- List View Displaying Pictures?

Apr 28, 2009

I am using a ListView control to display Pictures along with description and caption. I used to save the full path of the image in the url field, so when I display them in the ListView I don't need to edit anything. Now I am using something like:

HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/photos/") + savedURL

How can I edit my ListView to make it show the images?

I used to do the same to GridView when in GridViews RowDataBound event I manipulate the contents like:

Dim photo As New Image
photo.ImageUrl = "~/photos/" + e.Row.Cells(TheCellNumber).Text

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ADVERTISEMENT - Displaying Different Pictures In GridView Depending On The Data?

Dec 14, 2011

I am creating a WEB report in Visual Studio 2010 in The report needs to display a table (please see the attached image). I am thinking to use the GridView component which i think it's the most appropriate one to choose. In the database there are students' data and marks. I can't alter the database in any way and i have to use Visual Studio 2010 with VB.

What i need to do is to show 3 different pictures(for example) depend on the student's marks. I got the pictures file in PNGs but this can be flexible.For example, over 70 will be a Smile picture. over 60 will be the Normal face. and over 40 will be the picture with no smile. I bit difficult for me to explain but i hope u get my point.

So pls advice me how can i achieve this. I am quite a newbie to this pls put as detail as you can. if there is a choice between client and server side script, i prefer server side script. Data source can be flexible (sql, or linq or anything).

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Forms :: How To Stop WebBrowser From Displaying Pictures

Jun 6, 2011

I want the web browser to run much quicker: To acheive this I would like to disable the vb webbrowser from displaying pictures. I could not find a property to do this, within the vb browser settings + I would rather not have to fiddle with computer's registry files.

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VS 2008 Stop Vb Webbrowser From Displaying Pictures?

Jun 6, 2011

I want the web browser to run much quicker:To acheive this I would like to disable the vb webbrowser from displaying pictures.I could not find a property to do this, within the vb browser settings

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Cannot View Pictures With Pdf Auto-file

Nov 12, 2009

cannot view pictures with pdf auto-file?

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List View - Implement List View With Image In SubItem?

Mar 12, 2008

I get some very generik trouble need to implement List View with Image in SubItem. All can be very fine ....But I need to use Virtual Mode. Whatever I search I haven't still found working solution's. I have found some C# code that seem's do that. But I can't convert it in VB.Net. let's explain detaly.

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Convert A Html String Or The Below Sting Into A Tree View Or A List View

Jun 9, 2009

the VB .net experts. I added the following code and I get an error as shown below.


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Develop A Tree View And List View Form By Using Vb6?

Dec 29, 2009

I want to develop a tree view and list view form by using vb6, how to construct a tree view and list view form?

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Creating A List When Clicking Pictures?

Sep 7, 2009

Im working with VB 2008 express

I have several pictures on my form designer and a large textbox to the right of them. When the user clicks the pictures I want a list to be created in the textbox. I was able to get a single button posted into the textbox but when a second picture is clicked it over rides it and replaces it. I wasn't sure if i should be use some kind of loop or not.

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VS 2005 Displaying A List Inputted Words And List All The Associated Line Numbers?

Aug 1, 2009

I currently have a list of words in a text file sorted in to alphabetical order and put into lower case, but I would like to be able to also display the line numbers on which these words are associated with.. but only one instance of.

For example,

"This is a random text
file that I
have just made
up this second"


As you can see above, I would like to show that "this" for example appears on line 1 and 4. Hopefully tabbed so that it keeps a nice look to it.

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Renaming Pictures Files By Comparing A List?

Aug 3, 2009

I have around 1300 jpeg's that need to be renamed based on the value in an excel spreadsheet.

What I need to be able to do is parse each jpeg in a directory, compare the filename to a list of names in a column in the spreadsheet and if it exists, rename it with the corresponding value from the next column and then move to the next file and so on and so on.

