How To Retrieve Existing Controls From A Running Exe File

Jan 14, 2009

How to Retrieve the existing vb controls from a running exe file [code]Application 2 should Retrieve the existing vb control names from a running Application1..Application1 may consists of textbox, combobox, radio button,checkbox,button etc..I am presently using Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition

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Retrieve The Existing Vb Controls From A Running Exe File?

Jan 14, 2009

How to Retrieve the existing vb controls from a running exe file

For example i am having 2 applications
Application1-unknown and an Exe file
Application2-my application


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Using WSF (Windows Scripting File) To Retrieve Component Services Running Process ID's Using Running Process Name

May 7, 2009

I am trying to write a Windows Script that will allow me to monitor the following: That 2 x seperate but specific processes within Component Services "Running Processes" list are currently running and have not reset within the past hour. If I already know the PID, then I can retrieve the CreationDate (I assume which I can use to check for restarts? or is this the actual process creation/installation date) for each specific process, however if a restart occurs the PID will change and my script needs to know what the new PID is without me telling it!


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VS 2010 How To Retrieve That A Button Is Pressed In A Existing Program

Oct 28, 2010

i have a program called Vip Task Manager.This program lets me set up task which others have to complete.When they are done with a task they have to mark it "completed" and make a report on what they have done and used to perform this task.Vip Task Manager has a button which directs them to an upload form, now when they press the "open" button I would like this to happen: Open a certain report making program I made myself.When they finished writing their report and press save, the program saves this report on a dedicated network HDD (.txt file) and closes itself.Then add the file or link to the upload form in Vip Task Manager.What it all comes down to is that they dont have to minimize Vip task manager, open the report making software, save it, go to vip task manager, press upload, press open, look where this file is saved, select it, and upload, typed in red is whats already been taken care of.The rest, I have no idea where to begin to be honest.First I want to find out how to retrieve that a button is pressed in a existing program. (dont know which code it is written in and it is not open source)

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Take Some Existing Classes We Retrieve From A Web Service And Hiding Public Functions?

Nov 18, 2009


EDIT: The above class is just an example of what could be returned from a web service. I won't have access to modify it at all, sorry if I didn't make that clear.Is it possible to somehow make a clone this class, so that it retains all of the properties values, but hides the fact that there is a Public function?I'd like to be able to take some existing classes we retrieve from a web service(which we didn't write) and be able to pass them on for use in an application, but without exposing the functions. I don't want to go down the route of creating my own classes that specifically define each property and write the values in (due to the sheer size of some of them), so I'm looking to see if there is anything dynamic I can utilise (maybe there is a way using reflection?).

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Forms :: Find The Existing Controls?

Jul 31, 2009

I am editing an application that was developed using VB .NET. The form has a button, I see it in the code but it is not visible in the Form. Also, when I place a new button, it comes as Button2 meaning there is a Button1 - I am not sure how to find where it is and place it at the right place.

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Copying Data A File Int An Existing File Where The Filename Of Both The Data File And Existing File Will Vary From User To User

Aug 5, 2011

I have a workbook (Workbook1) that runs through some steps using visual basic, which ends up opening another workbook Workbook2). Once Workbook 2 is opened, I need to copy a section of data from it, into Workbook1 int a specific worksheet. I was able to do this by recording a macro, but the challange is, the name of Workbook 1, and Workbook 2, will vary by User. When I created the macro it uses the files as they are currently named. The section of code is below.


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Copy An Existing Label With Controls In Program?

Jan 31, 2010

I attached a picture of my existing panel with its controls in this thread, how do you copy it during run time? My project is a server/client application. whenever the client is connected and sends information to the server listening that information is displayed in the server but in a new panel with controls the same as the existing panel for the server, only the location and the information displayed is different. It would look something like in the 2nd attached picture.

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Forms :: Adding Controls Dynamically Below Existing One

Jul 21, 2010

I'm trying to add a DataGridView to a Split Container Panel. I am able to add the control, but it just places it on top of the old one. What I want is to add it below the existing one. How to do it.

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Programmatically Retrieve The Name Of The Class That's Running Right Now?

Sep 11, 2010

I have code like this...

