Create Separate Classes For The Timesheets And Invoices?

Oct 19, 2010

I have a class called FileInfo. It has properties for stuff like FileNumber, Vessel, OpenedDate etc.

Now for a file I need to have Timesheets and Invoices.

My question is, do I create seperate classes for the Timesheets and Invoices?

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Create Separate Object Instances For New Objects In Separate TabPages?

Sep 17, 2010

I have a TabControl object on my form with many tabs created in code (TabPages) and my problem is that the same objects that are in the initial TabPage needs to be in the other TabPages created in code, I have this done in code when the user clicks the 'New Tab' menu option, however the same code is used for any new tabs created. The problem created here is that I have an event against one of the objects that appear in the other TabPages, but because the same code is used to create any new tab pages, the event will only work on the newest tab page, if that makes sense? By the way these objects that appear on the other TabPages are properties at the top so events can be handled against them in the respective subroutine.


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Accessing Classes In A Separate Project

Dec 6, 2010

I have coded two seperate windows forms application as two seperate projects in seperate solutions. I now want to combine one project called "Reporting" into the other project called "AnalysisApp" and be able to call the Reporting apps main form.The Reporting app utilies a whole load of controls from DevExpress which are not included in the "AnalysisApp" I have added references in "AnalysisApp" to the DevEpress controls and also to the Reporting app, as well as combining the Reporting app into the same solution, but when I build the "AnalysisApp" it fails saying that it cannot find the DevExpress DLLs

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ASP.Net - Accessing Controls From Separate Classes?

Jun 23, 2010

I have an ASP.NET Web Site I am creating in Visual Web Developer 2008 Express using Visual Basic as the language. It is actually a rewrite-with-mods of an existing ASP script and I'm trying to chew what I've bitten off. I created my page with a text box (txtOutput) on it and since the end product is very complex, and it's generally good practice to separate like functions, I have created 4 separate classes in the App_Code section. My main page is Sync.aspx and has a code file Sync.aspx.vb with it. One of my code files is SyncDatabases.vb and in it I have created

Public Class SyncDB

In that class I have created some routines such as

Public Function ReadMSDB(ByVal SQLString as string) as Boolean

In this routine I want to put information in my text box txtOutput on the main form (the default - Form1).

My problem is that if I try:

Form1.txtOutput.Text = "Hello world"

or just

txtOutput.Text = "Hello world"

it says Name 'Form1' (or 'txtOutput') is not declared. I am sure I am missing something simple but have no clue what it is. I assume it's the fact that the write command is in a file (class?) outside the file (class?) containing the page itself but I don't know how to address it properly.

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Storing Classes In Separate Files?

Mar 18, 2012

In Java you can store a class in a separate file and instantiate it from a method in another file as long as the class file is in the same directory but this doesn't seem to work in Visual Basic.

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Three Classes Running As Separate Threads?

Nov 21, 2006

I want to have three classes running three simoultaineous threads. I have started out with one class that looks like this:

Imports System.ThreadingPublic Class C_EventCollector Dim oThread As Thread Public Sub New() oThread = New Thread(AddressOf Me.BackgroundProcess) End Sub Private Sub BackgroundProcess() Console.WriteLine(Now.ToString) oThread.Sleep(10000) End SubEnd Class

What I want is execute BackgroundProcess() every tenth second. For testing purpose I print out current date and time to the console. Using this thread BackgroundProcess() only executes once.

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Forms :: Multi Threading With Separate Classes

May 7, 2011

I'm trying to dive into what I consider a deeper end of to see how far I can go with it. I have a project created, ironically called "My First Server". The aim of this is to create a server which can handle multi clients but additionally isn't the commonly shown tutorial setup of a console application. So it is created as a Windows Form application. The main form (Public Class PrimaryForm) consists of only one control which is a listbox control. This is named LogOutput.


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VS 2008 - Printing Invoices For Customers With Charges

Apr 27, 2009

I'm developing a small app to for a vehicle rental company. They require the app to print invoices for customers (fuel usage and etc) with charges. I was thinking of outputting row by row to a html (file) table and populating qty,amount,final amount etc programmatically. And letting the user view and print that html file.

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VS 2005 - Displaying Multiple Invoices In One Crystal Report

Oct 23, 2009

I am using a Crystal Report in my application to display an Invoice. For this, I take the 'Invoice No' as input from the user. I was wondering if I could display multiple invoices on different pages of the report by taking 'From Invoice No' & 'To Invoice No' as input form the user.

