System Time Controlled Dialog Boxes?

Oct 2, 2009

I'm rather new to programming in general, but I have written a rather useful program for the company I work for. What I am trying to do is control the way a dialog box is displayed. I want a dialog box to pop up at certain times like 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, etc.

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System Time Controlled Forms/dialogs?

Sep 25, 2009

I'm relatively new to visual basic and programming all together but I've managed to write a pretty useful program for my division. I am trying to add some more functionality however and that's why I'm here...because I am having trouble understanding how to make a windows dialog box pop up after the system time reaches a certain time.

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Auto-answer Dialog Boxes?

Apr 1, 2009

I am writing a program for FEMAP API interface in VB 2008 Express. Some API commands open user dialog boxes which requires yes or OKcancel inputs. So much for automation "Sendkeys" do not work, because code execution stalls at the line which opens the dialog boxes. I need stg that runs in parallel, watches for these dialog boxes, and sends the right keystroke at the right time.

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Run Time Control Creation - Add X-number Of Text Boxes At Run Time

Jun 9, 2011

Just getting started in VB.NET. I would like to add X-number of text boxes at run time. And then be able to address them by their index or some sequential numerical value (like an array)

This is what I have so far:


When I turn this into a loop to create multiple toolboxes, how do I assign a name to the controls, or will all of them be named "MyTextBox" ? I'll increment their position so thats no problem.

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Disabling Own Outlook Security Dialog Boxes?

Oct 16, 2009

I'm programming a mass emailer for my newsletter using Outlook.Everything is working great except for two security dialog boxes...The first is how long I should give my application and the second is "if I should let my program send out the email".I do really understand this is perfect security but I need to have Outlook trust my application.These newsletters are going to 1000 people and this would be really tedious if I had to click each dialog box.

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Making A Program That Has Lots Of Dialog Boxes?

Apr 6, 2011

I am completely new to Visual Studio 2010 and don't know anything about coding.I'm making a program that has lots of dialog boxes. When a user clicks Ok on the dialog, I need it to close the existing dialog box, and open another dialog I made, and so on. Does anyone know how to do this?I'm using version 10.0.30319.1 of Microsoft Visual Basic 2010. English version

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Stop Multiple Dialog Boxes Displaying?

Jul 14, 2010

I have a very annoying problem and I'm trying to find the simplest solution possible, but I seem to keep complicating it.

My program displays a custom dialog box using the ShowDialog function (I create this form using a New constructor), but while my program waits for input in the dialogbox, my program continues to run other code, (I'm assuming initiated from other messages, but I still can't find good information on this, so as an aside to this topic does anyone have a reference about this), and arrives at this same point where the dialog box is to be displayed and displays it. So I end up getting a flood of dialog boxes.

My goal is prevent this excessive amount of dialog boxes. If the program arrives at this dialog initiation point I would like it to wait/pause until the first dialog box is finished.

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Supress Dialog Boxes Generated By Imported DLL's?

Feb 9, 2010

I'm using a DLL in my program that is free to use in non commercial environments and it generates a dialog box every time I debug my program to remind you that it's not free for commercial use etc.. At first I couldn't care less about the popup dialog box but when your programming all day it gets really annoying. is there a way to suppress those popup dialog boxes or do I just need to go to my happy place and ignore them when they pop up?

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Downloading File With WebBrowser And JavaScript Without Dialog Boxes?

May 21, 2012

I know this topic is all over the web, but I seem to have a combination of issues that is either not addressed or I can't figure out that they are addressed. Here is what I am doing. I am using Webbrowser to log into a a website and navigate to a specific page, enter some query criteria and click a "search" button. This button produces a table of files that fit the criteria. I then go through the table,navigating to the file names and compare against my database to see if I want to download. This all works well.

The issue: there is no URL behind these file names. It is a JavaScript. I am able to call the file with invokemember("click") but I get the pesky dialog box or Open or Save. Then I get the directory dialog box.

I have tried sendkeys, trie to capture the Webbrowser_downloadFile event, tried ObjectForScripting(not sure I did that correctly), all to no avail. I have tried to use WebClient, but since I do not have and actual URL for the file, I did not expect it to work. I can navigate to the href attribute, but not sure how to use it.