Public Class nomatch2
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Private Sub nomatch2_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If IsPostBack Then Return
'Do other stuff here
End Sub
End Class

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Retrieve The Vista Version App Is Running Under?

Mar 6, 2009

VB 2008 - I would like to retrieve the Vista Version my app is running under. I understand the System.Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major/Minor/Build but I have a number of Vista Systems, some x86 and some x64. A mixture of Home/Business/Ultimate. Is there a way to recover more detailed info such as "Vista Ultimate x64 SP1" or do I need to poke around in the Registry?

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Retrieve List Of Services Running On Server?

Feb 2, 2012

I'm looking for a way to get details of the name and status of all services running on a service. I did use the following code:
Public Sub GetServices()
Dim localServices As ServiceController() = ServiceController.GetServices()
For Each service As ServiceController In localServices
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(service.DisplayName) Then
dictservice(service.DisplayName) = New Service(service.DisplayName, service.ServiceName, service.Status.ToString)
End If
End Sub
However, since I have packaged up my project as a WCF service, the System.ServiceProcess namespace I used cannot be used: Is there any other way I can retrieve the same details? Possibly through WMI?

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Using Inheritance-Based Controls - Creating As New Classes (not UserControls) Inheriting From An Existing System Control

Oct 15, 2011

I seem to be having a problem with controls that I am creating as new classes (not UserControls) inheriting from an existing system control. Everything seems ok while I create the control code, through to the compile (which is successful and adds the control to the toolbox) and dragging the control from the toolbox to the GUI surface. However, when I then debug or compile the project, I get a message such


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Write Controls Text Into A .txt File And Read Them Form .txt File To Controls Again?

Jan 16, 2012

I have a form. And some controls(such as TextBox,ComboBox,etc.) on the form.Now,I want to store the controls' Text into a .txt file(or any other formarts).Then I want to read the text in the .txt file to my controls.

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VS 2010 : Use Controls While A Loop Is Running?

Oct 4, 2011

Basically what I have are two loops, one inside the other, that will run until the given condition is met. Exactly what I want. My problem is that I want to be able to use the controls, like buttons, while a loop is going on.

I originally did not think of this until I had built this part of my program, what I want to know is if there is a way to use controls while a loop is going on or if their is an alternative.

1)I know timers can be used to meet these goals, but they did not work out as I had hoped and using two timers (1 to represent each loop) I do not believe is efficient.

2)I have considered using recursion, but have found this may not be very efficient either and am not quite sure if this will do what I want.

These loops run as long as the number the user inputted. So it could theoretically run for 100,000+ times. I am not looking for speed, but it would be good if there were a faster method that allowed me to use controls while it loops.

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Achieve Form Controls From The Running Process?

Jan 22, 2009

dim prc1,prc2 as Process
dim f,f1 as form
dim aHandle,bHandle as IntPtr


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Controls Created In Running App Not Disappear When Closing

Mar 23, 2011

How is it made, controls created in a running application appear again when I reopen it? The images loaded into picturex must be saved in a database?

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How To Achieve Form Controls From The Running Process

Jan 22, 2009

dim prc1,prc2 as Process
dim f,f1 as form
dim aHandle,bHandle as IntPtr


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Multiple Webbrowser Controls Running With Different Proxies?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm trying to run a specific test on my server using a program that can run multiple requests (using Webbrowser control) at the same time but with different proxy settings.What I am using now is working but only for one webbrowser control, im seeking advice for how to run multiple side-by-side.

<Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("wininet.dll", SetLastError:=True)> _
Private Shared Function InternetSetOption(ByVal hInternet As IntPtr, ByVal dwOption As Integer, ByVal lpBuffer As IntPtr, ByVal lpdwBufferLength As Integer) As Boolean


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[2005] TabControl Hiding Controls After Running

Mar 4, 2009

I'm having a weird bug with a TabControl that I've never seen before. Here's what I got:

A TabControl with 3 tabs. The first 2 tabs have an inherited DGV on them, and the third page is like a options page. The 3rd tab has a bunch of labels, comboboxes, checkboxes etc...

