Datetime - Nicely Display Relative Time?

Jun 26, 2009

I want to display a "date/time submitted" value much the same way as Stack Overflow does

e.g.* 2 hours ago
* 3 days ago
* a month ago

how to do this in PHP

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Datetime Conversion - Display The Time In The Text Box But Nothing Is Happening

Jul 12, 2011

I've a problem here, I'm trying to display the time in the text box but nothing is happening. I've already enabled postback but the textbox is still empty! Did I do the conversion wrongly? This is my code


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Calculate Relative Time Offset?

Oct 13, 2010

I was reading this article about relative time calculation

The problem is that the results are wrong due to the time offset. My webpage is Greek.So how should i modify that function to work correctly, including the GMT+2 or GMT+3 hours offset?

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Remoted DateTime Values Can Not Be Converted To The Equivalent Local Time Of A Remote Computer That Is In A Different Time Zone

Aug 24, 2011

I used .NET Framework 1.1 in C/S project before. Now I have updated the project to use .NET Framework 3.5 without modifying source code, but I have found that : the Remoted DateTime values can not be converted to the equivalent local time of a remote computer that is in a different time zone. In .NET Framework 1.1, the DateTime values can be converted automatically.


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MD5 Not Playing Nicely With PHP MD5()?

Feb 15, 2012

I have been trying now for about 4 hours to get my vb.NET MD5 function to generate the same hash as PHP's This is my function:

Public Function MD5(ByVal input As String) As String
Dim x As New System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider()
Dim bs As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input)
bs = x.ComputeHash(bs)


However, the hashing of some wtrings ("paSsword1" for example) work perfectly fine.Any ideas why? I have tried multiple methods of MD5 in I can;t change the way it works in PHP because I'm writing a library to interface with a commercial application - I just need the hashes to be generated the same!

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Compare A Time Value To The Datetime Value?

Aug 24, 2011

I want to filter my results with respect to date and time....I have date stored in a separate field which is of datetime data type...Another field stores Time value but as it is a datetime data type so it stores current system date along with the entered time. Now when I filter results using date then it runs well and shows the results between specific period like between dates from 12/10/2011 and 12/15/2011...But when I want to show results with respect to time it doesn't show any results...

I am using dataadapter and dataset for retrieving records from the sql server database... Please tell me the solution for comparing time value taken from the textbox with the datetime value stored in the database so that i get results between specific time like between 12:00 pm and 6:00 pm.

Actually I have datetime value stored in the database. What I am taking from the textbox is a time value. I want to extract those results from the database which are between the given time value....To be more concise, my application is a booking system for a sports club and provides an option to view alreaady made bookings.. Here i offer two options either to view all bookings for a specific game or to filter bookings. In filter bookings one option is to filter through date and time...Date option is running okay but problem lies in time part...I provide two times but unable to view bookings between them...

My code is:

Dim prmtimefrom As New SqlParameter("@booking_time", SqlDbType.DateTime)
prmtimefrom.Value = TextBox3.Text
Dim prmtimeto As New SqlParameter("@booking_tim", SqlDbType.DateTime)
prmtimeto.Value = TextBox4.Text


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Using DateTime.ParseExact To Get Only The Time (without The Day)

Sep 30, 2011

I get unexpected results when I use DateTime.ParseExact.

Here's my test code:


It looks like it's because the day is systematically added by ParseExact even though I only specify the time in the format. My question is: How can I read just the time with DateTime.ParseExact?

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Change Datetime With Time Variable?

Jan 25, 2010

Need to change datetime with time variable in this code, i tried bu it gets error

Public Sub SetWakeUpTime(ByVal time As DateTime)
End Sub


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Datetime - Loop To Check Time?

Nov 3, 2009

So I'm kind of new to VB and am just playing around with a little project, I currently need a loop that is constantly checking the systems clock to see if it's equal to a certain time.

While Not myTime.Hour = 24
If TimeOfDay = newTime Then


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Extract Time Value From DateTime Variable?

Oct 22, 2009

I need to obtain time values from a SQL DB. However, I was able to set the datatype for the respective column in the SQL table only to "datetime" as there is no "time" option in the dropdown list in the Visual Web Developer. Namely, I want to bind a Listbox control only to the time data (i.e. not to "dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss"). I tried to convert the datetime values to string and then extract the last 9 chars that refer to time.Unfortunately, my attempts to do that with SubString have failed:

weekDays - ListBox


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Extracting Time From Sql Datetime Field?

