HttpWebRequest/Response (500) Internal Server Error
Jul 30, 2009
The target server is writen in Cold Fusion and i have no access to there.
In addition i get only this error msg: The remote Server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error
What can i do in order to come with a more friendly exception message?
Am i overlooking something obvious in my code? myResponse.Close()
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Jun 20, 2012
I'm trying to connect to a remote server (from our customer) via HttpWebRequest.GetResponse but at the login page i'm always getting an exception: "The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error." In the response stream i see that i was redirected to the error-page. The code worked so far(HTTP status 200) with the old ASP-website but they'll migrate to ASP.NET soon. There's no error if i browse to the URL manually. This is the (reduced) code:
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Dec 5, 2010
posted again but this time its regarding both the webclient and the web reuqest giving me this error :S
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Jul 31, 2010
I am trying to get the html source of a web site but getting an "Internal Server Error (500)" instead. [code]
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Dec 26, 2010
I receive three errors using the following function:
Private Sub readWebpage(ByVal url As String)
Dim req As System.Net.WebRequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(url)
Dim resp As System.Net.WebResponse = req.GetResponse
The remote server returned an error:
(500) Internal Server Error.
The server committed a protocol
violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine
How would I be able to prevent these errors?
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Nov 12, 2011
My program takes user input, replaces all spaces with "+", then inserts it into a search url for a specified web host. For example, the user enters:"How long is a foot?"
The generated URL (in this case I'm using is:
This method has worked before for me, but now I just get an Internal Server Error every time the code is executed.
View 4 Replies
Nov 13, 2010
How do I simulate a 'view' using httpwebrequest/response? [code]
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Jun 9, 2012
below code is taking 150 to 200 second to read data (actualy my response data is very large) [code]
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Nov 23, 2010
I have a device with an embedded webserver that accepts URL-based commands and queries. The device provides a user-privilege schema, so I have administrative accounts, operator accounts, and plain user accounts. Certain commands and queries require authorization via username and password to establish the privilege level available.
View 5 Replies
Jul 29, 2009
This is the short instruction:
1) Make a single HTTP-POST request to the following URL in XML format.
2) The xml form field that is posted should be named "createorder".
I don't get the last part with naming the xml form field. What the xml form field means (stands for) in this context?
View 3 Replies
Sep 16, 2011
i have just started learning about httpwebrequest and response to open webpages and get/post info. Anyways i have a working project that connects to a webbrowsewr useing a proxy but this does not workj for httpwebrequest. Im guessing its totally different for httpwebrequest but i have no idea how to work this :/
View 3 Replies
Apr 21, 2010
i made a tcp/ip application using the .NET TcpListener class, my problem is that sometimes (about 30 / 4000) the connection between the client and the server got interrupted in the middle and the server response to the client is there a way to know if the server response was successfully sent to the client without the client response back?
View 9 Replies
Sep 7, 2010
I am using stored procedures in my application using, while executing stored procedures on mysql database server thru application, the response time from the server is more. Is there any settings that i need to set on mysql db server or any changes in connection string or in code.
View 14 Replies
Nov 28, 2009
This emailing code wont seem to work in my program. I get an exception "The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was 5.5.1 authentication required."
Imports System.Net.Mail
Public Class emailStudent
Private Sub sendEmailButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles sendEmailButton.Click
View 12 Replies
Oct 17, 2005
I am new to code signing.After I swtich from the temperary test certificate to a real certificate from a CA, when I publish, I got two errors"Error 1 Cannot publish because a project failed to build.""Error 2 SignTool reported an error 'An internal certificate chaining error has occurred.'."and when I checked "Sign the assembly", when I build, it asks for a password, after I entered password, it says "Cannot find the certificate and private key for decryption"
View 20 Replies
Jul 1, 2011
This error first appear to occur randomly. Steps to recreate:Open Visual Studio and load a solution (some files automatically opened) - this is when the problem occurs Close all open files Restart visual studio and load solution (no issues)Open Exactly the same files again, restart visual studio and load solution so files open automatically (problem occurs!)
However, when trying to narrow it down to a single file (that is automatically opened when the solution is loaded), I couldn't reproduce the problem. Now with all the files open again the problem doesn't occur!!! So it looks like it is fixed - though this happened before and eventually the issue came back.
I think it is to do with one of the user controls with DevExpress controls on it - when the error occurs, the designer displays the error. Though I can't reproduce it at the moment to confirm that.
View 2 Replies
May 3, 2009
Is it possible to have an internal XML dataset within a VB 08 program I ask because we at present have the program load an external XML on startup, but i would prefer this to be internal withing the program to stop other editing the XML file.
