Attach And Detach Sql 2005 Database While Starting Application And Closing?

Nov 17, 2009

Attach and detach sql 2005 database

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Attach An USB To Any Device And Detach An USB?

Dec 31, 2010

I need to know, how can we attach an USB to any device and detach an USB. I'm using VB 2008 version. I need to write a code for usb detach and attach in windows xp. Whenever usb is detach from the PC side, i should get a message in command prompt saying that, USB is detached and if you insert an USB , then i should get a message saying that, usb attached.

I'm struck which api should use to communicate with usb , to get info such that usb has been attached or detached?

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Using Reflection To Attach / Detach Handler Of Base Event In Derived Class

Dec 13, 2009

I am just curious, if there is some way to attach handler to my derived classes base event, if I know EventInfo and I have Delegate to handler function. I have tried MyEvent.AddHandler(CType(Me, BaseClassType), MyDelegate) already, but no positive result at all. Consider being in need of attaching handler to custom event at runtime, while derived class possibly shadows this event.

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VS 2005 Database Coding - Modify The Above Code To Fetch All The Rows Starting From The Begining From The Database?

Jul 13, 2009

I did the following

Imports System.Data
Public Class Form1
Dim con As OleDb[code].....

By this i can fetch only one row(the last row) of the to modify the above code to fetch all the rows starting from the begining from the database..........

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Deployed And Installed Application / Want To Attach Database Within SQL Server Management Studio

Mar 9, 2009

I've developed an application in VB2008 express and have installed it to another PC. The installation has put the mdf file in c:documents and settingsuserappsdata.I want to attach this with SQL Server Management studio but when I try to browse to the file in order to attach it, I find I can't browse further then C:documents and settingsuser.

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Detach Database Failed For Server 'MONO-PCSQLEXPRESS'?

Jan 15, 2012

Error : "Detach database failed for Server 'MONO-PCSQLEXPRESS'."
Public Sub bk()


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Closing Application Via X Button Without Closing Forms Inside Mdiparent Causes Exception Error

May 3, 2010

Form1 is a mdi container. It has a bunch of forms that can load inside of it as mdi children. If I close each open form inside the form1, and then click the red X at the top right, application exits fine.If I click the red X without closing the forms inside I get: An unhandled exception of type 'System.CannotUnloadAppDomainException' occurred in mscorlib.dll

Additional information: Error while unloading appdomain. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131015) However I can break from it. How do I get the application to not show that error? What must I do to fix those inside forms or close when the red x is clicked?

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Application :: Display A Message To The User Whilst The Application Is Starting Up?

Nov 4, 2010

I have recently created an application where a lot of data is loaded into objects when the application starts up, and other data as it is required. For example if the user requests the catalogue page then it will load all the top level category data into objects of type Category. This will then stay there to be used by other users (who will therefore not have to load this data into objects) and can be altered by admin if they happen to login during the same application instance. I know this is not the most efficient solution, as pointed out below, but it works and the page load, at the moment, is not too long. It is very quick if most of the required data is already loaded into objects. It is also tailored to the business' needs - unlike other techniques such as Linq-to-SQL.

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VS 2010 Retrieve Currently Active Application Window From Another Application Just Starting Up

May 26, 2011

I am in need of a small application, that will allways be topmost and will send keystrokes to the last active application (typically notepad or an explorer window). My problem is retrieving the current active form (or application), when my application is started up. Every search seems to return old and rather complex solutions using Win32 library functions, but I was kinda hoping, that .Net allowed for a neater and more simple solution.I need a code example or link on how to retrieve the currently active application window from another application just starting up.

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Attach Code To A Database?

Jun 21, 2010

I have created a program to take a text file and convert it into a datatable. Unfortunately, however, I seem unable to attach this file to a database. I am getting an invalid object error stating that there is no table named "DataTable"


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Attach A Sql Database From Program Start?

May 5, 2009

I'm not sure what is the best approach. Here is what I'm trying to do. I have installed sql express 2005 and sql express manger as pre-req before my program is installed. Now I would need to attach a DB to my new sql express instance. I'll be using windows login for this. I pretty much can not touch sql express, and run it as it was installed. No changing settings. Now I can run the SP_AttachDB from sql, but how would I automate that? I have tried the connection string, with the attach database option, but it's not working.

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Detaching SQL Database And Attach It To Other Computer And Run The SQL Project?

Jul 13, 2011

how to detach SQL database and attach it to other computer and run also the VB.NET windows application SQL project there.i want to get rid in this. or if there's a existing thread for's the screenshot of the database and need to transfer it and debug it to the other computer.

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Error 5 When Attach Sql Database .mdf Files To Server

Jan 10, 2011

I tried attach .mdf file to server via code for deployment my application .I put .mdf and log in debug folder and I used this connection string.[code]

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Attach A PDF File In VB Application And Make The User To Download While Executing?

Aug 22, 2011

How do we embed / attach a pdf file (100 page file) in one of our form and the users should be allowed to download the same while executing /using this tool.

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Deployment :: Starting One Application From Within Another?

Feb 17, 2010

Basically I've written two Apps (A and B) and all I want to do is put a link on the menu of App A which when clicked will fire-up App B.

Normally what I'd do is something along the lines of...


However, both of my apps are installed on the target machines via a Setup-Kit generated by the Publish Wizard in VB.NET. As far as I know, after you've run the Setup you don't get an EXE file for the actual application - you just get an 'Application Reference' on the Start Menu and/or Desktop.

My problem is that I don't really understand what the Application Reference is and how my application is actually deployed onto the target machine after setup has finished...

Given that I don't seem to have an EXE file after running Setup, I need another way of telling App A to fire App B, because I'm guessing I can't use my Shell command anymore?

