Can't Produce A .exe File That Includes And Installs The .net Framework

Jan 6, 2011

I've been working creating a few programs in visual studio 10. These work fine on my own PC because I have the .net framework installed. However I need to be able to distribute these programs as a single .exe file download from our website and also as a single .exe file via CD.

Most of the PCs which will be installing my programs won't have .net framework installed and I don't want to force people to have to download the files from the internet (it just seems like so much hassle and I can't guarantee that everyone who wants to install my programs will even have access to the internet).I know that I can set pre-requisites in the publish tab and I have done this whilst setting "Download prerequisites from the same location as my application". I've already downloaded the redistributable files WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe and dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64 and I've put the files in the same folder as my project.I then go into the publish wizard and select that users will install the application from a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM. Unfortunately I then get the following errors:

Error 2 The install location for prerequisites has not been set to 'component vendor's web site' and the file 'WindowsInstaller3_1WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe' in item 'Windows Installer 3.1' can not be located on disk. See Help for more information.ConsumptionCalculatorDraft1

Error 3 The install location for prerequisites has not been set to 'component vendor's web site' and the file 'DotNetFX40dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe' in item 'Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (x86 and x64)' can not be located on disk. See Help for more information.

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English IDE Setup Project Installs English .NET Framework Even Though Localization = German?

Apr 30, 2009

I'm facing a major problem with a Deployment Project I created to install one of my applications.I am using the ENGLISH IDE of the Visual Studio 2008 - even though my end users will have German environments. This is why I set the

Localization = German

Property in the Deployment Project's Properties. The UI of the generated setup is German, so all's fine there. However, the setup installs the ENGLISH .Net Framework. I have not found any way around this.The problem are at least twofold:

1. An English Framework on a German PC might cause instabilities.

2. It's a big flaw to see UI inconsistencies (i.e. the UI and Setup of the application is German while the NET Framework shows certain elements in English, e.g. the DisplayName property of cultures)how can I get the project to install the localized .NET Framework?

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Deploying A VB Project That Includes A Txt File

Jun 5, 2011

how to get my compiled program onto another computer. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Professional.

I've read and tried ClickOnce deployment and Setup Installer, but I'm not getting it right.

With ClickOnce, I manage to install the program and it has the menu item and icon in the Start menu, but when I try and run it, it tells me that it can't find the text file. I put the file in the bin Debug and Release folders, selected 'Build' then 'Publish' and still no go.

I tried the other option of creating an Installer (using [URL] as my guide), but I get the same error - the txt file can't be found.

I've done this several times, but just can't seem to get it to work. Other resources online, like YouTube, just cover a project that doesn't include a text file or database file etc.

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VS 2005 Read Text File Which Includes Trade Mark

Dec 6, 2009

Can I know how to read the text file which has Trade Mark sign in it? Like this one "Unique™"..I tried using System.Text.Encoding.*(all the encoding methods) but it still not working.I know how to read text file. But I don't know how to read the file which include this special character. (Actually this is a CSV file which has been exported out from Excel file.)url...Any other way of reading such special characters text file from VB.Net?????

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Produce A XML File From The SQL Database?

May 28, 2009

I have created an program that can produce an XML file from the SQL database.and the code is looks like below:


why is there a <NewDataSet></NewDataSet> node?2. How to remove that node?

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Way To Produce Pdf Files From Xls File

Mar 14, 2009

I am now looking for a way to produce pdf files from xls files. Since the completed programme will be distributed to others, it would have to work on environment without the "pdf producer" I am using.Which is the "pdf producer" to use"?I am now working on the express version of VB 2005 (which does not have crystal report). I have acrobat 8.0 installed but have not figured out how to do that...

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Produce Checkbox Column In DatagridView While Reading From Xml File?

