Get The Size Of The Array And Not The Number Of Items In It?

Nov 3, 2009

When you use array.length you get the size of the array and not the number of items in it.

For example:

Dim MyArray(10) as String
MyArray(0) = "Potato's"
MyArray(1) = "with"
MyArray(2) = "salt!"
MyArray.Length will return 11

How do I get the number 3? I am creating a class library so it's kinda hard to keep testing all kinds of methods until I get the right one .

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Get The Number Of Items Or Size Of Items In The Recycle Bin?

Dec 14, 2011

I've got some old code of mine that I'm going back to and updating a little bit. On one part of it I need to check if there are any items in the recycle bin or not.

This is the code I was using to accomplish this:


Private Declare Function SHQueryRecycleBin Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "SHQueryRecycleBinA" (ByVal pszRootPath As String, ByRef pSHQueryRBInfo As SHQUERYRBINFO) As Long
Private Structure ULARGE_INTEGER


The msgbox and end is just in there for debugging purposes. This always returns all 0s, even when I know that there is something in the recycle bin.

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Using Array With Unknown Number Of Items?

Apr 7, 2011

I'm trying switch from using arraylist to arrays. Seams like arrays are not as easy to use when you don't know the size of the array.

Is it possible to use an array without having to specify the size of the array like in this example?


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VS 2010 - How To Get Number Of Items In Each Column In 2 Dim Array

Mar 14, 2011

When you have a single dim array, you get number of items in with simple Ubound(array). What is the most efficient way, to get number of items in each "column" in 2 dimensional array? My code (part):
Public Shared LoopStock()() As LoopStockDef
Public Structure LoopStockDef
Dim EntID As Int32
Dim LoopNo As Int16
Dim LoopType As String
Dim loopStPtX As Int32
[Code] .....

You can't Ubound multidimensional array as you can do with single dimensional array, as the second dimension can have different number of items in each column (DimX in the following table)

DimX | (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) |
DimY | | | | | |
(1) | 45 | 41 | 15 | 48 | 49 |
(2) | 35 | 26 | 98 | 15 | 31 |
(3) | 12 | 23 | 36 | 69 | |
(4) | 88 | | 26 | 28 | |
(5) | 74 | | 89 | | |
(6) | 36 | | 25 | | |

If you do
UBound(LoopStock, 2)

You get size of 2nd dimension, not number of items in the table for particular column. The best solution which comes to my mind is to define another array, a multidimensional counter, like
LoopStockDims() As Int16
And count every added item for each column. Is this the best way?

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Determine Length Of Array From Number Of Items Entered

Nov 15, 2009

I am trying to program the hamming code in vb... theoretically i understand and know how to do everything, first problem I've encountered is dynamic arrays in ... is it possible to determine the length of an array from the number of items entered in it, since I have no means of figuring out an exact number or length prior to several mathematical function which outcome will be the data .. directly saved to the array !!

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Program - Requests A High Number And A Low Number From User - Searches Array And Finds All Elements Within Two Numbers

Jan 24, 2010

I need to write a program that requests a high number and a low number from the user, then the program searches the array and finds all elements within the two numbers. The program is used to search for past presidents, so if I type 43 for low number and 44 for high number, the program will display:

George Walker Bush
Barack Hussein Obama

I think I have an idea of how to search up to a certain point, but not to stop at a certain point....Here is the code that I have for that particular sub procedure:


Private Sub btnDisplayRqst_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDisplayRqst.Click
Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("PRESIDENTS.TXT")


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Byte Array - Error: Number Of Indices Is Less Than The Number Of Dimensions

Mar 16, 2011

Trying to upload a picture file from an online source and store it in a byte array but am having the error: "Number of Indices is less than the number of dimensions in the indexed array".

Dim Bytes() as Byte
Dim Inet1 as System.Net.Webrequest

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Number Of Indices Is Less Than The Number Of Dimensions Of The Indexed Array?

Jul 19, 2010

i tried to implement DES with ECB mode but without using lib framework and i have an error in this line

Public Sub New(ByVal boxNum As Integer) table = TABLES(boxNum)End Sub

View 6 Replies

Search Within An Array And Display The Number Of Occurrences That A Value Within The Array Appears?