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Error When Starting My Application

Oct 20, 2010

Unhandled exception has occured in you application. if you click continue, the application will ignore this error attempt to continue. if you click Quit, the application will close immediately Access to path "C:Program FilesRipplEsoftwareMy Product[code]...

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Starting The Application To Send Sms?

Aug 17, 2009

I have this application to send sms but the reason is that when i start to click on the send button, it does not send. but when I start the application again to send sms by clicking on the send button, it is sending. when i send again using a different number, it cannot send.

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VS 2008 : SQL Local Database Attach (SQL Connection String Error)

Jul 2, 2009

I have attached Database to my application. Client has sql server 2008 express installed.I built my application and gave to him. he is encountering errors.

"Data Source=.SQLExpress;Database=xx.mdf;Trusted_Connection=True;Integrated Security=False"

i am getting Cannot Open Database for requested Login. Login Failed. i am using SQL 2008 server Developer edition. And using Windows Authentication mode.

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VS 2005 UAC And Access Database Application

Jul 1, 2010

i have created an application that uses an Access Database. Each time the application closes i tell it to repair and compact the database. The problem is that because the database is stored in the program filesapplication_name folder it requires administrator rights because of UAC. What should i do ? Should i store the database somewhere else where no adminstrator rights are required ?


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Starting Another Windows Application In The Same Solution?

Feb 10, 2012

I have two windows applications in the same solution, in different projects. How do I start one from the other? Is it a matter of supplying the expected build path .exe to somewhere, or is there an alternative?

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Starting Application At Windows Start

Jun 26, 2008

I've made a windows service for the purpose of creating backup's of certain files and directories automatically each day. The service is installed as automatic (so it starts after win startup) and i have an application which monitors the service through a system tray icon (so right-click on it you can start/stop/pause the service, change settings, etc).


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VS 2008 Starting An Application After Installation

Dec 16, 2010

I have created a setup project that after the installation, starts the app that is being installed. To do that I have added an Installer class to the app I want to get started and I am using it's commited event to start the app (Process.Start("...myapp.exe").

While this works fine on XP, on Windows Vista the application gets started as a "System" user which makes some parts of the app missbehave i.e. retreiving special folders of the user etc...

This is the question: way to start myapp as the logged in user? Mind you I will not have the credentials of the users.

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Error - Attach An Auto-named Database For File .ccsinventory.mdf Failed?

Jun 23, 2009

Dim mysqlconn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=.ccsinventory.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True")
Dim myinvdataadapt As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM inventory", mysqlconn)
Dim myinvcmdbld As New SqlCommandBuilder(myinvdataadapt)


Why does this not work and why am I getting this error?I am under a deadline of less than 20 hours to get it working.

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Error:{"An Attempt To Attach An Auto-named Database For File

Mar 17, 2010

I am getting this error:{"An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file D:WORKDocStoreDocStoreDatabaseDocStore.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share."}

I verified the file exists and is checked out for edit. This is in my app.config:

<add name="DocStoreEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/Database.DocStore.csdl|res://*/Database.DocStore.ssdl|res://*/Database.DocStore.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True""


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IDE :: Database Application Using SQL And VB 2005 From Visual Studio?

Sep 26, 2007

I have a very strange problem with the application I wrote.

It is a database application using SQL and Visual Basic 2005 from visual Studio.

I get an error Value cannot be null. Parameter name: context.When I get this error which accumulate 3 or 4 times in design mode, on an open form. some of the properties disappears for the textboxes like dock, buinding and so on. Does anyone knows what this error means.

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VS 2005 Creating Pocket Pc Database Application

Jan 6, 2011

i am creating an ppc application

I need to create an Order Entry System, which enables the sales executive to take order from the customers and feed them into there phones, and at the end of the day those phones will be connected to the desktop pc and all the orders should be synchronized with the desktop application.

DataBase part, i.e what should i use to save the data in the phone (i.e xml, db or anything else) and how should i synchronize it with the desktop software

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Win32 Exception When Starting A Process From An Application?

Dec 9, 2009

I have an application that starts one of two external CAD applications depending upon the extension of a file in a ListView. I have been able to start up the application to view the file selected without a problem. I also have a seperate print click event for printing the file that opens the viewer application in the background and prints the file. This works perfectly for one of the CAD viewers but when I select a file that requires the other viewer application to print I get a Win32 exception and an error message stating that the file is not associated with any application and it cannot be opened. This of course is rediculous as it opens fine in the "View File" click event that opens the viewer to check the drawing.

One rather strange observation is that the CAD viewer that does print the associated file will launch the other CAD viewer application (that is associated with the other file extensions) when the "View" click event is handled even though I had not incuded the code to execute the process to start the viewer for that type of file. I realize this rather convoluted and may lie in the ProcessStartInfo arguments that I pass to the application.

Here's a code snippet:

Private Sub PrintFinGoods_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PrintFinGoods.Click
Dim message As String = "No application is associated with file"
Dim source_exception As New Exception


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Publish An Application With An Access Database File On 2005?

Apr 4, 2011

how to publish an application with an access database file on vb 2005?

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VS 2005 - Closing Of A Form

Jun 7, 2012

I am slightly confused on how a form should be closed. I have an exit button and have always done me.dispose in the click event. I just found out this causes the formclosing and formclosed not to be triggered. I found this out because I was updating the live database in the formclosing. Because of this I used me.close but this does not free up all the variables. Do I have to do me.close and then in the formclosed me.dispose in order to close a form correctly?

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VS 2005 Closing FTP Connection

Sep 3, 2009

I'm connecting to an ftp server in my .net application. After I send the file and try to close the connection, I'm getting an error. I'm trying to send the Quit command to the FTP server but getting no reply. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I call this method: [code] Do you think something is wrong with the code of could it be a problem with the ftp server?

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