Aug 6, 2010

I am exporting data from an sql table to an excel spreadsheet in Visual Studio 2008. There is a field that is date/time that I only need the time part of (hh:mm). I am using the Convert command to do this, but I am getting the error 'Undefined function Convert in your expression'. Is there another function I should be using? Or am I missing and Import command at the top?Here is the code (field TimeofFall is the one I am having trouble with):

Imports System.Data


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How To Add Both Date And Time In DateTime Variable

Feb 1, 2012

I have two datetime variables in VB.Net [code]I want to add both these variable in single DateTime variable , i didn't find any .Net function to do that.Is there any other way to do it?

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VS 2005 Get Only Time From Datetime Part?

Apr 19, 2009

i have a table where in date column i have datetime datatype..i want to get only time in textbox...but i m getting both date and time by this below code. i m using vs 2005...sql 2005


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TextBox To Display Datetime?

Mar 28, 2009

I am trying to display the day pulled from a datetimepicker menu. I have no problem displaying the day in the textbox using a button and this [code]...

The problem I am having is I don't want to have to press a button. I just want the day to always be displayed. For example, If the default value is now() from the datetimepicker, I want the textbox to display only the day portion (Sat) but not have to press any button to activate it. When the user changes the datetimepicker to tomorrow or whenever, as soon as the new date has been selected, I would like the textbox to display the new day value for the date selected.

I am using VB.Net 2005, and I am new to programming so the easier the better.. I'm currently in school learning VB and want to try to make a program that my friends and I can utilize at work.

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Create A New DataTable That's Sorted By Only Time From DateTime?

Sep 29, 2009

I've got a calendar app where we're loading up a DataTable from one method, then merging the results with another method - both methods return the same type of data and the same columns. One of the columns in the results is "start_time", which has a date and time. What I want to do is sort the entire, merged, DataTable by the time in the "start_time" column, disregarding the date completely. I've gotten this far, but can't see how to get it done:

Public Function GetDates(ByVal dStart As DateTime, ByVal dEnd As DateTime, ByVal nPageId As Integer) As DataTable
Dim dt As DataTable


I think I need to create a new column and grab the time from the start_time column and then re-sort the table

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Datetime - Date Time Format Convert?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm getting date-time from a source as 20110731183330. I want to convert it to '7/31/2011 06:33:30 PM'. Is there a one line code for the same in

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Remove Time Part In DateTime DataColumn?

Jan 17, 2011

I defined a DateTime datacolumn in a datatable dt as [code]]....

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Select The TIME From A Datetime Type Column?

Apr 16, 2009

I have the properties. I have the format property set to TIME. The text box on the form now shows the time. But when you click on the pull down, you get the date picker.

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VS 2010 - Sorting Time In DateTime Column

Jan 27, 2011

I've got a datatable with a DateTime field that I want to sort using a DataView. I only need the Time part of the column though, and not the date. I can't get it to show just the time and not the date as long as its a DateTime column. I know I could convert it to a string to get the time, but then it wont sort correctly.

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Display Messages According System Datetime?

Feb 1, 2011

suppose i have meeting 31/1/2011 9.30 and when current time becomes 31/1/2011 9.30 it displays a

View 3 Replies - Manipulating The Date And Time From A Datetime Sql Server Type

Aug 25, 2011

I'm trying to create an auction site using My auction's start date & time and end date & time are stored in my sql server 2008 r2 database as datetime types. I'm using I'm trying to create a select statement in which I can query the date and time portion relative to the current date and time (so as to only display current ongoing auctions). I can successfully query the date portion using the Date.Now function, but the time is giving me a hassle. DateAndTime.Now doesn't work. I've even tried to separate the time and date in the database, but I still can't get an effective query. Here are two examples of code which I've tried:


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Comparing DateTime's - Find The Closest To System Time?