Oct 6, 2010

i am developing an application for generating xml file with some details inside and regenerating it whenever i need.Step1: In the user interface,i have placed a gridviewcontrol during run time. i used Datatable for building the table and assign this table as datasource to the datagridview control. last column("GHI") is a checkbox column and its is successfully viewable in the datagridview. the snippet is like this.

dim iDGVWCount as integer
iDGVWCount =1
Dim oDGVW As DataGridView


Step 3: if i reopen this xml file and populate the celll details in datagridview, the column 'GHI' is not viewable as checkbox column. it is simply shown like an ordinary cell. the snippet for opening the xml file is shown here.

dim ds as dataset
ds = New DataSet
ds.ReadXml("C: estxml.xml")


Question1 : is there any setting needs to be done for bring back this checkbox column automatically in the datagridview while reading from the xml file.

Question2 : how we can bring the value of unchecked column as false in the xml file. the node is included in the xml only if a checkbox is checked.

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Getting The Data From 3 Table In Linq And Produce The CSV File And Send The Mail

Jan 19, 2011

I am using window programming in visual studio(2008) and i am using LINQ and need to get the data from three table's column e.g A table's 1st column(x),b table's 2nd column(y) and c's table third column(z), and then i have to produce the excel sheet(CSV file).I want to get the table's data in string format in visual studio and then produce the excel sheet.I don't want to use Store procedure and grid view in my program.

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Produce A Excel File From A Certain Series Of Code That Could Be Use For Report Generation?

Dec 7, 2011

Is there a way in to produce a excel file from a certain series of code that could be use for report generation.

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Saving A File That Includes "" Char?

Feb 12, 2011

I have a code that creates a database from SQL string But the file name includes "" char, it means another folder. Example "C:Program filesIO File.txt"The path is "C:Program files"The file name is "IO File.txt"How can I combine them without creating another folders and problems?I use:

Dim connectString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;data source=" & FileName

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Create A Program That Installs Required?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm trying to create a program that installs required .dll's for a program due to a clean install.What I need to do is Get a value in the registry and use it for the program files path.. but I've noticed some pc's don't have the same configuration because of the version the user is using. Anyway This is what I have so far:


What I'm trying to do is find a registry key called "SoftInstallPath", if found I need the end of the path to goto the new directory(new_dll) not the old one (dll).. and if "SoftInstallPath" cannot be found.. I need it to find "ProgInstallPath" and use it instead and do the same thing.

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VS Setup Project Installs For Each User?

Feb 13, 2009

We're in the process of releasing software and i've noticed that our standalone version (Windows forms) reinstalls for each users, the issue for this is that we sell to colleges and generally they install of network shares. When the software tries installing for a user it can't find the network share (e.g. permission denied).

How can i stop the installer from launching when the user launches the software.

Reminds me of how Microsoft Office use to be back in the days of 2000.

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2008 : Keep Project Settings Through Uninstall And Installs?

Apr 4, 2011

I use Project Setting in visual studio 2008 and everything works correctly and save my information when the application is closed. However the information it lost when the application is Uninstalled. The information is not available with my new to keep Project Settings through uninstall and installs!

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Setup And Deployment Project That Installs My Application ?

Jan 21, 2009

I have a setup and deployment project that installs my application. During installation, I create a hierarchy of folders under the C: drive.

However, when I use add/remove programs to uninstall my application, I do NOT want this hierarchy of folders to be removed. How is this possible?

Also, when creating the folders, I set "AlwaysCreate" to True. If one of the folders already exists, will it be replaced with my new empty folder? If so, how can I prevent this.

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User Installs The Application From The ClickOnce Location?

Jul 20, 2011

When a user installs the application from the ClickOnce location there is a noticeable delay after the install runs to when the program loads. Is there a way to put in a progress screen in this instance to instructed the user that there is still more to come?

There is also another instance when an email is being priocessed, there is a delay between the button click and when the email box displays. Need some sort of motion happening during that time.How is this done and what do I look for? Can I make a module that handles this and then just call it during certain activities?

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.net - Create Setup, Which Installs Microsoft SQL Server 2005, If Not Installed (with VS2008)

Feb 23, 2011

I want to create a setup which requires Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and .NET Framework 3.5. If this software isn't installed, the Setup should offer the user to install them now.

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VS 2008 - Program That Creates And Installs A Registry Key Which Changes Default Drive Icons?

