C# - Check If HttpContext.Current.Response Have An Existing Header?

Jun 19, 2012

I was working on a scenario where I have to add header to the Response Header.

I added a Response Header like this:- HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("key1", "value1")

After some functional flow I required to add value to same "key1": HttpContext.Current.Reponse.AddHeader("key1, "value2")

thus value in Response Headers look like this:- key1 : value1, value2

I want to avoid the value2 addition to the same keyword key1.

I tried:-

If HttpContext.Current.Response.Headers("key1") Then
HttpContext.Current.Reponse.AddHeader("key1, "value2")

But I got the error: This operation requires IIS integrated pipeline mode at HttpContext.Current.Response.Headers("key1")

I have IIS6 running. This [URL] says that it doestn't works if its not IIS7

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Use Server.MapPath When HTTPContext .Current Is Nothing?

Jan 20, 2011

I have some code that works fine when I need to delete some image files from a directory on my web server:

Dim ImageURL As String = dsImages.Tables(0).Rows(iImgRow).Item("ImageURL")
Dim physicalName = Server.MapPath(ImageURL)
oUpload.DeleteFileFromServer(physicalName, iAdid, iImgID)


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Asp.net - List Of Object In Httpcontext.current.cache

Jul 6, 2009

Is there a way to look through the cache for all objects in the cache? I'm dynamically creating objects and I need to periodically go through the list to purge out objects I'm no longer using.

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.net - Initiate The Current Httpcontext When Accessing An Asp.net Library From A Service?

Jul 27, 2011

I have an asp.net project that's compiled on a server. On that same server I have a windows service that's running methods referenced from the asp.net .dll. Everything works fine except for when the httpcontext.current object needs to be accessed. I'm fairly certain that the cause of the .current being null is that it's referencing the shared library without an actual instance of the site running. In a previous version of the service I was able to find a workaround in asp.net by not using the context, however that is now a last resort as much of the architecture of the site has changed. Is there anyway to create an instance of the site and simulate a current httpcontext for the purposes of the service?

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.net - HttpContext.Current.Request.LogonUserIdentity.IsAuthenticated Returns False Even Though The User Has Successfully Logged In?

Apr 10, 2011

2003I've implemented Forms Authentication on one particular subfolder on one of my sites. My code works perfectly on my development machine, but there is a slight problem on the live server.If you browse to the admin subfolder, if you are not authenticated, you will be redirected to the login page. The Master Page footer also contains a link to the login page; when the user logs in, that link is supposed to change to a link to the admin page:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim link As HtmlAnchor = FindControlIterative(Me, "Login")
If HttpContext.Current.Request.LogonUserIdentity.IsAuthenticated Then


This works fine on my dev PC, but on the live server, IsAuthenticated() returns False, and thus the Login link is not replaced by the Admin link. However, if browse to the admin subfolder, I can access the content fine; there is no redirection to the login page.

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Necessary To Set Content-Length In Response Header?

Sep 11, 2009

I'm reviewing some legacy code and I've found a bug that causes the response to sit indefinitely.[code]The problem is that someStoredLength is much larger than the actual size of someByteArray, so the client just sits there waiting for the file download while the browser just spins.I'm contemplating just removing the AddHeader that specifies the content length, because when I do that everything seems to work fine, but I'm worried that I'm not understanding something.Is it ok for me to remove this AddHeader or should I figure out a better way to deal with this problem?

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ASMX Call - Returning Response Header As XML Instead Of JSON

Dec 29, 2011

My ASMX call is returning Content-Type = text/xml; charset=utf-8
I am using ASP.NET 3.5 and jQuery.Ajax. Have added these things are per numerous suggestions from Stack Overflow. I have done these things

Done this at web.config
<remove verb="*" path="*.asmx"/>
<add verb="*" path="*.asmx" validate="false"
type="System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>
[Code] .....

But whatever I do, the response header is still of type xml. What part am I missing here?

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Response.write Oldvalues Error - An Unhandled Exception Occurred During The Execution Of The Current Web Request

Jul 27, 2009

Why am I getitng the following error? Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Source Error:

Line 9: Dim entry As DictionaryEntry

Line 10: For Each entry In dictionary


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Get A "Location" Header From Response?

Oct 26, 2011

So, I want to get a "Location" header from response using


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Check If Email Is Valid SMTP Response?

Sep 23, 2011

I cant find any good example of vb.net checking if email is valid, as example "something@yahoo.com"

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How To Make A Gridview Header Check Box

Oct 10, 2011

Using VB.Net (Windows Application)I am using checkbox in the girdview column, now i want to add a checkbox in the header.If i select the checkbox in the header, all the checkbox in the column should select automatically.

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Submit Page Check Fields Name Being Submitted / Examine Response

Nov 5, 2011

I need to get data from a web application. I dont have access to database or the source of the app(.net).The web app works like this -- enter values in fields, click submit button, and the data associated with these fields are returned in a modal popup. I need to do the same programatically, without actually opening the browser.I need to know the name of the fields that need to be posted, and the URL. And then store the response.

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Checking A Date Field - Existing Textbox That Is Automatically Filled With The Current Date?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm fairly new to ASP.NET & VB.I've been asked to take an existing textbox that is automatically filled with the current date and allow the user to either add a "+" or "-" and a number or a spcific number and convert that into a date.I underdstand the basic concept on how to do this, but I'm running into some problems using the proper commands in order for this to work.The Textbox is called txtDate.What I've tried to do is this:

If txtDate = '+' Or '-' Then
DateAdd("d", txtDate, today)
End If

Here is what the whole thing looks like:

sender As[code].....

