Click Once 2010 .net 4 Windows Program Running As An Administrator?

Jun 28, 2011

My framework 4 windows program work fine for the users on Windows XP machines if they are in the local Administrator Group. I would like to setup this click once application to run as an administrator so the user doesn't need to be in the Administrator group. The program is reading the"C:Documents and Settings" & User & "Local SettingsTemp" folder looking for files with extension like "emf", "tmp" and "htm" and then deleting the files if they are older than 24 hours. We have a third party application that adds these file and doesn't delete them so I need the users to run this cleanup program.

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Running Program As Administrator??

Nov 14, 2010

i have a visual basic program, and it has a button where, when clicked:


Now that works fine, except mover.exe needs to be run as administrator to do its job properly,

is there any way that the vb program could run it with admin privelages?

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.net - Get Around Running Visual Studio As Administrator In Windows 7 To Interact With Internet Explorer

Jun 14, 2011

I'm using SHDocVw.InternetExplorerClass to scrape a webpage. It works fine in XP, but when I try to run it in windows 7 I get an error:The interface is unknown. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706B5)

When I run visual studio in administrator mode it works fine, but the published application has to be run in administrator mode too, which isn't acceptable.

Is there any way to get around running the application in administrator mode?

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Force Program To Run With Administrator Mode For Windows Vista/7?

Jul 27, 2010

We have developed a 'deployment tool' (say program A) which need to modify system registry, etc info which requires admin rights. This program will be triggered by another program (say program B).

Question, when B call A, how can B initiate A with admin rights? is there any command like A.exe /runas admin or any other way to achieve this. Please note that both programs are developed using VB6.

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VS 2010 Windows API For Detecting A Mouse Click Anywhere Or On A Specific Program

Jan 4, 2011

I need to create a program that can run code each time the user clicks, I can't use windows forums since its on another program. If the code can detect global mouse clicks(system wide) or only on one program it's fine.

I've done some digging and it looks like windows API can solve my problem but i really suck at using windows API and it looks like SetWindowsHookEx() can solve my problem but i don't know how to use it correctly. This is the code from Pinvoke that I modified to hopefully work for a mouse click. i'm having trouble getting this to work.

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim t As New MouseHook


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Running A BAT File As Administrator

Apr 19, 2010

I have a program I am making in VB.NET [ 2010 ], and I can get the BAT file I want to run start, but it's not in 'Elevated Mode' - Is there a way to accomplish this easily? This is the code I have to run the BAT file, which needs to be 'Run as Administrator':


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Right-click To Open A File In A Running Program?

Oct 25, 2010

I've used Visual Basic on and off for years, but for some reason this has never crossed my path, though it's probably relatively simple.

I have a program which runs in the background, in the System Tray. (Which is to say it has a NotifyIcon and is Hiding.) Using the Registy, I've added a new item to the right-click menu for certain files (for example PDF) which reads "Accept".

The goal is to have this open the file in my program and have it run the script. The script itself works flawlessly with an Open Dialog box - all it does is change the "comments" on the file. But I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it without the dialog box.

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VS 2008 Check If Software Is Running With Administrator Privileges?

Jul 15, 2011

i am using express 2008, and i wanted to check if the user had opened the software as admin, or not. windows 7 and windows vista.

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VS 2010 : Program To Save Settings To Another Program Without Running The Program That Is Being Edited?

May 5, 2012

is it possible by 1 program to save settings to another program without running the program that is being edited?

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Mouse Click To Trigger An Event In Another Program Running Simultaneously

Mar 6, 2010

I'm attempting to convert VB 5.0 source code to VB 2008. The converted code will then be slightly altered to facilitate its incorporation into a larger project that I'm developing in VB 2008. After using the conversion wizard (which is actually written for VB 6.0), I have 49 unresolved issues -- less than I expected. Much has changed since the days of my prowess as a programmer (Fortran in the 70's), so working my way through even as few as 49 issues will be a challenge, and will (no doubt) take me a while.

The UI for the VB 5.0 code I'm converting is a "virtual remote," with control buttons that (when clicked) trigger communication to a USB-connected device. With assistance, I've been able to develop my own "virtual remote," contained within my VB 2008 project. Eventually, I will "substitute" mine for the original. For now, though, I'm wanting to use MY "virtual remote" to trigger the original.

