report on what they have done and used to perform this task.Vip Task Manager has a button which directs them to an upload form, now when they press the "open" button I would like this to happen: Open a certain report making program I made myself.When they finished writing their report and press save, the program saves this report on a dedicated network HDD (.txt file) and closes itself.Then add the file or link to the upload form in Vip Task Manager.What it all comes down to is that they dont have to minimize Vip task manager, open the report making software, save it, go to vip task manager, press upload, press open, look where this file is saved, select it, and upload it.now, typed in red is whats already been taken care of.The rest, I have no idea where to begin to be honest.First I want to find out how to retrieve that a button is pressed in a existing program. (dont know which code it is written in and it is not open source)

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Make A Page Based Interface Such As An Installer?

Jun 22, 2009

What would be the most clean & efficient method to make a page based interface, such as an installer?

I've had a few ideas, I could make a class for each control i'm going to use that has a Page ID number, and compare that against a global current page number, except I want it to be reusable, so that would mean i'd have to make a class for every control.

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Add An Existing Folder To Visual Studio 2010 Express Project?

Jan 11, 2012

I'm trying to add a folder and some files within it to a Visual Studio 2010 Express VB.NET project. I have read the answers to questions on this subject here and here. They both say "select folder, right click, and then select Add To Project". But when I right-click in this way, no "Add to Project" option appears. Does anyone know why this is so, and what I can do about it, or alternatively another way of adding a folder to a project?

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VS 2010 : System Should Not Insert Selected Record/s If It's Already Existing In The Database?

Aug 10, 2011

The system should not insert selected records from my datagridviewcheckboxcolumn if it's already existed in the database.It's like when you're registering online. If you're username/email address already registered,it would inform you that youre username/email is already registered and the site would ask you to change your username/email to new ones.The difference in my system is that i have 2 datagridviewcheckbox columns not just textboxes . Parent and Child in the datagridview. What i want to happen is that once the Code has been registered as Parent it cant be registered again as Child anymore.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
connectionString = ";"
sql_connection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)


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VS 2010 Load Data From Text File Into Existing Table

Aug 18, 2011

I'm using the following code to import data from a text file into an existing Access table:


The first time i ran the code, it caused no error but no records where loaded into the table. The second time it causes the OleDbException "Table 'TEMP' already exists."explain me wath am i doing wrong? The text file is comma delimited and it has exactly the same number of columns of the TEMP table.

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How To Make Sitemap Based Menu With Only Top Level Elements

Jun 23, 2009

I'm trying to make a menu based off of an asp.net sitemap. How do you nest the sitemap nodes so that they all appear on the same level. Here is what I have:
<siteMap xmlns="[URL]" >
<siteMapNode url="~/Default.aspx" title="Home" description="link to Home" />
<siteMapNode url="~/about.aspx" title="About" description="abot" />

Here is what the code for the Menu control looks like:
<asp:Menu ID="Menu1" runat="server" BackColor="#E3EAEB"
They both appear as 2nd tier elements underneath an arrow.

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Make One List Box Dependent On The Other Based On User Input?

Nov 5, 2011

Is there a way to make one list box dependent on the other based on user input. Here's my situation: A teacher has the ability to enter the name of the student into a listbox via a textbox. The teacher may then select the student from the first student list box and input grades that would go into a grade listbox. If the teacher selects another student from the student list box, the grade listbox would either go empty or show the grades inputed for the other student; all the while retaining all previously recorded grades for other students.

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[2008] Make A New Instance Based On A Variable's Type?

Mar 7, 2009

there is a way to turn the following code into a sub so I don't have the same boilerplate show form code in use a thousand times in a program:


Public InstanceOfFrmGeneric As frmGeneric
If InstanceOfFrmGeneric Is Nothing Then
InstanceOfFrmGeneric = New frmGeneric()


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