.net - Label In Front Of Or In Multiple GroupBoxes?

Sep 12, 2011

This is in VB.NET 2003

I have a Form with a few GroupBoxes overlaying one another and being shown based on what the form's supposed to be showing at the moment.

What I want is to have a text object (label, textbox, whatever) be shown regardless of which GroupBox is visible at the moment. Labels that are not inside the GroupBox itself show up under it and are not visible (bringing to front doesn't help), similar issues with TextBoxes, Panels.. I don't know what else to use.

Am I missing something, is there another way of showing text that overlays GroupBoxes without being in them?

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Multiple Panels And Groupboxes And Tab Order Maintenance?

Jul 10, 2009

I have a VB.NET (2005) application designed by my boss that uses a over 100 input and display controls (textboxes, comboxes, etc.), many with labels associated. My boss asked me to set the tab order, and then trap keypress so the user can use enter to navigate controls. I have 2 apps like this to work on.For the tab order, I could not use the View/TabOrder feature, since there are so many blue little tabindex popups showing, that I can not see any of the controls on the form to click. I tried clicking 'through' the popup with some success, but it still did not give me the tab order I wanted. The tab assistant that came with CodeSMART did not give me the result I wanted, either, so I could use it.

The controls on this usercontrol are spread among many groups, which in turn are spread among several splitcontainer panels. The 1st panel in the main splitcontainer has 3 main groupboxes which are selected via a toolstripbutton ( which sets the desired groupbox to visible and turning the others to invisible.) Example:

Private Sub ShowMainPanel()
'Note: Panels are groupboxes
Me.MaterialPanel.Visible = False


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VS 2005 Viewing Label Controls At The Front End?

Oct 6, 2009

I have some buttons, labels, datagrids, radiobuttons etc. on the front end of an application. Can anyone tell me how to make all the labels visible in the design view even if the focus is removed from those controls. The problem is once the focus is removed from the labels they do not appear in the screen.

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Application That Has Multiple Front Ends Developed Using Windows Forms / WPF / ASP / Compact Framework Mobile Forms

Apr 9, 2010

I have the requirement to create an application that has multiple front ends developed using Windows Forms, WPF, ASP and Compact Framework Mobile Forms.I would like to be able to create a series of obejct representing the business logic and have this logic accessible from the various front ends available. My first thought was to use remoting as I'd like to be able to pass the business objects back and forth between client and server but the compact framework doesn't support remoting and also transferring a full framework business object to a compact framework business object doesn't seem possible.My next thought was to use web services but again the passing of business objects seems to be very hard to accomplish. Without doing this I would have to create individual web methods for each business operation.

Finally my next option is to use sockets and write the whole client/server logic within some classes and expose them to the UI/Business layer. My only problem with this is it is not scaleable should the number of clients increase dramatically whereas using remoting or web services I can host the solution via ASP.Net.Does anybody have an ideas on the best way forward for this or even have any input on how they would write an application that required a windows form, wpf, asp website and mobile device GUI all of which want to use the same business logic?

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Set Groupboxes To Visible One By One On One Forms?

Aug 27, 2009

can anyone tell me how to set groupboxes to visible one by one on one forms if that form contains 10 groupboxes....

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VS 2005 Loop Through Groupboxes

Sep 13, 2011

I have more than ten groupboxes and will increase in future so I am trying to something like this:all groupboxes are visible = false and there is a textbox which shows a random number from range of 0 to number of groupboxes..Now I want make a certain groupbox visible whatever number is textbox for example:textbox1_text change event:textbox1 = 6..so groupbox6 should be visible = true and rest of them should be visible = false..I tried it manually still its not working.

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How To Create Dynamic Groupboxes In The Panel

Jun 30, 2010

How can Create Dynamic Groupboxes in the Panel??and also create Radiobuttons in each Dynamic GroupBoxes??

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Possible To Have One Of Groupboxes Become Visible Just By Checking Checkbox

Jan 25, 2011

I have a question regarding the checkbox. Here is the scenario: I have three groupboxes which I have initially set as invisible. I have three checkboxes out to the side. If I check a checkbox, is it possible to have one of the groupboxes become visible just by checking the checkbox and nothing else. (I mean without clicking a button or anything, just clicking the checkbox and then having a groupbox become visible).