Nov 13, 2010

I have to search within an array and display the number of occurrences that a value within the array appears. I know that my code is incorrect but this is what I have so far. If anyone can point out what I am doing wrong that would be great.

Private Sub btnResult_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnResult.Click
Dim intSearchAmount As Integer
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim intIndex As Integer


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Invisible Flowlayoutpanel Items When Size Changes.error

Apr 2, 2011

I have some forms that include a flowlayoutpanel with some items.A button expands/hides this panel.I want to make this show/hide change smoother to the users eye so added this code:

Private Sub Resize_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
If RadioButton1.Checked = False Then


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Error Codes "Number Of Indices Exceeds The Number Of Dimensions Of The Indexed Array."?

May 19, 2009

"Number of indices exceeds the number of dimensions of the indexed array."


"Array bounds cannot appear in type specifiers."

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VS 2010 Add Values Of 7 Trackbars And Then Do Tasks According To Size Of The Total Value Number

May 21, 2012

I need to add values of 7 trackbars and then do tasks according to size of the total value number.


It always writes "BIG".. even if the total number is lower than 50...

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Increasing The Size Of An Array?

Jun 8, 2011

increasing the size of my array. i have this code but i don't know which of these code does not increase the size of my array even though i increment it.

This is the declarations:
Dim movieArray(0) As String
Dim ratingArray(0) As String


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Maximum Size Of An Array?

Jan 13, 2010

What is the maximum size of a multidimensional array in VB.NET (in my case two-dimensional)? I'm using Visual Studio 2008, Framework 3.5 I found in msdn [URL]: "The length of every dimension of an array is limited to the maximum value of a Long data type, which is (2 ^ 64) - 1. The total size limit of an array varies, based on your operating system and how much memory is available. Using an array that exceeds the amount of RAM available on your system is slower because the data must be read from and written to disk." However, I am trying to use an array of data type single, with dimensions 64513 by 301 but Visual Studio seems to freeze when I execute the line to redimension the array ( Redim myArray(64513, 301) ). I have 4Gb of RAM and am using Windows XP (32-bit).

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Program That Will Compare Array Of Grocery List Items Glist And Array Of Coupon Item List

May 27, 2012

I have a program that will compare an array of grocery list items glist and an array of coupon item clist.When I compare the two and if there is a match somewhere in the array I want to have a picturebox visible.When there is no match, I want the picture box not to be visible. [code] The code seems to work great until I come to the else statement.When the code finds a match it displays the picture box and the msgbox without error, but as soon as the message box is cleared, even though i've input it as an ELSE statement, the picturebox goes false again.Does anyone have any idea of how I can "hold" the picturebox to stay visible while the match between the arrays exists?

View 18 Replies

Change Size Of A Byte Array?

Jun 12, 2009

My app is receiving data in blocks but I don't know what size data will be received until it is finished, unlike file reading. So my app loads the data in chunks of 1024 bytes and then stops when there is no data to read. My question is, is it possible to keep increasing the size of a byte array as the data is being received?

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Create An Array Size And Type Of Another?

Jul 6, 2010

I want to write an extension method that works with all kinds of arrays (Integer, String, Decimal, ...). It returns an array of the same type and size as the input parameter array.[code]...

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How To Determine Size Of Dynamic Array

Jul 28, 2011

I'm trying to find the sum of all the digits that make up the number 2^1000, which you may have guessed is from Project Eula. I think it's good so far except I'm just learning about arrays and dynamic arrays, so how will I know what the size of the index will be so I can specify when the Do loop should stop so I don't get an indexoutofrange exception?
Dim BigNumber As Double = 2 ^ 1000
Dim DigitArray() As Char = BigNumber.ToString.ToCharArray
Dim Index As Integer = 0
Dim SumOfDigits As Integer = 0
[Code] .....

View 3 Replies

How To Determine Size/length Of Array

Jul 30, 2009

I want to determine size/length of an array that is, how many elements are in my 1 dimen array, can't seem to find the right method that works.

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How To Get The Size Of A Dynamic Tab Delimited Array

Feb 2, 2010

I m trying to manipulate some excel sheet data in visual basic but for tht i hv converted the excel file into text tab delimited file. now i m able access each column n row value as i want but the prob is the text file has to b input n the no of columns in it could be varied so i need a method to count the number of elements in th tab delimited array wen first time the text file line is read.