Jan 16, 2011

Basically the problem i have is i have made a program that creates and installs a registry key which changes default drive icons etc.

But registry key directories need double backward slashes in the directories, e.g.

What i recieve;

What i need;

I was thinking sending the directory i recieve to another textbox and replacing '' with '\'. Is this possible?

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Complex Threading - 3-rd Party DLL Which Require Hardware Components And Special Software Installs

Apr 13, 2011

The problem I have is very complex and relates to an 3-rd party DLL which require hardware components and special software installs, so unfortunately, I can't post any code so the problem can be replicated. What I can do is provide a very detailed text description and ask for some opinions...

So, here goes...I'm doing a project that uses an old DLL that exposes functions that communicate with a specialized program and call these all the time. I've imported the functions using <DLLImport> tags. The functions themselves return a int > 0 if it run ok and <= 0 if it failed. Part of the problem is that only one function can be performed at a time and if several commands are activated in short amount of time, the connection to the DLL stops working and all function calls return fails. Initially I've had problems using threading with this DLL until I removed it all (some functions would not perform at all, others returned fails, etc.).

My program communicates with the DLL with no problem... All calls are normally returned and executed and everything works perfect... UNTIL the user clicks a little too fast.

So, the user has a form on which he activates these function calls, and if he doesn't wait long enough for the first call to the functions to end, the DLL connection 'fails', after which the program has to be restarted (reinstancing the class containing the <DLLImports> doesn't help for some reason?).

After a week of testing and GoogleFixing, I've tried almost everything:

1) I've made the functions calling DLLs store a bool variable Working and then wait for that to be free - this didn't help as apparently the connection breaks before even coming to the code, which suggests a threading problem (explained further down)

2) I've tried adding <STAThread> to DLL function declarations

3) I've tried messing around with <DLLImport> attributes

4) I've added SyncLock to function calls

5) I've added a loop with sleep on the calling code to make it to 'wait' for the work to end

All of these didn't help, just showed that the DLL connection fails even WITHOUT repeated calls to the DLL... So, the only thing that did help is disabling the controls starting the calling process on the form...

For example:


This is of course a stupid way to treat the problem's symptoms (the source eludes me) and inpractical since the calls are made from about 40 different places in the code and I'd have to disable ALL forms/controls starting this calls to be fully safe, which is nearly impossible in practice.

So, entering any code already causes a problem, which is why I've came to the conclusion that this is a threading problem...

I execute all the function calls from the Main Thread (like I said, all past threading was removed due to problems communicating with DLL), yet for some reason the form keeps the focus and the user can click away (most likely because the DLL is working at the time and the form keeps the focus?), either messing around with the Main Thread or creating a new one which seems to break the DLL.

So, assuming that no one comes up with a magical one-line solution at least answering these questions would be very helpful:

1) Is there a way to fully disable control over the program to the user in a simple way while the code is executing (something like Application.enabled = false)?

2) Can Main Thread be disabled from reacting at other points in the program in some way until a code finishes?

3) How can <DLLImport> lines be restarted if reinstancing the class containing them doesn't help (I'm seeing this as a memory/cache problem of some sort, since after program restart, everything works fine)?

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Programs Works Great In The Environment - Installs The Way It Should - But Will Not Start Up When You Double-click Its Icon

Jul 29, 2009

From the exception it throws, it cannot find a critical database file called cakecreationdb.accdb. I am at my wits end over this problem and have been up all night trying to solve it. I am quickly running out of time to do so.

The copy to output is set at copy if newer. I have also tried copy always and still get the same result.

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Forms :: Listbox - Program That Takes Common Applications And Installs Them Silently Using Batch Files

Aug 21, 2010

I'm making a program that takes common applications and installs them silently using batch files. Someone would select the programs they would want to install and my program will write a giant batch file and execute it to install whatever they want. Heres the problem, After the user selects the programs they go into either one or two lists. Non Silent Installer List Or Silent installer list.

