General Categories, Ie "food". Under The Category "food"?

Jul 2, 2009

My sister owns a small business, and (as a cashier) she is currently using hand written invoices for receipts and records. She knows I have some basic programming knowledge, and would like me to make her a program that would make it easier on her. Ultimately, it's going to log sales, and anything else to make taxes easier on her, which she is also doing manually at this time.

That will probably be a few weeks from now, for now what I want is to be able to have a Category, Subcategory, and Product system using ListView boxes. Ie. In the first ListView will be general categories, ie "food". Under the category "food", there will be the subcategories "pizza", "fish", and "pasta". Under the subcategory fish, there will be the products "salmon", "trout", and "cod". The user can highlight cod, click "add item" twice. The first time adding it to the receipt ListView box with a quantity of 1, the second time changing the quantity to 2.

Now the idea here is to make the contents of the ListView boxes depend on the selection in the preceding ListView box. If the user chose the Pizza subcategory, he would have the products "cheese", "pepperoni", and "mushrooms" in the product list box. If he chose "beverages" on the first ListBox (general category), he would get different choices entirely.

Of course these are not the items being sold, but they serve as good examples. I have a decent start on the program but have run into a few roadblocks. In each ListBox, there will be an "Add *" selection (activated by double click), which * will be the ListView it in. For example, they could go to the food category, double click the "Add Subcategory to food category" list item, bringing up a dialog asking for the subcategory name. They could then, in that subcategory, double click an "Add product to * subcategory" list item, bringing up a dialog asking for the item name, price, and flags such as taxability (some things such as services are non taxable). In addition, I want the user to be able to double click an existing item, removing it from the list.

I have a good start on the program, the interface is mostly done. My next step is to create some form of database to store the categories, subcategories, and products she adds. I could probably get it to work in runtime, but it would be a shame to have to redo it every time she restarts the program But this is where the roadblock is. I don't know what to do at this point, I've spent hours on Google before coming to this site. I will include the source so you can see where I'm at, at the moment.

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Snake Game Food-Making?

Mar 3, 2009

I just started a snake game. This is what I have so far:

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POS Button Interface For A Restaurant / Food Chain

Mar 15, 2012

I'm making this POS software for a restaurant and I was wondering what the best way to create the button interface for the items since it's going to use a touch screen monitor.
I was thinking of adding the buttons at runtime to solve the excess space problem, and also add the code at runtime, but that seems like too much work, so I thought I should ask if there are any other ways to approach the problem?


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Array Values - Add 1 To The Value Of The Name Of The Food Each Time It Is Selected By A User?

Feb 13, 2009

i am coding a program in vb.NET, it will be used for people to vot for their favourite food.I have let the users input the name of favoutie foods into an inputbox and tehn store the name of each favoutie food into an array called foodarray. Then the array outputs each item inside it into a checkedlistbox, which will be used to vote from by the voters.The problem is that i want to add 1 to the value of the name of the food each time it is selected by a user. How do i do this, i want to add 1 to the names in the foodarray to find out how many votes each food gets.

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Game - Make The Snake Grow When It Hits Food

May 30, 2010

I am simply trying to make the snake grow when it hits food, however, I am at a stand still.


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Adding Sub-categories To Database Application?

Apr 26, 2012

I am working on a inventory application and I have a question, I have created a table for each of the main categories that I will be using, now if I wanted to add sub categories would I create another table for the sub directory and set the type as a child for its corresponding category or would it be easier to keep the main categories and just add another column in each table for "sub category" so it uses the same table but I can just filter it out easier?

If it is a better option for creating parent and child tables, how would I go about listing them in a hierarchical treeview to show parent and child sub-categories in them.

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Give Order To The Propertygrid Categories?

May 22, 2009

In my propertygrid having 3 categories..By default these categories displayed on Alphabetical order..But i don't want like this..

Suppose my 3 categories are appearance,Layout,Dynamic Events.. Now it is displaying appearance, Dynamic Events, Layout,

But i want like this appearance,Layout,Dynamic Events..

How can i arrange.. This is the code i will implemented..

<Category("Appearance")> <Description("Indicates how the text should be aligned for the control")> _
Public Property Alignment() As System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment


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Right Approach For Objects That Belong To Categories

Feb 3, 2010

I want to know what's the right way to work with objects that belong to a category.I'm building an applications with the following layers:Base data access Data access Business logic + Factories Presentation.I want to pass only objects to the presentation layer and back.I have objects (Employees), that belong to a certain category (EmployeeCat). I was wondering if I should have just an EmployeeCatID property in my Employee class/object, or an EmployeeCat property that contains a complete category object.If I want to fill a GridView with a list of employee objects as datasource, and I used just an ID in my Employee objects, then I will have some work at the presentation level to display the category names, so I think. On the other hand, if the list of employees contains plain category objects... I'm not sure what will happen.