I have the executable for the VB 5.0 program, and can run it simultaneously with my "under-development" VB 2008 code. Problem is: I don't know how to cause a "click" on MY virtual remote to trigger a click on the original virtual remote (which is being "monitored" by the other program).

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VS 2010 - On Client Click Is Not Running As Expected

Jun 20, 2012

i just wrote a simple java script function which will return true or false, even when the function returns false my server side button click event was firing. this is not happening regularly. i am using vs 2010 and ie 8 and 3.5, this is not happening all the time [Code]

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.net - Compiling A Click-once App That Requires Administrator?

May 25, 2010

A lot of my programs require the ability to write files to the hard drive. When I first made these programs for XP they worked great. Now I'm less ignorant about UAC (got a new laptop recently). And for future customers...I've noticed the potential for a LOT of annoying error messages....and quite frankly if the program can't write data to the hard drive or thumb drive it's on...there's no point to running it....

I've tried multiple times to build in the manifest a requirement for administrator or user access....I'm not sure if anything less would solve the problem...but have failed because click-once has security features in place to prevent me from doing so.I'd rather not have to tell my customers how to make the program run as an administrator by editing the file's properties...I'd much rather have a convenient pop up like what you'd see new programs such as Itunes or Filezilla show if they were in conflict with UAC requesting the privileges they need.

I'd really like to do this but have had little success.

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Make Windows XP Inactive While Program Is Running?

Jan 6, 2009

I am making a "fake Operating System" or "Virtual Machine" or what ever you want to call it. It has all of its own programs. I want Windows XP to stop running so that it will go faster and so on.Okay so I will obviously need coding on the Form1_Load and Form1_FormClosing Subs.Here is my attempt at coding it (Note that this is just the attempt at coding this particular part. It is not necessary to give you everything cause it would be to much and it might confuse people) :

Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
End Sub


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VS 2010 Program Crashes As Published Executable, Not As Program Running In Studio Or Express?

Jun 6, 2012

I wrote this VB program to be able to throw a device we developed into programming mode where we use an ATMEL Flip installer to upload new firmware. I can program one device after another running the application off of Visual Studio Express 2010 or Visual Studio 2010, but when I go to publish this file and run it on another machine, it becomes unstable and crashes after each upload. On those same computers if I run the raw unpackaged program under Visual Studio Express, the system does not crash, and I can program devices repeatedly.

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VS 2010 Running A Vbscript From A Windows Service?

Feb 21, 2012

'the below just creates a text file for my own sanity. Both files get 'created so I know the service is running as it should and not crashing. 'timer ticks every minute so if I delete the files once they have been 'created, they get recreated

Dim TextFile As New StreamWriter("C:LRQuadrant" & "test111" & ".txt")
TextFile.WriteLine("blah blah blah")

I have a file called john.vbs. It only contains the following vbscript

'DIM objShell
'set objShell = wscript.createObject("")
'objShell.Run("CMD /C dir /s > dirlist.txt")

If I run this through command prompt, it does as I'd expect.'Nothing happens when the below code gets run.

Dim foo As New System.Diagnostics.Process
foo.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = "c:"
foo.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
foo.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"


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VS 2010 : Program Not Running On Other Pcs?

Jun 14, 2012

I have developed a program with vb2010, created an installer with installaware and installed the program on my develop laptop and on my normal desktop pc (both win 7 64bits, but program runs on 32 bits).So on my laptop it run perfectly, but when I try to run it on my desktop pc, the only thing I see is the admin message (the program needs admin rights) and than nothing happends (even checked the taskmanager, it shows the program for a short while and closes it even as fast as it opens).I don't know what went wrong, the installer checks the framework which is needed (4.0), but I have that already installed on my desktop pc.

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VS 2010 Running The Program (exe)?

Sep 15, 2011

I have made a program.Copied the .exe file from " documents...indebug"onto an External harddisk.But when I put the harddisk into another pc and launch the program.I can not run it!It says something like "Missing .NET framework 04.03...." or something.Do i need to install VB on that pc too?Or do I need to update the framework? I'm tryin to run the program on a pc. Where I got NO admin-rights.

