Assign A Unique Numeric Value (the Specific Cost Of The Flight For One Ticket)?

Jan 29, 2009

I have a combo box, I have entered in 6 different world wide destinations for example:London, Paris, New York etc The program is for booking plane tickets, at the moment the user has to input the cost of the journey manually into a textbox and then depending on the number of tickets requested will calculate the cost.

What I would like to do is to assign a unique numeric value (the specific cost of the flight for one ticket) to each of the items in the combo box list so that when a user selects a destination the default cost of the ticket is already known and does not require the input of the user.Private Sub cmbDestination_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbDestination.SelectedIndexChanged End Sub The idea is that which ever destination is selected, for example: Paris - �155 would then set the variable 'ticketPrice' to 155 and allow me to change the calculations of the program to not require user input.

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Computing Cost - Cost Is Displayed Instead Of An Accurate Cost ?

Sep 17, 2010

I am running into trouble with some code I am doing for an assignment. The section within the apostrophes (If Then Else) is the section that I am having trouble with. When the user selects a seat type and then clicks the compute button, the wrong cost is displayed instead of an accurate cost.

Option Strict On
Public Class frmTickets

Private Sub btnComputeCost_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnComputeCost.Click
Dim intNumberOfTickets As Integer


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Create Unique String From Longer Numeric String?

Jan 7, 2011

In my VB project I need to create a unique string of alphanumeric characters 4 in length from a numeric string 8 in length.This numeric string will always be 8 in length and could range from 00000001 through to 99999999

View 12 Replies

IDE :: Returning Machine Specific Unique Identifier From EXE

May 18, 2009

I am looking to return a machine specific unique identifier from an EXE. I've tried MAC, hard drive serial and CPU ID, but all contain alpha characters. This makes returning them as an integer difficult - integer seems to be the only type you can return from an EXE.


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How To Assign Specific Name To Tag When Using Master Pages

Mar 1, 2010

I am using Master Pages and I am truing to dynamically add hidden text boxes on the form with the NAMEs that Google Checkout expects.
<input name="item_name_1" type="hidden" value="Widget #1"/>

Using VB.NET, I execute the following code:
Dim hidName As New HtmlInputHidden
hidName.ID = "item_name_" & count.ToString
hidName.Value = item

But because I use Master Pages, the control is renamed to "ctl00$item_name_1".
<input name="ctl00$item_name_1" type="hidden" id="ctl00_item_name_1"

Note that I tried to set the Name property (hidName.Name = "item_name_" & count.ToString) and also tried to add the name to the Attributes list. This strangely had no effect on the name attribute whatsoever. When I am not using master pages, I notice that when I set the ID property the NAME is automatically assigned the same value. Is there a way to control the name of a dynamically added control when you are using master pages?

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Assign Specific Number Of Digits Enter In A Textbox?

Jun 21, 2010

i want to know how to assign specific number of digits enter in a textbox..

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Code Total Cost To Give Pound Sign With Total Cost At Moment When Total Comes Up

Jun 7, 2010

How do I code the total cost to give me a pound sign with the total cost at the moment when the total comes up for an example it gives me 3.6 when I need it to show £3.60 here is the code I have so far. [code]

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Detect When PDA (Windows Mobile) Is In Flight Mode

Aug 1, 2011

I need to produce an error display message when the Windows Mobile PDA is in flight mode. The user will need to pull and push data from a SQL Server server; however when in flight mode this is not doable and a message needs to be displayed. Currently the message that is displayed is:

A request to send information the the computer using IIS has failed. For more results please see HRESULT.

I am programming using VB.Net and I am fairly new to it. I have searched for the past week on the Internet and come across information suggesting that I use TAPI, however I do not know what to import, or where the "flight mode detection" code would go in my application.

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Create A Fixed-length Unique String From Another Unique Numerical Value That Is Too Long?

Feb 13, 2012

I am using VB .Net to access the eBay API and store all completed orders in a database. This database is then fed into a proprietary shipping system, which can not handle an order number larger than 20 characters. eBay returns an order number like so 230407279314-680141236013 which is too long. The order number is always 12 numbers a hyphen and 12 more numbers. What I need to do, is turn this (the result can be alpha numerical) into a shorter, unique order key to store in my database alongside the true orderId (so that this can be referenced by the shipping software instead of the actual order number). The reason for the 20 character limit is the barcode algorithm used. Is there any way to achieve this in VB .Net 2010? This number can be anything unique, so long as it does not exist already (even a good uniqueid function would work, but I would have to query the database to make sure it isn't taken)

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[2008] Datagridview - Duplicate Cell Values [non-unique To Unique By Appending]

Jan 10, 2009

I'm using the datagridview. This is the sample data:


How do I parse through the grid to rename the duplicate values in a particular column (in this example it's the l_name field) into such a format?


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Make A List Of Flight Plans Loaded Into Program?