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Drag And Drop - Control To List Sub Categories

Oct 23, 2009

I want to have a control listing all subcategories from a database table. What control should I use. then I want to have a treeview with Categories, and be able to drag and drop sub categories onto the Categories. VS 2008

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ExpressEdition Does Not Display Categories In Add New Item Window

Aug 14, 2009

I can not use Inheritance Picker Dialog windows. Choosing Project in menu bar and then Add New Item, there is Templates frame only and Inherited Form is missing. Categories frame, which should be located on the left side, is missing as well. So i could not choose Windows Forms from Categories Frame on the left and Inherited Form from Templates on the right. Is it possible that Express Edition does not support Inheritance?

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Random Selection Of Categories Without Replacement In Visual Basic

Sep 5, 2011

Here's the program. there are five categories say a, b, c, d, e, each in a textbox (color blue). There will be a command button say "choose". If i click the choose button, it will randomly choose one category and that corresponding textbox example "a" will change color(color yellow). Then if I want to click the choose button again, the selected category "a" from the first selection will change to gray, then a new category will be randomly chosen without "a" in the list and again will change to color yellow. and so on. So I can click the choose button five times, exhausting the five categories without repeating the category that was already selected.

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[2005] Categories Doesn't Change When Search A Title?

Feb 28, 2009

I have a project that works with a database. It groups al my films per category. I use this code to group everything by category. The categories are chosen in the combobox cboCateogorie.

Private Sub cboCategorie_SelectedIndexChanged_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboCategorie.SelectedIndexChanged
If Not cboCategorie.SelectedValue Is Nothing Then


what I want is the opposite off what I do when I select a category in a combobox. Now I actually select a film and this film also has an ID, namely DvdID and with that I want that the combobox shows the category where the film belongs to.

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Created A Database Which Only Have One Table Where It Stores All Sorts Of Keywords According To Categories

Aug 9, 2011

I'm using MySQL 5.5 database. I have created a database which only have one table where it stores all sorts of keywords according to categories.

The users key in sentences in the textbox and then I'm suppose to classify the sentences into the category based on the keywords in the database.

How do I loop through the database to compare the strings in the textbox to the keywords in the db?

View 2 Replies Datalist: Getting Category Name

Jun 6, 2011

I am using an Datalist control. I have a table titled 'Category' with two columns 'Category Id and Description'. When I display the results on my webpage the 'CategoryId' number comes up and not the Description. I want the Description that corresponds to the number. I want to write it to my label control 'lblCategory'. Using ADO.NET I am having trouble with what to put between:


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Category And Subcategory In .net?

Jun 4, 2011

how to create a sub category in well I'm thinking of building a sales and inventory system of computer parts and peripherals and here's the logic. I'll be assigning each of them category like for example:

Componenets[INDENT]Peripherals[/INDENT][INDENT]Networking[/INDENT] - Processor[INDENT]- Chasis[/INDENT][INDENT] - Router[/INDENT] - Memory[INDENT]- keyboards[/INDENT][INDENT] - Bridge[/INDENT] - Storage[INDENT]- Speakers[/INDENT][INDENT] -Hub[/INDENT] - Optical Drive[INDENT]- Flash Drives[/INDENT][INDENT] - Switch[/INDENT] - Graphics Card

There you go. and the main categories are: Componenets, Peripherals, Networking and the Subcategories are with the -(dash) on their names if you have an idea also on the database structure please give me also some tips about how to construct the database tables.

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Set A Category To All Mail In A Folder?

May 13, 2010

I need to set automatically a category to alll email in a IMAP folder. (and

for every new incoming email in this folder)

I've found this code in VBA but it give a category only to the selected[code]...

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XML Path - Replacing The Name Of A Category With A New Name

Oct 23, 2011

I'm trying to write a statement where I'll be replacing the name of a category with a new name, but when it comes to executing the command I'm getting an error that says;


Heres my command statement


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Unable To Retrieve Posts By Category - MVC 3?

Sep 29, 2011

I am writing a basic blog application to learn mvc 3. I have problems retrieving posts by category. The url looks like /Blog/Browse/Category_Name. I can get the posts if i hard code a value for category. So it would seem that Category_Name is not getting pass to my EF statement in my controller. the category had a period in it so it was not matching.

