Posts Over Time Relating To Importing And Exporting CSV?

Aug 15, 2011

I've seen a lot of posts over time relating to importing and exporting CSV. Most of the answers involve using TextReader.readline and String.split, which will not work with any but the simplest data. When you are writing for users who have the expectation that your application will work with anything they export from Excel, you will have to cover all the CSV bases.

I hope that this post will give you a clear idea of what you're involving yourself in when you decide you need to read a CSV file. The characteristics of CSV data are:The comma character is used to separate the fields. (This is obvious, but I thought I'd start with a couple of obvious points to warm up) The last field on the line is ended by the end-of-line character or the physical end of the file.Any field that contains commas, double-quotes or control characters will be surrounded by double-quote marks. Any double-quote marks within the field will be "escaped" with an extra double-quote character. For instance, the value Paul "Chuck" Norris would be converted to "Paul ""Chuck"" Norris".After the opening double-quote ANY character is valid. Including line breaks. This is why you can't use readline.I have a parser class that works nicely and I'll post that on this thread in a little while, along with some notes on using it.

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Importing And Exporting To Excel

Sep 5, 2007

This is in vb 2005, and I would like to be able to click a button (i.e. export to excel, import from excel) and do this.If you need any more information then just let me know.

1)How do you export the data that is displayed in a datagrid to Excel.

2)How do you import data from an excel file, and fill the datagrid with that information.

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.net - Overloading Operators In C++, Exporting And Importing Then In .NET?

Jan 26, 2010

I have a weird situation. I have a C++ code that overloads the +,-,* operators and exports them in a .DLL file. Now, I want to import those overloaded operators from within VB.NET code. So it should be like this:

<DllImport("StructDLL.dll")> Public Shared Function
Operator +(ByVal a1 As A, ByVal a2 As A) As A
End Function

So what I'm trying to do above it just import the lovely overloaded operator + from the DLL.Note that the operator is already overloaded from inside the DLL, so should I import it as a Function or as an Operator like this?

<DllImport("StructDLL.dll")> Public Shared
Operator +(ByVal a1 As A, ByVal a2 As A) As A
End Operator

The overloaded plus operator is supposed to add structs. So the DLL is programmed to work on structs (C++) and I want to import it in VB.NET to work on Structures.

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Importing And Exporting Data With Windows App?

Apr 21, 2011

I need to be able Import and Export data from my database in the app im developing. I have been having trouble finding the proper way to do this. I have to assume some of the people using this wont have Office installed so this process as to be able to work on its own. Im using Visual Basic Express with SQL server 2008. Using LINQ to SQL with a local database. I would like it to be a simple process for the users.

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Deployment :: Importing/Exporting A Config File?

Aug 11, 2009

I'm brand new to this forum. i have a question. i wrote some software a while back and now have a few new features I need to implement. this software currently makes use of "application settings" to store all of it's settings. Which works just fine.

I have a client that has about 40 users. He wants to be able to share his settings (that he set up in his copy of the software) with all of users. Preferably by distributing a copy of a config file that they would be able to import into there software.

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Exporting / Importing Data From / To DataGridView To / From CSV Or Text File

Jul 15, 2008

I want to export data from a DataGridView to a CSV/text file. I then also want to be able to load that same CSV/text file and populate that same DataGridView at a later point in time. My information is loaded into columns in the DataGridView. That is, I am not using rows to represent records, I am using columns. As such, I need to load all the data in each column and export this, by column to the CSV/Text file. Likewise, when I load the control from the CSV/text file, I need to load each column with this information.How do you export/import from/to a DataGridView controlHow do you organize the data in the CSV/File

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Exporting DGV Cell With Time Format?

Dec 30, 2011

I am trying to export cells in a DGV that has time formatting. The data for the cells is stored in an Access database that also is set for date and time. My problem is when I export the DGV to excel, the date and time show up as pound symbols until i click on the cell, and it adds the current date with the time even though in the app I only put in the time. All I want is the time to show up in the Excel cells and not to have it show up as pound signs.


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VS 2005 Time Field When Exporting DataGridView Data To Excel?

Oct 6, 2009

I have a DataGridView that I'm loading into Excel through the use of an ADODB.Recordset. It works fine, except for a column I have that displays the time. Not the current time, but the time when a file was sent. It displays correctly in the DataGridView but displays 12:00 AM for every row in excel. I'm adding it to the DataGridView like this:

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VS2010 Relating 3 Tables On One Form?

Dec 4, 2010

I am building a library database for a local charity using Visual Basic 2010 and I need to get the lending structure working properly, to that end I have created a dummy project to test my code.

This what I have done so far

I have started a WindowsFormApplication and to that I have added a ServiceBasedDatabase.

NB. For speed I have abbreviated the fields... A=Author, U=User, LN=LastName, FN=FirstName

In Database1.mdf, I have added 3 Tables with the following columns, and also added some dummy records to test it.