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A Class For Generating Unique Numbers For Invoices / Empid's / Customerid

Mar 12, 2012

generating unique ids for invoices,customerids and employee ids, etc. and thought it would be great to share this as i will use it within my aps all the time now.[code]

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Create A Separate File With Different Procedures?

Jan 16, 2011

I am playing around with VB 2010, and I want to create a separate file with different procedures etc so that I can call a proceedure etc from this file I have a simple form with a single label on it, and a seperate file called filelib.vb.In the filelib.vb is a proceedure called LogicalDriveTypes

Public Function QueryLogicalDriversNames() As String()
Dim Totalstring As String
Dim ds As Int32


In my form1_load I have Label1.Text = filelib.LogicalDriveTypes and I get "reference to a non-shared memner requires object reference. How where / what do I do to access the proceedures / functions in this other file any time I need to from this form ?

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Create A Separate Form To Put The Viewer?

Mar 30, 2009

I have a windows form with a textbox bound to a data table and a PDF Viewer both in the same form. I could change the text on the textbox and the Viewer would show whatever is linked to the textbox. I am trying to create a separate form to put the viewer in but at a loss on how to link it to the textbox on the first form.

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Create New Form On Separate Thread?

Jan 10, 2010

I would like my application to do something (in one form) and while form is doing that i would like to show another form to the user. Code is:

Private Sub blaa()
Dim a As New Working() 'working is another form
'Do some stuff
End Sub

But when i make new form i find it is on the same (main thread) and therefore new form also frozes. How to make new form on separate thread?

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Create Separate Files Within A Project?

Dec 22, 2011

How do I create separate files in a VB Express 2010 project?[code]...

Query 1: When creating class files, the VB Book by Loffelmann & Purohit (p 172) says, put the class in a class file that has the same name as the class. However, as shown, I want to have two or more related classes in this file. Do I need a separate file for each class? That would get cumbersome!

Query 2: Can I create a file similar to MyOutput.vb so that both MyModule and MyClass can include statements like[code]...

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Create A Timer To Execute On A Separate Thread?

Jan 23, 2012

Currently I'm creating a task that runs a hardware i/o loop for the duration of my program.i.e. it's a task that's created at the program's start and runs a loop that is only broken at the programs termination. Each loop cycle communicates via ethernet to hardware.depending on time outs each cycle takes 30-300 msec)I've noticed that if the loop runs with out any break that the program really slows down... to counter act that I placed a thread.sleep(x) in the loop

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Create A Separate File That Records And Adds Favorites?

Jun 9, 2009

How do you create a separate file that records and adds the favorites to so you dont lose them ect

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Forms :: Create Separate Parts/winforms Of The Same Application?

Sep 19, 2011

is it a bad idea to create separate parts/winforms of the same application (using the same SQL Server DB) in different executable files. For example for a School IS: A Receptionist App, A Teacher App, A Principal App and so on.

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Keep Each Module Separate And Call EXE's Or Should Create One Large Project?

Dec 15, 2009

The company I work for has a VB6 project that is using an ACCESS database.The project consists of seperate modules such as Accounts Payable, Payroll, General Ledger, and Inventory.At the current time each module is a seperate project in VB6 and the EXE files are called when needed.In total there are about 1300 forms in the project.We are moving from ACCESS to Sql Server and from VB6 to VB2008.The question that I (we) have is as follows; Should we continue to keep each module seperate and call the EXE's or should we create one large project?What are the pros and cons for each way?Is there something written that explains the advantages of either?

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Create A List Of Mulitple Classes?

Nov 5, 2011

I am working on an assignment that requires several classes, two of which inherit a base class.[code]...

Is it possible to create a list that would contain both the Checking balance and the Savings balance since they are separate classes?

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How To Create Form Visual Classes

Jul 15, 2011

i am a visual foxpro programmer, and in that language we can make not only user controls like textbox, combobox, grid,etc.But form classes in visual way, doing drag and drop a form class. How can i make the same thing in

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Microsoft Report Viewer To Show Parent/child Data Such As Invoices Headers Followed By Invoice Details?

Mar 25, 2012

After several hours of searching the internet I could not find any Report Viewer tutorials that show a project that contains a parent/child report. I'm using rdlc report files.I can create a single report but we want to create a report that shows shows invoice header information followed by the invoice details followed by the next invoice header and details and so on.

If a sample project is not available, do you know of an online tutorial that shows how to do it?I saw something that might help on about subreports, but it's in C# and not VB.Net so I could not figure out how it works.

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Create A Generic For All The Classes Having Common Data?

Aug 2, 2010

I need to create a generic for all the classes having common data.I am having a Test.xsd dataset.In that dataset I am having 3 Table Adapter.


