Create A Function That Checks If A Number Is A Prime?

May 10, 2011

I've been trying to create a function that checks if a number is a prime. according to [URL]..I have created a function although It doesn't work as expected.


It sometimes returns true for composite numbers. oh and I know if you google it you get functions that do this, but most of them look inefficient so i'm trying to make my own.

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Simple Boolean Function Which Checks If A Number Is Entered?

Jul 18, 2011

Simple code! where am I going wrong. I get end of statement expected in line 4 after valid.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If valid('0') Is True Then msgbox("HI")
End If


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Create A Function That Checks To See What Button Has Been Clicked?

Apr 29, 2009

I wanted to create a function that checks to see what button has been clicked on the windows form. For example If I had 10 generic buttons that open up different audio files. I would I create one Sub that can verify which button has been selected. I was either going to use a case statement or an if else. I did not want to create one sub for each button since it would be a lot of duplication in code.

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Asy Way To Check Whether A Number Is A Prime Number?

Oct 8, 2008

Is there an easy way to check whether a number is a prime number? I've tried doing this:[code] url...

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Way To Check Whether A Number Is A Prime Number?

Oct 12, 2010

Is there an easy way to check whether a number is a prime number? I've tried doing this:

Public Function IsPrime(ByVal Input As Integer)
Dim NewInput As Integer


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VB Prime Number Looping

Jan 18, 2010

I've been running through the online "Code Rules" tasks to work through Visual Basic. However I seem to be having a problem with one. The objective is to set a Button Click method to check if any number between 2-5000 is prime or not and to display it in the TextBox if it is prime. Here is what I have so far but it doesn't seem to work.[code...]

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VB Prime Number Looping?

Mar 2, 2010

I've been running through the online "Code Rules" tasks to work through Visual Basic. However I seem to be having a problem with one. The objective is to set a Button Click method to check if any number between 2-5000 is prime or not and to display it in the TextBox if it is prime. Here is what I have so far but it doesn't seem to work

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Check Whether An Inputted Number Is Prime?

Sep 9, 2009

I'm working on a console application in VB .net that checks a number that the user has inputted, and tells you whether the number is prime.

The number that has to be inputted has to be between 1 and 100. I have all the code so far and at the moment it can check whether the number is or isn't within the boundries.

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Compute Whether An Integer Number Is Prime Or Not ?

Feb 28, 2008

What i'm trying to do is compute whether an integer number is prime or not. The program performs this analysis for all odd numbers from 3 up to an input integer limit, for example 100. If the integer in the range 3 to limit is prime, a message stating so is printed. Otherwise, a message is printed that lists at least one other integer divisor. The output for each analyzed number consumes one line of text.

A sample output is shown below:

Limit is 100:
Number 3: is prime
Number 5: is prime
Number 7: is prime


I understand I need to use loops, boolean functions, vbmath(), strings and multi-line out via concatenation. So I can put this is words how I think it should be done but not so great putting the code together

Test all integers up to the SQRT of the number (100)

limit = math.sqrt(100) + 1

Followed by 1 For statement
For c = 0 to 100 step 2?
And an If statement
If ......
result = false

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Determining Prime Number In A Program?

Mar 14, 2012

I just started to use visual basic last month and I only know the basic codes. No matter how hard I try to understand the codes given by the other member, I can't understand it.So the program I'm making is to show all the inputted values and determine the even numbers, the odd numbers and the prime numbers.I don't know how to get the prime numbers.

Private Sub op1_Click()
a = InputBox("Input Endpoint: ")
For x = 1 To a


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Vb Function For Making Prime Numbers?

Nov 21, 2010

I made a form with a two text boxes for user input.A (lower bound) and an (upper bound), and then a text box to display all prime numbers in that range.I can't figure out what I am doing wrong, my error checking works properly but my math onlyreturns a true or false.

Prime(ByVal findPrime
As Int32)


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Get The Prime Number From The User And Give Its Factors?

May 25, 2010

i wrote some code that is suppose to get the prime number from the user and give its factors but there's some error

Dim t As Double
Dim n As Double
Dim ans As Double
Dim exp1 As Double


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Prime Number Checker Unbelievably Slow?

Feb 13, 2011

I have this piece of code which checks whether a given number is prime:

If x Mod 2 = 0 Then
Return False
End If


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Prime Number Output With List In Textbox

Dec 11, 2009

I am not getting an output with a list, I can only get the last number of the statement in a text box.

Dim lowerLimit, upperLimit, primeNumber As Integer
Dim isPrime As Boolean = False
lowerLimit = CType(TextBox1.Text, Integer)
upperLimit = CType(TextBox2.Text, Integer)
While lowerLimit < upperLimit
[Code] .....

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Function To Check For Prime Numbers Within A Range?

Dec 4, 2010

I have two user inputs (as textboxes) for two numbers I'm looking to check for all the prime numbers with the range of those two numbers and display them within a multiline textbox, however my code returns nothing but zeros, and I have seen easier ways to do it without functions but I am curious as to how to go about calculating primes within the function.[code]...

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Make A Function Called "checkLogon" That Checks The Username/password Text To A Variable In That Function?

Oct 22, 2009

I've got a basic logon form where if you enter the right password/username, it redirects you to the "MainMenu" Form How can I make a function called "checkLogon" that checks the username/password text to a variable in that function?

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Calling A Function To Display A Range Of Prime Numbers

Dec 5, 2010

I am trying to create a form that allows users to input two numbers a high bound and a low bound then when you click the calculate button it determines all the primes within the range and displays those numbers within a multi-line text box. It seems I have everything working except how to display the prime numbers, the result from the following code displays nothing but zeros so I suspect that the range is not being saved somehow? I have asked this on other sites and people just give me completely different code or their own, can anyone help me with this specific code without changing the underlying code, I have a feeling I might be missing a variable or I am calling the function incorrectly.[code]

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Make A Prime Number Generator In A Windows Forms Application?