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How To Check If Current Row Is New Row In Datatable

Mar 18, 2009

how to check if current row is new row in datatable?i'm trying to have some fields non-updataeble but can be inserted when it is a new record.

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C# - .NET Fudge The HttpContext Object?

Nov 18, 2010

for a unit test I am trying to add a value to the HttpApplicationState object, which is the Application property of the HttpContext.Current class. I try with the following code


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Check If Current Application Is Running?

Dec 21, 2009

I have created a control and have some code in constructor. This code should only run when application is running, but it also runs when i load form. Can I have some check if application is running or not?Faisal Saleem (Software Engineer)

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Check If Current ID Exits In That Table Or Not?

Sep 22, 2009

I am using VB.net and Sql server 2005.

I have GridView in Application where I have my CPUserID. There can be thousands records in GridView with different CPUserIDs.

Now I have a button "Allocate Token". But before allocating the token I want to check in my Token Table that if that CPUserID has already exists in table it should not allow user to allocate token and will return some message for that user.

For Each curRow As GridViewRow In GridView1.Rows
Dim cpuserid As Label = CType(curRow.Cells(1).FindControl("lblCPUserID"), Label)


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Check If The Current Date Is True Or Not?

Jul 28, 2011

I am working for application register form and I would like to know when the user opens the register form I need to check if the current date is true or not and when the user tries to change the system date he should pop up message.So I would like to refresh the form for every second and find whether he has changed the date or not. How do I do that?

Here is my code:

btnRegister.Enabled = False
Dim oReg As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
oReg = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software", True)


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Function That Would Check The Current Date?

Jun 2, 2010

I would need a function that would check the current date and in the end return the date of Monday this week. So say we have 02/06/10 today so I'd like that date or rather week_starting function to show 01/06/10 for the whole week. The formatting isn't important.

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.net - HttpContext Is Not Available - Calling Webservice Asynchronously

Feb 8, 2011

I currently have a web application project that also includes web services within the same project. I currently have a requirement to call the web service asynchronously. Since, I haven't added the web service as a web reference within the same project, I tried to call the web service method using delegates and I see an exception "HttpContext is not available. This class can only be used in the context of an ASP.NET request" when I tried to access the Application property in my web service method call.


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Check Current System Date Format?

Jun 22, 2012

How can i check the system date format? Tried with the code below, but when i change my system's date format to another date format to test the code, it's still showing the date format before changed!


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VS 2010 Check A DataGridView Column Does Not Have Current Value?

Jan 4, 2011

I have a function that gets information off a webpage and adds it to a datagridview that has a few columns.

Is there a way to make sure the item im about to add is not within the datagridview recordset already?

i tried this but it didnt work

If DataGridView1.Rows.Contains(element.GetAttribute("data-id")) = False Then
End If

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Asp.net - Loop For Each Day In The Current Month And Check Rows For A Match?

Dec 12, 2011

How can I write a loop to run for each day in the current month and then check to see if the Dataset has a record that matches one of those days and take an action?

For Day As Integer = 1 To DaysInTheMonth
For Each row In MyRows
If row.Date.Day = Day Then[code]....

This generates too many rows in the table I have it building. Basically, every day gets as many rows as there are that contain data.I'm building a HTML table that gets mapped into a chart using jquery so I need a for everyday of the month.

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Check Version Of A Software Installed Verses A Current?

Jan 11, 2011

Is there a way to have a form event check the version of say Adobe Flash/Shockwave/Reader on the PC and then check what's available on the web?

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VS 2008 Check If Current User Has Administrator Rights?

Sep 1, 2009

I've been looking around for a way to check if the current user has Administrator rights but the information seems to be quite disperse and not exactly

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VS 2008 Check If DateTimePicker Control's Value Is Before The Current Date?

Jun 1, 2012

If DateTimePicker1.Value.Year <= DateTimePicker2.Value.Year Then 'dtp2 = expiry date
If DateTimePicker1.Value.Month <= DateTimePicker2.Value.Month Then
MsgBox("Expiry Date Correct!")
MsgBox("Expiry Date incorrect!")
End If
End If

How would I get it to check the date? Datetimepicker1 is the current date, while Datetimepicker2 is the expiry date.

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Asp.net - Accessing Httpcontext In Shared Function Thread Safe?

Jan 5, 2012

Im having a problem understanding if accessing httpcontext inside a shared function, without passing in the httpcontext as a parameter is thread safe?

Are the 2 functions in the util class equally thread safe?

Class foo
Sub main()
Dim qs1 = util.getQS(HttpContext.Current)


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Check The Current User Document And Setting Using Visual Basic?

Sep 12, 2010

i realise that currently there is not built-in class for the checking of the current user folder in visual basic .net. anyone can advised the workaround for this. E.g. if user123 login to the machine, the code will return "c:useruser123"

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C# - Ccess The Field Header Name Of A Databound Repeater Within The Header Template?

Sep 24, 2009

Is there a way to access the field header name of a databound repeater within the header template. So insted of this....

<table >
<th ></th>
<th >Forename</th>


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Page Header Of An Excel Spreadsheet - Using Header Text As Tab Name

Oct 21, 2009

I'm using the following code to populate a DataGridView with a worksheet. This is working fine, however, I'm unsure how I can get the Text from the page header. (not to be confused with the column header). Later in my code when I am exporting into an existing workbook with a new worksheet, I'm wanting to use the header text as the tab name. The header text being "September 2009" so that when I import/manipulate/export october, the new tab will be "October 2009" etc. [Code]

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