Console Program To Run As A Service?

Jul 10, 2009

i'm working on a project that simply changes the wallpaper works fine...I created two seperate projects...1) a forms application 2) console application........The forms application gets the data and settings from the user....the console application reads the data and settings from text files created in the forms application and does the job of changing the wall paper...i've got mine set to change every minute...I realy want to get this finished, but am stumped by a few things....

1) how can i get my console application to run as a windows service..have tried the SC Create good.

2)how can i get it so the console program runs as an icon on the system tray near the clock.

3)When i want to publish to create the setup.exe...should i somehow merge the two projects together or publish each one seperatly and use some sort of batch installer.

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Console Application To Service?

Oct 18, 2011

We have made a console application in vb2008/2010. Is there any possibillity to make from this a service?

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Consuming Web Service From Console App?

Dec 13, 2010

We have a web app that contains web methods. I want to invoke one of those methods from a console app. I am new at this but I wrote a console app, added a service reference and tried to code invoking it. If my web method is called "Transmit", I expected to see Transmit in the namespace I specified but instead I see "TransmitRequest", "TranmsitRequestBody", "TransmitResponse" and "TransmitResponseBody".What are these things?Have I done something wrong?How do I invoke the web method in the web app from the console app?

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.Net Windows Service Console Messages?

Sep 22, 2011

I have a .Net Console application which displays thousands of lines on the console each minute. I want to convert it to a Windows Service, however I still need a way of viewing these messages. There are far too many messages to write them to the event log or even a standard log file. I was wondering if there were a way to write a systray app that could simply intercept these messages from the service and display them in a console window. I have no need to save older messages, I only need to see current activity.

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Async Web Service Call Within Console App

Nov 24, 2009

I have a console app that is supposed to async call a web service...i don't get any errors but the completed handler doesn't seem to complete correctly. I have a subroutine with a loop that is supposed to fire off say 6 seperate calls to another routine that calls the service. The completed event handler routine puts data into the database..If i put a thread.sleep under the call to the routine calling the web service. The completed event handler fires but only one record is put in the database instead of the hundreds expected and only that one webservice call appears to fire.I should mention that this works as expected when calling the sync method of the web service within a console app and the asyc calls work as expected from a windows forms app. I just need it to work async within a console app..

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Running A Console Application As A Windows Service?

Jun 29, 2010

I have a console application that is ready to be used as a windows service, I have been looking around for a couple of hours and tried many of the tutorials out there but none of them worked with me.

The closest one was: [URL] but it didn't go into the process of doing it. I converted that code to VB.NET but then I don't know where to go from there. I have the Module1.vb which runs my console application all ready to be used.

show me a way to use my console application as a service, I tried using the InstallUtil feature but my app never showed under "services".

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VBScript Can Work In Its Own Console Application But Cannot Be Called In A Service?

Jul 5, 2010

The following VBScript code runs smoothly when I use cscript and/or VB console applications:


For some odd reason, the VBScript code only works on cscript but when I call in the code to the service, it doesn't work...

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Either End The Program Or Start The Program Over In A Visual Basic Console Application - Based Upon User Input?

Apr 8, 2012

I have a procedure at the end of my console application that ask the user to either hit enter to end the program, or type s to perform another search. The issue I'm having is no matter what the user types in the program end. What I would like to happen is if the user types s, then the program starts over and lets the user perform another search. The program is procedural and I need to find a way to start back off at the top of the program which ask the user to type a name to search.


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.net Program Is A Console Application?

Apr 13, 2010

I am maintaining some code and I am more of a C# programmer. I have taken over maintaining several projects from people who have since left the project. The manager tells me that some of the programs are console applications. Yet in looking through the source code I am not able to distinguish wether the code is for a console application or for some other program like a windows application. Can someone tell me if there is a way to determine if a program is a console application.

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How To Make A Gui For A Console Program

Feb 4, 2009

im would like to make a gui for a console program i use. I am able to start the cmd.exe and change to the directory the program is in. My problem is after i issue a command to the console such as cd c:myconsoleapp cmd.exe closes why is this. I would like the console to stay running so i can issure more commands to it without having to re declare streamwriter and reader and starting the process each time.[code...]

View 12 Replies

Start Program In Console App?

May 19, 2012

I am trying something new so i might be bad at this. I made a Console app in vb and got the start-up working and now i need to be able to run a program like notepad with using a command like "note". [code]....

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Update Program - GUI Or Console?

Feb 12, 2012

I have created an update program for my project, and I'm thinking what is better - to be GUI, or to be console app? Here's both pros and cons:

GUI: user-friendly,easy, but too much for so little program. It is unnecesseraly.

Console: Simple, but not user-friendly. And easy too!'s super easy!

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.NET Console Program For Perfect Number?

Sep 23, 2010

I need a console program to check whether a number is perfect or not.

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Execute Program Take Own From My Console Application?

May 18, 2011

I have to execute the command line program takeown.exe[url]...

from my console application, I've tried this cose but received no output and the program does nothing[code]...

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How To Have Keypress On Console Without Program Has To Wait

Jun 4, 2012

I built a console application with a loop at the end,[code]in the loop when the user press "q" on the keyboard, the program will go out of the loop, I've tried using Console.Read or Console.ReadKey which is not working because it waits for the user to press the keyboard,but I need the loop to keep running although the user is not pressing the keyboard so in the program the console will be like: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,etc. until the user press "q" on the keyboard,

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Open Two Console Windows Through Program?

