Converting EST To CET, Half Way There?

Dec 4, 2009

Welp, I got half way there, I can convert and add 6 hours to the text in the textbox for CET_Hours.Text. The trouble is, what about when the CET part of the program is supposed to say that it's the next day...?

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
If DateAndTime.Now.Hour > 11 Then[code]....

Like I said up top, it was easy to figure out how to add an additional 6 to the text in the textbox for CET_Hr.Text, and even display if it's AM or PM, ... So okay, that's that, now when it goes over 12PM and goes into Am, meaning, when I'm adding 6 to the text, If I didn't correct it, it would say... Say for example if it were 11PM now, EST, and I added 6, it would read, CET_ Hr.Text = 16 right, ... So how do I tell the program or the text in the textbox, that it't the next day... or better yet, when we get to the end of this month, 12.31.2009, and it becomes 01.01.2010 in CET, how do I do that, because I'm just so freakin perplexed about that it's crazy... Should I just give up, and just have a clock that tells me that it's 6 more hours then the bottom text boxes...?

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Richtextbox To Take Up Half Half The Form Width?

May 23, 2012

I have 2 Richtextboxws on the form. I need for each textbox to take up half the form width and full height. also, I need those textboxes to keep the above mentioned proportions even when then the form size is changed on the screen.

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Copy Left Half Of A Picture And Paste It Over The Right Half Of The Picture?

Feb 28, 2010

how to copy the left half of an image, in my case its the let half of a .jpg of a whale, and "paste" it over the right half of the image. Any help would be great, here is some code that might have something to do with it, i would prefer that i could get an answer that accomplishes this by modifying this code but if not that's cool. picture should go from looking like [] to [[

Dim mb, rb As Bitmap
Dim x, y As Integer
Dim r, g, b As Integer


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Passlist Separator Program Will Not Let Read And Write Half Of A File To One File, Then The Other Half To Another File?

Nov 8, 2011

What my program does is load a file (password list), then progressively reads each line of text in the file whilst writing each line to a new file. After X amount of lines have been written, it should start writing the lines of text to a new document until the initial password list has been split into X amount of password lists. The problem I have is that after hours of tweaking, all I can get it to do is write either blank ocuments, or write all of the lines to only one file. I really need it to be able to split into multiple files, preferably at runtime rather than loading a whole text document into the program in a textbox or array then writing it to new files.Below is the source:

Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.IO


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Mirror Image - Mirror The Top Half Of An Image Of The Bottom Half?

Feb 28, 2010

how to mirror the top half of an image of the bottom half, i already mirrored the left half of an image over the right half, as shown in the 2nd block, but i need to modify the 3rd block correctly to get the top half to mirror over the bottom half, how do i do this, - visual basic express 2008

Dim mb, rb, cb, db As Bitmap
mb = Bitmap.FromFile(tbFileName.Text)
cb = Bitmap.FromFile(tbFileName.Text)[code].....

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Deleting First Half Of A Textfile?

Nov 15, 2011

I have a textfile with timestamps and the amount of minutes my machine has run.

To keep the size of the file in check, I would like to delete the first half of the text file, once the textfile exceeds 1 MB... I have a check in place to determine the file size.

What is the best way to go about deleting the first half of my textfile log?

Do you recommend storing the second half in a temp file, and transfering it to the original log?

Is there a simple way to remove the first few lines of a textfile?

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Half Of Picturebox Displaying Over Another One

Oct 18, 2011

I have two pictureboxes with images in them inside a panel. The two pictureboxes have the background color transparent. One half of one of the picturebox is over the other and that half gets the panel backgroundcolor. How can I make the pictureboxes to not get that behavior.

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VB Scroll Bar Half Percentages?

Sep 21, 2011

I have a scroll bar that I need to have increase / decrease by half a percentage and then display it in a text box.Min is 5Max is 15rt Display Value is 10So far all I have been able to come up with is this, but it only increases / decreases the number by 1% instead of .5%.Private Sub RateHScrollBar_Scroll(sender As System.Object, e As ystem.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) Handles RateHScrollBar.Scroll

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Cutting A String Without Half-words?