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Limiting Array Size Through Class?

May 29, 2009

Is it possible to have a UD Class that can limit how big it can grow as an array?

for example:dim var(10) as class this would throw an exception cause the class will only grow up to 5 elements.dim var(4) as class valid cause it is under the 5 element rule dim var(4, 10) as class invalid cause the 2nd dimension is above the 5 element rule. (would throw exception)

View 10 Replies

Save Unknown Size To Array?

Oct 18, 2010

Searching for entries in a source

For Each m As Match In Regex.Matches(txtDisplaySourceCode.Text, regExString)
_rtnSourceCode_LinkHolder = m.Value
Return _rtnSourceCode_LinkHolder

But i dont want to just return one instance if there is more. Want to be able to hold all the urls some where that can be accessible from any sub

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Set The Size Of The Array To Be TotalRows,TotalCols?

Jun 7, 2010

I am having a small problem initilizating my array.I have created a class called Mine. And another class called Grid.Grid has a property called Mines of type Mine()()In the Grid Constructor i want to set the size of the array to be (TotalRows,TotalCols) but cannot seem to figure out how.

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Converting Text File Of Any Size Into A 2d Array?

Nov 13, 2010

Ok I've tried for a while now but i cannot figure this out.I want to be able to take a text file of any size and convert it to a 2 dimensional array. Doing arrays with a set size is what i understand but i cannot figure out how to write a loop to find the size of the text file to be put into an array.

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Creating Fixed Size Array And Initialising

May 11, 2012

[code]Is there any other solution by which we can initialise the array members using new?

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Resize The Two Dimensional Array Size Without Affecting Its Value?

Apr 16, 2010

How can I resize the two dimensional array size without affecting its value?

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Set Array Size For All Variables Using Same Structure / Type

Oct 30, 2010

I found out that you cannot set the array size for a structure when you are making it, i.e


I have to fix this by making a variable with type made by Structure bullet and then redimming it, i.e


This means for every variable with the bullet type i create i have to redim. Is there a way i can set the size of .mesh with .capacity for every single variable created with the bullet type automatically?

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VS 2005 Declare Size Of Array In Structure

Dec 11, 2009

I am upgrading a project from VB6 to VB.NET. Unfortunately, I cannot include the DLL or even the name of the DLL that I am using here, I am under a confidentiality agreement. However, I hope I can post enough info here to get this frustrating problem solved.

In Code:

So, if I run it as such, it errors out while calling SetParameters saying
The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG))

If I comment out the line m_Parameters.SProperties = New S_Properties(9) {...}, then it does not error out, however the function returns 0, which means it did not actually set the parameters to the device. Trying to ReDim SParameters(9) will also give the hresult error. Doing it with my example above, I put a watch on m_Parameters in both VB6 and and they look IDENTICAL. All data is the same. Why would I get this ArgumentException in VB.NET and not in VB6 when I am passing in the exact same arguments as in VB6?

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VS 2008 Getting File Size From An Array Into ListView?

Mar 13, 2010

I'm attempting to get the size of a bunch of files located in a directory with an array. Using a single file, it works great. But as an array, I get an error. This is the code I was using:

Dim filepath() As String = Directory.GetFiles("C:Test", "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
Dim lvi As New ListViewItem
Dim fi As New FileInfo(filepath.ToString)


It works... kind of. It adds each file to the ListView, when I just want the whole sum. I was hoping I could just use "DirectoryInfo" from the System.IO namespace, but everything I've been reading says I need to loop through the files.

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.net - Check That Extension Methods On An Array Got A Specific Size?

May 30, 2012

I'm using extension methods based on an array and I would like to know if there is an easy way to check that array got a specify size instead of me doing a copy paste of

if array.count != 1000
throw new exception "size of the array does not match"
in about ~50 extensions

this a small sample of extensions that I use, I got WAY more

Public Function IsWhite(ByVal board() As bitPiece, ByVal pos As Integer) As Boolean
Return (board(pos) And bitPiece.White) = bitPiece.White
End Function


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