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Database Doesn't Select A Category From Combo Box

Dec 27, 2010

I am trying to trap an error that would occur if the user in my database does not select a category from a combo box before saving the record.[code] Naturally the example does not work, but would like some help with this.[code]Categoryid is set up as not to allow null.type int

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Select The Products That Match A Given Category And Group?

Nov 6, 2010

I can't seem to figure out how to write this query properly. I've tried various combinations but nothing's worked yet.Below is the relevant portion of my database model:

I need to select the products that match a given Category and Group, and that match a given Year, Make, Model, submodel. This I've done below: ItemList = From P In gDataContext.Products.Include("Groups").Include("Groups.Category1").Include("LookupYearMakeModels") From G In P.Groups Where G.Category = Cat And G.Grp = Group From Y In P.LookupYearMakeModels Where Y.Year = YMM.Year And Y.Make = YMM.Make And Y.Model = YMM.Model And Y.Submodel = YMM.Submodel Select P


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Squentialno Will Be Shared With Both Category / Product When Create New

Jun 28, 2009

I have products form and categories form here i am creating new products and categories both have its own id and also i need to create one sequential no for both depend on current year when i create new [code] also when i create new product i want its sequentialno to be same.1

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VS 2008 - PropertyGrid Expand / Collapse Particular Category

Apr 17, 2009

I am using VB.NET 2008. I am using propertygrid and have added a few elements. I have 3-4 categories and wanted to know how can I expand/collapse a particular category thru code. I did find a code on net but it didn't work.

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Count Number Of Emails With Certain Colour Category In Outlook

Sep 25, 2011

I work with a large shared mailbox within which several individuals each have a folder of their own. I am trying to develop a tool which will monitor how many emails each individual has in their own folder including a breakdown of what categories have been applied to each email (IE In my Subfolder there are 20 Emails - 10 Blue, 5 Red).I have already coded a prototype but so far I have only been able to get a general count working not a breakdown of categories.Does anybody know if this is possible? I have searched a see lots of code for setting the category with VBA but none for querying it.

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Make The Buttons Code Work With The Help Of Combo Box Category

May 17, 2012

The combo box will show the category. Suppose there are 2 categories A and B. When we click on A then the code given inside 4 buttons should work. I tried in this way ,I checked the condition of selecteditem based on that added all 4buttons sub code. But it shows blue underlines.

I did in this way: If ComboBox1.SelectedItem = "A" Then Private Sub Button1_Click....


Like this I have used 3 more buttons. How can it be done?

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Performance Counter Category Name Drop Down List Is Empty?

Jan 30, 2012

I wrote a VB 2010 app on a single core processor utilizing performance counters which runs fine. However the release exe fails on my quad core, trapped by the OS on its first access to a PerfCtr. I've loaded VB Express Studio into the quad core
and when running the app in Debug I get this error "Cannot load Counter Name data because an invalid index was read from the registry." Similarly, adding a counter to the app on the quad machine results in the empty drop-downs for category and it sub fields.

where I can get an update to these registry entries?

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Register A Component Class Dll So That It Shows In ToolBox With Its Own Category?

Oct 31, 2011

I have a DLL with me in which i have created a component class. But as long as the project is open the Tool shows in the ToolBox, but the moment i open a new project, without the DLL project opened along with it, the Toolbox does not show me the Tool/Control/Component Class , which i have created. How do I register my component so that it shows in the ToolBox, other than the usual way of Selecting by Browsing

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VS 2008 Databinding Combobox With Distinct 'Category' Items Only?

Apr 19, 2011

I got a combobox that I populate with items by using databinding options which works fine, but what if I only want to only select the distinct items, was trying to do that but no avail so far. if I could do that just by using an sqladapter in code but is that what I should really do ?

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NET 8 - Add General Expressions?

Apr 25, 2012

I wish to incorporate general expressions in my Visual Basic work.Other than the basic inputting "Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions", I have no idea how to do put general expressions in my VB project.However, I can create the expressions (so, all is not lost).

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DB/Reporting :: Dependent ComboBox Based On Selection In Major Category

Apr 3, 2009

I'm running into a little problem making one combo box dependent on the selection of another combo box. I'm using a access back-end to this project. I have two tables: MajorCategoryTbl and MinorCategoryTbl , MajorCategoryTbl has PK and description field, MinorCategoryTbl has a PK, MajorID (foreign key), and description field. I have two combo boxes on my form, one that displays the Major description, and one that displays the MinorCategoryTbl description, but the stored value is the PK for both. I want the selection of the minor category combobox to depend on what was selected in the major category combobox.

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Change Cursor In General?

Jul 29, 2011

I am making a maze game and I want the cursor to be a different cursor that I made but I'm not sure how to change the cursor without having it hovering over a label or button.

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