I have the following code for opening the spreadsheet and reading the files but am not sure how to compare the spreadsheet values to the filenames and then rename them:

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.IO.File


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Using The List Class - Displaying Information From A List Into A Listbox

Mar 6, 2012

I am trying to understand classes in VB 2010. I am a bit confused with displaying information from a list into a listbox.When I run the following code, the word collection appears in my list box. How do I drill down into 'hostnames' to display the info I want.

Public Class computer
Private _HostName As String

Public Property HostName As String


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Details View - Displaying More Than One?

May 11, 2011

I have a form for the Clients, and the user goes through and adds in all their details. But sometimes two Clients are linked together in a marriage or whatnot. I have one Clients table, and if I make two details views of it, all that happens is both views display the same Client, when they should be different. Currently, I'm adding in the second client via another form, and using textchanged events to display the data on the original form. How would I put both clients on the same form without the first clients information repeating itself? I would like to avoid using binding sources if possible.Also, I have a second question, how do I refresh the information in the details view without using binding sources? I've used queries for add/edit/delete, and I've attempted to create one to refresh, but it's not working well at all.

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Displaying A Certain View Style?

May 11, 2011

I am trying to get an explorer window t display a certain view style when opened withwebbrowser1.navigate("C:\Myfolder") right now it seems to default to a folder view syle of Tile.I snagged some code from MSDN from a Martin Xieand that "sort of" works but the icons appear all wonky. Icons appear extra large and its sort of meh. "smallicons" doesnt work at all.So I thought instead I could somehow just do a sendkey string sort of like



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View Explorer In List View Control?

May 30, 2012

how to view explorer in list view control?

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VS 2008 Displaying A List Within A List In A DataRepeater?

Feb 2, 2010

Firstly i apologise for another topic on a subject i have created already but this is a slightly different question and not related to LINQ at all despite the fact the code uses LINQ (the linq works fine and creates a List(Of Test) where each 'Test' contains a List(Of TestList) This data could be anything i guess and could come from an array or a database rather than xml literals.Ok, essentially i have a list which contains a list and i wish to display all the properties (List and list within this List) onto a DataRepeater Control. I have developed a testbed to get this working so i can implement it into my main application. Firstly I'll show the current code and how to construct the form and after that i will explain what i have tried and what i have had happen from these trials over the last week.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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TreeView - Displaying Folder View Of Directory

Nov 23, 2011

I need to have tree view display a Folder View of a directory. I also Need to be able to create/rename folders in this view. Potentially even copy files to the newly created/renamed folders.

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Images Into An Image List Then Using That To Fill A List View?

Jul 24, 2009

I am loading a series of JPG images into an image list then using that to fill a list view. My program is using ALOT of memory by doing this. What would be the easiest way to add the images but take up less memory/time?

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LIST VIEW - Display The Data About In The List Box

Aug 4, 2010

I have added a list box and now i need help to display the data about my employees in the list box. How am i supposed to do that, do we have to put in codes or need to use that small arrow near the list box.

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Displaying Data In List Box

Dec 1, 2010

What I am trying to accomplish is this: I have a login page were a student logs in. After the login the student will be taken to a student user page. This page has 2 list boxes. The first is showing the exams that he has passed and the other shows the exams he has yet to complete or fail. I can not get any data to display in my list box. If I can figure the first one out I can do the second one easily but I can not get the first one to work. Here is my code that I have so far:

Private Sub Student_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Label1.Text = "Welcome " & _passedText


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VS 2008 Pictures Over Pictures Over Background

Nov 8, 2009

Im using a black n white image of a human as my back ground and panels to display the same bits in color when the area is clicked. What isn't working for me is the panels are slightly overlapped and one will always be on top of the other. it is transparent so you can see the back ground, but not the panel underneath it when it has a picture in it.

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Displaying A Generic List In A MessageBox?