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VS 2010 : One Choice Radiobuttons In Two Groupboxes?

Nov 22, 2011

I wanted to have one choice enabled to the user(radio box) in two Groupboxes, is that possible? Is looping the why i should do it?

Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim version As String


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Forecolor / Backcolor - Cannot See The Text Of Labels / Groupboxes

May 23, 2011

I have set the following colors of my form /controls:


At design time, everything is ok but during the run time, I cannot see the text of labels / groupboxes.

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Save Setting For Radio Buttons & Checkboxes Control In Groupboxes?

May 30, 2010

Ive got over than 120 groupboxes in my project which Contains radio buttons & Checkboxes control How can I save & retrieve the selection setting for these huge amounts of groupboxes when close my form and restart it?

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Cannot Transfer Multiple Texts On Same Label

Apr 28, 2011

I am creating an application for a point of sale in a bar in which I have a form (frmTransactions) where there are some radio buttons to be selected (main groupbox), each radio button is exclusive, and some combo boxes in the second groupbox to be ticked, which are instead not exclusive.In this form I created a 'Print Invoice' button which opens the form invoice (frmInvoice) and there are some labels that display the text shown on the transactions form; although I managed to do fairly easily the part regarding the customers details I am now finding some difficulties with the part regarding the transactions selected.[code]...

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Have Multiple Fonts On The Same Label Control?

Feb 1, 2011

how to have multiple fonts on the same label control?

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Populate A Label On Multiple Pages?

Apr 19, 2012

I have a drop down list that populates a set of data from a calculation. There are multiple pages in my asp.net site that I want to show a label with the current data from the dropdownlist on my main page.[code]...

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Add Values Form Multiple Labels To Ane Label?

Mar 8, 2010

am a undergraduate student from malaysia have some problem in my project i want to add the marks of five subjects in one label named total marks, and that will display total marks when subjects are selected from database i.e.

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Entering Multiple Lines Of Text In .NET Label

Oct 2, 2010

In previous versions of VB, you could click on a label to gain the focus, and then type multiple of lines of text. In VB 2008, clicking on the control does not open up the control for editing. You can use the text property, but can only enter a continuous string of characters. How do you insert blank lines between paragraphs?

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How To Check If Label In (VS2008) Has Multiple Lines

Mar 1, 2010

I have a method that saves form controls data to a text file, including its text. IF a label has multiple lines, this breaks the text file writing multiple lines to it.I was instructed to simply ignore multiple-line labels and don't include it in the file, but I don't know how to check whether or not a label has can multiple lines or not so I can throw in an 'if' statement.

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Adding Multiple Dynamic Controls - Cannot Add Label Text

Jan 19, 2012

I'm having a problem adding multiple dynamic controls. the problem is that I can add one no problem, but when I try to add more it only adds one with the label's text = the last file name in openfiledialog. [Code]

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Display Multiple Lines In A Label, Counting Numbers?

Feb 24, 2010

Im just trying to get a simple multi line label box counting numbers using vbCrLf.

Dim startNumber As Integer
For startNumber = 1 To 4
lblCount.text = "Number = " & startNumber & vbCrLf
Next startNumber

I just want something to display like this in a multi line label, not a textbox:

Number = 1
Number = 2
Number = 3
Number = 4
But... I keep getting something like:
Number = 4

I already turned auto size off and expanded the label.

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Getting Multiple Selections From List Box To Display In The Results Label?

Nov 5, 2009

My name is Tim I'm having a problem getting my multiple selections from my list box to display in the results label and there is no examples in the text any how I'm thinking I need to use a loop to get it done. is this evern in the ball park?

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Option Infer Off
Public Class MainForm


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Have Multiple Color For Text In Single Label Controller

Nov 11, 2011

I wanted to have multiple color for text in single label controller


label1.Text = " $ 480.00 "

What I want is character $ in Red color and other digits or character after $ in color blue.

