Run A Code Under A Button For X Times?

Aug 21, 2009

I would like to know how i can easly run a code under a button for x times?

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Call A Sub About 10 Times Under A Button

Aug 22, 2009

I call a sub about 10 times under a button, is there any trick to know in the sub code, if it is the first called sub running or the 2nd...?

getResults(0, 10)
getResults(10, 10)


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Messagebox Comes Twice Times If Ok Button Click

Mar 28, 2009

I Have a little problem i have 2 date timepickers on my form

the following code i have[code]...

if i press oke button in the messagebox the mesagebox comes twice timesi just want to show it only oncewhat can i do about it

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Why Is Code 7 Times Slower Than VBA

Feb 29, 2012

I have spent years writing VBA code that has got increasingly complicated. For the first time, I came across the error in VBA "Out Of String Space" when dealing with a 200MB CSV file.To overcome this I copied and pasted all the code over to VB.NET, compiled changed a few errors and ran the new code. The VB.Net takes 15mins, when VBA took 3 mins.For instance,Previously, to read the contents of the CSV file in VBA I used the code,Dim whole_str As String

Open file_path for Input As #1
whole_str = Input$(LOF(1),1)
Close #1


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Put A Timer To Click A Button Every 1 Minute For 3 Times?

Mar 15, 2010

is it possible to put a timer to click a button every 1 minute for 3 times with 10 millseconds from one click to the next click automatically

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Reuse Code Multiple Times?

Nov 13, 2010

How can I tell something to use a code without completely adding it in that sub again? I have some code that will be used alot within my program. I could write a DLL, but I don't know how to use those!

Here is my code:

Dim str1 As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Me.OpenFileDialog1.FileName)
Dim s2 As String = str1.Replace(".[1gs5]", "a")
s2 = s2.Replace(".[u775]", "b")
s2 = s2.Replace(".[fsef]", "c")


View 4 Replies - Prevent Button Click 2 Times In Update Panel?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a button which is in update panel. When I click on button then it click event run two times. How can I prevent second time click event?

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Forms :: Make A Button Click Only So Many Times Until It Becomes Disabled

Jan 17, 2010

I would like to know how to make a button click only so many times until it becomes disabled.

I would also like to know how to keep what is put in a RichTextBox there, without erasing the other text;

Example: Two buttons, the first puts "1" into the RTB, and the second puts "2" into the RTB. However when I press the second button, it over writes the first value.

How can I prevent this?

You Can Ignore this question below;

Old Question: I am working on a counter, and want to know how to make a button show itself if I hid it.

I have:


And would like to know how to make one of the buttons visible again, with one big button.

I know it has something to do with an "If" statement.

Answer: Button#.Show()

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How Many Times A User Clicks Left Mouse Button

Jul 6, 2011

I'm running a survey to count how many times a user clicks the left mouse button. But the mouse click applies outside of the form, even applies to clicking start or other locations of the of the PC when the form has been minimized with a NotifyIcon. I know how to count the mouse clicks within a form but not outside the form. Somehow I feel I need to use a timer event but need it to apply outside the form. The timer tick event doesn't have a e.button event or mouse down event or mouse click for that matter. Whats a good way to get this function to apply outside the form?

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How Many Times Click On Play Button It Continually Flashes

May 12, 2011

i am having a weird issue with VS 2008 when i go to debug my program. When i click on the play button to run the program it flashes real quick and goes back to the VB IDE. No matter how many times i click on the play button it continually flashes and then goes back without displaying my form window or anything.What type of setting would i need to change in order to correct this issue? I've been through most settings in the "my project" section and i do not see anything that could be causing it to do something like this.My older vb apps I've made seem to work just fine when i click the play button on them. Only noticed this problem whenever i go and make a new vb app.

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One Button Click To Execute External File 2 Times?

May 12, 2012

having dramas with closing mysql portable with the command


CALL binmysqlinmysqladmin.exe -uroot -p123 shutdown I need to execute the batch file twice for the mysql to shut down in the full blown version it works great.

so whatg i was thinking is using button to execute the batch file 2 times from one click.

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Change Code To Work A Certain Number Of Times?

Dec 23, 2011

My code gets a list of words from a txt file and chooses the words randomly. However, the same word can appear more than once and i need to know how to stop this from happeningHere is the code:

Dim aryName As String() = Nothing
aryName = File.ReadAllLines(Application.StartupPath & "Randomfnames.txt")
Dim randomWords As New List(Of String)


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Computer Has Crashed A Few Times While I Was Last Working On Code?

Apr 5, 2012

I am working on an OpenGL Visual Basic 2010 Express project using Tao.dlls.My computer has crashed a few times while I was last working on my code.Since then There has been some side effects such as intelisense and autocomplete not working when I load the project, even after checking the options and settings for them.When I start a new project on the other hand the features work again.Also when this OpenGL code is run:

glutMotionFunc(AddressOf MouseMotionGUI)

I get:

BadImageFormatException unhandeld
An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000B)

This code was working fine before my computer crashed and probably corrupted some files.

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Saving Code To Reference Multiple Times?

Jan 10, 2011

I have a block of code which is used to save some information to a text file. I need to use this a few different times in my app.I could just copy and paste it each time but that seems messy and is adding unnecessary code. I'm sure I can just save the code once and reference it when I need to. I think it's done in either a module or a class or something

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VS 2010 Looping Code X Number Of Times?

Apr 3, 2011

Okay, so basically I'm trying to have my application randomly select items from a (multiselect) listbox. I want the user to enter the amount of items they would like randomly selected and it should all happen at the same time. I have the random shuffle down but it only selects one song each time you click the button. How can I loop this code as many times as the user specifies in the textbox?