Apr 25, 2010

I can't seem to get the syntax right for this. I have a structure stored in a generic list and when it displays I get this "GenericList_T_.Form1+stuMotorInfo" in the messagebox. I've tried a few things and get roughly the same thing.

Here is the code:

Option Strict On
Public Class Form1
Private Structure stuMotorInfo
Public MotorId As String


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Displaying Combobox List In Text Box?

Dec 28, 2011

i am making a safari booking system, and i have a combo box list(contains a list of hotels) how do display the prices of the hotels in a text box

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List Box Displaying A Football Score

Jan 14, 2009

So we are just starting to learn about list boxes in vb1. In this program the user enters up to 10 scores and after each input (decInputScore) the total score so far has to be calculates (decTotalScore) and then of course when all the scores are entered, at the bottom the final score it calculated. (decFinalScore) (decFinal). I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing wrong, I can't get it to calculate the correct total scores after each input, and I'm getting 0 as the final score. Here is a visual of what the form should look like: the black square is (btnEnterScore) a pop up message box comes up in which the user enters each value when clicked.[code]

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XML Comments <list> Not Displaying In IntelliSense?

Aug 26, 2009

I am trying to get VB.NET XML Comments to work with IntelliSense, and maybe it doesn't work the way I think it does.


This should, when you are typing in a function, display the "Get or sets the Patient Code" then below that, it should display a list of bulleted items with "Validation:" as the header? Maybe I am doing it wrong, but it doesn't seem to be working correctly.

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RegEx - Displaying All Possible String From List In Textbox

Jun 7, 2011

I have a list of string. When user inputs chars in, the program would display all possible strings from the list in a textbox.
Dim fruit as new List(Of String) 'contains apple,orange,pear,banana
Dim rx as New Regex(fruit)
For example If user enters a,p,l,e,r , then the program would display apple and pear. It should match any entry for which all letters have been entered, regardless of order and regardless of additional letters.

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Storing List And Data And Displaying In A Listbox?

Jun 12, 2011

I have a form displayed where a user can can select a 'function' from a list box. That 'function' has a corresponding ID number which I need to be able to take and use later in the code.The List of functions is preset (about 150+ them and the IDs are already assigned (so I can't just use the index).So if the user selects "Function A", I need the code to set a variable to, for example "42" (or whatever that Funtion's ID is).

I was going to do this using listbox.item and listbox.itemData, but I'm using VB.Net in VS2008 and I understand that function is no longer present (to add ItemData at design time).Here's where it gets complicated. When the form loads it looks at the variable containing the FunctionID and if there is one present, I want it to populate the co-ordinating FunctionName. I can do that if I know the index number, but I don't know how to look at the FunctionID and return it's index (all FunctionIDs are unique).

A) store the info, either in the Listbox using ItemData, in an array (but I'd prefer to do it at design time), or some other way you might suggest.

B) cross-reference the ID and display the name in the listbox when the form loads.

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C# - Displaying Message Shown In Command Prompt In List Box?

Aug 7, 2011

Actually I want to display the messages shown in cmd prompt like, if i do:

Ping -t

The following message will be displayed in the cmd prompt:

Reply from bytes=32 time=133ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=32 time=130ms TTL=51


I want to display the exact information into the list box of my program instantly when it is displayed in the command prompt not after whole process is completed.

As in the ping -t, I want to display the each reply message instantly in the list box.

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Displaying Items In List Box Depending On RadioButton Checking?

Feb 17, 2010

if i pressed the RadioButton .. ENGLISH.. only Teacher's which teach English will be displayed in the listbox and so on. there is in access table called TEACHER which has all these information. i used the following code for displaying the TEACHERS' name in listbox and it worked pefectly but what i want is displaying according to radiobutton checked.

Sub conxn1()
Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("select * from Teacher ", Connection)


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Displaying List In GridView - Contextual Menu Creation

May 20, 2010

I am doing my application with ASP and VB and I want to display a list off rows in a gridview and associate a contextual menu to each line.

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