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Show Messagebox/play Sound When System Time = Time Displayed In Listview?

Nov 13, 2010

Basically i'm trying making a task manager program for myself. I want to know how I can display a message box and or play a sound when system time = time displayed in listview. I have used a dropdown box for the user to select which option they would like to select - sound or message box to popup. The data for the task will be stored in a listview box. I want it so that when the date and the time is = to the date and time set for the reminder the action will follow.Here is my code so far:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim notext As String = ""
If TextBox1.Text = notext Then[code]....

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Get SNTP Time - User Can Changes The System Time Of His Computer To A Advancing Date?

Jan 24, 2012

I'm using

Days = Dat2.Subtract(Dat1).Days


Dat2 = today

Dat1 = installed date

to trace the days of a program installed in user's computer.However, the user can changes the system time of his computer to a advancing date. How can I get a SNTP time from internet to solve this problem?

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Timers.timer Lossing Time When Compared It To System Time

Mar 19, 2012

When I run my app at first its keeps time accurately for the first minute or so there after it starts loosing seconds, and by the end of the day its minutes behind.I've created a class called ServerTimeTimer that has a timers.timer object that elapses every second and adds a second to a dateTime variable, and a property to retrieve the date time.[code]

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Sum Seven Text Boxes With Time?

Mar 11, 2010

I would like to know how to sum seven text boxes with time in

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Dialog Box Pop Up A Second Time After Clicking The OK Button?

Mar 22, 2009


Why does my dialog box pop up a second time after clicking the OK Button? The program continues after clicking the OK Button on the second dialog box.Cliff

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Display A Dialog For A Period Of Time?

May 10, 2010

I am trying to display a dialog for a period of time. if the user is not present, I want it to close and perform a task. I am using a background worker, which is supposed to simulate a button click. It performs the button click fine, but the dialog never goes away.

Private Sub Backgroundworker_ProgressChanged() Handles BackgroundWorker1.ProgressChanged
If Me.BackgroundWorker1.WorkerReportsProgress >= 100 Then


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Now() Function Returns Date And Time Which Is Different From System Time

Nov 24, 2009

The Now() function in VB.NET returns date and time which is different from the system time that I see on the right-bottom on the notification bar. It is 15 hours slower than the system time. Has anyone ever met this problem? I'm using .NET 2.0.

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Disable Text Boxes For A Set Time?

Jun 23, 2010

I am using the log in feature that comes with

Public Class LoginForm1
' TODO: Insert code to perform custom authentication using the provided username and password
' (See


I need to know if it is possible to set (as I am going to put in after only if it is possible) a time delay, e.g. If a user gets the username and or password wrong 3 times it will disable for lets say 10 seconds, then after another two attempts for a minuet.

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Time Difference Between Six Text Boxes?

Jun 13, 2010

Time difference between six text boxes

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Adding Picture Boxes Every Time Text Changes

May 11, 2009

Basically im trying to add 4 new picture boxes everytime a specific text changes. This is a picture developer based off the binary of a number 1 - 10 I can get 4 to change everytime the text changes but i have no idea how to add 4 everytime the text changes. here is the coding i have so far.

Imports System.Drawing
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Make Lines Or Boxes In Design Time?

Jun 9, 2011

I have to make a lot of retangular boxes to make my program neat but i'm having a problem of adding boxes. I tried using the draw event in the tab page but everytime i scroll it will draw the lines again and messes up everything. Also when making a line greater that the tab page, autoscroll won't work.

Is there a way to make lines or boxes in design time?

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One Selection At A Time From Multi List Boxes?

Aug 8, 2011

ok.. just as it sounds.. I'm kinda making a document portal app for work.. has 4 list boxes going to 4 different drive locations.. for cosmetic reasons I want only the last box you clicked in to show a selected item.. so if you selected box 1 item and it was hilighted and then you went to box 2 and selected something I wanted box 1 to then dissapear.