Some programs I have simply won't go silently so from there they can choose in what order they want to install these programs. Then there is a combo box that tells weather you want to install non silent programs first or last. From there you hit add to batch file and it would add everything in listbox1 and listbox2 in order. Listbox1 would contain just the text "MalwareBytes" for example. Along with Novell Groupwise and Firefox. How do I get that to add to the Batch List as a code and in order? So the user wants Malware bytes added first to the batch file. How do I add that to my batch list as a completely different code?


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Show A Dialog Box Which Includes Combobox?

Aug 10, 2009

I have to create a Dialog box to get the user's selection. I can use the InputBox to get text but if it is able to show a Dialog Box with a Combobox, user can easily select items.

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Performance Related Features For Migration From .net 2003 Framework 1.1 To .net 2008 Framework 3.5?

May 21, 2010

I am work on 2003 Framework 1.1 for last 3.5 years in windows Application.We are currently migrating to 2008 framework 3.5, but i don't know about the features which related to and which is important to performance. I know linq to SQL but our architecture is made in .net 2003 so we should follow this.Any features which is very important to enhance the performance?

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Access Database Which Includes Customers Table ?

Nov 7, 2010

I have an access database which includes Customers table and one of its columns is the Birth date. In project in visual studio, using visual basic 2010, I have a form with a calendar. In this form I want to show who has birthday today. How can I compare all the customer�s birth date with the day we have today? And have as result a label with all birthdays?

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Database Created In MS.Access Which Includes 7 Tables?

Dec 30, 2010

I am in the middle of the creation of an application using I have a database created in MS.Access which includes 7 tables. I connected this one with my parent program code. Now the problem is that I want to display the data from each column. I have 12 columns and 14 rows in my first table. How can I display data from one column in a Combo box?

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Free Version Of SQL That Includes The SSRS Capabilities?

Aug 29, 2011

Is there any free version of SQL that includes the SSRS capabilities. I found the 180 day free trial. None of the Express version I download seem to have SSRS.

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Program In Vb That Includes A Combobox With A Textbox On Top And A List Box

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to make a simple program in vb that includes a combobox with a textbox on top and a list box. Basically, the user should be able to type somthing in the textbox, click a button which adds it to the combobox, then click another button which adds it to the listbox. I have all of this done fine, but i am running into some trouble and have some questions.

First, theres a textbox right ontop of my combo box. I would like the textbox text to display whatever value is selected in the combobox. right now its just always blank because the textbox is on top.

Next, if the item from the combobox is added to the listbox, you should not be able to delete it from the combo box. how would i achieve this?

Finally, i need to create a function named "is included" that searches the listbox to check if a certain value is included in the list box. This search just needs to return true or false. I have no idea where to start with this part or what i should do.

Public Class ItunesKiller

Private Sub AddButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddButton.Click


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Using VB2005 To Create An Installer That Includes A Database?

Nov 5, 2009

i have this solution that i'm suppose to make an installer of, but because it calls a datebase and the database is not within the solution therefore it was not included in the installer.

and my installer cant work correctly. is there anyway i can go around doing it?

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VS 2008 Includes Prerequisites In Installer Folder?

Aug 25, 2009

I have a problem here. I want to distribute .net framework and windows installer along with my app installation file. The questions:1. Is it legal? Windows installer, yes it is legal. I don't know about .net framework 3.52. Which folder do I have to put the files? I tried the publish, debug, and root folder of the application, none works. I select download from the same location of my application in clickonce.

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Which Includes An Access Database Is Published For Distribution On A CD?

Jun 29, 2009

My project which includes an access database is published for distribution on a CD. The database properties are set Build Action - Content, Copy to Output Directory - Copy if Newer. I need to be able update the published project. I have used ClickOnce Publishing Process.

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DB/Reporting :: Which Is Bound To A Table That Includes Information About Properties?

Feb 1, 2010

I have a form which is bound to a table that includes information about properties (real estate). Each property can have a number of inspections. These inspections are included in a separate table.

I want to use the form to show the property information and a data repeater to show all the inspections for that property.I can't seem to get the data repeater to bind to the inspection table and pull only those records related to the property information table. In fact, the data repeater shows nothing.

I can get a data repeater to show all the records in the inspection table when I put the control on its own form, for testing purposes.

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