Nov 15, 2009

I'm trying to make a list of flight plans loaded into my program, with each flight plan having a list of waypoints along the route, along with a few other properties associated with the flight plan. Each waypoint has its own associated properties, i.e. waypoint ID, waypoint type, location, etc.

Here's the declarations:


Public Class WPinfo
Public WPType As String
Public WPID As String


How do I implement the List methods to access the list elements, and add, remove, etc? The way I'm doing it now just gets me an 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error during runtime.

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Assign A Specific Position Across The Line To Have The Printer Print The Data At Without Left Padding The Array Data?

Jul 6, 2011

Ypos = TopMargin + Count * PrintFont.GetHeight(ev.Graphics)
ev.Graphics.DrawString(ROData(x, 3), PrintFont, Brushes.Black, LeftMargin, Ypos, New StringFormat())
Count = Count + CInt(ROData(x, 4))

The above line prints the data contents of the ROData array in position three. I would like to be able to assign a specific position accross the line to have the printer print the data at without left padding the array data.

View 1 Replies - Unique Number For Unique Visitor On Button Click?

Mar 21, 2011

How generate the unique no. 1,2,3 and so on .... on button click of each new user ..

the code mentioned below is a readwrite coding in ...

but the problem is it generate the same id for different users on button click event... but i want the no. of times button clicked the new ids will be generated

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim FILE_NAME As String = Server.MapPath("counts.vbi")


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Is There A Numeric Text Box Not An Up-down Box A SIMPLE Numeric Box Into Which The User Can Place A Number

Apr 6, 2012

Is there a numeric text box, not an up-down box, a SIMPLE numeric box into which the user can place a number, 5 boxes actually, then on command have the five boxes added and the sum displayed?

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VS 2008 Displaying Passenger List From Flight DB (Airline Reservation Application)

Aug 6, 2011

I could not include the code since it's too large but here is the LINK. I have most of it working. I just need to know how to display the passenger list in the ListBox when the flight number is changed from the ComboBox.

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Unique Constraint - Columns Currently Not Have Unique Values?

May 8, 2011

Unique constraint - these columns currently doesn't have unique values..?? I have created Unique Constraint with 3 columns. My code works perfectly but once - two users @ same time entered same data and somehow it saved in DB; after that incident. This UniqueConstraint gives me error - These columns currently doesn't have unique values. How can I check if user enters this kind of entry or how can I restrict the Entry?

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.net - Making The Baseball Ticket Sales?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm working on a visual basic application( w/ visual studio 2010) that calculates ticket sales. This one is been really challenging since i'm a newbie when it comes to visual basic.I'm i'm having trouble getting the calculate button to Here are the instruction to get the costs from the functions and use them to calculate the total.

1.)User selects whether to purchase season tickets or single-game tickets

2.) User enters the number of tickets needed and the type of seats based on whether they selected season single-game tickets.

3.) User clicks the Compute Ticket Cost Button to display final cost

4.) User clicks the Clear Form button to clear the response

I'm stuck on the calculating button. I just need to be able to capture the cost from the button and then use the button to compute it.

Public Class Form1
'Global Variables
Dim intTicketChoice As Integer


with the singlegamecost() function and the seasonacost() function

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Cookie/Ticket Expiration 2059?

Apr 28, 2009

Using 2003 1.1 sql server2005My cookie expiration is in 2059 after I set it for 1 Month and alsothe user data didn't return, also the cookie path is just a slash, I'musing LocalHost though.I'm using a ticket, I used just a cookie before and the cookie alsowas set to expire at 2059 after I set it for a year.

Cookie Info:Cookie Path : /Expiration : 4/28/2059 12:37:34 PMExpired : FalsePersist : TrueIssue Date : 4/28/2009 12:37:34 PMName : 4UserData : Version : 1


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Override List - Perform Some Logic BEFORE Add The Ticket?

Mar 2, 2012

I hava a class with this public property

Private _tickets As List(Of Ticket)
Public Property Ticekts() As List(Of Ticket)

When I call the add method, I have to perform some logic BEFORE add the ticket.The logic is not an important topic, but I eventually have to remove some ticket before ADD the new one.

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Ticket Printing Via Crystal Reports (.NET) With Epson LX-300+?

Nov 24, 2010

I have some problems in printing ticket by dot matrix printer.I have EPSON LX-300+ I am using VB.NET 2008 and Crystal Reports I am using rpt.PrintToPrinter(1, False, 1, 1) method to print?My problem is when I print my ticket, the alignment is perfect but the printer eject the latter size of ticket papers. It should stop after one ticket.ticket size Height=4,width=10 paper setup in Crystal Reports and in printer property is envelop #10 9 1/2 * 4 1/8 in.

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Cancel Plane Ticket Before 4 Hours Of Departure Time

Nov 21, 2010

If i have textbox1 which display server date as 27-Nov-2010 Textbox2 will display time as 08:00:00 AM..i want if the departure of the plane is Date 27-Nov-2010 and Time 08:00:00 AM then if he/she wants to cancel ticket then it can cancel their ticket till Date 27-Nov-2010 and Time 04:00:00 AM.. Any Body can cancel their ticket before 4 hour of departure date/time..I want cancel plane ticket before 4 hours of departure time if dep time is 08:00:00 AM then Passengers can cancel ticket till 04:00:00 AM ??