Aug 8, 2003

I need to display the first c.200 characters of a longer string, for the homepage of a news website. I am using VB.NET. Obviously, cutting exactly 200 chars quite often cuts a word in half, e.g.: "The last five years have seen a radical increase in the volume and complexity of company legislation. The Bahamas has established a Stock Exchange, passed legislation aimed at regu" I need a function that will produce: "The last five years have seen a radical increase in the volume and complexity of company legislation. The Bahamas has established a Stock Exchange, passed legislation aimed at" I can then add "... [More]" or whatever to the end of this string and voila! Is there any way of using regular expressions (regex), substr or something similar to produce this output?

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Round To Half, Always In Positive Direction?

Aug 25, 2011

How do I achieve the below rounding?

0.012608376 > 0.015
2.1 > 2.5
2.4 > 2.5


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Take A Half Done Web Application That Has Been Started Using .NET And Continue Using C#?

Jun 16, 2010

web app that has been created using VB.NET, nothing major, just a normal site. His original programmer couldn't continue so he wants me to finish it. Problem is I don't program using VB.NET nor have I any intention of learning it for a project this small. Usually I would run from something like this but I need the cash.Should I take the project and continue it using C# or just leave it. Has anyone had a similar experience and how did it turn out.

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VS 2008 - Pause Thread For Half A Second?

Jan 6, 2010

How can I do a function, pause my thread for half a second or 1 second then do another function like for a random example.
'Pause for half a second

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.net - Exit A Calling Sub Using Current Sub At Half Of A Code?

Dec 18, 2010

i used v s 2008..i create a windows form application in vb.neti want help in which .........if i exit a sub *check_fill_for_New()* using EXIT SUB then in *bt_Ok_Click* sub not fire a msgbox......but it will also EXIT at half


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Display First And Last Half Of Any String Entered Into Textbox?

Jan 10, 2012

I want to display the first and last characters of any given string entered into a textbox. The strings can be of any length as the user wants (as long as it is one word) I would like to be able to do something like this... "william = will and iam" or "Celtic = Cel and tic"I understand I would have to split or divide the string. How would I go about doing this?


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Do A String Manipulation On The Value And Make The Corresponding Count To Half?

Jul 15, 2011

I have an IEnumerable as a result of LINQ, which contains Value and Count. After I get the result, I want to do a string manipulation on the Value and make the corresponding Count to half. Is that possible with LINQ?

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Get A Number From Textbox2 Then Half Itsself Basicly?

Mar 14, 2009

Im using this code to get a number from textbox2 then half itsself basicly

Dim i As Decimal
i = TextBox2.Text
TextBox1.Text = i - (i / 2)
but if I input a decimal e.g 0.1 it hits me with an error instead of 0.05 :/

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Iterating Through Rows In DataTable Stops A Little Over Half Way Through?

Nov 7, 2010

The following code executes successfully 48 times. During the 49th iteration after executing (or during execution of) bitmap.EndInit() the for each loop stops executing and the xaml window appears. Anyone have any idea what might be occurring?


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Program Runs Slowly After About An Hour And A Half Or So

Jun 29, 2011

I created a program that has 11 threads running simultaneously.Each thread runs a stopwatch and measures the amount of time that passes between the Start and Stop.There is no code between the start and stop, so most often, the result is 0 milliseconds.I noticed that INITIALLY, after a few minutes, the program would slow and the output to the RichTextBox would become disjointed.So, every two minutes, I have a timer execute and end the threads and restart them all.This seemed to help, however, after about an hour and a half, the program becomes more sluggish, evident in the stopwatches recording more instances over 0 milliseconds.Does this have to do with 'garbage collection' and is that even possible in VB .NET (I thought C only had that), or perhaps memory management?

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How To Handle Long Running Process - Hang When It Run Til Half Way

Jul 6, 2012

for example:

dim a as long

for i as integer = 1 to 10000000


It will hang when it run til half way.

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Listbox Conrol Shows Only Half Items On Vista?

Jun 10, 2009

i have simple application which contain one listbox. i am loading item in listbox from one file. around 130000 items in it. when i run this application on xp computer i am able to scroll down all item perfectly from first to end. But when i run this application on vista machine, it only shows 50% of item if i scroll down with that bar on right on listbox. but when i reach end of list (which is item number 65000) and than use "Down arrow " of listbox it move to item n umber 65001 and later and scroll bar move again center of listbox. After i move to record number 65001 and more by clicking down arrow and use scroll bar at center to move further down to end it again shows 65000 item. But in windows xp it shows all item perfectly.