I cannot have separate labels for digits and $.

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Have Multiple Color For Text In Single Label Controller?

Nov 11, 2011

I wanted to have multiple color for text in single label controllere.g.

label1.Text = " $ 480.00 "

What I want is character $ in Red color and other digits or character after $ in color blue.

$ 480.00

I cannot use separate labels for digits and $ due to limitation?

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Show Multiple Checked Items From A Listbox In A Label?

May 14, 2010

I am trying to display multiple check items from a listbox into a label seperated by a comma. Everything is working fine but the only problem is that when i check first item in the listbox nothing happens and when i check the second item then the label shows the first item. Then when i click third item the label shows the first and the second item and so on. When i uncheck the item it does the same

My question is why it does not show the items in the label as they are selected.

Private Sub lstMonths_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstMonths.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim intX As Short


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VS 2010 Write Multiple Label.Text's To *.txt Files?

Feb 8, 2012

I'm trying to implement Bandwidth Total calculation into my little desktop monitoring program using 2 *.txt files. Everything else is working great except for the writing/reading part of it. I had put this together originally without the intention of bandwidth monitoring, but I've decided it would be a good thing to have.I want to have 2 monitoring types: Windows Session Bandwidth Total & All-Time Bandwidth Total (since the program was 1st run on the machine). The counter is on a Timer (2nd of 2), and I want it to write and add the label values each second into the file, then when Form3 is opened, to read the text file and show the results.

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Writing Multiple Lines To Richtextbox With Link Label

Apr 11, 2011

And just a FYI, I've spent about an hour looking this up... and I just can't seem to get it to work the way I wan't to. My application is simple, I have a "batch file editor". It has a richtextbox, a couple buttons for Open/Save/Test which are working fine.All I'm wanting to do is...


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Forms :: Multiple Color For Text In Single Label Controller?

Nov 11, 2011

I wanted to have multiple color for text in single label controller


label1.Text = " $ 480.00 "

What I want is character $ in Red color and other digits or character after $ in color blue. $ 480.00 I cannot use separate labels for digits and $ due to limitation

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DB/Reporting :: Multiple Entries From A Database Displayed In A Single Textbox / Label

Sep 2, 2010

I am working on getting a multiple values from a single column displayed in a single textbox or label. I know I should be able to find the information I need online, but I am coming up empty. I am using Visual Studio 2010 with SQL Server 2005. For example, I want to pull all the email addresses, that have a value, from a table and display them together. The output I am looking for is like this:


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VS 2010 Add Multiple Label Boxes To A Form Based On The Size Of An Array?

Jun 4, 2012

i am very new to VB and have been trying to make a hangman game. I was wandering if there is a way to add multiple label boxes to a form based on the size of an array. For example a user inputs the word h-e-l-l-o in a input box that word is then split and put into an array(arrword) then i want the main form to appear with 5 label boxes each one containing a letter that from the array(arrword)

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Add Multiple Hyperlinks In A Label Control In Windows Forms In Visual Basic 2008

Apr 4, 2011

In a label box, I want to list a couple of websites, email address along with some text. How do I go about it?

Potential uses- As a Help > About dialog box where websites, email of the author can be listed.

To make things as easy as possible for the user, and encourage visiting of the mentioned websites.

Simple text will be ignored, while standard blue color, underlined text with hand mouse-cursor will need no thinking on user's part.

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Multiple PictureBoxes Display Line Graph / Label To Follow Mouse Pointer

Dec 24, 2010

I am developing an application with multiple picture boxes, each displaying a line graph. I want to be able to have a label following the mousepointer showing xy coordinates of the point. I also want to allow a user to zoom in on a specific picture box by double clicking on it. The code does what I want as written (changes backcolor so I know double click event fires) except moving the position of the label to follow the mouse pointer.

However if if uncomment the line in the MouseMoved sub:
LB.Location = New Point(e.X, e.Y)
Then the label moves as desired however the double click event no longer fires.

Public Class Form1
Dim PB As New PictureBox, LB As New Label
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
With PB
[Code] .....

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