Code is here. You can see all these classes having same methods. I want to create a generic class for these class.


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Create Classes In Windows Service Project?

Nov 12, 2009

i create a class library or use already created class library in my windows service project. I have 1 dll file then how can i use that file in my project.?Logic is my Greatest Asset !

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Create Multiple Classes Of Different Names That Use That Class?

Mar 6, 2009

Okay, say I have a class named "ChannelList", and it raises an event named "FoundChannel"

But what I'M wanting to do is create multiple classes of different names that use that class, but I want to have all of the "FoundChannel" events be handled under one single sub routine?

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Possible To Create Interfaces And Classes In Design Mode?

Nov 16, 2009

Sometime ago I used to create all my class structures in vision before I wrote them. That however didn't last. I found it easier to just make little drawings with pencil and piece of paper. And I still do to this day. In code usually those drawings manifest themselves as interfaces which then are implemented by different classes. I do all this in code. And I was just wondering if there is any tools available in Visual Studio for VB.NET that would allow to create interfaces and implement them in classes (which a lot of times means just adding variables to class that will hold data passed with interface attributes) from design mode(kinda like using Visio only after you finish you don't have to write out code).

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Create A Textbox Which Will List Down One Column Of Datas From Textfile Which Is Separate By Delimiters?

Jul 13, 2010

I have to create a textbox which will list down one column of datas from textfile which is separate by delimiters.But as I have to filter alt.Row from the text file, what can i do?

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Create A Class To Deal With Records From The Classes Table?

Dec 5, 2010

Create a class to deal with records from the Classes table, much like the Student class we created in Lecture #17 handles Students records. The name of the class should be Ualb_Class (note we cannot use Class, as it is a reserved word in VBA). All of the fields should have corresponding properties. There are few considerations:

The class (course) code, department code, and course number are set at Initialize, so there is only a Get property method for those

The property for Meeting Day only accepts one of the values defined in the table. You can decide whether to accept an integer value or a string value of the days represented.

You are also to code the Initialize method, much like we coded the Initialize method for the Student class in Lecture #17. In the Initialize method, you will use the InputBox function to obtain the department code and course number. use a different InputBox for each value, so you don't have to mess with separating the single text value returned from that function. The Course Code will be obtained by using a function that has already been created, called GetNewCourseID. It has no parameters.

TABLE: Classes
Field Name
Data type


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IDE :: Create Classes And Forms Based On A Database Structure?

May 10, 2010

I am creating an Add-In that I want to create classes and forms based on a database structure. I can't find any information anywhere on how to programatically add code to classes. I know I can write out the files and add them to a project, but that would limit what I can do in the future. I would like the possibility to update a function in the future which would be impossible writing out a file and loading the whole thing back in. It would destroy any modifications made to the class, and since this Add-In will only be creating a framework, there will usually be modifications.

I got this line from the macro recorder:DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.text = strDACode

But I like to keep Option Strict on, and this is late bound according to the IDE. There seems to be very little help on the IDE and how to use it creating Add-Ins. If I overlooked something please point me there, but I can find nothing. I don't know if it can be done, but I was able to do it in an Add-In for VB6.I would also like to add controls to a form, so if anyone can point me somewhere where it explains

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String Manipulation - Separate Three Fields Of The Phone Number And Display In Three Separate Text Boxes?

Feb 23, 2012

I created a telephone number form where the user enters the telephone number in a text box as (nnn) nnn-nnnn. The first 3 digits in parenthesis are the ISD code, the next three are the area code and the last four are the local number. I need to separate out these three fields of the phone number and display in three separate text boxes labeled appropriately. Now, suppose the user enters the phone number in a text box as a continuous string of 10 digits, where the first three represent the ISD code, the next three represent the area code and the last four represent the local number. I'm lost as how to change this string into the form (nnn) nnn-nnnn. This is what I have


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Possible To Have Separate Combo Boxes That Will Give Separate ID Values But Using Same Table?

Apr 30, 2010

I'll get straight to my problem - I'm currently coding in Visual Studio.I have a table (countries) with the columns ID | Name. The table is filled with around 28 records.I also have a form with 4 combo boxes (set up as 1,2,3 & 4) that I want the user to select. These combo boxes will display the names from the table countries. I then want to use the selected names in the combo boxes to Insert into their corresponding ID into another table. For example England would have the ID 1, USA the ID 2 etc.So, is it possible to have separate combo boxes that will give separate ID values but using the same table? At the moment I can't seem to find a solution.Eventually the form will have more than 4 combo boxes so I don't want to use separate bindingsources for each combo box.

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