Table 1
T1ID int Nulls disallowed Primary Key Identity Specification On
ALN varchar(50) Nulls allowed
AFN varchar(50) Nulls allowed


How do I add a second table search so I can browse both Table 1 & 2 simultaneously?

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Get Access To Information Relating To 'Application Configuration' For The .Net Framework?

Jan 22, 2009

where I can get access to information relating to 'Application Configuration' for the .Net Framework?

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VS 2008 Relationships In VS When Relating From Long To Auto-number

Jun 15, 2009

i'm having trouble with the relationships in VS when relating from long to Autonumber.I got an answer that fields should be declared integer, but ACCESS explicity states that fields realting to autonumber must be delared long.

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Add Reference Object Libraries Relating To Excel And None Are Available To Select From Directory?

Jan 11, 2012

I'm looking to add reference object libraries relating to excel and none are available to select from my directory. I have Microsoft Office Excel 2010 Express installed. Where can I retrieve this object library (and others?). Looking to import and export data to/from excel.

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Fair Few Posts That Everyone Uses SearchLite?

Sep 12, 2011

just a quick question, i have seen i a Fair Few posts that everyone uses SearchLite ... WTF is it?

<span class="searchlite">

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VS 2010 Parsing Xml Posts?

Mar 14, 2012

I am using the xmldocument (loadxml) and xmlPathNavigator to parse xml files I am compiling through a incoming stream. The first point of processing the files is to split the file into the different entries and add those to a list. I do this using either xmlPathNavigator or string.split if either one fails.At times both will fail because of some issue in the xml and would still like to salvage the file contents without having to fix the xml. I tried to use regex parsing but its not producing the content as I would like. I use the following code but in the end I do not get all the contents of the entry, only those between some of the tags.


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ASP.NET GridView DropDownList Posts Empty Value

Feb 23, 2012

I'm having trouble with a DropDownList within a GridView that posts a NULL value when in fact a value is selected from the list when using inline editing.

The problem is that I can't use this method to bind the value to the UpdateCommand in my SqlDataSource:

SelectedValue='<%# Bind("Value") %>'

The reason for this is because the value might not exist in the list so it throws an exception.

Is there a way I can bind the value to the UpdateCommand without using SelectedValue?

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Unable To Retrieve Posts By Category - MVC 3?

Sep 29, 2011

I am writing a basic blog application to learn mvc 3. I have problems retrieving posts by category. The url looks like /Blog/Browse/Category_Name. I can get the posts if i hard code a value for category. So it would seem that Category_Name is not getting pass to my EF statement in my controller. the category had a period in it so it was not matching.

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VS 2010 Small Doubts While Reading Other Posts?

Sep 21, 2010

While I was reading some posts, I got stuck at certain lines.

Public Class IP_ADAPTER_INFO Public [Next] As IntPtr Why the square brackets ?

Dim Count As Integer = RichTextBox.Text.Split(","c).Length What's the use of character c in above code?

View 9 Replies - Telerik Upload Control In DNN Just Posts Back Without Uploading?

Jul 13, 2011

Ultimately, what I would like to do is upload files directly into the database, so I updated this question with the code I'm using to write to the database. I am developing a module in DotNetNuke using Telerik controls. I need to upload files to the server in the user interface, so I am using the RadUpload control and the RadProgressArea/RadProgressManager.

Here is my ASP:

<telerik:RadUpload ID="RadUpload1" runat="server" ControlObjectsVisibility="CheckBoxes, RemoveButtons, ClearButtons"
AllowedFileExtensions=".doc,.docx,.pdf,.tiff,.gif,.jpg,.jpeg,.xls,.xlsx" MaxFileInputsCount="2"
MaxFileSize="10000000" InitialFileInputsCount="2">


When I hit the button, it does a postback to the page, but the files do not get uploaded. I tried using the autoupload functions and specifying pysical and virtual paths but that didn't work. I did it exactly like they said. I manually registered the controls in my web.config, then removed them and used the auto-register feature to re-register thinking maybe I did something wrong, but I'm still at a loss.

Here's where I spent the last couple hours:
[Upload Overview][3]
[Files are not uploaded][4]

get this upload control and progress indicator working?

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Get Quote Posts In A Richtextbox And Then Add The New Post To The Database And Display It?

Feb 26, 2010

i want to quote posts in a richtextbox and then add the new post to the database and display it?

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Working With Listview And Database - Searching Back The Old Posts?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a listview attached to a dbase app I am working on, the last column has a price value and I would like to create a total value for this column in a label or text box below the listview control.I was searching back the old posts looking for some pointers or a code snippet that would do this, but was unable to find anything. i'm using vb 2008.

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C# - Convert A Date And Time To UTC Time Based On The Time Zone Of The User?

Sep 6, 2009

I have an ASP.NET application with a SQL Server back end. I am storing all my dates in UTC format and doing the appropriate conversions to the local time zone of the browser viewing it. One of the pages asks for a start date and end date (no times).