View 6 Replies
Dec 3, 2009
I get the follow error in VS 2010 Beta 2 VB[code]...
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Feb 8, 2011
I have a web app with a separate DLL for Data access.[code]...
I use Telerik controls to display data and initially went to them for help, but they can find anything wrong in the way I've coded the controls.
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Jun 24, 2010
Im using httpWebRequest to get a response from a website.Ive created / creating a dvd manager for my dvds on disk. My method works fine if i double click a movie name. It will download the data into the correct directories. Im implementing a "process all titles" feature and im finding that around 15 titles im getting "internal Server error 500" or the program bombs out Could this error becoming from the poor internet speed (3G dongle) and the website rejecting my query because of slow downloading?Moved into a new house and ive no broadband in yet?
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May 3, 2011
Public Function ScreenScrapeHtml(ByVal url As String) As String
Dim objRequest As WebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(url)
objRequest.Timeout = 1000 * 30
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Sep 9, 2010
I have create a project with four textbox, first one are for ip address, second one are for the open ports, the third one are for username and last one is for the password. So, if I use httpwebrequest, is it possible to connect to vpn server??
View 2 Replies
Jan 15, 2010
I am using MS Access -2007 on windows server -2003. on my one of the query I get "Internal OLE automation error" after it runs. It shows data for a moment then data gets deleted from query when I hit OK button on Internal OLE automation error.
SELECT Qry_SNew.*, IIf([Qry_SNew].[Score1]>3.5,99.9663, IIf([Qry_SNew].[Score1] < -3.5 , 0.03369,[Tbl_percent].[Percentile])) AS Percentile1
FROM Qry_SNew LEFT JOIN Tbl_percent ON Qry_SNew.Score1 = [Tbl_percent].score;
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Jun 22, 2011
Scenario: We have a website that is viewed both internally and externally. When an error occurs the users are displayed with a detailed error page(Stack trace etc). Problem: The external customers do not need that much information about the error. We are looking to have the external customers see a message instead. Ex. Please contact Administrator. Also if possible we would like to log this message in our SQL database.
Note: I'm assuming I make a custom error page like - Implementing a Custom Error page on an ASP.Net website. but how do I determine whether or not the user is internal/external? Also is this the best way to approach the problem?
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May 26, 2012
I have a set of ASP.NET membership tables online with my hosting with godaddy. I can run my site locally and connect to the online membership table fine and can create accounts etc.. So basically I got everything hooked to reference everything online.
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Oct 21, 2009
im trying to do is ping a server and see if there is a response. If there is a response then i would like to set an integer to 1 if there is not a response set the integer to 0. I would also then like to gather any servers that had a response into a list box. I know how to build a list box just having trouble getting the code to set a variable if or if there isnt a response.
View 4 Replies
Jan 10, 2012
I have developed tcp server and client for Trader to view live rates of Indian market.url My application sends Live tick data of each and every stocks to client but some of user want to get data of specific 4-5 stocks but i dont want to create something new for it.Is it possible to publish only requested stock rates to specific client like we do in webservices we get what we ask for.
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Mar 12, 2012
I'm writing a program that will be based off of TCP communications with a server. The user would click a button, which would send data through TCP Client to the TCP Listener on another computer. The TCP Listener sends back a response, and the TCP client is receiving it. Right now I have the response from the server showing up in the immediate window, which is good. I want the response from the server to determine what action the client program will take next.
How do I use the server's response variable in a different class? I need to use the response from the server in an if-then-else statement to say "if the server response is 001, then execute this code. else, if the response is 002, then execute this code."
View 8 Replies
Jun 17, 2011
I have two web servers with public IPs, for example Server1 with IP and Server2 with IP see the picture:
There is an webform at Server 1. My intention is:
For every http request to that webform in Server1, the Server1 just pass the request's information to Server2 for logic processing and subsequently Server2 sends the response back to client (i.e. normal browser)
My questions are:
What information that Server1 needs to pass to Server2, so that Server2 able to send response back to client? note that at Server2, there is a TcpListener instance. This TcpListener instance acting as receiver for that webform request information from Server1. What is the suitable object (i.e. the class in System.Net or related namespace such as System.Net.Sockets) at Server2 for sending response back to client? Suitable here means able to meet my intention.
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Jun 3, 2010
If you try to access a password protected page it does a security check and redirects you if you are not logged in, retaining the URL (ie. Members/MemberLogin.aspx?oc=/PodCast/Default.aspx)The vb script places the "/PodCast/Default.aspx" in a variable and holds it until the login process is complete.Once the user types in their username and password it is suppose to do a Response.Redirect(strRedirectURL) and go to the "/PodCast/Default.aspx" but instead it goes to the default.aspx page for logging in successfully
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