Jun 21, 2010

I am looping through a list of DateTime variables and have got the .ToUniversalTime variable. I want to find out from the list which is the closest one approaching Now.ToUniversalTime but am having difficulty trying to work it out I had it looping through like this but this isn't much good as I only want to return the one that is the closest approaching to the system time. If TodaysCard(i).eventDate.ToUniversalTime < Now.ToUniversalTime

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DateTime - Call To Determine Daylight Savings Time?

Sep 3, 2010

Is there a way in VB.Net to determine if the timezone the current system has daylight savings time in effect? Of course I can get the offset from GMT using the "z"/"zz" formatting option, but that doesn't tell me if DST is in effect for the current timezone or if the current timezone is in standard time...or if DST/Standard time aren't even an issue in the timezone for the system.

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How To Convert UTC Datetime Column To Local Time In Datagridview

Sep 1, 2011

I am doing work on a new logging database that I have decided to use UTC datetime to store all datetime values since our company spans timezones and multiple sources and timezones are logging events.However the problem that I cannot get my head around is formatting the datetimes in my datagridview for my user application.Our applications use mostly LINQ to SQL to manipulate our data from generic SQL CRUD calls, so I am hoping I can mask/format the DGV to get the conversion or some LINQ function rather than having to write special SQL stored procedures to do it every time I need to display the data.. (I have found multiple sources that explain how to do that)

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Record Of Values Changing Over Time With A Datetime Stamp?

Aug 22, 2010

I have been dabbling in VB before and i played around wiht linq to sql back then but im wondering what i should go with here.I need to have a list of people.. They should all have their own id nr.

The people in the list are supposed to keep a record of values changing over time with a datetime stamp. (In my case its numbers from a test outcome of blood)You have to be able to add people and delete people. All records will be deleted too.A Chart will read information from the records and display changes over time in chart.I was thinking of doing it with linq to sql and i was kinda aiming at Creating datatables with id names from the script

Havent found a way of creating datatables from a script though..I was hoping for a solution like that.. And i was hoping id be able to search databasetable names.

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User Input Of Time In Format Hh /mm / Possible With Datetime Picker?

Oct 13, 2009

I would like to capture a start and end time in format hh:mm.Instantly I thought a datetimepicker would be the most suitable component (see code below)[code]Now I'm unable to find a datetimepicker solution to allow settings of intervals like in the numericupdown control and unable to even set a mindate/maxdate in time format. Does anyone have a solution for these requests? I then thought about using a numericupdown control to capture hh:mm time but I could not find a way of doing this in ONE control rather than two whichwould involve code to ensure only valid hours/min values could be selected i.e. 0 - 23 and 00-59 and other date to string conversion/validation.For such a commonly recorded element I'm surprised to find little in the way of solutions other than third party controls.Does anyone have ideas for a way forward for a control to capture time as hh:mm with interval controls for hours and minutes?

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Convert Forum Date And Time Strings To DateTime Structure?

Jun 7, 2011

Is there a framework class that converts the partial day strings on these forums to a DateTime? Examples are "a few seconds ago", "19 minutes ago" and 3" hours 26 minutes ago",

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Remove Time Part From DateTime Field In MS Access Permanently?

Feb 21, 2012

I am using VB 2008 & Access Database

for one of my DateTime field in data table i need to Remove it's Time part permently. I have tried following code but Syntax error received.Remove Time part from DateTime Field in MS Access Permanently?

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click[code]...

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Display Null Values In A Datetime Picker Control?

May 23, 2011

I would like to be able to display null values in a datetime picker control. I am using one datetime picker control for both datadisplay and data entry. when I load the data from the database and if there is no date then the datetime picker control must be blank.

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DataGridView DateTime Colomn (Also) Passes Current Date When Only Entering Time

Apr 19, 2010

I am building an application that needs to store different time of day values in dateTime fields of an Access database.I am trying to enter the time value's via a DataGridView using TextBoxColomn s.The coloms are formatted with the defaultCellStyle property to show only the time part of the datetime.After i save the entered data and look in the database itself, i see not only the time, but also the (current) date in the datetimefields. This raises a problem when i want to compare the timevalues later on in the functionality of the program i am building.(Of course it is simple to seperate the date and time part in coding of the program, but it would be more elegant (i think) if i could just save only the time part in the database (and have the date part of de datetimes left to 0))I have tryed via the CellFormatting and the CellParsing events, but no luck.I am new to visual basic and probebly missing out on something.

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