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
Dim shuffle As New Random
Main.songlist.SelectedIndex = shuffle.Next(0, Main.songlist.Items.Count - 1)


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Auto-click Button1 Infinite Times With A Start Button?

Sep 3, 2009

I was just wondering if it's possible to autoclick a button without having to use the mouse hover or mouse click. I want my program to autoclick the button infinite times or as commanded by the start and stop button.

I want to click the button1 every 1 second until the stop button is clicked without using the mouse (X,Y) method if possible or which ever way is best.

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Cause A Button In Visual Basic To Automatically Click Multiple Times?

Dec 9, 2009

I want my calculate button to automatically click multiple times upon the user clicking it once because it seems that it only works properly if it is clicked multiple times... I'm not sure if there is an error in my code.

Public Class frmford
Dim Make, Model, InitialPrice, Options, AirConditioningTax, GST, PST, Total, Subtotal, Finance, Months, RoofRack, SunRoof, SideAirBags, TintedGlass,


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Get The Calculate Button To Automatically Click 4-5 Times Upon The User Clicking It Once?

Dec 9, 2009

I want my calculate button to automatically click 4-5 times upon the user clicking it once because it seems that it only works properly if it is clicked multiple times...

View 10 Replies

VS 2008 Repeat The Function Of The Button The Number Of Times As In The Textbox

Aug 26, 2011

I need a textbox where you can add a number and if you press a button that it will repeat the function of the button the number of times as in the textbox.

View 9 Replies

Coding A Product That Clicks On Code Thousands Of Times?

Apr 13, 2011

how to create a code that clicks on a certain product on a web site thousands of times?

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Copy And Paste Code A Few Times And Rename The Questions

Dec 31, 2011

A while ago I wrote a quick and very very simple program to test myself on about 10 questions I needed to remember the answer to. I made a form with a label, text box and button. the label contained the question and the answer was entered into the textbox and the button was pressed to check the answer. the code i used was very similar to this:[code] Because I only had 10 questions it was fine to copy and paste the code a few times and rename the questions but now i am going to use this again but for a lot more questions (in the end there will be a couple of hundred) so i was wondering if any one knew a better way to do this? I was thinking maybe an array like 1 to hold the questions and 1 to hold the answers but i haven't worked much with arrays so I'm not sure how difficult this would be ?

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Having A Selection Of Code Once To Use Multiple Times In Differnet Places

Jun 8, 2011

I know that title is kinda miss leading, but i couldnt figure out another way to explain it. I know theres a way, but I dont know how to do it.Ive got a Save code that I have about 5 differnet times in my application. How do I make it so that I can just type in something like Do Save, and it locates the save code and follows it through, then returns to where it was.

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Looping Code Is Adding Values Multiple Times?

Feb 17, 2011

Looping code is adding my values multiple times

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Multiple Times To Test It Out Sometimes Adding Code And/or Changing It?

Jun 6, 2012

I have written a program and have used it (in debug mode) multiple times to test it out sometimes adding code and/or changing it. After a while any code I wrote or new buttons or features I added to the form would not appear while debugging. I don't know what circumstances led to this.

The only solution I found was to rewrite my code from scratch, however, the problem came back after a while. I don't know what is going on and I can't move on without starting all over again.

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Piece Of Code To Only Execute Scoring Algorithm At Certain Times

Dec 15, 2011

I have a standard scoring algorithm but I need to help on a piece of code to only execute the scoring algorithm at certain times.I want it to be triggered by dates, but the problem arises if the program is used after 2 (or more) dates have passed, the first date will not be added as the second date is the newest and therefore the one that triggers the scoring algorithm. - The scoring algorithm gets the scores for that week, which are stored in a text file.

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Count The Number Of Times A Button Is Pressed While An Item Is Selected From A ListBox?

Feb 8, 2012

The List Box has three candidates and a record Button. Every time the record button is hit I need it to add those button clicks for each candidate that is selected in the List Box. My code keeps counting all the clicks no matter which candidate I am selecting in the List Box. How can I differentiate between each selected item in the List Box. Here is an image of how the application should look: [URL] Public Class Form1


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Forms :: Press And HOLD A Button Down Not Just Pressing/spamming It Fast 200 Times?

Feb 21, 2009

Im kinda new to visual basic, and after a days of googling and searching, i havent got answer for this So, i wanna press and HOLD a button down, not just pressing/spamming it fast 200 times. something like sendkeys.send("{HOLD W}"), not like sendkeys.send("{W 200}")Anyone know answer for this? (Answer to unhold would be nice too :') )

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Make The WebBrowser1 Refresh Infinite Amount Of Times With A Click Of A Button?

Nov 25, 2008

how i can make the WebBrowser1 refresh an infinite amount of times really fast and with a click of a button?This is the code i have right now:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

End SubThe above code only makes the webBrowser1 refresh 1 time, but i want it to refresh infinite times with a click of a button.

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Number Shown On Label Gets Stuck At 1 No Matter How Many Times Press Button

Mar 8, 2010

Why isn't this working? The number shown on the label gets stuck at 1 no matter how many times I press the button. [code]

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Outlook Context Menu (add-in) Button Fires Multiple Times Per One Click?

Mar 5, 2010

So I've got this context menu working out except that the event behind the actual selection of the menu item seems to fire multiple times. First time I click it, it fires once, then twice, then 3 times. So, in the example I just gave, for 3 clicks it would have fired a total of 6 times (1 + 2 + 3). Why is that?

Below is my code on how I'm creating the menu items. I stripped it down to the relevant pieces; I omitted things like .Tag, .Visible, and .Caption properties. I'm building this using .NET 3.5 and VS 2008.


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