Retrieve The "i" Values From Higher Levels?

Jun 20, 2012

I want to run something like this:

For a = 0 To 4
For b = a To 4
For c = b To 4


What would be the best way to retrieve the "i" values from higher levels? Should I store them in an array?

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.net Winforms Application, Memory Usage Goes Higher And Higher Never Comes Down?

Sep 27, 2010

We have a .net win forms application, using .net 3.5. Application runs from a terminal server, users access it with Citrix client. when users run this app memory usage goes higher and hiher and it never comes back. even tough we put objects with dispose and set to nothing also the memory usage is not comming down. it starts wuth 75 mb and goes up to 500 mb. it is a 32 bit application.

how can we find the exact problem with the application. the bahaviour is almost same when we run our development box locally.

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How Could Retrieve The Rtf Values From The Database

Sep 16, 2009

I stored rtf format directly into the database. Like in database


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How To Post And Retrieve Values From API

Oct 18, 2009

I am trying to use eBay API and I have already signed up and connected to their API, now I don't know the VB.NET code needed to retrieve the information, such as "GeteBayOfficialTime" is a command I can use for their API, but how do I go about connecting and requesting "GeteBayOfficialTime"?

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Forms :: How To Retrieve Values From The Database

Jun 7, 2012

i am new to and dont have any idea about using datareader.i am right now doing a project on and am facing an issue.i have a form, where in i have to select the matching records from the database and show it in various textfields. as far as the query execution is concerned, i have successfully completed it, but i am facing an issue now. Suppose, i have an Id of a student, and he has registered for 3 courses, when i give the query something like select students.studentid,courseid,midtermmarks,finalterm marks from marks,students where students.studentid=course.studentid;it gives me multiple doubt is, when i get multiple records, and which is true(in the case a student has registered for multiple courses), how can i traverse through the resultset and fetch the values in the respective textfields.

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Retrieve Cell Values From A Datagridview?

Nov 29, 2009

I am trying to retrieve cell values from a datagridview.I am trying to use the DataGridView.Item().Value property to pull each cell value into a temp variable to it can be added up, but for some reason it is not accepting any variables that I use to count the rows, only integer values.Here is an example of the code I am using.

Dim tempVariable as Decimal
Dim i as Integer
Dim Total as Decimal


For some reason it does not like the variable i, and only wants integer values.

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Retrieve Checkbox Selected Values?

Jun 24, 2012

I want to retrieve checkbox selected values from sql database such that the selected checkbox list values get ticked in the form![code]...

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Retrieve Data Values To Checkbox?

Apr 23, 2010

With this code above I would like to retrieve the data values, like sex, to checkboxs. So If the value of the field in database is "Male" my checkbox4 must be checked, case else checkbox3 must be checked.[code]...Retrieve Data Values To Checkbox?

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Retrieve Values Out Of Complex XML Schema?

Mar 11, 2010

My problem is I want to be able to read through this xml document and populate a winform before validating it and then storing it into a table.[code]...

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Store And Retrieve Values From Web.config?

Apr 24, 2009

I built a small website and there will be only one admin, so in the admin panel I am asking for a password with a value that I do not retrieve from a database, I just hard coded it in the function in code behind, I know this is wrong though I don't know why.

So is hard coding it in web.config the right thing to do? and how?

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Query Table Retrieve Filtered Values?

May 24, 2011

I am trying to Query a table with data from another table and return a filtered result

Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each lrow In dtlist.Rows()
Dim lat As Double = dtlist.Rows(i)("Latitude") 'CDbl(Me.SubjLat_txt.Text)
Dim lon As Double = dtlist.Rows(i)("Longitude") 'CDbl(Me.SubjLon_txt.Text)


Obviously doesnt work but the idea is thats the Value i need to put in the Value Column of dtlist In short the project, loops through one table(dtlist) of address's and gets the distances of it from the address's in the second table(dtsold) then gets the higest value from dtsold within a certain distance?

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Retrieve Number Of Unique Values In An String

Mar 17, 2012

I am trying to populate an array with all the unique values in a string, to prevent me ReDim'ing an array every time I find a value that not already contained in the array I am trying to create (consumes alot of time), I am trying to get the unique values first so I only have to ReDim once and after that I can simply iterate through the string and the array I have will be the correct size for the unique values I aquire (I am using this...)


View 2 Replies - Retrieve A Comma-delimited String Of Values From A Text Box?

Nov 3, 2010

I have a textbox AND 3 checkboxes; checkbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3

In textbox we have 1,2,3

If I type in textbox1 = 1,2 then

checkbox1 and checkbox2 will be checked and checkbox3 will remain unchecked.....

How to do this in

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InvalidCastException - Retrieve Values From A Look Up Table With The SelectedRows Method?

Nov 28, 2011

I'm trying to retrieve values from a look up table with the selectedRows method. But i'm getting the exception InvalidCast. It says: Conversion from string "Codigo" to type'Integer' is not valid. Well my code is varchar not numeric.

frmMovimientos.codDestino = dgLook.SelectedRows("Codigo").ToString
frmMovimientos.desDestino = dgLook.SelectedRows("Descripcion").ToString
Catch ex As Exception[code]....

View 9 Replies

Retrieve And Set Values From A Runtime Created Text Boxes?

Oct 30, 2011

Retrieve and set values from a runtime created text boxes. following code is what i wrote to create a textbox in my form.[code]...

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Save GridView Column Values And Retrieve Them Without Using A Database?

Apr 30, 2010

I would like to save Gridview with all of the columns value and reload the same grid without using database?

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Purchase Order Database GUI - Retrieve Multiple Table Values?