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Populating A Combobox With Times At Half Hour Intervals?

Dec 6, 2010

I need to fill a combobox with times at half an hour intervals:

12:00 am
12:30 am
1:00 am
1:30 am
all the way to 11:30 pm.

I could do it all manually, for next loop, cur hour, cur min, add 30 min, when over 60 add hour and so on....

but there has to be an easy way to do this?

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Code Only Works Successfully When Passed The Same Values About Half Of The Time?

Sep 25, 2010

I have a situation that has puzzled me for weeks. I am running logic that does a bit of back and forth to and from the database for each time it is executed (about 20 times). The problem is that the same code works about half of the time. What could possibly be the reason for the difference in execution performance and how can I better shore that this problem is checked?

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Make A Label Disapear And Reappear Alfter Half A SecondI

Sep 6, 2009

how would i make a label disapear and reappear alfter half a secondI like.


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Converting File Into Bytes And Then Converting Those Files Back Into Its Original Form?

Aug 22, 2011

my goal is to

1.Take an file(exe,dll,etc)

2.Convert it into hex that hex values in a stack

4.Execute the values inside the stack to its original form(i.e. take the elements out of stack and then convert it to a compile format)

Imports System.IO
Sub Main()
Dim fileName As String = "ABC.exe"


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Make A Price Schedule Using Full Day And Half Day Rates As Well As Adding A Deposit?

Jun 22, 2010

I am learning vb and one of my projects is to make a price schedule using full day and half day rates as well as adding a deposit, etc. I don't want you to tell me what to do just please what I am missing. I haven't been able to get it to run but if I can I can salvage some points. Public Class frmEddies


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Vb Setup Stops Half Way On Windows 7 - Also Get Fatal Error On Installing .net Framework 4

Mar 16, 2010

Visual basic setup stops half way on windows 7 - also get fatal error on installing .net framework 4

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Create A Program That Takes An Amount Entered By The User And Then Convert It Into Half Dollars?

Oct 13, 2010

Im trying to create a program that takes an amount entered by the user and then convert it into Half Dollars, quarters, dimes, nickles, and pennies when the calculate button is clicked. Each coin has its own function and is shown in separate text boxes... right now i cant get it to work correctly. When i try to get half dollars to work it rounds up and then the rest of the coins say 0. How should i do this?

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Shuffling Items Inside A Movie List / Need To Delete Half List

May 16, 2011

Another program I am working on for fun, I am basically shuffling a list inside a listbox, what I want to do is delete the rest but not sure how to go through with that. At the moment I have this: [code] Just contains the code, declarations outside weren't included.So anyway, once clicked, it will call on the function to basically shuffle in a for loop, I was wondering if I should (or how should) create another function and call it in the click button or have just a loop in the click button so it deletes half the list. What I am doing is I have 20 list of items, I want the program to shuffle the items and then deleting the lower 10, meaning, if I had 10 items and wanted 5 top, I'd want: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and deleting 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

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Windows - Timer - Service To Execute On The Half Hour And Top Of The Hour Marks

May 6, 2009

I wrote a VB.NET Windows Service, which works fine. I have only one issue with it. I want the service to execute on the half hour and top of the hour marks (e.g. 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, etc etc etc). I am using the following code:

Protected Overrides Sub OnStart(ByVal args() As String)
' Add code here to start your service. This method should set things
' in motion so your service can do its work.


This code works, however, if the service starts at, say, 10:15, then it executes at 10:15, 10:45, 11:15, 11:45. How do I make it so it always executes on the 30 minute and top of the hour marks?

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Create A Form Where The Web Browser Only Takes Up Half The Space Of The Form?

Jan 19, 2010

I tried using the web browser control for the first time.The problem I had was that the size of the web browser defaulted to the size of the form. Even when I tried to downsize the webbrowser ( via properties ) it still filled the entire form. I also tried to drastically increase the size of the form( again via the form's properties ), the web browser still filled the entire form. how to create a form where the web browser only takes up half the space of the form.

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