I have some code written to handle this.. but its not working so well.. since I use the SelectedIndexChanged trigger to fire off another piece of code to unselect all the other windows.. those listboxes fire their triggers also because I have to call lstWord. SelectedIndex = -1 to make it not have something selected anymore.. and when you do that.. it calls its SelectedIndexChanged and ends up deselecting everything.. so wasnt sure if anyone had done something like this before.. seems like something that would have been done before.. but as you can imagine searching the web for "multi list box select only one at a time" or something you some strange results..

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Open/Save Dialog That Has Reduced Access To The System?

Dec 23, 2009

I am developing a Open/Save dialog that has reduced access to the system (no editting, moving or deleting existing files and folders). I have been succesful at achieving these goals now and I only have one thing left to tackle, but I can't figure it out yet.I want to change the things that are displayed in the top combobox. I want "My Computer" to be the top element and then show specified hard drives beneath it.

I have achieved all my previous goals by using hooks into the default dialogs and I wonder if my last problem could be solved in the same way.

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Save/Load Contents Of Many Text Boxes At The Same Time?

Jan 22, 2011

What i am looking to do is to be able to save/load all the values filled into a form. For example The user has entered the

name: "Tim"
address: "123 Fake Street"
phone: ""

And then saves. When the come back and load this i want to be able to load it back exactly like that so the can continue with what they are doing. And if there are to open a different person they can continue with that one where they stopped. I want to be able to save them all at once and load them at once.

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Split Date/time Into Separate Text Boxes?

Apr 3, 2009

Using the datetime function to determine lapse time. (Subtracting one from another.) Then placing the answer into two text boxes one with the date and one with the time, later to be placed in a database as two seperate fields. Was thinking I could convert the date/time to a string if necessary then use simple stringmanipulation.... however fear it won't be good programming and will effect resources and end program speed.

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Multiple Check Boxes - Cannot Get The Bold And Large Font To Work At The Same Time?

Oct 31, 2011

I have 3 check boxes on a form and am trying to code them to change the font in combinations of Large Font,Bold Font, and underline font.I coded the bold font check box and large font check box but cannot get the Bold and large font to work at the same time.

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Write A Program To Request Positive Numbers One At A Time From The User In An Input Dialog Box

May 12, 2009

I'm currently in VB class at my highschool and we just got chapter 6.1 to read on this online textbook that we follow. Anyway, we are doing loops now and the problem reads "Write a program to request positive numbers one at a time from the user in an input dialog box. The user should be instructed to enter -1 after all the positive numbers have been supplied. At that time, the program should display the sum of the numbers." So far I know this much


Now I know this isn't right But I can't find out how I'd pull out the numbers the user entered to get the sum of them and not include -1 because as it stands, when I hit ENTER with -1 the label just shows -1.

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Usb Modem Controlled By VB

Jan 26, 2012

We are having problem regarding on controlling the broadband with the use of visual basic. We need to transfer data from gsm to usb modem, and the usb modem will read the said data, and transfer it to a data base. Can the visual basic help us regarding our problem?

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Let My Query Being Controlled By A Checkedlistbox?

May 20, 2012

I have a Query which looks like this (in Query builder VS11)[code]...

so if a user selects the option 'programmeren' in chkbRequirementsm (= the name of a checkedlistbox) in the query it should start looking for all the programmeren with value True.

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Remote Controlled Browser In .net?

Jun 27, 2012

im working in a Statistics Company in my country working on the use of the internet. So as part of my project i thought i would make something like this ... I want to make a browser (which is something very but very simple and i have it ready) but i want this browser to be able to be viwed and controlled remotely by another person (my company) ... Of course people who will use it will be informed what they are doing ... It is in no way illegal while people are getting paid for this... My problem is that i dont know if it is even possible to be able to view and control my own browser remotely from my pc when it runs to another pc ... If it is possible can you please quide me on how to do this ?

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Sentinel Controlled Do While Loop?

Oct 20, 2009

I have an issue with my DO While loop (it has to be a DO While loop). It is supposed to loop until a value of -99999 is entered for the value of previousReadiing. The program works, and it will stop after -99999 is entered, but only after it goes through the rest of the loop.How do I get this to end rather than have to finish through the other input statements and calculating again?This is homework so I don't want the answer, but can I get a nudge in the right direction please?

Module ElectricBill
' program to compute a consumer�s electric bill. It will calculate the bill for one or more customers


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