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Dec 11, 2008


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Send Link Contains A Unique Identifier And Verify The Unique Identifier In The Login.aspx?

Jan 6, 2012

This my working method to send a email

Sub emailConfirm()
Dim email As String = txtMail.Text
Dim name As String = txtPrenom.Text + txtNom.Text[code]....

note:I want to send Link contains a unique identifier and verify the unique identifier in the login.aspx.I don't know when to do this...I found nothing interesting on the net ...

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Form Authentication Ticket To Store Additional User Data?

Aug 16, 2011

I am trying to implement login page using Form Authentication in using vb code.I follow the steps in How To Implement Forms-Based Authentication in Your ASP.NET Application by Using Visual Basic .NET. I created a function in login page :

Private Function ValidateUser(ByVal strUsername As String, ByVal strPassword As String) As Boolean
and call it in btnLogIn_Click
Protected Sub btnLogIn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogIn.Click[code].....

Things works fine and i can get the username display in label.However,I need to get more user data like UserName, Fullname and RoleCode. Also, i would to display the user's fullname to instead of usename in welcome message. I was told this can be done using FormsAuthenticationTicket method to store addictional user data in the "my user data" section. Do i need to create a user data class to store the user data and then use it in the FormAuthenticationTicket? If yes, how should i do it?

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Project On Offline Railway Reservation Ticket And Cancellation And Management

Jun 10, 2011

I have made a project on offline railway reservation ticket and cancellation and management wel i have included following things: form wise

1}welcome page (containing news , updates about the software )
2}registration n login page
3}main menu (Containing links to all tools and services i included in software)
4}ticket regestration (fare calculation and deduction and special discounts included)
5}ticket cancelation
7}FEED back form
9}Splash Screen
10}Rules n policies ,refund rules
11}Gerneral information
12}RTI act
13}Railway Map
15}Service area Covered
16}Train Halt Stations , total Halts per train according to Journey and distance Stations Between Journey
17)Trains and stations Codes
18}Train Arrival and Departure Timings

Thats It, Full database on Ms Access ..and Text Strings.Now Is this enough Or shall i Do add some thing More ... if u think its incomplete Plz suggest Some topic that i can add to This project.

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Complex Process Of Making Typical Housie / Bingo Game Ticket?

Aug 9, 2010

I'm trying to create a typical Housie/Bingo Game ticket in 2.0 (VB). But, not being succeeded. Ticket contains 3 row with 9 columns. Total 27 blocks, and it must be only 15 should be fill outta those 27. and each column contains value like 1st column should be between 1-10 and 2nd must have random values between 11-20.. It doesn't matter how many blocks filled in each column.. 1 is must, no single column should be blank, all 9 columns must be filled, some have all 3 blocks filled, some have 1 with total of 15 blocks filled in whole ticket. with random numbers..

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VB Script For Infopath 2007 - Generate The Ticket Number When A Button Is Pushed

Jun 23, 2008

I am working on an Infopath form for a work ticket. I am trying to write some code to generate the ticket number when a button is pushed. I have the code to acctually create the number, but I'm not sure how to place the ticket number into the textbox on the form. The code I found on the web seems to generate a security exception.

Public Sub generateTicketNumber_Clicked(ByVal sender As Object,_

ByVal e As ClickedEventArgs)

Dim ticket As String


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Boolean - Enter The Name And Click The Confirm Button It States"flight Is Full"

Jul 5, 2009

In this code i enter a name and it is assign to a radio button. but when i try to enter the name and click the confirm button it states"flight is full" i'm not sure where things are wrong.

Here is the code.

Public Class Form1

Private availableSeats(7) As Boolean
Private buttons(7) As RadioButton


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API's In The Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK About Multiplayer Chatbox Or Any Multiplayer Functions

Jun 2, 2011

I am making a program for Microsoft Flight Simulator X, and When you are in Multiplayer in most games there is a Chat room, or Chat Box. Do you think that there is any way I can reach maybe an API or possibly monitor the Screen so If someone types !Help in the chat box my bot would Respond like "Software by (whoever) other commands" stuff like that. But I cant seem to find any info about API's in the Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK about Multiplayer Chatbox or any multiplayer functions in that matter.

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Forms :: Multiplying By Two - Code - Radio Buttons That If Selected Will Display The Price Of A Ticket

Mar 22, 2010


Right now i have the following code. it is 4 radio buttons that if selected will display the price of a ticket.

There is a button called "repeat offender" that should take the price and double it. so me, being new to visual basic, were thinking of trying an if statement such as If it is selected decTicketTotal * 2

But this did not work. any help would be appreciated.. just trying to get the repeat offender selection working so when it calculates the price will double.

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