Jan 4, 2010

How do you make a prime number generator in a windows forms application

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Developed A Class With A Function Which Checks The Availability Of A Certain Url?

Jun 6, 2009

I developed a class with a function which checks the availability of a certain url (

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
''' <summary>
''' Returns a value indicating your ability to connect to a certain server url


which automated the system. Is it possible to implement this completely in a class? (meaning the class ++ the application events part)

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Computer Generates A Random Number Then Checks It Against Users

Feb 15, 2011

I'm Trying to make a piece of software where You enter a number and the computer measures the length of the number, and then generates random numbers to match the human number. It will then count the number of guesses and the time taken. However it always comes up that there was a infinite loop "An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll". I have searched up how to do this and I can't seem to find out how. I think I just put my wording wrong when looking it up. My Software Has Has 2 TextBox, 2 Buttons, 6 labels (4 just to make it user friendly) and a timer.

Here is the Code:

Public Class Form1
Dim TimeTaken As Integer
Dim GuessesTaken As Integer


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Create A Program That Finds Prime Numbers?

Oct 7, 2010

So I have been assigned to create a program that finds prime numbers. And then for the final part of the program I need to have the computer find the millionth prime.

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VS 2010 Accepted Procedure For Abstracting Error Checks All Way Out Of Program / To Read Checks From A File?

Feb 14, 2011

I have a class that needs to check for errors in the data contained in a object.The routines that will check for errors could be implemented in concrete interfaces of supertype IErrorCheck. That way error checks can be discrete and added or removed from the class that requests the error checks.Each IErrorCheck implementation would be programmed against the supertype IErrorCheck (Strategy).But it would be nice not to recompile when checks are added or removed.Is there an accepted procedure for abstracting the error checks all the way out of the program, such as to read the checks from a file?

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Create A Function To Extract The Filename And Number From Saved Files?

Apr 9, 2012

I'm trying to create a function to extract the filename and number from saved files where the filename and number is not known before hand. I successfully created this example but the file name in the example is hardcoded. My program creates backup files and numbers them starting a one. I want to extract the saved files and list them in a treelist by filename unknown filename 1, backup 1, saved file 1, saved file 2, here is what i have but it only retrieves the hardcoded filename.


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Function That Checks For Which Dice Have Been Rolled And Scores Them Up In Correct Boxes

Jun 2, 2010

I have a function that checks for wich dice have been rolled and scores them up in the correct boxes, now i want to be able to check the combined scores to see if they equal upto a full house. [code] and then listing every other possible combination, would there be a simpler way of doing it?

View 2 Replies - Printing Checks In .Net From Blank Stock (Not Pre-printed Checks)

May 24, 2010

I would like to take blank secure stock paper and convert it in to a check.

I know you can get magnetic toner and print MICR.

The question is What is the actual font to use or should i get a package and send the data to it to print the check?

Has anybody done it successfully without having to resort to pre-printed checks.

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Databinding Two Radio Buttons: Un Checks Before Checks

Nov 22, 2010

Can not resolve this. Two radio buttons data binded inside a group box.

Click one thats not checked. Both un check. Must click again

Possible related situation here [URL]

writitng the my.settings manually.

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Create A Validator That Checks To See That If Both Players Have Entered A Nickname?

Jun 7, 2012

First of all I'm trying to create a validator that checks to see that if both players have entered a nickname. If they don't then it should automatically close the form but instead the application hangs. If the first player uses three tries then it "should" automatically close. Here it is:

Sub getNickNames(ByVal Players() As String)
'Force Select Username. If More Than 3 Attempts Are Made The Game Will Exit To The Main Menu


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VAL Function Returning Negative Decimal Number For 8 Digit Hex Number?

Jun 23, 2009

I am calling the function below from an Excel spreadsheet and the conversion from hex to decimal using the VAL function in the "manufacturer" variable below is coming back with a negative value. The VBA edition is 6.5.

Public Function decMEID(ByVal sKey As String) As String
Dim manufacturer As String
Dim serial As String


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Create A Program That Checks The Characters Of The String "George123"?

Feb 13, 2009

I want to create a program that checks the characters of the string "George123" . If a number is found in the string then a message box will pop up. Here is where the problem lies. I created a for loop that inspects each character of the string George123 and when it reaches the number 123 the message box pops up. The only problem with the message box is that it appears 3 times as there are three numbers in the string. So my question is how do i exit a for loop right after the first number is found in the string.

Dim onecharacter As Char
Dim Enter As String


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Create A Random Number Generator That Iterates Through A Series Of Number Between An Upper And Lower Bound?

Jun 24, 2010

i wanted to create a random number generator that iterates through a series of number between an upper and lower bound. say between 1 and 100. Basically I want the number generator to pick the numbers randomly and then display them until all 100 numbers are picked without any duplicates. so thats easy I can code that. But what I don't know is how to show those numbers in the order they are generated on a windows form. So i have basically a variable that I will let be changed 100 times (or however many times I want, I don't want their to be a size constraint just using 100 as an example) and each time the number is generated I want it displayed on screen (in a list or something not sure what. Hopefully some type of scrollable list) and each successive number also to be displayed in same format beneath it so that I can see the list in its entirety. What type of form control do i use for that? I could do for each iteration but then user is required to hit ok after each iteration and that would obviously be a bad idea if user selected a large number to work through. Anyways, code isn't exactly necessary just point me in the right direction, i.e.what control (if any) to to format the change in data?

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