Whenever I play/start debuggings/run the app the controls of the 3rd page turn "invisible" on the design view. They are still shown in the app. Here are two pictures showing what I mean:

This is what the designer looks like BEFORE I run it: This is what the designer looks like AFTER I run it (Running app on the right): I've tried building/rebuilding/cleaning and nothing. If I close the solution and VS and reopen it, it will show but that's a pain to deal with.

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GotFocus Method Running Multiple Times On Controls

Aug 31, 2009

The problem is that the method is getting called multiple times when the text box control gains focus. I am looking for it to just run once since the method is filling the text box control with data. Is there a common reason this happens? Its not looping cause it is happening on everyone of my controls that use the GotFocus method.

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Controls Keep Moving Down On A Winform Panel After Running (in Debug Mode)?

Aug 8, 2011

I have a winform with a main panel that is anchored top, left; dock: fill, and set to a specific size to contain another panel of content that we want to scroll through. The other panel along with a few other controls are on the main panel. Now, for some reason, after running the application the controls will be shifted down (never horizontally) some random amount. Now, the "random amount" may in fact be the last position of the scroll bar or something, but either way, it is unintended functionality. I have resorted to automatically resetting the locations of these controls on the main form in the constructor?

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Code Snippet To Add Graphics To Existing Pdf File & Write It Out As A New File?

Dec 30, 2009

I'm looking for a code snippet that will add graphics (lines, circles, etc.) to an existing pdf file & write it out as a new file.

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Handle A Duplicate File While Placing A Same File Existing Folder In

Jan 24, 2012

here i am reading files from one root folder and after reading that we are moving that particular file Success folder and taking a copy of that in to back up folder normal

while reading file i will check file naming convention by targeting backup folder if suppose it was exists in backup folder then i m moving the file to duplicate folder

my problem if suppose again same file came to process this file already existed in duplicate folder how do send the file in to duplicate folder, unfornately i dint have any property as file rename

If File.Exists(Swift_Backup + "" + Path.GetFileName(CBFile)) Then
' File.Move(CBFile, Swift_Duplicate + "\" + Path.GetFileName(CBFile)) 'DUPLICATE FOLDER'


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Read In A Csv File, Manipulate The Data And Then Update The Existing File?

Nov 24, 2010

I have a csv file that needs to be automatically updated on a daily basis. I am writing a app to accomplish this. However, Im having issues with the entire process.I need to be able to read in a csv file, manipulate the data and then update the existing file. I have dabbled with using the Excel objects but I need some assistance.

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When Try To Save A File With Same Name As Existing File The Message Box Pops Up

Dec 30, 2008

When i try to save a file with the same name as the existing file the message box pops up asking me if i want to replace the existing file. When i click yes the program crashes and this message come up An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in system.drawing.dll.[code]

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PDF - Takes A 1 Page Existing Pdf That Ispecify And Inserts That Into Another Existing Pdf?

Nov 11, 2010

I need to make a program in vb that takes a 1 page existing pdf that i specify and inserts that into another existing pdf that i specify.

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Can't Seem To Add 1 To An Existing File?

Dec 31, 2010

I know how to write and read files but I can't seem to add 1 to an existing file.

This file currently contains "10" but when I click a button I want it to +1 to that number.

I've tried a.WriteLine(+= 1) but it gives me an Expression Expected erorr which I don't get how to fix or what's wrong with it.

If anyone can help me fix or give another code that +1 to the existing numbere.

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Append To An Existing Xml File?

Jan 28, 2009

I want to write out to an xml document from a database which I can do but how do I append to it if it already exists?[code]

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How To Add To An Existing Random File

Jan 19, 2010

Im creating a login system that allows staff to clock in using a 5 digit code. Staff members can also use the "add an employee" function to add a new employee to the Random File.The problem is, everytime i try to create a new employee and hit the save button, the new record writes over the existing records, one by one, everytime the programme is stopped and started up again.

My Question is: How can i get the new record to be saved, without deleting existing records,

Here is the save buttons click method:FileOpen(fileNumber, "C:employee.dat", OpenMode.Random, OpenAccess.Write) 'open the file with Write Access = txtNewName.Text 'adds the name = txtNewID.Text 'adds the ID
FilePut(fileNumber, myEmployee, n) 'save to the file

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