Sep 30, 2009

How to open two console windows to display two different things in visual basic

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Printing Information Using Console Program

Sep 8, 2011

I have created a program that allows me to print some information onto my screen, but now I would like to print this information to my printer. Is there a procedure or a command to print directly to a printer without having to create a new class?

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VS 2008 - FTP Program That Uploads In Console App?

Dec 17, 2011

I am trying to create a console application that will upload an updated .html file to a website each time I run it, I have found previous codes that download the files but I want to upload instead. So basically I am trying to create an FTP program (but only one that uploads) in a console application.

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Accept Input Into Program Console Application?

Oct 26, 2010

How to accept input into a console application? How Do I allow people to type into a console application, and then press enter, and then the console application writes that and uses the console.writeline function to write what the person typed in into the network stream(or whatever its called).

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VS 2008 - Console Application Run Program Then Close Itself

Apr 14, 2009

i am using windows 7 when i make a console application it run the program then close it self again.

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.net - WCF Service Hosted In A Managed Windows Service Connect Using A WCF Service Application

Jul 14, 2011

i have a Windows service that is hosting a WCF service through net.tcp and this is working great. I have also created a WCF service application. I am trying to add the net.tcp service reference to the service application. Then I add it to the GAC that goes ok but if I try to RegAsm the WCF service application to allow it to be called from Server.CreateObject I get the error:

Warning: Type library exporter encountered a type that derives from a
generic class and is not marked as
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)]. Class interfaces cannot be
exposed for such types. Consider marking the type with
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] and exposing an explicit
interface as the default interface to COM using the
ComDefaultInterface attribute.

It does not work. I have tried to call it through a class library but this does not work either as the end point is not set correctly.

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Command Line (console) Program With Parameters For SharePoint?

Oct 29, 2009

I would like to create a console program in that would allow parameters. What i would like to do is in the code below add parameters so the webpart page can be created from the Run menu. e.g. C:.......MyProgram.exe "Design" --This would then create the Design webpart page.

I tried looking at the internet but was not very successfull.

Module Main
Public Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim prj As String


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Console Program Adds Characters B4 2b 2b With Redirected Input

Jan 27, 2010

I wrote a simple console program (simplecopy) that copies its input to output:

Sub Main()


The output is the content of testdata.txt, but with three extra characters (hex b4 2b 2b) inserted at the beginning of the output. Those three bytes are not there when I run simplecopy without input redirection.

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Raise Event When A Sql Database Connction Changes When A Console Program Runs?

Jul 27, 2011

I have a VB 2008 console application .NET 3.5 who handles large data tables in a SQL 2005/8 database. Sometimes when SQL server do not response as application expect. Then SQL Connection change status from open. I try to get the event of changed connection string before error occurs.

1 - SQL Connection status changes from open to another status

2 - When this event fires a fix sub routine or function starts and fix the sql connection

3 - Return back where SQL Connection was when status was affected by program.

My app is a large list of SQL Commands who runs in a class orginsed as a simple list of sqlcommands.When a SQL Connection fails I will start at the last point in the program after SQL Connection are open again.

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Reading From CMD - Program Which Creates A Console In Which It Sends A Ping To An Domain

Oct 15, 2011

I was thinking of making a program which creates a console in which it sends a ping to an domain, in this case "". then read this into my vb application. Probably looking to read each line into a listbox, this way i can add a parser to only take the data i want.

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Create Console Program Where User Enters A Character And Respective ASCII Value In Denary

Nov 21, 2010

The latest assignment from my teacher was to create a console program where the user enters a character and the respective ASCII value in Denary, Hexadecimal and Binary, Even Parity, Odd Parity and Hamming code is returned.I've managed to implement all of them except the latter with relative ease, I am familiar with the concept of Hamming code and can compute it easily by hand, but don't really know how to implement it as a function in my program. [code]

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C# - In A .NET Console App, Have A Line Of Text Stay Visible In The Console All The Time?

Jun 1, 2011

I was thinking of adding a simple bandwidth monitor to a console application and I was wondering if it would be possible to keep a line in the console window visible at all times. I could set something up manually to pass new console output into a method that would get the contents of the console, clear the console, add the bandwidth data on the first row, then rewrite each line of previous information back to the console, etc.. but that seems like a really hacky way to go about it, and I'd be limited to the amount of rows visible at once in the console window (no scrolling).

STATS: Downloaded: 2599b, Uploaded: 754b <- this always stays at the top
constantly changing text
constantly changing text
constantly changing text


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Program/service That Is Using A Given Port?

Sep 30, 2009

Is there way, using .Net, to see what program/service that is using a given port?

For instance, Vuze is using port 15510, but how can i find that with code?

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Run A Program From A Windows Service

Jul 9, 2010

I have a program which i want to invoke from windows service.


The same code works fine if i write in a console application, but from windows service it wont run, i see the psftp is being started in the task manager but it wont do anything.

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Service Error Cannot Open <service Name> Service On Computer '.'

Feb 3, 2010

I have a VB2008 application which can control a windows service i.e. start, stop, pause etc. This runs ok on a Windows XP machine but not on a Win 7 machine (message is - Service error cannot open <service name> service on computer '.') ( if I stop the UAC then it runs ok ). It seems to be a rights issue,

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