Dec 7, 2010

i apologize if this isnt up to your developer lingo, i really do lack proper developer/English skills)Just for starters this request is 100% not some student trying to get you guys to finish my project, this is purely for educational and personal information for myself.Scenario: (brief)(i am using Visual Studio 2010)I am wanting to build a project that generates a printable purchase orders report and retreieves and save the entered details to a access Database (MDB).

In the purchase order application im trying to develop i want a user to be able to select existing clients from n table in the access DB. in which will then fill a portion of the CLIENT detail section in the application. i want to then be able to uses these client details to create a unquie purchase order ID containing all client details aswell as the purchase order list for that client this such as products and labor or whatever is inputted in the fields. (I have attached a screen shot of a brief example of the form layout, might give you more idea. - screen shot made in VISIO)


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VS 2010 Retrieve And Set Values From A Runtime Created Text Boxes?

Oct 30, 2011

Public Class Form1
Private tb = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Dim posx As Integer = 0


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Retrieve The Two Database Colum Values To Textbox As Comma Separated String?

Dec 30, 2010

If i have two textboxes textbox1 & textbox2 and button1 in my ASP.NET and SQL Server database

Database records are:
ID Date Seats
1 15-Dec-2010 1,2


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Different Levels For A BASIC Game?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm trying to make a game in Visual Basic, but I can't figure out how to add in different levels.

Essentially, what I'm looking for is the Tab Control, minus the tabs. On a different note, is there a way to make a group of controls? Like instead of

TextBox1.Text = "Hello"
TextBox2.Text = "Hello"

I could have something along the lines of TextBoxGroup.Text = "Hello"

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VS 2008 High And Low Levels

Dec 15, 2009

whats the difference with high and low level of programming

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VS 2008 Log-in User Levels

Jan 10, 2010

i have a login form and it has 3 user levels - admin, manager & accountant - which have limited privileges using the system. For ex., if admin logged in, this user can access the whole system; if manager logged in, this user can only access the employee records; & accountant user can only access the payroll.

i actually have the idea but because i lack knowledge about, i don't know how to code it.


At the main menu, buttons are enabled & disabled depending on the user level that was entered.

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VS 2010 Value Higher Than 10?

Apr 20, 2010

For some reason when i run a script to move an image based on an entered value the image stops moving on any value higher than 10, and i cant figure out why. here is a sample script

Sub RedmoveClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim X As Integer
Dim y As Integer


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Add Data At Different Levels From Different Tables In A Database?

Jun 12, 2009

hello everyone, i m using treeview control in vb .net . How do we usee a recursive function to add data at different levels from different tables in a database.

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Fill A TreeView, 25 Levels Deep?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm looking for a recursive subroutine.I have the dataset from sql-server with in the datasource-table a parent- and a child-column.
I made a routine to put the parent-nodes in the tree.The problem starts with the childs over so many levels.I can write it out but it is to much code, I'm sure it can be done more efficient with a recursive subroutine.

.tv_Ana.Nodes(A).Nodes(B).Nodes(C).Nodes(D).Nodes(E).Nodes(F).Nodes(G).Nodes(H).Nodes.Add(Trim(sLev_nI + "-" + row_nI("MidCod").ToString()))

The tree will be about 25 levels deep.A few days ago I saw a recursive subroutine to fill the childnodes without the above difficulty to write alle the levels in code.That example I cannot find it any more, but it had a line of code more or less like this here below:

Nodes As TreeNodeCollection = tv.Nodes(A).Nodes

but it doesn't work yet!

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Sql - Creating Treeview With Multiple Levels?

Mar 20, 2012

I have a requirement to create a multi level treeview in ASP.Net (with VB) but I am completely stuck on how to start this. Currently my treeview is a fixed 2 level approach but now I need to rewrite this to be more dynamic and support extra levels being added into our database tables.So this treeview needs to support as many levels as needed without having to rewrite any code each time we want to add new level, Ideally we will just insert the data at the database level.I think I have the database part designed correctly, I created 2 tables Menu and MenuItemsMenu has 2 columns ItemID and ChildIDMenuItems has 2 columns ItemID and Description Doing this query:

menu.Child_ID ,


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Two Levels Of Linking In Crystal Reports?

Jan 30, 2010

Let's say I have three lists: Departments, Divisions, and Groups. A Department is made up of Divisions, which in turn is made up of Groups.The Divisions have the Department ID as a foreign key. The Groups have the Division ID as a foreign key.I'd like to produce a report that looks like this:


But since I can't include a subreport within a subreport, I'll need to go about it some other way. Is there a way to do this?

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.net - Get Information From A Higher Class?

Jun 2, 2010

I have 3 classes: Server, Database, and Table. Each class has a "Name" property. How I want it to work is that each server can have multiple databases and each database can have multiple tables. So in the Server class I have this property.


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Display Powers Higher Than 3?

Nov 6, 2010

I've been designing a Interactive Maths Quiz to test students on the modules they've supposedly learnt, but am having trouble getting the textboxes to display the question as i want them.I need to write things like x3 and x-5 but can't get it to work. To get 2 and 3 i copied and pasted off a word document, and that works, it displays it no problem. I tried the same with others and it just displays a box.

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Possible To Write A Byte Higher Than 255?

Sep 12, 2010

We were currently working with our thesis regarding file compression and selected LZW compression. So far, we know how to work on it but we were stucked on how to write a byte.LZW uses 256 and up for the code table because 0 to 255 was used for a single byte.url...Our problem was we don't know how to write a byte higher than 255, s it possible, and read it as it is? Or, different way on how to do it?

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