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VS 2010 Check For Running Program

Sep 30, 2011

I need my program to check if a program is running. The program i'm talking about is Need For Speed World. (NFSW).If the program is running then, I want Label1 to say "Running". And if not: "Not Running".

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VS 2010 Check If Program Is Running?

Apr 2, 2012

Im trying to make a program that can tell me if a program for exemple notepad, start running, keep running and stop running and the result appear in a label.for this im based on this program: [URL]..But when i try to change the:MsgBox("Process started: " & e.NewEvent.Properties("ProcessName").Value)to

label1.text = "Process started: " & e.NewEvent.Properties("ProcessName").Value gives a error.

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VS 2010 Move A Program That Already Is Running?

Jun 17, 2012

i want to move a program that already is running, and by move, i mean change the x and y coordinates of the application on the screen. how would i go about doing this?

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VS 2010 Program Not Running On Other Computers?

Oct 23, 2010

I've just created a program in Visual Basic.NET 2010 Express Edition, and the program works great on my computer. Unfortunately, when I try running it on other computers, the process on the Task Manager for it comes up for literally 2 seconds and then goes away, and the program does not run. Basically, the program doesn't open. I'm not sure why this is happening, and I'm not getting any errors.

I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit, and I've tried getting it to work on two other computers, with no luck. The first one had Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit, and the second one had the same operating system as my computer. All computers have the .NET Framework 4 Client Profile installed, which is what my application is compiled to work with. I also tried compiling it to use .NET Framework 4 (without the Client Profile), and that didn't help.

If it helps, my References are as follows (which I believe are the defaults):

- Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs
- System
- System.Core


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Start A Process With Administrator Rights In Windows 7 From Within The Environment?

Dec 8, 2011

Background: I have 2 Apps. One spawns the other as a 2nd process. Both need Adminstrator rights to run.The below code (which spawns the 2nd app from the 1st) works just fine from my released Application (when I right click the 1st app icon and start as Administrator).

Problem is, from within the VB Express environment it does not. The 2nd app starts, then complains about Access Rights.Can I start a process with Administrator rights in Windows 7 from within the environment?


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Running As Admin - Vista Users Always Have To Set It As "Run As Administrator" ?

Jan 24, 2010

Every time I make a application and distribute it, Vista users always have to set it as "Run as Administrator" for it to work... Is there any way to make it to where they don't need to do this?

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Shell A Program As Administrator?

Mar 3, 2010

I am writing a setup program that runs as administrator. If I shell a program from the setup program will it also run as administrator?

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This Program Will Not Work When Run As Administrator

Jan 7, 2011

I found a code, you can drap and drop the image files to picuture box, i have tested on Windows 7 OS, double-clicked the exe file, it worked well, but when i ran this exe as administrator, it did not work, why? i want to run as administrator. The code is below:

Imports System.Text
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Implements IMessageFilter


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Add The 'run As Administrator' Menu Item For Program?

May 31, 2011

i've written a database program which runs fine from the ide (vs 2008).when i install this program, all database operations do not work.i tried running it as an administrator using an admin command prompt, it for my less tech savvy clients, is it possible that when they right click the programs icon they can use the 'run as administrator' menu item? how can i achieve this.if it's too much to implement, will moving the database from the application path to, say, documents?

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Create Administrator Rights In Program?

Dec 10, 2010

I have wanted to ask. I have a table tlogin. user_nm the first field and second field pass. so when the login form, if I login as admin then there is a special menu for admin.

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Restart Program With Administrator Privileges

Nov 1, 2009

I want to display a prompt to the user as such: "Program requires Administrator privileges to continue, click OK to restart the program with administrator privileges". The question is how can I restart my program so that it asks for them?

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VS 2008 Administrator Rights With Program?

Dec 29, 2009

My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(My.Computer.FileSystem.CombinePath(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.ProgramFiles, "Myprogramfile.txt"))But when I try this it will only work when the program runs with administrator rights. Is there a way to let the program work this way that no administrator rights are needed, or that the program may only boot up as administrator? So they won't be allowed to boot it up without administator rights. (I do not mean to force the administrator, but only to let them press "accept" or "cancel" in the UAC pupop

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[2005] Programmatically Set Program To 'run As Administrator'?

Feb 23, 2008

how can i programmatically set my program to 'run as administrator' without having to manually open the programs properties + selecting 'run as administrator

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