I am taking the start date and setting the time to 00:00:00 hours (midnight) and I'm taking the End time and adding a time of 23:59:59, so that the date range covers the whole day. Now what I'm trying to do is do a SQL query to do a search for records in this date range. The problem is, the data in SQL is in UTC time and the user is typing their dates and times in their local date and times. My quickest solution was to convert the date and time to UTC, then search the records. However, by doing this, I am to believe ASP.NET converts the given time and date to UTC based on the server time zone. How can I convert a date and time to UTC time based on the time zone of the user?

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Exporting A Report To PDF?

Jul 19, 2010

What code can I use to export a report in microsoft reportViewer to a .PDF file? I do not want to use the export button embedded in the report viewer. I have to code my own button.If it feels like life is crashing down on you, check for null references.

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Exporting DataTable To CSV?

May 26, 2006

I am attempting to create a CSV file based on a datatable I am using in VB.NET

I can successfully write the data table to CSV format however my problem is that because the default data type for the columns in the CSV file are General ,any Text I pass through with Numbers in it that are preceded with zeroes (i.e. "001") will get written to the CSV file as "1" without the 0's. I need this to be treated as a text string so "001" gets written in to the CSV file.

Is there any way to do wthis or specify through code what data type the column will be?

Here is a sample if the code I am using:


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Exporting From Sqlserver To Xml?

Aug 14, 2009

I need to be able to export data from an sqlserver to an xml file (just a flat data dump) using visual basic coding - using just your basic select statement.

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Wpf :: Exporting Canvas To Xps Vb?

Apr 26, 2012

I tried to export my canvas to a file. First I tried to export it to a png and it worked fine, everything looks the same as on the canvas.After that I modified my code to export to a xps file.

Dim thePack As IO.Packaging.Package = IO.Packaging.Package.Open(path.LocalPath,IO.FileMode.Create)
Dim doc As New Xps.Packaging.XpsDocument(thePack)


View 1 Replies - Exporting Data To Excel ?

Sep 28, 2011

I am unable to export my data into excel.

Dim sqlString As String = "spExportRateProfile" & Session("OfficeNumber") & "," & Session("SalesRepID")
Dim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(Utils.GetConfigKey("ConnectionStringVimas"))

What do I need do after this to export my data to excel?

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Error Exporting To Excel

Aug 15, 2011

I am trying to export a datagridview ti excel, but i get an error I do not quite understand.I have made two click-events using two buttons looking like this: [code]Button 1 fills the datagridview and in works, but when I get try button two I get an invalid index error pn the line highlighted in red.

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Exporting A Datagridveiw To Excel?

Apr 10, 2009

I am exporting a datagridveiw to excel, this works fine. As of now there are columns and headers that i needed to add to the excel data that did not exist in the datagridveiw. This also works fine, the data is held in cells a2:f2, now i want to take this data in these columns and filldown to the last filled row of the excel sheet. In this example lets say i have 49 rows of information, i want to take a2:f2 and copy it down to the 49 row of the excel form. Below is the entire code of the export process, i have noted where i need this code to go with , i am not sure if i should just use a for loop, which i have tried to no avail.


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Exporting A DataGridView To Excel?

Mar 13, 2006

I have a datagridview(DGV) which contains data based on a user selections from a pre-defined dataset

In point form:

User starts program

program builds datatable

user opens file and program read all data from file into the dataset.datatable

user defines the data they want to see

program displays datagrid based on dataset.datatable and user choices. (basically it displays the whole dataset and removes unwanted columns

I want to be able to export the datagrid to excel (not sure which method yet). I have tried the excelexporter component i found somewhere on the msdn forums (it exports the data to look exactly like the datagridview) but its painfully slow. It exports something in the region of 100 records per minute. Most of the time, the datagridview can contain anywhere from 3000-32,000 records. As such, at 100 records per minute, the excel generation can take updwards of 50minutes. Unacceptably slow for the purposes of the program.

What do people recommend as the best method to quickly dump the contents of a datagrid into excel. By quickly, im talking at the speed of about 10,000 records per minute. In all honesty, anything over 5000 records per minute will be fast enough, but the quicker the better!

Is there a way of creating a new dataset.datatable that is built of the contents of the datagridview and then building an excel sheet by connecting to the new dataset?

I would like to be able to export to Excel 2000-2003 at a minimum, but if i can do excel 97 as well it won't hurt.

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Exporting A Table To Excel?

Aug 23, 2010

I need to export data from a sql table into an existing excel spreadsheet (not create a new one) in Visual Studio 2008.

Here is the code I am using:

Dim SecFileName
As String =
"C: est estfile.xlsx"


I get an error saying the external table is not in the correct format. I assume taht means the existing spreadsheet. But I have verified that I have the same number of fields (i.e. columns) as the spreadsheet I am inserting the data into.

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